Booklet 5 - May 2020

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Foreword……………………………………………………………………………………Page V


Page Lesson Language Grammar Vocabulary
Lesson 1A
Regular and
Pages I know what Simple past tense
It was so cool and bored irregular verbs
6-10 you did last There is/ there are
Lesson B
Pages Have you been How many tours have you Present Perfect
11-14 to a concert done? Tense

Pages Lesson C Present perfect vs

Traveling around Ecuador Travel activities.
15-19 Experiences Past simple

Page Lesson Language Grammar Vocabulary
Lesson 2A
How long Present perfect
Pages Travelling around the
have he been continuous: Dangerous job!
20-23 country
interviewing Affirmative form
Lesson 2B
Willian hasn’t Present Perfect
Pages Volunteers Nouns and
been spending Continuous.
24-26 adjectives
time with Negative form
Lesson 2C Have you been painting the Present Perfect
All day, all continuous Suffixes
27-29 walls?
night Interrogative


Page Lesson Language Grammar Vocabulary

Healthy diet
Lesson 3D
Pages Feel stressed Health and
Ouch! I need a May/might
30-32 Relax! illness problems
Good for you!
Explore the town
Walk down
Pages Lesson 3B Shall Everyday
33-36 Shall we go Ought to expressions
Be alone
Evening out
Tipping that
Pages May/might
Lesson 3C works in every
37-39 Tipping Advice Shall /Ought to country

Page Lesson Language Grammar Vocabulary
If I have good grades, I get a
Lesson 4A
Pages scholarship soon. Zero conditional Good and bad
If this is a
40-43 If I get a headache, I go and Affirmative Form habits
good habit…
UNIT 5 IF WE TAKE CARE… lie down.
If children always speak
Lesson 4B during the teacher´s Zero conditional Multitasking
What happen Negative and Baby care
44-47 explanation, they can’t
if…? Interrogative Form Purchases
progress at school.
When you read books, you
Zero Conditional Art Exhibition
Pages Lesson 4C learn things Use of when
48-50 Modern Art If ever I was bored, I hung Complementary
activities Piece of Art
around with my mates.
Page Lesson Language Grammar Vocabulary
If you study harder, your
family will have a better life.
Pages Lesson 5A First Conditional
You can see a permanent blue Life situations
51-53 Nature sky if you visit the man-made
Affirmative Form
beach in Miyazaki, Japan.
If my mother doesn’t get
some seeds, she won’t grow First Conditional
Pages Lesson 5B Words about
peppermint plants. Negative and
54-56 Global Issues I will stay at home if you
Global Issues.
Interrogative Form
don’t invite me to the party.
Come here, now
Pages Lesson 5C
Don’t write down! Imperative Verbs
57-60 Let’s do it Let’s continue our work.

References……………………………………………………………………………Pages 61-62

The purpose of this project is to provide English language learners, especially at

college level, a booklet to study and practice the four skills: Listening, speaking,
reading, and writing.

Truly all learners can study this booklet by themselves. Attending classes will
only mean to checkup (correction, reinforcement, or expansion) the exercises
given especially by the instructor or English teacher.

This project is aimed at the community of the Technical University of Babahoyo,

especially its Language Center (CENID).
Students will be able to talk about past experiences

Lesson 1A I know what you did last class

Simple past: regular, irregular and verb to be


Simple Past Song

A. Listen to the video as many times as you need to work on the following practice.

Retrieved from:

B. Complete the blanks with the information given in the song.

Sometimes in life we need to describe something that

happened and______________ (It´s has been a while)
You use it about something that is _________and _________
It´s easy to remember is the______________
Everyone knows with regular verbs you just put
______________ at the end of the word.
But irregular verbs can be very hard the only chance you have
is ______________

C. Complete the past tense form of each

READING Verb Past Tense Past Participle

Find Found
D. Read carefully the following text Seek Sought
Throw Thrown
Catch Caught
Buy Bought
Last week, there was one really, really Pay paid
bad day. It was Monday. Usually, there Eat eaten
are about 30 students in my class, but that Drink Drunk
day, there were only 7 people! It wasn't Grow Grown
warm. In fact, it was really cold. It was Shrink Shrunk
raining a lot. It was dark and gray outside. Swim Swum
There wasn't any sunshine. I think the Sink Sunk
students weren't at school because they Forgive Forgiven
were sick. They were at home. Run Run
Maybe they were in bed. Mr. Lee is our Think Thought
teacher. He is always at school. He is Can Be able to
never at home on a Monday. Last Monday Begin Begun
was no different. He was not in bed. He Sleep Slept
was in the classroom, and he was cold! Wake Woken
Why was he so cold? That's a very good Hear Heard
question. He was cold because the heater Speak Spoken
in the school was broken. It was freezing. Lend Lent
The school was like a refrigerator. Our Bend Bend
room was like a freezer! And poor Mr. Lee Break Broken
was like ice! The small class was cold, Write Written
cold, cold! Draw Drawn
The next days were much warmer. The
Ride Ridden
heater was fixed on Tuesday, so
Fly Flown
everything was ok. There were 30
Stand Stood
students, not only 7. But where was Mr.
Lee? He wasn't there. He was at home, Run Run
sick in bed!

F. Complete the sentences with the proper expression

1. The weather ________ cold and rainy.

a. was b. wasn't c. were d. weren't

2. Many students ________ in class.

a. was b. wasn't c. were d. weren't

3. A lot of students ________sick at home.

a. was b. wasn't c. were d. weren't
E. Answer the questions below.
4. The teacher ________at home.
a. was b. wasn't c. were d. weren't
1. What is the reading about?
2. How was the weather like last 5. The ________ broken!
Monday? a. was b. wasn't c. were d d. weren't
3. Why were some of the students at
Why Was Mr. Lee sick?
When was the heater fixed? 7
GRAMMAR – Simple past verb to be
A) Verb to be

 The verb to be is used in past like was or were.

 We use was with: I, he, she, it.
 We use were with: we, you, they.
 To make negative sentences with verb to be in past we only have to add not
after was or were.
 To make interrogative sentences we have to change the order between was
or were and the subject.
Note: in affirmative form we can‟t
use contractions between the
Singular nouns subject and the past form of verb
 I was your partner in primary school. to be. In negative sentences we
 He wasn´t a doctor in the war. can use contractions between was
 Where were you last night? or were + not.

B) There was / There were

 We use there was or there were when we talk about things that existed in the
past. We use there was in singular and there were in plurals.
 There was a movie in the center of Babahoyo.
 There wasn´t a shopping 10 years ago.
 Were there 5 banks in Baba 18 years ago?

G. Look at the picture and answer the questions:

1. Was there a swimming pool in the park fifty years ago?

2. Was there a railway?
3. Was there a river?
4. Was there an ice cream shop?
5. Was there a restaurant?
6. Were there any flowers?
7. Were there a lot free spaces?
8. Were there two bridges?

GRAMMAR – Simple past of other verbs Time
 The simple past is used for actions that ended in the past, even if they Yesterday.
occurred in the recent past. Last night/ week
STRUCTURE / year, etc.
In 2015
Two days/
months ago.

 I had three exams last week.
 John Cabot sailed to America in 1498. PRACTICE
 We didn't have time to visit the Eiffel Tower.
 Did he come to your party last night? Complete
conversation with the verbs in the past simple.

A: Where did you go (you/go) for your last summer holiday?

B: We ________ (go) to Egypt.
A: Oh really? How interesting! ________ (you/enjoy) it?
B: Oh yes. we ________ Paul ________ (love) the River Nile and I ________ (think) the pyramids and
all the historical sights ________ (be) fascinating.
A: How long ________ (you/stay)?
B: For four weeks. We ________ (be) there for the whole of October
A: How nice. So you ________ (have) lots of time to travel round.
B: Yes, we ________ well. quite a lot. But we only ________ (see) a few places so I'd like to go
A: ________ (you/learn) any Egyptian Arabic?
B: I ________ but Paul ________ not. I________ (study) the language for a few weeks before
we________ (go). I ________ (find) a good Arabic language cassette in the local library and that
________ (be) very helpful.
A: ________ (you/talk) to the local people?
B: Not really, but I ________ (know) how to order food and drink in the cafés and restaurants.

G. PAIRS. Yesterday you attended the farewell party of your best friend who will travel abroad to
study for several years. You and your best friend talked about the experiences lived in the school
for several minutes to remember good moments in their lives.
Create an audio of 3 minutes with your partner and upload it to Moodle.

Did you have fun at the farewell party?

H. Find out the meaning of the words below: What were the most remarkable moments?

Conference Center _____________________
Library _____________________
Fire Station _____________________
Police Station _____________________
Recreation Center _____________________
Bank _____________________
Hospital _____________________
Shopping Mall _____________________
Radio Station _____________________
Train Station _____________________
Bus Station _____________________
Airport _____________________
Museum _____________________
Theater _____________________
Opera House _____________________
Concert Hall
Art Gallery
School _____________________
Write about the city you visited on your last vacation, give details about the facilities that people
can find there. Use simple past tense, and “there was,” “there were.” Write on the platform
Moodle, in the forum section.
Minimum 100 words

 …

Lesson 1B Have you been to a concert recently?

Present Perfect

VOCABULARY – Music Concert

A. Match the pictures with phrases from the box.

headline act Line up rock band music festival soundcheck tickets

1._______________________ 2. ________________________ 3. __________________________

4. _________________________ 5. _________________________ 6. ___________________________

LISTENING – Have you got any plans for the weekend?

