Resilence: Looking Forwards A Brighter Future: What Is Grit?

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Resilence: Looking forwards a brighter

What is grit?

“Grit is the tendency to sustain interest in an effort to long-term goals.”

Angela Lee Duckworth.

It could be said that grit is a strong desire to continue doing something no matter the
effort or difficulties to get it. However due to time or circumstances, the desire is not
sustained and the lost of interest is manifest. Nothing is forever. The goals of Studying a
language, of losing weight, to become a great musician or to improve on a job to get a
rise; on certain time, are abandoned due to different reasons. So in real life no matter if
you are rich or poor, an entrepreneur, a business manager or a gifted genius. It is not
enough for succes as Angela L Duckworth quotes “The number one predictor an factor of
success is not talent, wealth or appearance. It is grit!”

What, according to research, is more meaniful and why- being praised for effort or

It is most meaniful being praised for effort than for intelligence. It is evident that people
praised for itelligence are likely to think that it is sufficient to cope or solve any problem.
So they choose tasks that they think make them look smarter. On the other hand,
students who have been praised for their effort will choose tasks that allow them to
learn new things. They have in mind a final product or result.

To create positivity around you and your students, What is an advise Brad give teachers?

* Help them to understand the significant difference between a fix mindset and a growth
* Have an open dialoge with estudents to practice phrases that to promote a growth
*Discuss challenges they face. Help them find solutions through positive phrases.
*Create an evironment of positivity display inspirational vocabulary posters and bulletin
*Begin each class (face to face or in line) with growth mindset or motivational phrase.
* Give them promts to to do task.
*Model grow mindsets as educator.
“ Students who possess growth mindset are more motivated to learn and take omore
challenges compared with to studdents whith fixed mindsets”

Blackwell. Trzesniewski & Dwek 2007

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