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Fuel 222 (2018) 243–249

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Cloud point and crystallization in fatty acid ethyl ester biodiesel mixtures T
with and without additives

Patrick A. Leggieri, Michael Senra, Lindsay Soh
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Lafayette College, 740 High Street, Easton, PA 18042, United States


Keywords: Biodiesels, composed of saturated fatty acid alkyl esters (FAAE), have relatively high cloud points (CP), which
Biodiesel limit their commercial application. However, fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE) have potentially advantageous
Fatty acid ethyl ester properties, including those related to cold flow, compared to their methyl analogs. This work systematically
Cloud point evaluates FAEE cloud point and crystallization data to aid in the development of FAEE biodiesel blends with
practical cold flow properties. Neat FAEE CP increases with alkyl-chain length and decreases with greater degree
Cold-flow properties
of unsaturation. Mixtures of saturated/saturated FAEE show partial cocrystallization, which impact the mixture’s
CP. The effects of cold-flow improving additives dimethyl azelate (DMAz) and triacetin on fatty acid methyl
esters (FAME) and FAEE are also analyzed. Additives lowered the overall CP, however the degree of depression
for each additive varied indicating different crystallization mechanisms. Thermodynamic ideal solution mod-
eling predicts binary FAEE CP with and without additives within 2% of experimental values.

1. Introduction esters to aid in the development of better fuel properties.

Despite its advantages, biodiesel may have higher NOx emissions,
Biodiesel is a promising alternative to fossil-derived liquid fuels [1]. lower oxidative stability, and poorer cold-flow properties (operability
Some advantages of biodiesel include its renewability, biodegradability, at low temperatures) [16] compared to petrodiesel. The use of FAEE
lubricity, and low emission of sulfurous and aromatic species [2,3]. instead of FAME has been shown to reduce NOx emissions [16] and can
Other favorable fuel properties include its high flash point, complete potentially improve cold-flow behavior.
miscibility with petrodiesel at all blend levels, and ability to directly Solidification of biodiesel typically occurs between 263 and 298 K,
replace petrodiesel in diesel engines [2–5]. Other uses include home in comparison to 246 to 258 K for petrodiesel [7,17,18]. These higher
heating oil, lubricants, and numerous other applications [6,7]. phase transition temperatures can lead to poor cold weather perfor-
Biodiesel is synthesized via the transesterification of triglycerides mance; as such the use of biodiesel is commonly limited to petrodiesel
sourced from biofeedstocks to produce fatty acid alkyl esters (FAAE) blends, typically at 20 wt% biodiesel (B20) or less [1,19].
[3]. Typically, this reaction uses methanol as the reagent, yielding fatty Cloud point (CP) is often considered the most important and diffi-
acid methyl esters (FAME) [8]. Methanol is favored due to its low cult cold-flow metric to improve [6,7,20]. It is defined as the tem-
production cost [9]; however, it is toxic and commonly derived from perature at which solid wax crystals at least 0.5 µm in diameter are
natural gas, meaning that it is nonrenewable [10]. An alternative to formed [21], causing the solution to appear opaque and “cloudy.” As
FAME are fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE), produced via transesterifica- such, the CP is the temperature at which engine problems begin to
tion with ethanol (ethanolysis). In the United States, bioethanol is most occur due to formation of solids within the biodiesel fuel. Although no
commonly derived from corn, [11] meaning that FAEE biodiesel can be numerical standards exist for biodiesel CP, ASTM D6751 specifies that
completely produced from renewable feedstocks. FAEE biodiesel also it must be reported [22]. Several approaches can be taken to improve
has enhanced heat content and cetane number, and emits less carbon biodiesel CP: utilizing/manipulating biofeedstocks with advantageous
monoxide than FAME biodiesel [12]. However, FAEE production may lipid profiles, blending with petrodiesel, modifying the FAAE transes-
demand increased feedstock costs as well as energy and separations terification product via fractionation or winterization, or adding cold-
requirements compared to FAME [13]. These processing challenges flow improving chemical additives [20,23,24]. The appropriate selec-
may be improved with technology and feedstock advancements [14,15] tion of lipid profiles and additives for FAEE based biodiesel requires a
as well as further characterization of these relatively under-studied general understanding of the role of FAEE composition and

