Organic Chemistry - Important Named Reaction - 3 - Anti

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A R M we @ Delhi (South) @ Delhi (East) @ Chandigarh — @ Nagpur E @ Raipur @indore — @PBhopal weneee) @ Bhopal i) @Bhopal iereny) @Sagar —- @Gwalior @ Kanpur Important Named Reactions - 3 lliger Oxidation > The Baeyer-Villiger oxidation is an organic reaction that forms an ester from a ketone or a lactone from a cyclic ketone, using peroxyacids or peroxides as the oxidant. > The Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation is the oxidative cleavage of a carbon-carbon bond adjacent to a carbonyl, which converts ketones to esters and cyclic ketones to lactones. ° HO, JL R ‘P-alkyl > 2°alkyl » aryl > 1°alky > Me The Baeyer-Villiger can be carried out with peracids, such as MCBPA (Meta-Chloroperoxybenzoic acid), or with hydrogen peroxide and a Lewis acid. The regiospecificty of the reaction depends on the relative migratory ability of the substituents attached to the carbonyl. peroxyacid or peroxide peroxyacid or ___tiperonide eyelic ketone. lactone > Substituents which are able to stabilize a positive charge migrate more readily, so that the order of, preference is: tert. alkyl > cyclohexyl > sec. alkyl > phenyl > prim. alkyl > CH. > Insome cases, stereoelectronic or ring strain factors also affect the regiochemical outcome, soe o) Download Our App ftom >> Google Play < SAPIENCE Like us on subscribe uson (EB YouTube ‘A brup of Best Phorma For more queries visit us at: Hs A R M we @ Delhi (South) @ Delhi (East) @ Chandigarh @ Nagpur @ Raipur @ indore — @Bhopal iweneesr) @ Bhopal we) @Bhopal iereny) @Sagar —- @Gwalior @ Kanpur Curtius Rearrangement > Curtius Rearrangement is also called Curtius degradation or Curtius reaction. > Curtius Rearrangement is a thermal decomposition of acyl acid to form isocyanate with a loss of nitrogen. carbamate NH, Isocyanate \ i RINH, NO _NHA 2 ay ° urea derivative > Isocyanates are subjected to attack by various nucleophiles namely alcohols, water, and amines which in turn outputs urea derivative or carbamate and essential amines. > This reaction is similar to the Schmidt Reaction with acids, differing in that the acyl azide in the present case is prepared from the acyl halide and an azide salt. ‘Schmidt rearrangement } Schmidt Reaction refers to an organic chemical reaction where in azides are reacted with the carbonyl group of a compound to give rise to amines or amides. > The Schmidt Reaction can be employed to either get amides by reacting the azide with a ketone, or to get an amine by reacting the azide with a carboxylic acid. > Schmidt Reaction for Carboxylic Acids © The chemical reaction wherein amines can be produced from an azide and a carboxylic acid can be illustrated as follows: soe o) Download Our App ftom >> Google Play 2 eee Like us on subscribe uson (EB YouTube eee For more queries visit us a: [@: PHARMA oe = SAPIENCE ° Pal on @Bhopal iereny) @Sagar —- @Gwalior @ Kanpur Lossen reaction } The Lossen reaction is the conversion of hydroxamic acid or Ester of hydroxamic acid into Isocynate. } _Isocynate gives Amines in presence of water. ° activating agent O Sete OH Jk pp base or heal H heat R= (heteroaryl and alkyl Wolff Rearrangement > The Wolff Rearrangement allows the generation of ketenes from a-diazoketones. Normally, these ketenes are not isolated, due to their high reactivity to form diketenes, > Wolff rearrangements that are conducted in the presence of nucleophiles generate derivatives of carboxylic acids, and in the presence of unsaturated compounds can undergo [2+2] cycloadditions. 9 00) Woltt rearrangement. [rucleonhic attack” HO Oro. NO orAatl) clazoketone > The formation of a-diazoketones from carboxylic acids (via the acyl chloride or an anhydride) and the subsequent Wolff Rearrangement in the presence of nucleophiles results in a one-carbon homologation of carboxylic acids. S i 7 © Download Our App from > Gongerey re 2 eee Like us on subserbeuson (EB YouTube s Aecare ba Pearse wale: For more queries visit us at:

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