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Information technology to bridge the health workforce gap Robert Bollinger et al.

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A comprehensive health labour market framework for

universal health coverage
Angelica Sousa,a Richard M Scheffler,b Jennifer Nyonic & Ties Boermad

In many developed and developing coun- for health care. Moreover, the changing Partial health workforce policies
tries, progress towards attaining UHC is dynamics of workforce migration, such designed on the basis of needs-based
hindered by the lack of a health workforce as the increased exodus of workers from estimates and focused on training
large enough and with the proper skills one developing country to another, pose more health workers are not sufficient
to deliver quality services to the entire a challenge for global health labour in addressing health worker shortages.
population. Several factors accentuate the markets.2 The needs-based approach consists of
problems associated with health worker estimating the number of health workers
shortages, especially in low- and middle- required to meet the needs of the popu-
income countries: maldistribution and Comprehensive health lation. Although these estimates are
migration of the workforce, inappropriate workforce policies useful to inform the demand of health
training, poor supervision, unregulated workers, they are not enough to formu-
dual practice, imbalances in skill-mix To address the challenges described late effective health workforce policies
composition, and reduced productivity and attain UHC, countries will have to because they ignore the dynamics of
and performance.1 Such problems are, develop effective policies to optimize the the health labour market.3 Workforce
however, not limited to low- and middle- supply of health workers. This can only shortages cannot be resolved by simply
income countries; many high-income be accomplished through comprehensive training more health workers; the health
countries are likely to face severe short- planning of the health workforce based labour market conditions also have to
ages of health workers because of budget on an in-depth analysis of the health be such that the newly-trained health
cuts for social services resulting from the labour market to understand the driving workers can be absorbed into the health
global economic downturn. The ageing of forces affecting workforce supply and workforce. Otherwise, a fraction of them
the population puts further pressure on demand, both within countries and at will migrate, work in another sector or
health systems by increasing the demand the global level. remain unemployed and the resources

Department for Health Systems Policies and Workforce, World Health Organization, avenue Appia 20, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.
School of Public Health and the Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley, United States of America.
Health Systems and Services, World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa, Brazzaville, Congo.
Department for Health Statistics and Informatics, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
Correspondence to Angelica Sousa (e-mail:
(Submitted: 9 April 2013 – Revised version received: 5 August 2013 – Accepted: 6 August 2013 )

892 Bull World Health Organ 2013;91:892– 894 | doi:

Angelica Sousa et al. Health labour market and universal health coverage

Fig. 1. Health labour market framework and policy levers for attaining universal health is represented by those private and pub-
coverage (UHC) lic institutions that are willing and able
to pay for health workers to staff clinics,
hospitals or other parts of the health
Education sector Labour market dynamics system. These institutions compete with
the each other by having different wage
Training in Pool of qualified Employed Health-care Health UHC rates, budgets, provider payment prac-
High school