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L. Soh).
Received 18 September 2017; Received in revised form 11 February 2018; Accepted 14 February 2018
Available online 23 March 2018
0016-2361/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P.A. Leggieri et al. Fuel 222 (2018) 243–249

interactions. However, most cold-flow research, especially the studies 3. Theory and calculations
assessing pure FAAE properties, has focused on FAME biodiesel. Some
studies [25–28] have analyzed the eutectic/metatectic behavior in 3.1. Thermodynamic cloud point model
binary and ternary FAEE mixtures using melting point, yet there is a
lack of extensive CP data in literature for both pure FAEE and FAEE A thermodynamic model based on solid-liquid equilibrium was used
blended with chemical additives. for modeling of the phase transitions based on the work of Imahara
Biofuel additives may be chosen based on their physicochemical et al. [39].
properties and their ability to be renewably-derived. Two potential L
⎛f ⎞ γ L xi ΔHfus,i TCP,i ΔC TCP,i ⎞ ΔCi ⎛ TCP,i ⎞
additives, triacetin and dimethyl azelate, show particular promise in ln ⎜ iS ⎟ = ln ⎛⎜ iS ⎞⎟ = ⎛ −1⎞− i ⎛ −1 + ln
these metrics. Triacetin, which can be produced via interesterification f
⎝ i ⎠ ⎝ γi z i ⎠ RTm ,i ⎝ T ⎠ R ⎝ T ⎠ R ⎝ T ⎠
of triglycerides with alkyl acetates [29,30] or through esterification of (1)
glycerol [31], has been shown to improve the CP of FAME biodiesel
blends [4]. Dimethyl azelate can be derived from glycerol; it has a low
CP, is miscible with biodiesel, and has been shown to be a pour point
fiL and fiS are the liquid and solid phase fugacities of species i, re-
depressant for sunflower oil biodiesel [32].
In this work, a systematic analysis of the CP and crystallization
γiL and γiS are the liquid and solid phase activity coefficients of
behavior of neat and binary FAEE mixtures was conducted to deepen
species i, respectively
the understanding of FAEE biodiesel cold-flow properties and aid in the
xi and zi are the liquid and solid phase mole fractions of species i,
development of biodiesel blends with favorable cold-flow properties.
The effects and mechanisms of triacetin and dimethyl azelate as ad-
ΔHfus,i is the molar enthalpy of fusion for species i (J mol−1)
ditives were also evaluated for both pure FAEE and FAEE mixtures.
R is the gas constant (8.314 J mol−1 K−1)
Furthermore, the results were compared against a thermodynamic
TCP,i is the cloud point of pure species i (K)
model using solid-liquid equilibrium (SLE) with assumptions based on
T is the cloud point of species i in solution (K)
ideal solution theory to allow for the prediction of CPs of multi-com-
ΔCi is the difference of heat capacity of species i in the solid and
ponent FAEE and FAME blends.
liquid phases (J mol−1 K−1).

