Proposal in English For A Product or Service

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Proposal in English for a Product or Service

Gloria Elena Díaz Noriega

Market management.


Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje



August – 2020

Market Segmentation Company: "Papelería Gloriena SAS"

Criteria are considered for the recognition of the characteristics of the population
(clients), in the socioeconomic and demographic conditions.

Target Marquet.

It has been defined as a group, to which the products of purchase and retail sale
of the company "Papelería Gloriena SAS" will be offered to students of all levels,
offices and people who do not belong to these groups, but sporadically require

Psychographic Segmentation.

In the Municipality of Bello, sectors adjacent to the main park, that village spirit
has always been preserved, with characteristics of enterprising people, who bet
on education and cultural development. Traditionally they are kind and
responsible people, always inclined to improve their lifestyle.

Tastes and preferences.

. The inhabitants of the sector have preferences for already known brands and
new brands that are similar in quality and price to the previous ones. Offices
prefer good quality products with moderate prices. The current groups are:

1. Group of students of all levels.

2. Group belonging to offices of different companies.

3. Group of sporadic clients.


Consumption habits.

Customers prefer to buy our products on a daily basis, what is needed, to avoid
waste. Office customers prefer to shop in the morning and students in the
morning and afternoons, while the sporadic group does it at different times of the

This market segmentation must be adjusted to the needs of "Papelería Gloriena

SAS", within the existing market, always seeking a close relationship between the
two, the company and the market, to ensure sales-consumption.

Demographic Segmentation

Within the customer population, 30% of purchases are made for minors between
kindergarten and high school, 40% of sales are the product of purchases made
by students of the last two grades of high school and higher education, the 25%
are sales for offices and 5% sporadic sales that are generally made by older

40% are clients between the ages of 15 and 45. Belonging to stratum 3.

The economic situation of the clients is good and that allows them to live in that
socioeconomic stratum.

Cultural Segmentation.

The impact of culture is natural in any medium and in all settings where any
person has their life development, and this has a marked influence on sales,
because consumers do what should be done, according to the influence of their
culture. The custom in the sector of interest is to always have at hand the
necessary tools to carry out study and work tasks in offices and to fulfill some
errands. "Don't blame it on the tool" is a popular saying, and hence he hopes to
buy the stationery products that are required on a daily basis.

Geographical segmentation.

Products based on the season: the rainy seasons change the hours in which
customers buy a bit, but they do not stop buying. The size of the region occupied
by customers is large and sufficient to maintain a stable sales index with small
variations, which are within normal limits.

Socioeconomic Segmentation.

This segmentation allows us to know the purchasing power of customers by

means of the socioeconomic strata where they live. In general, the clients of
"Papelería Gloriena SAS" belong to stratum 3, with stable economic capacity and
a good standard of living, with a taste for good things, good living and love good
service in the businesses where they do their shopping. , especially older adults
who feel flattered with good treatment.

Papelería Gloriena S.A.S



The creation of "Papelería Glorienas", a family micro-business that is incubated

in the bosom of a Colombian family, from Medellín, that harbors the desire to
become independent, to free themselves economically, will obtain its benefits
with the realization of this market research project, for the studies and surveys
that will be carried out, based on the knowledge that is acquired when studying
the sector, the competition, the clients, their tastes, their needs, their advantages
and disadvantages.

This research project will also serve as a guarantor to firmly complete the studies
carried out at SENA on Market Management technology.

We are according to the client's needs.

We have a motto:.

If we don't have it, we can get it for you now.

There is a very complete inventory, according to the selected groups, their needs
and tastes.

Service benefits:

You find everything and at a fair price.

Inmediate attention.

Unbeatable prices.

We are close to our customer, delivering products at unbeatable prices, with

careful attention..


We sell products of the best quality, adjusting to the tastes of selected groups.


Our products are selected and of the best quality, adjusted to the taste and
preferences of our clients.


We buy directly from our wholesale suppliers, to offer better prices and excellent


Self-service allows the customer to choose what they want and has a sales


We work twelve hours a day, attending with agility and kindness.

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