B. Listen carefully to the audio and work on the following tasks. Choose the six correct answers.

Which activities do the speakers say they are going to do?
☐ Snowboarding
☐ Dirtboarding
☐ Canyoning
☐ Bungee jumping
☐ Go up the Eiffel Tower
☐ Visit Notre Dame cathedral
☐ Visit the old parts of the city
☐ Go round the Louvre
☐ Go to the Musée D'Orsay
☐ Visit Montmartre and look at the views.

A dirtboard is ...
☐ a board with wheels that you stand on.
☐ a board with no wheels that you stand on.
☐ a board that you sit on.

Retrieved from


READING – Black Rose has lost all of its petals
C. Read the text about this band, then answer the questions about this text.

1. What’s the name of the

band? _________________________
2. How many tours have
they done?
3. How many CDs have
they released?
4. How many tracks
have they played on national
radios? _________________________
5. Have people liked the
new band’s songs?
6. Is Jody interested in
sales of the new album?
7. Have the members of
the band argued?
8. How has the weather
been? __________________________
9. Have they been
working on their own sound?


Black rose is our college’s biggest band right now. Jody, Ed,
Frank and Fliss got together at college in 2003. Since then,
they’ve done four tours of the south west and they’ve released
two CDs on the college label. They’ve had three tracks played
in the national radios. They’ve just finished a tour at the Swan
theatre, the football ground and the Nag’s head pub in town.
On the day before the last gig, we talked to lead singer, Jody.
Interviewer: Has the tour gone well?

Jody: It’s been great the fans have been amazing. They’ve liked
our new songs as well as the old ones.
Interviewer: the band has created its own sound over the last
five years, hasn’t it? Jody: Yeah: we’ve worked hard on our
music- we want to be unique.
Interviewer: have sales of the new album been good? Jody: I’m
not sure. I’m not really interested in that side of it.
Interviewer: are you looking forward to the final gig tonight in
the college hall?
Jody: yes and no. It’ll be a great gig-probably the best of this
year. But I’m sorry the tour’s over- we’ve had a really good
time. We haven’t argued. We’ve played well. I’ve loved it. Even
the weather’s been good! But we need to concentrate on our
exams now!

Since our interview last week, the band has had a big bust up
The college gig didn’t go well. The lead guitarist and the pianist
didn’t play well. They were really tired and didn’t try very
hard. Jody was really mad. “When students have paid all that
money for a ticker, we have to play well” she said next
morning. “Some fans have waited a year to see us. I feel
terrible” So she’s left the band. At riff magazine we hope it’s
only temporary.
Just / already /
GRAMMAR – Present Perfect yet / ever /
this morning
/week /month
/ year 14
Once / twice /
three times
 The Present Perfect is used to indicate an occurred action in an
undetermined time in the past, putting relief in the simple fact of having
realized, without specifying when that action took place.
 The present perfect is composed of the verb to have as an auxiliary verb +
the passive participle of the main verb.
 All regular verbs have the same form in the passive participle that the past
simple: walked, talked, etc.
 This does not happen with irregular verbs like: see, saw, seen; break,
broke, broken.

We use the present perfect:

 for something that started in the past and continues in the present:
 when we are talking about our experience up to the present:
 for something that happened in the past but is important in the present:
 We use have/has been when someone has gone to a place and returned.

Affirmative Negative

 For example:
 She has lived here all her life (Regular)
 They have written three letters already. (Irregular)
 He has finished his homework (Regular)


 Notice that when the simple past is employed, we refer to a past action
without relation to the present, while with the present perfect, we refer to
a past action related to the present. PRACTICE
 Also, the present perfect is used to indicate an action that starts in the past PAIRS
and continues until the present. D. Change
 For example: the
 Jerry has worked here since 1999. statement
 My family has lived here for 20 years. to a
using the word(s) in parenthesis.

Example: Google has changed the way people search. (how)
How has Google changed the way people search?
1. I have used several search engines. (which ones)
2. Larry and Sergey haven’t finished their degrees. (why)
3. They have made a lot of money. (how much)
4. Sergey has been in the U.S. for many years. (how long)
5. Larry and Sergey have hired many people to work for Google. (how many)
6. We have used the computer lab several times this semester. (how many times)
7. The memory and speed of computers have increased. (why)
8. Computers have become part of our daily lives. (how)

You are taking part in the scouting of an area of your career with some classmates and
one of your professors, you have had the chance to know more about the problems that
have been addressed in this research. Write a summary about that scouting. Then, answer
the following questions. Minimum 120 words.
 What area of your career have you researched?
 Who has participated in the scouting?
 How has been the study experience?
 Have you had the opportunity to work on a similar work?

 …

Lesson 1C Experiences
Present Perfect vs Simple Past

VOCABULARY – Travel Experiences

A. Look at the following pictures. Then choose a word that matches with them.

Travel activities
A Buy souvenirs
B Go on a cruise
C Go sightseeing
D Travel abroad
E Go clubbing
F Go hiking
G Take photos
H Explore a cave
I Eat traditional meal
J Go horseback riding

SPEAKING – My experiences
B. Answer the following questions and then record a video of 3 minutes. Share it
in the platform Moodle.

Have you traveled

around Ecuador?
Which places?

Have you ever dreamed of

living abroad? Where?

Have you ever visited

a different country?
Which one?
Would you like to live
C. Read the conversation between Noah and Jacob. Then complete the activity below.

Joe Wang loves to travel. He left home when

he was eighteen years old. Since then he has
never spent more the six months in any
country. For the first two years he travelled
around the continent of Asia. Then he went to
Europe, where he visited ten different
countries in three years. He is now in South
America, travelling across Brazil.
Sometimes Job takes a job to earn money.
He worked as a cleaner in a factory in India
for few months. When he was in Italy he
worked as a waiter in a restaurant. At other
times, when he can afford it, he behaves as if
he is on a holiday. He goes to the coast and
swims in the sea. Sometimes he joins other
tourists visiting the famous landmark of a
Joe makes friends in every new country that he visits. They sometimes invite him to
stay with them. Then he does not have to pay for a room in a hostel. In return for their
hospitality, e helps with any work that needs doing in the house in the house, such as
gardening or decorating.
Joe will return to China to live when he has finished travelling. But he has many more
countries to visit before them.

Match each word with the best meaning. Write the correct letter in each
………. Earn A to have enough money for something
……… Continent B a place where people buy and eat meals
………. Travel C to pass time or give money for somethings
………. Spend D a cheap place for travelers to stay overnight
………. Factory E to go to see a place or person.
………. Restaurant F to go from one place to another
………. Visit G the edge of the land, by the sea
………. Afford H to receive money for doing something
………. Hostel I a large building where things are made
………. Coast J a large area of land on the earth‟s surface

GRAMMAR – Present Perfect vs Simple Past

Present Perfect Simple Past Simple

Unfinished actions that started in the Finished actions:

past and continue to the present:
I've known Julie for ten years (and I still I knew Julie for ten years (but then she
know her). moved away and we lost touch).
A finished action in someone's life A finished action in someone's life (when
(when the person is still alive: life the person is dead):
My brother has been to Mexico three My great-grandmother went to Mexico three
times. times.
A finished action with a result in the A finished action with no result in the
present: present:
I've lost my keys! (The result is that I I lost my keys yesterday. It was terrible!
can't get into my house now). (Now there is no result. I got new keys yesterday).
With an unfinished-time word (this With a finished-time word (last week, last
week, this month, today): month, yesterday):
I've seen John this week. I saw John last week.
Common adverbs in the simple past: Common adverbs in the present perfect:
last night, last year, yesterday, before, already, yet, for, since, recently,
today, ago, first, then, later, when. still, time
Retrieved from :

D. Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use past simple or present perfect.

1. She loves Paris. She ..................... (be) there many times.

2. Bill ....................... (work) in that company for 3 years. (He still works there)
3. They ....................... (go) to London on holiday last summer.
4. I ....................... (read) that book. It´s good.
5. His parents ....................... (be) here yesterday.
6. They ....................... (go) to Germany when he ....................... (be) only 4.
7. ........... you ......... (watch) a film last night?
8. I ....................... (have) some toast when I got up.
9. He ....................... (live) in Rome since he was a teenager.
10. The house looks different. .......... you .............. (paint) it?
11. I ....................... (not see) you in class last Friday.
12. Shakespeare ....................... (write) over one hundred sonnets.

E. Find out if the following sentences are right or wrong. Correct them if necessary.

1. Have you ever been to Thailand? _____________________________________________

2. I´ve had sausages for lunch at half past one. _____________________________________________
3. She´s enjoyed herself at the party last night. _____________________________________________
4. I´ve read that book but I didn´t like it much. _____________________________________________
5. Tom has left school one year ago. _____________________________________________
6. My cousins have lived in Dublin since they´ve been children.
7. We have worked here for a year and a half. _____________________________________________
8. My parents lived in Britain for a couple of years. ___________________________________________
9. James has made a cake yesterday. _____________________________________________
10. I´ve washed the car. It looks great now. ____________________________________________

F. Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. Use present perfect or past simple.

Be- finish- stop- watch- not smoke- enjoy- win- live

1. She ............... smoking two months ago.

2. She ............... for two months.
3. ......... you ever .......... to Florence?
4. ......... you ........... that TV show last night?
5. They still live in that town. They ............... there for ages.
6. A friend of mine ............... the lottery three years ago.
7. When ........... you ........... your homework?
8. They ............... themselves at the party last summer.