Since all FAAE mixture components analyzed are structurally si-

2. Materials and methods
milar, as in real biodiesel blends, ideal solution behavior and activity
coefficients of unity are assumed. This implies that:
All FAAE blends were prepared and analyzed via differential scan-
ning calorimetry (DSC, TA Instruments DSC 2920), using the procedure
1. All interactions between species in solution are identical
reported previously [4]. The DSC was calibrated with deionized water;
2. The change in heat capacity for species i between the liquid and
six calibration trials yielded a melting onset temperature of 272.8 K,
solid phase is negligible (ΔCi = 0 )
with a standard deviation of 0.2 K.
3. The first solid crystal at the mixture’s cloud point is composed of one
The FAME and FAEE studied were chosen for the prevalence of their
pure species, i, (zi = 1)
corresponding triglycerides in common biofeedstocks [9,20,24,33].
4. The fugacity of species i is equal to its liquid phase mole fraction
Methyl palmitate (methyl-C16:0, > 99%), methyl stearate (methyl-
(since γiL = 1).
C18:0 ∼99%), and methyl oleate (methyl-C18:1, > 99%) were sourced
from Sigma-Aldrich. Methyl myristate (methyl-C14:0, > 99%) and
These assumptions greatly simplify the SLE equation, allowing the
methyl linoleate (methyl-C18:2, > 99%) as well as all ethyl esters
mixture’s CP to be solved for explicitly by Eq. (2):
–ethyl myristate (C14:0, > 99%), ethyl palmitate (C16:0, > 99%),
ethyl stearate (C18:0, > 99%), ethyl oleate (C18:1, > 99%), and ethyl TCP,i
CP = RTCP ,i
linoleate (C18:2, > 99%) – were sourced from Nu-Check Prep. All 1− ΔH ln(x i )
fus,i (2)
binary FAAE mixtures studied were composed of 50:50 mass ratios.
Ternary mixtures were comprised of 50:50 FAAE ratios and additives All species-dependent physicochemical parameters in Eq. (2) were
dimethyl azelate (> 98.5%, Sigma-Aldrich) and triacetin (99%, Sigma- determined experimentally in this research, and were consistent with
Aldrich), at 15 wt% of the total mixture. Additional experimentation literature ranges (see Supplementary Information).
was performed to examine the effects of predictive modeling using
soybean oil derived biodiesel, SoyGold® (provided by Ag Processing 4. Results and discussion
In this work, the cloud point is defined as the location on the DSC 4.1. Pure FAEE cloud point, melting point, and enthalpy of fusion
thermogram where the heat flow initially decreases due to phase
transition. For cocrystallizing mixtures or samples containing poly- To supplement the limited data on neat FAEE cold-flow properties
morphic species with multiple freezing peaks, the cloud point is defined available in literature, data on FAEE cloud point, melting point, en-
as the onset of the first (highest temperature) peak. Melting point is thalpy of fusion, and qualitative co-crystallization behavior was col-
defined as the peak melting temperature, corresponding to the point of lected for pure and binary FAEE blends. For the sake of comparison,
greatest endothermic heat consumption during heating; many other cloud point data for both pure FAEE and FAME are presented in
works have used this definition [25,26,34–38]. Enthalpy of fusion data Table 1.
corresponds to the heat released during crystallization of FAAE sam- The FAEE CPs in Table 1 are all statistically (p = 0.000) lower than
ples. the FAME CPs with the same fatty acid moiety. This conclusion is
Experimental duplicates were conducted for all mixtures analyzed. consistent with the literature consensus that FAEE inherently show
Random analytical duplicates showed an average CP standard deviation slightly favorable cold-flow properties in comparison to FAME for both
of 0.2 K, and an average melting point standard deviation of 0.2 K. neat compounds [25,26,34–38] and biodiesel mixtures [24,40,41]. It
has been proposed that the additional –CH2 unit on the carbonyl end of
FAEE molecules decreases the amphiphilic nature of the molecule as a
whole, causing lower cloud and melting points [41]. Furthermore, the

P.A. Leggieri et al. Fuel 222 (2018) 243–249

Table 1
Cloud points and enthalpy of fusion (ΔHfus) for fatty acid alkyl esters with and without additives (triacetin, TA, or dimethyl azelate, DMAz).

Cloud Point (K) FAEE ΔHfus (kJ/mol)

Carbon-chain FAMEa FAEE FAEE + 15 wt% TA FAEE + 15 wt% DMAz This work Literatureb

C14:0 286.3 ± 0.2 276.8 ± 0.2 275.9 ± 0.1 273.6 ± 0.2 41.7 ± 0.2 39.8–45.9
C16:0 297.0 ± 0.1 289.6 ± 0.2 287.5 ± 0.2 286 ± 0.3 52.1 ± 1.2 53.8–55.8
C18:0 307.2 ± 0.7 301.4 ± 0.3 299.2 ± 0.5 298.2 ± 0.3 60.74 ± 1.0 59.7–61.6
C18:1 238.2 ± 0.0 231.6 ± 0.7 bdl 228.4 ± 0.5 44.8 ± 1.5 25.4–47.7
C18:2 bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl 24.39

bdl: below detection limit of DSC.

