Educational Planning and Managementepm-502: A. Meaning of Development B. Measurement of Development

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Unit-1 Concept of Development, Planning and Management

a. Meaning of Development
b. Measurement of Development
c. Socio-economic Indicators of Development

Unit-2 Planning and Management: A key Agent To National Development

a. Concept of National Planning and its Basis
b. .Stages and Types of Planning
c. Planning in Pakistan
d. Planning Implementation

Unit-3 Educational Development and Administration

a. Meaning of Educational Development
b. Changes in Concept of Education
c. The Task of Educational Administrator and Planner in Educational
Development Process
Unit-4 Demographic Considerations in Educational Planning.
a. Concept of Population Dynamics and Vital Statistics
b. Principal Methods of Population Projection
c. Demographic Classification of Educational Characteristics.
d. Demographic Factors affecting equality of Educational Facilities.
Unit-5 Economic Considerations in Educational Planning and Management.
a. Education-an Investment or Consumption
b. Role of Education in National Development
c. Education’s Role in Human Resource Development.
d. Efficient use of Resources in Education.
e. Manpower Approach to Educational Planning.

Unit-6 Socio-Economic Considerations in Educational Plannig

a. Impact of Planning on Society
b. Societal Factors Influencing Education
c. Auses of Resistance to change.

Unit- 7 Educational Considerations in Planning

a. The Aims and Objectives of Education
b. A comparative Study of Educational Systems in the World.
c. Aims of education in Pakistan.
d. A Comparative Study of Structure of Different Educational Systems in the

Unit-8 Informal and Non-Formal Education

a. Meaning and relationship of Formal, Non-Formal and informal Education.
b. Contents of Non-Formal Education
c. Coordination and Planning
d. Implementation and Evaluation of Non-Formal education.
e. Non-Formal Education programmes in Pakistan.
f. Special considerations related to Informal education.
Unit-9 Concept of Management
a. Meaning of Management
b. Definition of Management
c. Concept of Management
d. Educational Management
e. Model of Management

Unit-10 Quality and Relevance of Education

a. Relevance of Education to Economic Needs and National Culture

b. Different senses of Quality with Reference to Education
c. Role of Educational planner and Administrator n Respect of Quality and
Relevance of Education.
Unit-11 The Design and use of Educational Facilities.

a. The Relationship between Schooling and School Building.

b. Design for Changing needs
c. Physical Conditions
d. Role of Planner in Physical Facilities

Unit-12 The Limits of Educational Planning

a. Educational Planning and Education Sector

b. Educational Panning and Reforms
c. Educational Planning as Ideology
d. Challenges to Ideologies.
e. Social Changes and Educational Planning.

Unit-13. Role of Research in Educational Planning

a. Types Of Research
b. Research Achievements and Current Priorities.
c. Research and Planning
d. Problems of Educational planner in Research and Planning.

Unit-14 Realistic Educational Planning

a. Educational Planning-Meaning and Concept

b. Planning in Practice
c. Preparation of Planner and his potential Problems in Planning Process
d. Planning Approach
e. Planning Functions of Government.
Total Marks:100
Course Title: Educational Technologies
Technologies Code
Credits Hrs:3(3+0)
After Reading this Course Student Teachers will be able to:
1. Use Technology in their Classroom Teaching
2. Use New Technology Trends in Teaching
3. Make their Teaching Effective
4. Know about Teaching aids
5. Use Computer in Their Classroom Teaching
6. Handle the Handicapped Cases
Unit-01 Introduction
1.1 Meaning and Definition of Technology and Educational Technology Forms/Types of Education
1.1.1 Teaching Technology
1.1.2 Instructional Technology
1.1.3 Behavioral Technology
1.2 Instructional Design
1.3 Impacts of Science & Technology on Teaching
Unit-02 Effective Technology
2.1 Learning Cycle
2.1.1 Wanting
2.1.2 Doing
2.1.3 Digesting
2.1.4 Feed back
Unit-3 Teaching Aids
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Classification of Teaching Aids
a) Non-Projected Teaching Aids
b) Projected Teaching Aids
c) Activity Aids
3.3 Introduction of audio/video museum
3.4 need and importance of audio/Videos Museum
Unit-4 Nature of Communication
4.1 What is Communication
4.2 Barriers to Communication
4.3 Communication & Students
4.4 Communication Cycle
Unit-5 Teaching Methods & Media
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Pre-Instruction Activities
5.3 Characteristic of Media
5.4 Classification of Media according to the sense they stimulate
5.5 Software & Hardware of the Media
5.6 Teaching Machines as Media
5.7 Multimedia Package and the Teacher Role
Unit-6 Computer Technology
Introduction to IT
Advantages of Computer Technology
Basic Components of Computer
Types of Computer
Computer Network(WAN,LAN)
Unit-7 Uses of Computer in Education
7.1 Uses of Computer for CAI
7.2 Pupil Guidance
7.3 Administration Work such as records and accounts keeping
7.4 Test Construction

Unit-8 Teleconferencing & Virtual Reality

8.1 Audio Conferencing
8.2 Video Conferencing
8.3 Virtual Reality in Education

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