LISTENING – How to improve your memory

E. Choose the four true sentences.
☐ We all use memory in the same way.
☐ We learn to use our memory as soon as we are born.
☐ There are two different forms of memorization.
☐ We are taught how to improve our memory in history lessons.
☐ Writing shopping lists can improve your memory.
☐ Teaching helps us to memorize.
☐ We can train our brains to be more effective.
☐ We can only use one image at a time as an aid to memorization.
Retrieved from:

WRITING TIPS – Capitalization
There are a lot of times when you need to use capital. Here are some other important rules
to pay attention to.

Category Rule Example

Days, months and We capitalize days of the  His birthday party is on Thursday.
holidays week, months and festivals,  Schools are closed at Christmas.
but not seasons.  It rains a lot in April and May, but the
summer is very dry.
Names of people We capitalize the names of  Bea Jankowski has lived on Church Street
and places people and places, including in Manchester for 20 years.
streets, planets, continents  The Earth is the third planet from the Sun.
and countries.  Russia is in both Europe and Asia.
Words that come from the  Some Canadians speak French.
names of places are  Londoners eat a lot of Indian food.
capitalized. We also  Most Muslims fast during the day for
capitalize nouns and Ramadan.
adjectives that come from
the names of religions.
Titles and names of The names of organizations  Salome Zourabichvili, the president of
institutions and usually the important Georgia, is visiting President Alvi
words in book and film titles tomorrow.
are capitalized. When a  The chief executive officer lives in New
person's job title goes before
 We are reading War and Peace with Ms
their name, capitalize both.
Ioana, our teacher.
Apostrophes: We use an apostrophe to  It's raining. (It's = It is)
Contractions show where there are  Don't worry, it won't rain. (Don't = Do
missing letters in not; won't = will not)
contractions.  I'd like a coffee, please. (I'd = I would)
Apostrophes: We also use an apostrophe  My cat's favorite toy is a small, red
Possession with the letter s after a noun ball.
to show that the noun owns  Sadiq's parents live in Liverpool.
someone or something.  South Korea's economy is growing.
Retrieved from:

WRITING – How to improve your memory

G. Write a letter to a person who has inspired you. What would you like to say to him or her? Do
not forget to use connectors, correct punctuation, and capitalization. Minimum 100 words

 …

Use the present perfect continuous to know what people have been doing lately

How long have you been interviewing people?

Lesson 2A Present Perfect Continuous – Affirmative form


A. Find out more about these dangerous jobs. Use your online sources.
k drivers and other
1. Logging workers
2. Fishers and related
8. Farmers, ranchers and
fishing workers
agricultural managers
3. Aircraft pilots and
9. Supervisors of
flight engineers
construction workers
4. Roofers

5. Refuse and recyclable

material collectors

6. Structural iron and

steel workers

7. T Time
The Present Perfect continuous is used for: expressions
 Recent
u past activities: To talk about an activity that started in the past FOR + a period
c recently finished. The time when it finished is not important of time
but we can see the result in the present. for six years,
Example: for a week, for
 I’m tired. I have been correcting exams. a month
10. G
 To talk aboutran activity that started in the past and is continuing now. SINCE + a
Example: o point in time
 u I’ve been trying to sleep for half an hour. Since this
n morning, since
 Repeated continuing events: We use the present perfect continuous to last week, since
talk about repeated activities which started at a particular time in the yesterday since
s I was a child
past and are still continuing up until now.
 m Aaron has been repairing cars since he was sixteen years old.
GRAMMAR – Present ntenancePerfect

B. Select the correct option using present perfect continuous.

1. He’s waiting for Amy. He arrived 40 minutes ago.

a. He’s been waiting for 40 minutes.
b. He waits for 40 minutes.
c. He’s waited for Amy for 40 minutes.
2. Sophie is planning to buy souvenirs. It’s on her list of things to do.
a. Sophie’s already bought souvenirs.
b. Sophie hasn’t bought souvenirs already.
c. Sophie hasn’t bought souvenirs yet.
3. Sophie wanted to visit the Burj Al Arab hotel. She went there two days ago.
a. Sophie hasn’t been to the Burj Al Arab hotel yet.
b. Sophie has already been to the Burj Al Arab hotel.
c. Sophie has just been to the Burj Al Arab hotel.
4. I don’t know what octopus tastes like!
a. I haven’t been trying octopus.
b. I’ve already tried octopus.
c. I’ve never tried octopus.
5. Ollie took his cake out of the oven a moment ago.
a. Ollie has been making a cake.
b. Ollie has just made a cake.
c. Ollie hasn’t made a cake yet.

C. Read about the situation and write sentences using present perfect continuous. Also
include for and since.

1. I am working at this university. I was hired 8 years ago.

2. My sister is studying now. She started studying 3 hours ago.

3. My dad smokes. He started smoking when he was 17 years old.
4. My sister works in a bank. She got her bank job last January.
5. We are travelling to Baños. We started our trip 3 hours ago.

READING – Career Highs

Read the conversation about Sue

D. Read the text again and decide if the statements are True, False or Not Mentioned

1. Riggers work in tall buildings ___________________

2. Pete uses different kinds of equipment to do his job ___________________
3. Pete became a rigger when he was twenty years old ___________________
4. Pete’s family told him to became a rigger ___________________
5. It’s important for a rigger to know how to communicate ___________________
6. Not everybody can become a rigger ___________________
7. You have to go to college to become a rigger ___________________

E. Read again then, answer the questions.

a) What does he do at work?
b) How long has he been working as a rigger?
c) What type of equipment does he use?
d) Why did he decide to become a rigger?
e) How did he become a rigger?
f) How many people work with him?
g) Which are the main skills a rigger must have?

SPEAKING – My grandparents’ friends!

F. Do you know about your grandparents? If

not, try to talk to your grandparents and get
information from them. Include actions or
habits that started in the past and actively
continue. Use the present perfect tense and
another tense you consider appropriate. Your
speech must last 2 minutes. Upload it to your

My grandmother has been playing

My grandfather has been repairing his car by Bingo since she was a young woman.
himself every time it doesn’t work properly.

LISTENING – Confort Food

G. This is dialogue between Katie and Gilda. Please listen and then answer the
questions about it.

 What is Venezuelan food like?

 What is England food like?
 What has Katie been eating recently?
 How often have Gilda been eating pizza?
Retrieved from:

William hasn’t been spending time with family
Lesson 2B Present Perfect Continuous – Negative and Question Form

Kind: doing things to help others and showing that you care about of them.
Difficulty: the state of quality of being hard (to do) or not easy.
Comfort: a nice feeling of being relaxing and without pain.
Natural: make or caused by nature and not by people or machine.
Health: the state of being well or ill.
Danger: the possibility that someone will be harmed or killed.
Patient: able to stay calm and not upset.
Popularity: the quality of being liked by many people.

LISTENING – How is Dubai?

A. Listen to the conversation and choose the right option

1. Where is Daisy`s mom working How many awards has Daisy`s mom
right now? won?
A. none B. one C. two
A. Italy B. China C. Dubai
What skills has Oliver been learning?
2. What has Daisy`s mom been writing A. drawing B. painting C. Cooking
about there? What is Burj Khalifa ?
A. tourism B. religion C. architecture A. Building B. Port C. City
Has she bought souvenirs for her
3. What subject is Amy`s assignment?
A. Hotel management A. Yes, she has.
B. Chinese translation B. No, she hasn´t
C. No
C. Building designing

Retrieved from:

WRITING – My Dream Job

B. You have been waiting for your dream job. Describe how you have been preparing to
meet this challenge. Write at least 120 words, and include the verbs tenses you know so

GRAMMAR – Present Perfect Continous
 This is the structure of the negative and interrogative form of the present perfect

Have you been

have playing the
whole day?

How Long:
 It is used to ask and answer questions about the duration of an activity.
 How long have you been waiting for me?

C. Complete the following sentences. Use the present perfect continuous tense of the
verbs in parenthesis.

1. Ms. Moran _______________ (teach) English for 30 years.

2. My aunt _______________ ( talk) for hours. I am so tired.
3. Her boyfriend _______________ ( wait) for Amie since 9h00 am.
4. Heydi is unemployed. She _______________ (not work) for 3 months.
5. The little babies _______________ (cry) for 20 minutes.
6. How long _______________ (they/live) in this city?
7. _______________ (you/watch) TV recently?
8. It _______________ (rain) for approximately 2 hours?
9. How long _______________ (drive)?
10. The house appliances _______________ (not/work) well.

D. Put in the verbs in brackets using question form. Use Present Perfect Continuous.

1. ________________ in the country since 2015? (Andrew / to live)

2. How long ________________ this car? (your grandparents /to drive)
3. ________________ his book, but Mary has. (Tony / to read)
4. How long ________________ for her? (he/to wait)
5. ________________ on the blue car all day? (Andy /to work)
6. How long ________________ for a flat? (they/ to look)

E. Read the following article, then, answer the questions below.

I‟ve been staying on Grenada, an island in the Caribbean, for three weeks and I am
having a brilliant time! There are nine volunteers in our group and everyone‟s very kind
and helpful. We‟re staying at a campsite by the beach and I share a tent with two other

At first, I had a lot difficult getting to sleep and I missed the comfort of my own bed, but
I‟m sleeping ok now and I love living in such a natural environment. We take turns to
prepare meals for the group, which is the worst part of the holiday for me because I
hate cooking. We have one day off a week, Which I spend diving around the coral reefs
near here. But of course, the main reason we‟re here is to protect the turtles from other
animal and people who want to steal their eggs.