Ref. [4].
Refs. [25,28,35–38].

difference between FAEE and FAME CP and MP increases as molecular than those of the corresponding FAME mixtures (p = 0.000). As ex-
length decreases; the added FAEE carbon has a more pronounced effect pected, when one mixture component is fixed, the CP of the mixture
on the CP and MP [40] of shorter-chain molecules since it constitutes a increases as the alkyl-chain length of the second component increases,
greater fraction of the molecule. FAEE CP increases with carbon-chain but decreases if the second component is unsaturated. The latter effect
length, and decreases with unsaturation, with unsaturation having a is more dramatic, and likely attributable to solubility of saturated FAEE
more pronounced effect (Table 1), which aligns with the trends seen for in unsaturated FAEE. Mixtures with C18:2 do not have markedly dif-
FAME [39]. ferent CPs than those with C18:1, which suggests that the solubility of
The enthalpy of fusion data (ΔHfus) collected in this work is gen- saturated FAEE is comparable in mono- and diunsaturated FAEE. In
erally consistent with literature values (Table 1). When collected via addition to differences in CP seen in Table 2, solubility effects of un-
DSC, ΔHfus is dependent on cooling rate due, in part, to polymorphism saturated FAEE components cause differences in the crystallization
in certain species [42]. This effect may account for the relatively broad behaviors of FAEE.
range of literature values (including this work) for each species. Neat
FAEE melting point (Tm) values collected in this work also generally
agreed with literature ranges (see Supplementary Information). 4.2.1. Saturated/saturated binary FAEE mixtures
Polymorphism, evidenced by multiple DSC freezing peaks, was ob- In saturated/saturated binary FAEE mixtures, all samples show a
served in pure C16:0 and C18:0 (ΔHfus represent the sum of both peaks). single, irregularly shaped freezing peak or overlap of one large peak
Other works have also noted polymorphism in these two species [37], and several smaller peaks (Fig. 2A). As such, all saturated-saturated
and that the transition from the α-form (observed first) to the β-form is FAEE mixtures showed some degree of cocrystallization, or partial solid
faster in C16:0 than in C18:0 [37]. It is potentially easier to observe this phase miscibility, in which the longer molecule integrates the shorter
behavior in smaller samples and at slower cooling rates, as this tran- molecule or molecules into its crystal structure. Generally, cocrystalli-
sition might be overwhelmed by larger liquid-to-α crystallization peaks zation is more likely to occur between species that are of similar
in large samples. As such, polymorphism was only observed during DSC structure, shape, and pure crystal symmetry [43], and is common in
cooling of C16:0 when < 10 mg of sample used to determine pure fatty ester mixtures [42]. The smaller peaks on the DSC freezing lines in
species melting point. Polymorphism in C18:0 was still observed when Fig. 2A likely represent either crystallization of the lower-freezing
additives were present, as seen in Fig. 1. component as a pure species after all of the higher-freezing component
has solidified in the cocrystal, or solid-phase transitions between mul-
tiple crystal structures composed of both species in the mixture.
4.2. Binary FAEE mixture cloud point The C14:0/C16:0 and C16:0/C18:0 peaks are considerably sharper
than that of the C14:0/C18:0 system, which is attributable to more
Binary mixtures of FAEE were analyzed to study the effects of in- efficient packing of molecules of similar carbon-chain length into a
teractions between saturated/saturated and saturated/unsaturated miscible solid structure. Molecules of similar length require less
species on CP (Table 2). bending of the longer molecule to accommodate the shorter molecule in
All binary mixtures of FAEE have CPs that are statistically lower the cocrystal. This reduction in bending is thermodynamically favor-
able and related to faster crystallization.
To confirm that the cocrystallization peaks were not two in-
dependent but overlapping freezing peaks, DSC analysis was conducted
on all saturated/saturated mixtures at a slower cooling rate of 1 K/min
(Fig. 2A, bottom trace). At the slower cooling rate, single peaks with
distinctly unequal area were observed, suggesting that the mixtures do
exhibit cocrystallization. The enhanced definition of the smaller peak at
the slower cooling rate may be a result of either solid-phase transition
or heterogeneous crystallization being more pronounced with greater
temporal resolution on the DSC trace. It should be noted that the CP of
the slower cooling rate trial is about 3 K greater than that of the faster
rate trial due to crystal nucleation kinetics.
As seen in Table 2, all saturated/saturated FAEE mixtures had
smaller ΔHfus values than the weighted averages of their pure species
ΔHfus values. This is consistent with the tendency of cocrystallization to
decrease the amount of heat released in n-alkane petroleum systems
[44]. In addition, the systems in which components are separated by
Fig. 1. DSC cooling traces of C18:0 with and without 15 wt% triacetin (TA) or dimethyl two carbons (compared to four) showed greater reduction in mixture
azelate (DMAz). Polymorphism can be seen in all traces.
ΔHfus values, further indicating greater thermodynamic favorability of

P.A. Leggieri et al. Fuel 222 (2018) 243–249

Table 2
Cloud points binary and enthalpy of fusion (ΔHfus) for binary mixtures of fatty acid alkyl esters with and without additives (triacetin, TA, or dimethyl azelate, DMAz).

Cloud Point (K) FAEE ΔHfus (J/g)

Carbon-chain FAME FAEE FAEE + 15 wt% TA FAEE + 15 wt% DMAz Experimental Pure Species weighted average

C14:0/C16:0* 285.6 ± 0.3a 282.1 ± 0.1 280.0 ± 0.1 278.9 ± 0.2 159.3 ± 0.2 181.0 ± 3.4
C14:0/C18:0* 292.6 ± 0.4a 289.3 ± 0.3 287.5 ± 0.2 286.4 ± 0.4 177.5 ± 0.3 183.8 ± 4.0
C14:0/C18:1 276 ± 0.3 268.9 ± 0.5 – – 152.1 ± 4.4 152.1 ± 5.6
C14:0/C18:2 276.9 ± 0.4 266.5 ± 0.3 – – bdl bdl
C16:0/C18:0* 298.9 ± 0.1a 295.5 ± 0.2 293.3 ± 0.2 291.8 ± 0.2 167.5 ± 0.1 187.3 ± 2.4
C16:0/C18:1 285.8 ± 0.3 278.6 ± 0.3 – – 151.97 ± 2.7 155.6 ± 4.0
C16:0/C18:2 287.6 ± 0.3 278.5 ± 0.3 – – bdl bdl
C18:0/C18:1 298.7 ± 0.2a 289.1 ± 0.2 289.6 ± 0.5 286.4 ± 0.4 172.9 ± 4.1 170.0 ± 6.4
C18:0/C18:2 297.6 ± 0.0a 289.7 ± 0.2 – – bdl bdl

“–”: No trials run with specified composition due to low expected CP.
bdl: Below detection limit of DSC.
Ref. [4].
* Samples displaying cocrystallization in FAME, FAEE, and FAEE plus additives.

cocrystallization between species of similar molecular length.

4.2.2. Saturated/unsaturated binary FAEE mixtures

As seen in Fig. 2B, cocrystallization was not observed in un-
saturated/unsaturated or saturated/unsaturated mixtures, even in the
C18:0/C18:1 mixture in which the two species have identical carbon-
chain lengths. Unsaturated FAAE act mostly as solvents during crys-
tallization and melting [35] of saturated species in multicomponent
mixtures due to the large differences in CP and melting point between
saturated and unsaturated components. The presence of such a solvent
can alter both crystallization mechanisms and the resulting crystal
structures. Thus, similar to cloud point, the cocrystallization behavior
of a FAEE mixture is more heavily influenced by degree of unsaturation
than carbon-chain length.
An example of unsaturated FAEE manipulating the crystallization of
saturated FAEE is seen in Fig. 2B. The presence of liquid C18:1 during
the crystallization of C18:0 prevents polymorphism at the specified
cooling rate. The shape of the DSC cooling traces of binary saturated/ Fig. 3. DSC traces of 50:50 C14:0/C16:0 FAEE and FAME mixtures with and without
unsaturated mixtures containing C18:1 and those containing C18:2 15 wt% triacetin (TA) or dimethyl azelate (DMAz). Dashed lines represent FAME systems;
solid lines represent FAEE systems.
were virtually identical (not shown).

4.3. Additive effects on binary FAEE and FAME cloud point and and ethyl-C14:0/C16:0 are slightly different in shape, but they both
crystallization show signs of cocrystallization. Because FAME and FAEE show similar
CP and crystallization trends with respect to molecular structure, it is
Two renewably-derived cold-flow improving additives, dimethyl reasonable to expect FAME and FAEE to respond similarly to cold-flow
azelate (DMAz) and triacetin (TA) were analyzed for their effects on improving additives.
FAEE cloud point (Table 2), crystallization behavior, and deviation
from ideal solution behavior. 4.3.1. Triacetin
Fig. 3 shows that the freezing peaks for binary methyl-C14:0/C16:0 Triacetin at 15 wt% decreased the CP of FAME and FAEE mixtures

Fig. 2. DSC cooling traces of binary FAEE saturated/saturated (A) and saturated/unsaturated (B) mixtures. Mixtures are 50:50 wt% with a cooling rate of 5 K/min (unless specified).