We also check each turtle „s health and measure how big they are. Turtles have been
living on our planet for 230 million years-they are even older than the dinosaurs- but
now they are in danger of becoming extinct. You have to be very patient, but it‟s
incredible to watch a turtle walk out of the sea and lay her eggs on the beach. That‟s
definitely been the most amazing part of the holiday for me. I‟m not surprised
voluntourism is increasing in popularity and I‟d definitely recommend coming to
Grenada. When people ask me if I am losing my time in volunteering, I tell them, I have
not been losing my time at all, this is the best experience in my life.
Retrieved from:

1. Where has Willian been staying as a volunteer?

2. How long has he staying there?
3. How often has he been cooking for his partners?
4. How long have the turtles living on the planet?
5. How has this experience been for him?
WRITING – Forum time!
H. You have to participate in the forum in Moodle.
First, watch the video of Nada, then answer: what has she explained about her
exchange program in Korea? Mention, two things you remember the most. Also, write
a short experience about a trip you have done recently and try to use Present perfect
and Present perfect continuous. (And other tenses you think that are important).
Minimum 100 words.
Retrieved from:

All day, all night
Lesson 2C
Time expressions for Present Perfect Continuous

VOCABULARY- Suffixes for adjectives and nouns.

A. We sometimes make adjectives from nouns, and nouns from adjectives, by adding
( -ness, -ous, etc.)

Look at the word in the reading in Lesson b, and complete the table using the given


Kind kindness -ness
Popular -ity
Important -ce


Danger -ous
Comfort -able
Nature -al
Difficult -y

LISTENING – The Effects of Stress

B. Listen the essay and then choose the correct option.

1. Which of the following is not a common problem caused by stress?

A. physical problems
B. anecdotal problems
C. mental problems
D. emotional problems
2. According to the essay, which of the following parts of the body does not have physical
problems caused by stress.
A. the arms
B. the stomach
C. the lungs
D. the heart
3. Which of the following show how stress can affect the emotions?
A. it can make people feel nervous
B. it can cause panic attacks
C. it can make people feel elated
D. it can make people feel angry
4. Which of the following can result from long-term stress? Click on the box beside each correct
A. bliss
B. depression
C. alcoholism
D. whimsy

5. Choose the best answer to explain how alcoholism is caused by stress.
A. alcohol is used to relieve stress
B. alcohol is popular
C. alcohol is a chemical
D. alcohol is similar to medicine
6. Which of the following is not caused by long-term stress?
A. bloating
B. addiction
C. anorexia
D. alcoholism
Retrieved from:

GRAMMAR – Time Expressions for Present Perfect Continuous

 We can use time expression like:

 All day, all night, all morning, all day long:

Example: Vera need a break because she has been solving math exercises
all morning
 All week
Example: They have been running the whole park all week
 For / Since
 How Long (for questions)

C. Fill in the spaces with FOR /SINCE
We bought this house. Three months.
1998. Five years.
Last week. 8 weeks
A long time This morning.
Early morning. A long time
Twenty-­ four hours. Lunch time
We were at school. 2 days
My birthday. 3 o´clock

C. Put the verbs in the correct form (present perfect continuous)

1. I did not go out las night because I (work) _________________ all day.
2. Ajay felt fit for the marathon because he (exercise) _________________ all week.
3. You got sick because you (eat) _________________ all the time.
4. We (go) _________________ out together for two years before I met his sister.
5. The passengers (wait) _________________ since this morning.

READING – The most anticipated movie ever!
D. Read the dialogue below. Where do you think Rose and Jimmy are sitting and waiting
for Avengers movie?

Sarah Hi Guys, why are you sitting there?

Rose We are waiting to buy the tickets for the premiere of avengers.
Jimmy S movie of marvel superheroes
You know! That
Sarah P you been waiting?
How long have
We have been waiting for 2 hours.
Jimmy Mmm I think more. We have been here since 9h00 am.
Let me see the
I time. It is 3h00!
Wow!! You Nhave been waiting for 6 hours.
But we haven’t
G been sitting here at all.
We have been taking turns.
Jimmy – been talking about the movie with other fans.
Also, we have
Sarah Is that movie really worth all these troubles?
Have you ever seen a marvel movie?
Sarah No, I haven’t. I don’t like them. I think they are so far--­fetched.
Rose Well, I reallyalike them. I think they are so gripping.
Jimmy And that`s the
v reason we have been looking for those tickets for ages.
Rose e are opening the box office.
Oh look! They

been working on…. since….

E. Talk about the most dangerous situations in which you have been spending time
with friends.
 Where have you been spending time with your friends?
 Who have you been spending time with?
 What happened?
What did you do to help?
WRITING – My routines

F. Write about the main routines you have been repeating during all of your life.
(Include the use of Present perfect, present perfect continuous and the time
expressions that applied). Upload it to Moodle. Explain minimum 10 routines.

 …

Students will be able to use the modals verbs in order to ask for permission /
requests and giving suggestions on certain topics relate to daily life and technology

Lesson 3A Ouch!! I need a doctor!

May and might – health problems, expressions Expressions
VOCABULARY- Health and Illness
Healthy diet
A. Look at the pictures and write the names of the illness.
Feel stressed
fever - stomach ache – headache – toothache - sore throat – cold Good for you!

B. Match the illness with the possible treatment. Add two more.

go to the dentist - take an aspirin - go to hospital - drink something hot

Illness Treatment
Sore throat
Heart attack

C. Complete the conversations with the words from exercise A and B.

1. A. Do you have an aspirin? I have a terrible ______________________.
B. Oh, sorry. I’ll get one at the pharmacy.
2. A. I don’t feel very well. I have ________________________. I need to go to the dentist.
B. Poor you.

GRAMMAR – may- might (possibility)
 We use may or might to say that something is possible happening in the future.
 Both may and might are usually used in sentences.
 It may be true or It might be true (=perhaps it is true)
 He may know or he might know.
 It might rain later
 We make the negative form by adding the word NOT
Full form = may not/ might not short form mightn’t

be (true) in his office.

may be (doing, working, having,
I/you/he/she/it/we/they (not)
might studying)
know, want, work, etc.

Examples: She may be working at home.

They might know the answer to your question.
Dalia may not be in her office.
 We make questions by putting the subject after may/might:
May I …? Might I …?
D. Complete the conversations about the plans for the weekend. Use
might / might not.

1.A: Where are you going this weekend?

B: I don't know yet. I ____________________ (Tim's party), but I _____________ anywhere. (not
/ anywhere).
2.A: It’s a national holiday tomorrow, so there's no public transport.
How are Jane and Sue going to get here?
B: I don't know. They_________________ (taxi), but____________ (not / come).
3.A: Who are you going to invite for dinner?
B: I haven't decided yet. ______________________ (Sarah), but ________________________________ (not
/ Tony).
4.A: What new clothes does Clare want to buy on Saturday?
B: She's not sure yet. __________________________ (some jeans), but ___________________________ (not
/ anything).

E. Read about Michael and his health problems.

Michael works in a restaurant in the center of Madrid, Spain. He goes to work at 5pm,
but yesterday at 5pm, he wasn't on the bus, he was in a taxi going to the hospital. He
was very sick! Usually, he works in the kitchen all evening, but yesterday he wasn't in
the kitchen. He was in the X-ray department of the hospital because the doctors were
worried about his stomach pains.

Normally, at 11pm, Michael takes a bus to go home after finishing at the restaurant,
but yesterday at 11pm, he was still in the hospital and he was still unhappy and sick.
He was in a bed and he was very hot - 102 degrees! Was he worried? Yes, he was!

In the morning, he was better, and the doctors were pleased. What was the problem?
It was bad food - from his restaurant!

F. Read again and circle true or false.

1. Michael was in the restaurant yesterday afternoon. T/F

2. He goes to work in the restaurant by bus. T/F
3. Yesterday, he was in a bus going to the hospital. T/F
4. He was in the hospital because of his head. T/F
5. He was in the X-ray department of the hospital. T/F
6. He was in the hospital until 11pm. T/F
WRITING – Health problems
G. Think about the future post-covid 19. What things do you think it may change? Think about some
possibilities in the new society we are going to face and write some sentences using May or Might.

 …

Lesson 3B Shall we go home?
Things in a hotel, comparative and superlatives


A. Look at the pictures and write the names of the illness.

explore the town - walk down – fry-up – be alone - evening out – the coast

READING - What Shall We Do Tomorrow?
B. Serena and George are on holiday in Devon, UK.

Serena says to George: Serena:

"I think tomorrow we can have a lie in until about 8.30, and then have a shower, then have
breakfast. If you do not mind, I will have cereal and you can have a fry-up, but you will have to
cook it, as I cannot stand cooking meat. After that, you can wash up, while I have a walk down
to the village to get the papers. I will get the Telegraph for me and the Mirror for you, as I
know you like doing the crossword. When I get back, I thought we could play tennis for a
couple of hours. Tben you can drive me to the coast, where we can find a nice restaurant to
have lunch. I will probably order a large salad and you can have a fresh seafood dish, if you
like. After lunch, I will want to relax for a while and be alone, so you will have to go out on
your own somewhere. You should either explore the town, or go to the beach for a couple of
hours. We will meet up again at about 5 o'clock for dinner. Then I will want you to take me
out for a drink, or we could always go to the theatre. I think they have a comedy on at the
moment. After our evening out, I will be tired so I will probably just go straight to bed. I am
looking forward to a lovely day tomorrow, George, dear. Have you written everything down?"

C. Read the passage and then answer the questions below:

1. Where are they having their holiday?

2. What does Serena want for breakfast?
3. Who will make George's breakfast?
4. Why will she get the Mirror for George?
5. How long will they play tennis for?
6. What type of play is on at the theatre?
7. What is Serena planning to do after that?

LISTENING – Sounds like fun!

D. Listen to the following video about two friends.
Then answer the questions

1. What is Marissa's plan for Friday?


2. Will Hievda go to see the new Mission Impossible?


3. What time will Marissa be leaving tom go to the movie?


4. Why wouldn't Hievda go with Marissa and Sam to the movies on Saturday?


5. Where will Hievda's aunt stay?


 Shall is not used very much nowadays and mostly in formal speech and some legal
documents. Originally Shall was used instead of Will in first person (with I and We)
when talking about the future. Now almost everyone uses Will with all subjects.

 Nowadays, the most common use of shall in everyday English (although not in
American English) is in questions that serve as offers or suggestions: "Shall I ...?" or
"Shall we ...?"

 The Negative of Shall

The negative of shall is shall not (= will not). The contraction of shall not is shan't (=
won't). It is very rare to hear this used nowadays though you may find it written in
older texts.

I am very tired. ( ) 1. Shall we buy tickets?
That dress is cheap and beautiful. ( ) 2. Shall we have a picnic?
I am very thirsty ( ) 3. Shall we stay at home
There is a concert tomorrow. ( ) 4. Shall I go to the super market.
There isn't any bread. ( ) 5. Shall I help you?
I am very hungry. ( ) 6. Shall we buy it?
The weather is fine today. ( ) 7. Shall I make a sandwich for you.
It is cold and rainy today. ( ) 8. Shall I make you some lemonade.

GRAMMAR – Ought to
Ought to is a semi-modal verb because it is in some ways like a modal verb and in some ways like a
main verb. For example, unlike modal verbs, it is followed by to, but like modal verbs, it does not
change form for person:
I ought to phone my parents.
It ought to be easy now.
Ought to comes first in the verb phrase (after the subject and before another verb):
We ought to do more exercise.
Ought to cannot be used with another modal verb:
Medicine ought to be free.
The negative is formed by adding ‘not’ after ought (ought not to). It can be contracted to oughtn’t to. We
don’t use don’t, doesn’t, didn’t with ought to:
We ought not to have ordered so much food.
Not: We don’t ought to have ordered so much food.
You oughtn’t to have said that about his mother.
Not: You didn’t ought to have said that about his mother.
The negative of ought to is not common. We usually use shouldn’t or should not instead:
You shouldn’t speak to your father like that. (preferred to You oughtn’t to speak …)
The subject and ought to change position to form questions. We don’t use do, does, did:
Ought she to call the police?
Not: Does she ought to call the police?
Ought we to be more worried about the environment?
Not: Do we ought to be more worried about the environment?

F. Complete the sentences below by using 'ought to' to give advice.

A: I feel cold.
B You ought to. put on a jacket___________
A Jack coesn't like his job.
B: He ought to ________________________________
A Our plane will take off in five minutes.
B: We ought to _______________________________
A I have a toothache.
B: You ought to________________________________
A Mary has a very noisy neighbor.
B: She ought to_________________________________
A Thomas and Patrick want to become rich.
B: They ought to________________________________
A I think we’re lost!
B: We ought to_________________________________
A I want to improve my English.

B: You ought to________________________________

Lesson 3C Let's play now!!

Complementary activities based on language skills

A. Grammar Quiz: May or Might

WRITING – Shall you…..

B. Write an email to a friend and tell him about the distant future.

 …

SPEAKING: Future Class

C. Speak practice online class (Google meet)

Imagine what the classes would be like in the future

- How would we study?
- Do you think the teachers are ready in the actuality?
- How would you like the class to be in the future?

READING - Tipping Advice
D. Choose the best answer(s) for each question.

In many countries, it is normal for people to give a small amount of money to a worker who helps
or serves them. This is called a tip. People from cultures where there is no tipping often get
confused when traveling abroad. Here is some advice about tipping to help you:

There is no rule about tipping that works in every country. In some countries, like Albania, it is
normal to tip nearly everyone all the time. In other countries, such as Canada, only taxi drivers
and wait staff expect a tip. In other countries, you should never tip. In China, for example, it is
considered insulting to tip someone.

It is always a good idea to pay a tip using cash. If you tip with a credit card, the money may go to
the owner of the company instead of your waiter or driver. They might also need to wait for days
or weeks to receive your tip.

There is no rule about the amount you need to tip. In most countries where tipping happens, a
10% to 15% tip would be normal. Of course, you don‟t need to give a tip if the service is poor.
You can also tip more than 15% if you feel the service was particularly good.

Tips are sometimes included in the bill. Before you decide to pay a tip, check your bill very
carefully. Quite often, the tip is already added in as a “service charge” and added to the total on
the bill.

By the way, the biggest tip ever given was $3 million! In 1984, a New York City police officer
named Robert Cunningham was eating at his favorite restaurant. He didn‟t have enough money
for a tip so he told his waitress, Phyllis Penzo, he would share his money with her if he won the
lottery. When Cunningham won the lottery, he kept his promise and split the money with the

E. Quiz

1. You should always tip people in any country you visit.

A. True
B. False
2.- Why is it a good idea to pay a tip with cash instead of credit card?
A. someone might steal your credit card
B. another person might get the tip
C. some places don't accept credit cards
D. tipping with a credit card is very rude
3. You should always give a tip, even if the service was very poor.
A. True
B. False
4. Why should you always check your bill before you give a tip?
A. the tip might be included in the bill
B. the tip might not be enough
C. your waiter might have made a mistake
D. it is very polite to check your bill

5. Robert Cunningham told Phyllis Penzo he would share his lottery winnings with her because:
A. he was in love with her
B. she was a very good waitress
C. she won the lottery
D. he didn't have enough for a tip

LISTENING – The Effects of Stress

F. Listen the essay and then answer the questions

7. Which of the following is not a common problem caused by stress?

E. physical problems
F. anecdotal problems
G. mental problems
H. emotional problems
8. According to the essay, which of the following parts of the body does not have physical
problems caused by stress.
E. the arms
F. the stomach
G. the lungs
H. the heart
9. Which of the following show how stress can affect the emotions? Click on the box beside each
correct answer
E. it can make people feel nervous
F. it can cause panic attacks
G. it can make people feel elated
H. it can make people feel angry
10. Which of the following can result from long-term stress? Click on the box beside each correct
E. bliss
F. depression
G. alcoholism
H. whimsy
11. Choose the best answer to explain how alcoholism is caused by stress.
E. alcohol is used to relieve stress
F. alcohol is popular
G. alcohol is a chemical
H. alcohol is similar to medicine
12. Which of the following is not caused by long-term stress?
E. bloating
F. addiction
G. anorexia
H. alcoholism

Students will be able to use the zero conditional to describe facts or logical conclusions

Lesson 4A If this is a good habit….

Zero conditional – Affirmative Form

A. Match the phrases in the box with the pictures.
arrive early be lazy dress properly
wake up early have good grades drive safe

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

READING – Mommy Issues

C. Read the article about cultures


B. Answer these questions about the text you read.

1. What did the daughter learn in class today?

2. What did her boss tell her?
3. What does the woman want to wear?
4. Why can’t she wear it?
5. What color does she want to dye her hair?
6. Why is the woman worried about dying her hair?
Retrieved from:

GRAMMAR – Zero conditional

 It is also called “The Logical Conditional”
 This is sometimes also called the present conditional. We use this
conditional to talk about a fact or convey a logical conclusion.
 If you mix yellow and blue, you get green.
 If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils.
 If you fall off your motorcycle, it hurts.

 The structure looks like this:

If + present tense clause + present tense clause

 It is often used to describe scientific rules which are, by definition, the results always happen the same.
 If you take ice out of the fridge in summer, it melts.
 A stone sinks if you throw it in a lake.

 We can also use the zero conditional to say what we do as a rule in certain
situations. Here, we are not talking about what we do in a particular, specific
situation (e.g. tonight, tomorrow) but what we always do in these
 If I get a headache, I go and lie down.
 If I miss the train, my sister always gives me a lift to work.

C. Re-order these words to make First Conditional sentences.

1. animals / . / wild / they / bite / are / if / scared

2. finger / touch / hot / , / your / . / stove / burn / if / a / you / you
3. get / eat / . / you / too / much / , / fat / you / if
4. . / no / oxygen / doesn't / paper / is / there / burn / if
5. water / and / if / get / you / you / oxygen / hydrogen / . / mix / ,
6. they / babies / . / cry / usually / are / , / if / hungry
Retrieved from:

D. Match the “If clauses” on your left with the “words” on your right. Then, write a
complete sentence adding a second clause and using an appropriate verb.

1. If I get a headache ☐coffee _________________________

2. If I get lost ☐map _________________________
3. If I feel tired ☐chocolate _________________________
4. If I can't sleep ☐ATM card _________________________
5. If I get hungry ☐dark room _________________________
6. If I don't understand the word ☐sleeping pill_________________________
7. If I feel tired in the morning
☐siesta _________________________
8. If I need cash
☐dictionary _________________________
Retrieved from:

LISTENING – Zero Conditional

E. Watch the video of the Song “Rain”, which is a cover from The Beatles,
then complete the quiz presented below the video.

Retrieved from:

F. Watch the YouTube video, then copy all of the statements and repeat them.
Then, upload a video in Moodle, creating 5 new statements using zero
conditional. (Remember to practice to speak properly in the video)

Retrieved from:

WRITING – What if?