P.A. Leggieri et al. Fuel 222 (2018) 243–249

by an average of ∼ 2 K. These results align with those obtained by Elias for in the governing SLE fugacity equation.
et al. [4] that triacetin decreases the CP of pure and binary FAME Cocrystallization introduces deviation from ideal solution as it in-
systems by 1–3 K at 10–20 wt%. validates assumption (3) outlined in Section 3, since the first crystal
As seen in Fig. 3, the freezing peaks of FAEE and FAME blends with formed in binary saturated/saturated mixtures is likely composed of
triacetin are almost identical in shape to those of the binary mixtures both species. Interestingly, cocrystallization in FAEE mixtures whose
without triacetin. The melting point of triacetin is reported as 276 K constituent species are separated by 2 carbons causes the model to
[45], which is within the freezing temperature range of the C14:0/ slightly underpredict the CP. The increased thermodynamic favorability
C16:0 systems. No distinct peak can be seen for triacetin crystallization, of interactions between structurally similar species may explain the
so it is likely that triacetin crystallizes in the same temperature range as onset of SLE at a higher temperature in these systems. Triacetin does
the C14:0/C16:0 mixture. However, it is unlikely that triacetin co- not introduce significant deviation of cocrystallizing mixtures from
crystallizes with this mixture, because the molecular structure of tria- ideal solution theory, as is expected of a diluent. On the other hand,
cetin (C9H14O6) is highly disparate from that of FAEE. Because there is DMAz depresses the CP of these mixtures via crystal modification and
no observable change in freezing peak shape between binary C14:0/ introduces no additional model error, perhaps due to a cancelling out of
C16:0 mixtures with and without triacetin, it is unlikely that triacetin two non-ideal behaviors. Underprediction of FAME CP in binary mix-
alters the mechanism by which the mixture crystallizes, meaning that it tures was also only observed in C14:0/C16:0 and C16:0/C18:0 mixtures
acts as a diluent in FAEE systems, as it has been shown to do in FAME by Elias et al. [4], however it was observed in 75:25, not 50:50 mix-
systems [4]. Fig. 1 shows that the C18:0 with 15 wt% triacetin trial still tures.
showed polymorphism as expected, given the diluent behavior of tria- The CPs of the three C14:0/C18:0 systems (binary, with triacetin,
cetin in these systems. with DMAz) are slightly overpredicted by the thermodynamic model.
The less thermodynamically favorable cocrystallization between species
4.3.2. Dimethyl azelate (DMAz) of dissimilar molecular length may explain the onset of SLE at tem-
DMAz added at 15 wt% consistently reduced the CP of neat and peratures slightly lower than ideal solution theory predicts. Elias et al.
binary FAEE samples by about 3 K, shown in Table 2. In trials of both [4] saw comparable overprediction of C14:0/C18:0 CP in FAME.
FAME and FAEE mixtures of DMAz/C14:0/C16:0, CP was reduced on Despite small mixture-dependent deviations, the thermodynamic
average by about 4 K, suggesting that DMAz affects FAEE and FAME SLE model with assumptions based on ideal solution theory can be used
similarly. DMAz appears to change the shape of the binary mixtures’ to reasonably predict the CP of a two or three-component FAEE mixture
freezing peaks (Fig. 3) and thus is likely altering crystal formation. The given its composition (mole fraction), and physicochemical data of its
mixtures of FAEE and DMAz at 15 wt% show a small peak well below constituent species obtainable via DSC.
the freezing temperature of the corresponding neat FAEE, which is
likely attributable to the phase transition of DMAz. Because DMAz re- 4.4.2. Thermodynamic modeling of multicomponent biodiesel cloud point
mains in the liquid phase throughout the entire crystallization process The accuracy of the thermodynamic SLE CP model was tested on
of the C14:0/C16:0 mixture, it is likely that DMAz manipulates crys- methyl and ethyl esters derived from plant-based oils whose CPs are
tallization mechanisms by solubilizing the FAEE. reported in literature, and experiments conducted in this work using
Crystal modification from DMAz can also be seen in Fig. 1, where SoyGold® FAME biodiesel. Predicted CPs for literature biodiesel fuels
the freezing peak of C18:0 is altered by DMAz but still shows poly- were calculated using the reported fatty acid compositions of the bio-oil
morphism. DMAz and unsaturated FAEE both potentially affect satu- used to synthesize the fuel.