G. Answer the following questions using zero conditional:
1. What happens if you don‟t study for a test?
 …
2. What happens if you eat too much candy?
 …
3. What happens if you always smile and say „Hello‟ to people?
 …
4. What happens if you drop a glass on the floor?
 …
5. What happens if you watch a sad movie?
 …
6. What happens if you mix red and blue paint?
 …
7. What happens if you throw a piece of wood into a fire?
 …
8. What happens if you forget your umbrella on a rainy day?
 …
9. What happens if you leave a restaurant without paying for your meal?
 …
10. What happens if you play video games for ten hours?
 …

Lesson 4B What happen if…?
Zero conditional – Negative and Interrogative Form

VOCABULARY – Multitasking Mom

A. Look at the picture about current a multitasking super mom. Then, match the words in
the box with the activities in the picture, giving the corresponding number to the

1. Cook

2. Clean

3. Work

4. Purchase

5. Baby Care

6. Telephone


GRAMMAR – Zero Conditional

Negative Form

If + present tense negative clause + present tense clause

If + present tense clause + present tense negative clause

 Negative Zero conditional sentences have a particularity, one of the clauses

consider what doesn’t occur when the other clause is accomplished.
 In the negative zero conditional hen, it indicates what would not happen if
something else occur.
 If children always speak during the teacher´s explanation, they
can’t progress at school.
 Plants die if they don´t have access to water and nutrients.
 You have to stay at home if you don´t want to catch a cold

Interrogative Form

Yes/No Questions Structure:

Do/ does + present tense clause + If + present tense clause?
If + present tense clause + do/ does + present tense clause?

Yes/No Question Shor Answer – Shor Answer –

Affirmative Negative
Do you cry if you are Yes, I do No, I don’t
If your father comes, Yes, he does No, he doesn’t
does he hug you?

Wh-Questions Structure:
Wh- word + do/does + present tense clause + If + present tense clause?
If + present tense clause + Wh-word + do/ does + present tense clause?

What do you do if you have a If you have a problem, what
problem? do you do?
Where does she go if she get Is she get sick, where does
sick? she go?

PRACTICE: Grammar Quiz!

C. Answer the zero conditional questions by choosing the correct number for each one.
Just write the CORRECT NUMBER in each line.

1. What do you do if you get a headache? _________

2. What do you do if you feel bored in your English class? _________
3. What do you do if you get toothache? _________
4. What do you do if you get sunburnt? _________
5. What do you do if you can't sleep at night? _________
6. What do you do if you feel sleepy during the day? _________

7. What do you do if you don't understand your English teacher? _________
8. What do you do if you don't want to do your English homework? _________
9. What does your teacher do if you talk in class? _________
10. What do your parents do if you are not in touch regularly? _________
11. What do you do if you oversleep? _________
12. What do your friends do if you forget their birthdays? _________
13. What do you do if you have to prepare for a difficult exam? _________
14. What do you do if you feel hungry at night? _________
15. What do you do if there is nothing on TV? _________
16. What do you do if you cut yourself? _________
17. What do you do if you receive bad service in a restaurant? _________
18. What do you do if something you buy breaks after a few days? _________
Retrieved from:

D. Complete the sentences using zero conditional with the information in the brackets.
Use contractions where possible.

1. Their teacher gets annoyed _______________ (students / use) their mobile phones.
2. I go to the doctor's _______________ (I / not feel) very well.
3. If you leave your bike there, _______________ (someone / could / take) it.
4. _______________ (food / stay) fresh for longer if you put it in the fridge.
5. If you drop the camcorder, _______________ (it / might / not work) properly.
6. We might miss the bus _______________ (not leave) now.
7. _______________ (Polly / not have) a lot of homework, she goes out with her friends.
8. If you lend him money, _______________ (he / may / not pay) you back.
Retrieved from:

SPEAKING – Mobile devices

E. PAIRS. Pick a partner to practice!

Record a video of 3 minutes. Using zero conditional create a conversation explaining:

Student 1: How to get to the university, from the bus terminal, then,

Student 2: How to get the Malecon, from the university.

Then, upload it to Moodle.

READING – Mobile devices
E. Read the text about this game forum. Then, answer T or F (True or False)

Crazy Hunt – Does anyone know how do I find Kieran’s House?

Wendy65: Hi! Does anyone know how do I find

Kieran’s house if you get level 5?
LindaUK90 Hreball100
Re: Crazy Hunt – Does anyone know Re: Crazy Hunt – Does anyone know
how do I find Kieran’s House? how do I find Kieran’s House?

That depends on how you got to level 5. If If you are near the hospital, go past it. Then,
you’re near the drugstore (we call it turn right into Pasadena High. There’s a secret
chemist in the UK) opposite the school, passage to Kieran’s house on left. But if you
see Joe’s Bar, don’t get closer, when you find
don’t go straight, turn right two blocks.
the robots there, they always attack you! Be
You will find a clue there. careful!

Re: Crazy Hunt – Does anyone know how do I find Kieran’s House?

Hi Wendy! You can go along Main St. and then walk into the night club between AI Supermarket
and the movie theater (cinema for us here in England). Look for a tall man there, called Drake.
But he doesn’t take you there if you don’t have any money.

Re: Crazy Hunt – Does anyone know how do I find Kieran’s House?

If u r on Main St., turn left into Rover St. It takes time because there are lots of robots in the area,
but you get more points. Then, walk through the park towards Pasadena High and do what
Lisa_London9 says.

1. ______ If you Go along Main Street, you find a clue

2. ______ There’s a street passage in Joe’s Bar
3. ______ You can find Drake at the night club.
4. ______ If you go along Rover Street, you can get extra points.
5. ______ There is only one route to the to Kieran’s house.
Retrieved from:

Lesson 4C Modern Art
Complementary activities

LISTENING – A Matter of Taste

A. Listen to David and Carol talking about a modern art exhibition. Look at the photos
below. For each picture that Carol describes, choose which of the photos is correct.

1. First Description
☐photo 1
☐photo 2
☐photo 3

2. Second Description
☐photo 4
☐photo 5
☐photo 6

3. Third Description
☐photo 7
☐photo 8
☐photo 9

B. Listen to David and Carol talking about a modern art exhibition. Choose the best
answer for the questions below.

1. What is Carol's reaction to David's opinion that modern art looks like it has
been done by children?
☐She can understand why he thinks that.
☐She disagrees totally.
☐She accuses him of not understanding modern art.

2. What did Carol like about the picture of the tree?

☐That is was so big.
☐It reminded her of winter.
☐The way the artist represented the tree.

3. What did Carol say about the second picture?

☐It was large.
☐It was her favorite painting.
☐It had a lot of strange colors.

4. Which of these statements is not true of the last painting that Carol
She saw it near the end of the art gallery visit.
4. Which of these statements is not true of the last painting that Carol
☐She saw it near the end of the art gallery visit.
☐She also liked the frame on the picture.
☐It reminded her of her childhood.
☐She spent a long time looking at it.

5. What suggestion does Carol make to David at the end of their conversation?
☐To buy a painting if he sees something he likes.
☐To attend the exhibition with someone who couldn't go with Carol today.
☐To go with their aunt, who is in town this week.

GRAMMAR – Zero conditional

 The word “if” can be substituted with the word “when” in many sentences and it
will mean the same. We keep the same structure explained before.
For Example:
 When you heat oil, it starts to smoke.
 When you read books, you learn things

 Occasionally we use the past simple in both the if clause and the main clause as
shown in the following examples:
For example:
 If Peter was at home, he didn’t answer the phone.
(When we make assumptions)
 If ever I was bored, I hung around with my mates.
(When we talk about the way things used to be in the past)

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C. Unscramble. Make a zero conditional sentence..

Example: "water / boil / heat / to / 100 degrees / the"

"The water boils when you heat it to 100 degrees."
1. no / rain / the grass / not / grow
2. ice / float / you / drop / it / in water
3. iron / rust / it / get / wet
4. my daughter / eat / too much chocolate / she /get / sick
5. you / not / eat / you / die
Retrieved from: 52
READING- Charlie Chaplin’s Early Life
E. Read the text about Charles Chaplin, then, answer True or False.

Charlie Chaplin's Early Life

He was believed to have been born on April 16, 1889. There is some doubt whether
April 16 is actually his birthday, and it is possible he was not born in 1889. There is
also uncertainty about his birthplace: London or Fontainebleau, France. There is no
doubt, however, as to his parentage: he was born to Charles Chaplin, Sr. and Hannah
Harriette Hill (aka Lily Harley on stage), both Music Hall entertainers. His parents
separated soon after his birth, leaving him in the care of his increasingly unstable

In 1896, Chaplin's mother was unable to find work; Charlie and his older half-brother Sydney Chaplin had to
be left in the workhouse at Lambeth, moving after several weeks to Hanwell School for Orphans and Destitute
Children. His father died an alcoholic when Charlie was 12, and his mother suffered a mental breakdown, and
was eventually admitted temporarily to the Cane Hill Asylum at Coulsdon (near Croydon). She died in 1928 in
the United States, two years after coming to the States to live with Chaplin, by then a commercial success.

Charlie first took to the stage when, aged five, he performed in Music Hall in 1894, standing in for his mother.
As a child, he was confined to a bed for weeks due to a serious illness, and, at night, his mother would sit at
the window and act out what was going on outside. In 1900, aged 11, his brother helped get him the role of a
comic cat in the pantomime Cinderella at the London Hippodrome. In 1903 he appeared in 'Jim, A Romance of
Cockayne', followed by his first regular job, as the newspaper boy Billy in Sherlock Holmes, a part he played
into 1906. This was followed by Casey's 'Court Circus' variety show, and, the following year, he became a
clown in Fred Karno's 'Fun Factory' slapstick comedy company.

According to immigration records, he arrived in the United States with the Karno troupe on October 2, 1912. In
the Karno Company was Arthur Stanley Jefferson, who would later become known as Stan Laurel. Chaplin
and Laurel shared a room in a boarding house. Stan Laurel returned to England but Chaplin remained in the
United States. Chaplin's act was seen by film producer Mack Sennett, who hired him for his studio,
the Keystone Film Company.

1. Chaplin has born some years earlier than is currently believed. T/F
2. Chaplin's mother died before her son was successful. T/F
3. Chaplin first performed on the stage after he arrived in the U.S. T/F
4. His first serious job was delivering newspapers. T/F
5. His first partner on the stage was the actor, Stan Laurel. T/F
6. He was discovered while working for a British organization in the U.S. T/F

SPEAKING – Art and Culture

Do some research and select an important WRITING - PAIRS
piece of Art, that is famous around the globe.  Write a short biography of a famous artist
Then, record and audio answering those you know. Use all the tenses you have
questions? reviewed until this unit.
- What do you like about it?  Upload it to Moodle.
- Where is being kept?
- What do you do if you see it in a Museum?
- Imagine you were the painter; how do you
change it if you are able to?
Students will talk about what they normally do in real - life situations.

Lesson 5A Nature
First conditional – Affirmative Form


A. Do you find it easy to make plans for the weekend?
What do your plans depend on?
In this lesson, Anne talks about her plans for the weekend. The language focus is on the first conditional.

Go to Moodle and complete the two tasks presented after watching this video:

Retrieved from:

READING – Strange Holiday Resorts

B. Match the given images with the corresponding descriptions below

1) Panda lovers of the world now have another place to call home (for a few nights,
at least). In 2013, the Panda Inn, a panda-themed hotel in China's Sichuan
province, opened its doors to guests. The 32-room hotel is decorated with panda
art, panda furniture and panda-shaped stuffed animals. Even staff members dress
in panda suits. [Panda Inn, Sichuan, China]

2) Welcome to Ittoqqortoormiit, Greenland. Here you can live with the Inuit and
incredible wildlife that surrounds Igloo Village. Dog sledding, traveling to frozen
fjords, visiting deserted villages, and sleeping in an icy cave are just a few of the
things you can do at this cold weather destination. Hopefully the local bears won’t
realize you’re a tourist and eat you out of spite. [Igloo Village]

3) Some people are skipping their cruise to the Caribbean and opting to sail to a
Texas-sized patch of floating trash in the Pacific Ocean instead. For about
$10,000 per person, you can head to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch — famous
for its high concentrations of plastic waste, chemical sludge, and debris trapped
by the currents of the North Pacific Gyre (a swirling pattern of oceanic currents).
Vacationers help operate a trawl that collects microscopic plastic particles that
threaten local wildlife and haul bigger heaps of junk offshore. [Great Pacific
Garbage Patch]

4) Rio Tinto, or Red River as it translates, is a river in Andalucía famed for its
colored water. The unusual river is one of the places on Earth that most closely
resembles the surface of Mars. The site along the river is full of copper, silver,
gold, iron and has been heavily mined since ancient times. The river's water is
dense due to the metals it carries and it has low oxygen content. [Rio Tinto, Spain]

5) Alnwick is home to about 100 killer plants like Atropa belladonna (deadly
nightshade), Strychnos nux-vomica (strychnine), and Conium maculatum
(hemlock). The garden has a license to grow things like cannabis, which is kept
behind bars in a giant cage. Another attraction Alnwick is popular for is the castle
on the same grounds that was a stand-in for Hogwarts in several of the Harry
Potter films. [Alnwick Poison Garden]

6) The world’s only indoor beach was located in Miyazaki, Japan. It shut down in
2007, but during its 14-year run the Ocean Dome saw up to 1.25 million visitors
per year. The Dome featured a fake volcano, fake sand, fake fish and fauna, a
steady 86 degrees Fahrenheit, and water park rides. The vast man-made beach
measured around 984 feet long and had a retractable roof that sported a
permanent blue sky. [Seagaia Ocean Dome]

GRAMMAR – First Conditional Expressions
 We use the First Conditional when we talk about future situations, we As long as
believe are real or possible. The structure in affirmative sentences is As soon as
usually: In case

If clause (condition) Result clause

If + subject + simple present subject + will + verb

 If you go to Rio Tinto in Spain, you will get gold and cooper
 If Janet work hard, her family will have a better life.

 You can use be going to in the result clause instead of will to express a future possible
 If I have enough money, I am going to buy a new car next year.

B. Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms.

1) If you ______ (hurry), you _______ (catch) the bus.

2) I _______ (make) dinner if you ______ (be) tired.
3) If my girlfriend _____ (come) late, I ______ (wait) for her.
4) If she ______ (keep) driving like that, I’m sure she ______ (have) an accident.
5) Next time, ______ (tell) him to pay the invoice as soon as it ______ (come)
6) Jack ______ (succeed) in the class if he ______ (study) harder.
7) If you ______ (visit) Panda Inn in China, you ______ (appreciate) its particular decoration.
8) My daughter ______ (buy) a dress for the party if her father ______ (get) some money.
9) You _______ (sleep) on an icy cave if you ______ (go) to Igloo Village.
10) If people _______ (take care) of nature, they ______ (have) a save planet to live.

SPEAKING – Resorts
D. Record a video (three minutes long) where you explain which of the resorts in the
reading above you would like to visit. Give 4 reasons. (Upload it to the Moodle)

WRITING - Resorts
E. Write a short composition (a paragraph) where you recommend to the people
visit one of the resorts you have in the reading above. Explain the reasons for your

Global Issues
Lesson 5B First conditional – Negative and Question Form


A. Match the words in the box with the pictures.

GRAMMAR – First Conditional

 We use the First Conditional in negative sentences when we talk about future
situations, we believe are not real or possible to happen.
The structure in negative sentences is usually:

If + do/does not + present simple, will + verb (in infinitive)

 If it doesn’t rain, we’ll travel to the beach.
 I won’t go to the party unless my friends call me.
 Jack won’t be fat if he doesn’t eat too much.

 When we work with questions, this is never in the If –clause. Use the regular question
word order.
 If you are sick tomorrow, will someone else be able to do your work?
 If you can’t drive to work, how will you get there?

B. Complete the sentences using the correct form

1) If Henry ________ (not/work) harder, he _______ (not/pay off) his debts soon.
2) Life ______ (not/be) easy for me if we ______ (not/be) together.
3) If it ______ (rain) tomorrow, we ______ not/ fly) to London.
4) Lorena _____ (be) sick if she ______ (not/take care)
5) If you _____ (not/dedicate) time to your family, you ______ (lose) them.
6) If the child _____ (not/eat) salad, he _____ (not/have) dessert.
7) English _______ (not/be) important for you unless you ______ (like) it.
8) If you ______ (not/take) an aspirin, your headache ______ (not/disappear).
9) The teachers ______ (not/feel) disappointed if the students ______ (do) their
10) My boss ______ (get) angry if I ______ (not/arrive) on time.
11) I ______ (not/want) to stay in Spain unless I _____ (get) a well-paid job.
12) If the students ______ (have) difficulties with the internet, they ______
(not/watch) the video.

C. Listen to the presentation about Integrated farming and fill in the eight spaces with the
words from vocabulary.

Farming Techniques That Will Feed a Family

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that poor countries will spend up to one
hundred seventy billion dollars this year to import food. This is an increase of forty percent from last
year. The United Nations agency says the rising price of food over the past year is a serious problem
because most hungry people also live in (1) ______________________.
A humanitarian organization based in Washington D.C. has a new (2) ______________________ project.
Women for Women International is teaching poor women in Sudan and Rwanda a new food
production system called commercial integrated farming. The women are trained to grow crops that
not only feed their families, but also earn them a (3) _____________________.
Pat Morris is program director at Women for Women International. The group launched its
commercial integrated farming program in Rwanda. Female farmers receive information about what
kind of ______________________ (4) to use, how to farm without (5) ______________________ and when to (6)
______________________. The program also provides business skills training. Mizz Morris says women being
trained in Rwanda could more than triple the amount of money they earn from farming.
With integrated farming, the women raise animals and different (7) ______________________on one piece of
land. Animal waste provides (8) ______________________. Some of the crops can be used as animal feed. In
Rwanda, the women have been able to grow traditional crops like bananas and sorghum grain along-
side higher value crops, such as pineapples. A hectare of farmland in Rwanda used to earn about four
hundred twenty dollars a year. But a family using integrated farming techniques on the same piece of
land can earn as much as three thousand five hundred dollars a year.
Women for Women International works with local community partners to design and carry out its
integrated farming program. Grace Fisiy is an agricultural business expert working in Rwanda and
Sudan. She says the local media in both countries have helped educate people about integrated
farming. Women for Women International plans to train at least three thousand women in Sudan and
Rwanda. Mizz Fisiy hopes the program will expand to other countries as well.
Retrieved from:

D. Read the text about integrated farming techniques and answer the following questions.

1. According to FAO, how much money is spent in importing food?

2. What situation is United Nations agency worried about?
3. What is the objective of Women for Women Organization?
4. How has the integrated farming project been helping women in Sudan
and Rwanda?
5. What kind of crops have women in Sudan and Rwanda been
6. How does the organization measure the success of this program?
7. How many women is Women for Women Organization expecting to
train about integrated farming?