rated FAEE crystallization via crystal modification, but unsaturated FAME biodiesel blend CPs were more accurately predicted by the
FAEE prevent polymorphism in C18:0, as seen in Fig. 2B. Since DMAz is model than FAEE CPs (Fig. 4D). The greatest deviation from ideal so-
more polar than FAAE due its additional carbonyl group, it is feasible lution in FAME CP was 2.6% in canola oil methyl ester, the reported CP
that crystal-modifying solvent effects of DMAz are different from those of which varies significantly in literature [9,20,24]. FAEE CPs deviate
of unsaturated FAEE. from predicted CPs by up to 6.5%, and the greatest deviations were
those whose model CP predictions were based on C18:0. Given the
4.4. Predictive thermodynamic cloud point modeling polymorphic/cocrystallizing behaviors of C18:0, these deviations from
solution ideality are expected. The most accurately predicted literature
The thermodynamic model outlined in Section 3 was used to predict FAEE biodiesel CP was that of palm oil, which was based on C16:0. The
the CP of each mixture analyzed in this research, as well as those re- variations seen for other biodiesel CP predictions may be due to small
ported in literature of biodiesel blends synthesized from various bio- (< 1%) amounts of 20:0 and 22:0, which may affect how materials
oils. Parity plots comparing predicted and experimental CPs (Fig. 4) cocrystallize. Detailed information about model predictions of biodiesel
indicate that, generally, CP predictions based on the saturated com- CP found in literature is available in Supplemental Information.
ponent with the longest carbon-chain most closely align with experi- Large deviations of literature FAEE CP, but not FAME CP, values
mental data, unless this component is present in miniscule concentra- from ideal solution theory suggest that multicomponent FAEE mixtures
tion compared to another saturated species. For example, ethyl stearate featuring moderate concentrations of ethyl stearate may be quite
was used as species i in Eq. (2) to predict the CP of all experimental complex and exhibit non-ideal behaviors including cocrystallization or
mixtures containing it. heterogeneous crystallization as well as solid-phase transitions.
Analysis of SoyGold® showed that the model error was larger than a
4.4.1. Thermodynamic modeling of pure/binary FAEE mixtures with and number of the other biodiesels found in literature. This finding is likely
without additives due to the large amount of cocrystallization that occurs between C16:0
All experimental CP values were predicted by the model within 2% and C18:0, which would deviate from the assumptions of ideal solution
error, and a paired t-test indicated that the CPs of binary FAEE mixtures theory. The addition of both dimethyl azelate and triacetin did not
with and without additives are accurately modeled by ideal solution greatly influence the percent error, indicating that these additives did
theory (p = 0.255). Mixtures that included C18:0 showed the greatest not strongly influence the solution thermodynamics of the biofuel.
deviation from the model. While all deviations from ideal solution The thermodynamic model presented here has potential applica-
theory were minor, mixtures containing C18:0 would be expected to tions in designing FAEE or FAME based biodiesels with desirable cloud
exhibit the greatest deviations due to polymorphism and cocrystalli- points. Lipid profiles may be improved upstream of thermochemical or
zation with other saturated FAEE. These polymorphisms represents biochemical conversion steps in genetic modification of biofeedstocks,
non-ideal solution behavior, as solid-phase transitions are unaccounted particularly microalgae, to yield optimal cold flow properties of the

P.A. Leggieri et al. Fuel 222 (2018) 243–249

Fig. 4. Parity plots of CP predicted via Eq. (2) for binary FAEE mixtures with no additives (A); 15 wt% triacetin, TA (B); 15 wt% dimethyl azelate, DMAz (C); FAME and FAEE of vegetable
oil derived biodiesels (D, [9,20,24,33]). Solid line: y = x. Shaded points in (A-C) represent mixtures containing C18:0.

resulting biodiesel [46]. Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the

5. Conclusion
online version, at

The commercial feasibility of biodiesel production and adoption is

contingent on improving biodiesel’s technical shortfalls, including its
poor cold-flow properties. FAEE exhibit favorable cold-flow properties
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