LISTENING – First Conditional

D. Listen to the song in the video.
Recognize the first conditional structure. Then,
change the affirmative sentences to negative.
Retrieved from:


PAIRS E. Think about global warming. What are the global issues we are facing now, and how
it will affect the future? Select one topic and look out for it on the web. Find a partner to pair
up and takes turn to explain to your partner about the issue you selected and the possible
changes we need to do to make it sustainable in the future. Use the first conditional and
other tenses you need. Upload a video or audio with minimum 4 minutes.

F. Write a composition about what you would do if you received 100,000 dollars. How would
you make a contribution to solve some global issues? Explain the reasons for each selection.
Use the reading as a model. It needs to be between 120 and 160 words in length.

Paragraph 1: Introduction and personal expenses and invests.

Paragraph 2: contribution 1
Paragraph 3: contribution 2
Paragraph 4: conclusion

Let’s do it!
Lesson 5C Imperatives


A. Listen to the song and fill in the gaps using the words in the box.
Retrieved from:

Don’t be - take - don’t carry - remember(2) - let(3) refrain - don’t make(2) begin -
plays - don’t know - make(2) - don’t be - take(2) - don’t let

Hey Jude 1______ _____ it bad. 2_____ a sad song and 3_____ it better
4________ to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better.
Hey Jude, 5______ ______ afraid, you were made to go out and get her.
The minute you let her under your skin, then you begin to make it better.
And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, 6_____________,
7__________ __________ the world upon your shoulders.
For well you know that it’s a fool who 8_________ it cool
by making his world a little colder.
Na na na na na, na na na.

Hey Jude, 9_______ _______ me down. You have found her,

now go and get her.
The minute, you 10_______ her into your heart, then you can start to make it
So 11______ it out and 12______ it in, hey Jude, 13_________,
You’re waiting for someone to perform with.
And 14________ you _______that it’s just you, hey Jude, you’ll do,
the moment you need is on your shoulder.

Na na na na na, na na na.

Hey Jude 1______ _____ it bad. 2_____ a sad song and 3_____ it better.
4__________ to let her under your skin, then you’ll begin to make it better,
better, better, better, better.
Na na na na na, na na na, na na na na na, na na na, hey Jude.

GRAMMAR – Imperative
Imperatives are verbs used to give orders, commands, warning or instructions,
and if you use “please” to make a request.
e.g. Give me that tape, please.

To make the imperative, use the infinitive of the verb without "to"
e.g. Come here! Sit down!

To make a negative imperative, put "do not" or "don't" before the verb:
e.g. Don't go! Do not walk on the grass.

You can also use "let's" before the verb if you are including
yourself in the imperative. The negative of "let's" is "let's not".
e.g. Let's stop now. Let's have some lunch. Let's not argue. Let's not tell her about it.

Adults do not usually give each other orders, unless they are in a position of
authority. However, adults can give orders to children and to animals. The
intonation of an order is important: each word is stressed, and the tone falls at
the end of the sentence:
e.g. Sit down now! "Sit", "down" and "now" are all stressed, and the tone falls on "now".

You can use the imperative to warn someone of danger. All the
words in the warning are stressed, but the last word has a higher
tone than the first word:
e.g. Sit down now! "Sit", "down" and "now" are all stressed, and the
one falls on "now". Watch out! Look out! Don't cross!

When you give advice using the imperative, the words are stressed normally.
e.g Don't tell him you're resigning now! Wait until Monday when he's in a better mood.
Don't drink alcohol Don't eat heavy meals

You can also use the imperative to make a request, but
you should use a polite word before the verb:
e.g Please take a seat. Please wait here. Please hold the line. Please don't smoke here.

B. Complete the following conversations with these verbs: go, take, turn and cross.

Conversation A
-Excuse me. How can I get to the bank?
-Go straight on, _________ the second turning on the left, then
_________ at the pedestrian crossing, ________ past the post office
and the bank is just next to it.

Conversation B
-Good morning, can you tell me how I can go to the bus station?
- _________ up this road, ________ right at the corner, ________
along to the end of the street and you’ll find it there.

C. Rewrite these sentences in imperative. Maintain the same meaning.

Example: You can’t stop on the pedestrian crossing. Don’t stop on the pedestrian crossing.
We must visit our grandparents. Let’s visit our grandparents.

1) You mustn’t stand here. ________________________

2) They must clean the carpet. ________________________
3) You can’t park in this street. ________________________
4) You must do the homework. ________________________
5) We must take a shower. ________________________
6) You must hurry up. ________________________
7) You can’t drop this liquid. ________________________
8) They may not go out tonight. ________________________

D. Match the two columns to make instructions.

A Feed have a drink

B Wash put on your jacket; it’s hot
C Don’t your bedroom
D Do go to class; it’s eight o’clock
E Let’s the dishes
F Tidy your homework
G Don’t the bird
H Let’s leave the door open


E. Imagine you are a doctor, and your patient is having food disorders. By using the
imperatives, give her/him an advice to overcome the problem that she/he is
struggling with.



I started making my own foaming hand soap pretty early in

my switch to a more natural lifestyle. With concerns over antibacterial
ingredients in many hand soaps and potty-training little ones who
found the need to wash their hands/arms/the counter with soap a
thousand times a day, I needed a healthy and frugal option.
Thankfully, there is a natural, homemade and incredibly
simple option that works just as well and doesn’t cost $3.59 a bottle
like the foaming versions at the store.
The recipe itself is literally so simple that I now have my six year old refill the bottles and it takes just
seconds to make. I keep the few simple ingredients on hand and we never have to buy hand soap or
worry about running out…Surprisingly, this foaming version also makes a decent shaving cream in
the shower…
Before you begin, you’ll need a foaming hand soap container. I originally ordered this pretty but
pricey foam dispenser online before I realized that there was a much more frugal and inexpensive
option: Household Traditions sells an organic foaming hand soap (in a dispenser) for much less than
the fancy version and the container can be re-used after the soap is used up. You’ll get a bottle of
soap to begin with and a free container at the end…
Once you’ve procured a foaming dispenser of some kind… here is the (incredibly simple) recipe: DIY
Foaming Hand Soap Prep time: 1 min Total time: 1 min
Incredibly simple, natural and frugal homemade foaming hand soap that cleans without chemicals or
antibacterial agents.

F. Match the following words with their definitions.

Foaming a combination of two or more chemicals

Mixture used for cleaning
Soap to put into
Dispenser a device used to contain
To fill to supply, to furnish to
Provide made by oneself
Homemade a mass of bubbles or gas in a matrix of liquid film

G. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the text deals with?

2. Who is the author talking to?
3. Is this recipe a natural recipe? Justify your answer
4. Read again and write down all the different tenses of the text. How many did you find?
6/What tense is used in the instructions?


 Brian Abbs, Chris Barker, Ingrid Freebairn&JJ Wilson. Second Edition, Person Longman.
 H.Q. Mitchell&Marileni Malkogianni, 2013. The English Hub.MM Publications. ISBN 978-960-509-170-5
 Liz&John Soars,2015. American Headway. Oxford University Press. ISNB 9870194725736
 Michael McCarthy, Jeanne McCarten&Helen Sandifrod, 2018.Touchestone. Cambridge University
Press. Lima, Peru. ISBN 978-0-521-75786-7
 English grammar in Use. Edition with answers and CD-Room. Raymond Murphy. Cambridge.
Fourth edition (English edition). ISBN: 978-0-521-18939.
 Essential grammar in Use Supplementary exercises. Second edition. Helen Naylor and Raymond
Murphy. (English edition). ISBN: 978-0-521-675420.
 Michael McCarthy& Felicity O’Dell, 2017.English vocabulary in use elementary. Third edition.
Cambridge. ISBN: 978-1-316-63152-2
 Lindsay Clandfield, 2010. Global: Pre-intermediate Course book, Macmillan Education,
Vol 1, ISBN 10: 0230033121.
 Oxenden Clive & Latham-Koeing Christina, 2007. New English File Intermediate, Oxford.
University Press, 2nd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0194519311
 Intermediate, Oxford
University Press, 2nd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0194519311
 Complete first ,2014. Students book, Cambridge University, second edition, ISBN 978-1-107-65617-8
 Face to Face, 2015, students’ book, Cambridge University, second edition.
 Top Grammar ,Rachel Finnie Carol Frain, David A Hill, Karen Thomas2014, Helbling Languages, fifth edition,
ISBN 978-3-85272-225-2
 Reading Smart 2, Rosalind Ferguson,2010, Learners Publishing, ISBN 978982-4237-30-7


 Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab, retrieved from
 ESL Lounge, retrieved from
 British Council, retrieved from
 British Council ESOL Nexus,
retrieved from
 British council, retrieved from:
 YouTube, retrieved from:
 YouTube, retrieved from:

 ESL lounge student, retrieved from
 ThoughtCo.retrieved from

British Council, retrieved from
 ISL Collective, retrieved from:
 Live Work Sheets, retrieved from:
 Saber Inglés, retrieved from:

 British Council retrieved from,

 National Geography learning, retrieved from
 Test-English, A2 Grammar lessons and exercises » should, shouldn’t, retrieved from https://www.test-
 English Grammar Online, Exercise on Reported Speech
retrieved from
 All things grammar, retrieved from
 ESL Loung, retrieved from:
 ESL Loung, retrieved from:
 ESL Loung, retrieved from:
 Estrella Mountain, retrieved from:
 Agenda Web, retrieved from:
 British Council, retrieved from:

 Learn English Teens, retrieved from
 English at Home, retrieved from:


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