health health workers sector workforce tices, labour regulations and hiring rules
equipped to
Unemployed deliver quality that compete favourably with working
Training in health conditions in other labour markets in
other fields Migration
services attracting health professionals, includ-
Out of Other sectors ing new graduates.8
Abroad labour force
The available supply of health work-
ers is undermined by migration and by
Policies on production Policies to address inflows and Polices to address maldistribution the attrition of those who choose to
• on infrastructure and materials outflows and inefficiencies work outside the health sector. In Kenya,
• on enrolment • to address migration and • to improve productivity and for example, 61% of physicians are not
• on selecting students emigration performance willing to work in their home country
• on teaching staff • to attract unemployed health • to improve skill mix composition
workers • to retain health workers in under current working conditions and
• to bring health workers back into underserved areas wages and prefer to migrate to Australia,
the Health-care sector Namibia or the United States of Ameri-
ca.9 Between 1990 and 2004, Zambia ex-
Policies to regulate the private sector perienced a large exodus of physicians.
• to manage dual practice To discourage physicians from leaving
• to improve quality of training
• to enhance service delivery the country, the government increased
their wages by 16% between 2007 and
2011 – to an amount 15 times the per
Note: The supply of health workers is made up of the pool of qualified health workers willing to work
in the health-care sector. The demand for health workers is represented by the public and private capita income and in excess of the aver-
institutions that constitute the health-care sector. age pay received by other professionals
Source: Adapted from Vujicic 2006 and 2012.6,7 with similar education, such as lawyers.
Yet despite this increase, a physician’s av-
spent on training them will have gone The training of health workers as erage annual wage is only 21 780 United
to waste.4 defined by the education market is a key States dollars.10 Policies to attract health
Health labour market dynamics are determinant of a country’s supply of new workers back to the health-care sector,
the main determinant of the level of em- graduates – and hence of the supply of discourage their migration and mobilize
ployment in a country – not the health health labour. Production policies are the unemployed, range from increasing
needs of the population or the education those that pertain to the opening of wages and providing extra allowances
sector alone. The health labour market new training institutions, the provision to improving working conditions, revis-
is influenced by the health needs of the of scholarships, the offer of financial ing recruitment strategies and offering
population, the demand for health ser- incentives for teaching staff, the align- training opportunities. If we are to draw
vices and the supply and governance of ment of health worker education with closer to attaining equitable access to
health workers. Together these factors the health needs of the population, and quality health services for the entire
determine workers’ wages and allow- the training of new cadres of health population, these policies will need to
ances, the number of health workers workers. These polices will succeed in be designed with several factors in mind,
employed, the number of hours they producing enough health workers to including the geographical distribution
work, their geographical distribution, fulfil the needs of the population only of the current health workforce, worker
their employment settings, and their if they are designed in parallel with productivity and performance, the skill-
productivity and performance.5 policies to ensure the absorption of new mix composition, and the allocation of
graduates into the labour market and to health workers to the public and private
correct workforce maldistribution and sectors.
The health labour market inefficiencies. Although the shortage of health
framework The available supply of health workers constrains service delivery,
workers – i.e. the number of qualified worker maldistribution, inappropriate
The framework presented in Fig. 1 pro- health workers willing to work for the training, poor supervision, low produc-
vides a comprehensive picture of health health sector – is determined by wages, tivity and poor performance undermine
labour market dynamics and of the working conditions, safety and career the capacity of the existing supply of
contributions of four groups of health opportunities. The demand for health- health workers to deliver quality ser-
workforce policies to the attainment care workers is determined by the needs vices that are acceptable and accessible
of equitable access to quality health of the population and the demand for to the entire population. For example,
services and UHC. health services. Health worker demand Cameroon’s capital city of Yaoundé

Bull World Health Organ 2013;91: 892– 894 | doi: 893
Health labour market and universal health coverage Angelica Sousa et al.

has 4.5 times as many health workers cies specifically designed to regulate the health workers are needed to address
per inhabitant as the country’s poorest private sector need to be developed to inefficiencies and enhance equity in the
province.11 Such large health workforce ensure equitable access to quality health delivery of services.
inequalities stem from the low retention services for the entire population. In
of health workers in poorer areas, which Sudan, for example, 90% of health
results in less access to health services workers engage in dual practice – i.e.
and worse health outcomes in those they work in both the private and the Health workforce policies that are
areas than in more prosperous ones. public sector – but they do so infor- partial rather than comprehensive,
Several policies are designed to redress mally, with little regulation. This jeop- such as those that focus on education,
worker maldistribution and inefficien- ardizes the availability of health workers are not effective in addressing health
cies. They include the training of local in the public sector and the quality of workforce shortages and ensuring eq-
health workers; the opening of new public health services.13 Staff training, uitable access to health services for a
vacancies; the adoption of recruitment service quality and dual practice are country’s entire population. A health
strategies to increase the supply of health some of the areas in which regulatory labour market framework can provide
workers in underserved or rural areas; policies are needed in the private health the comprehensive approach needed
the provision of allowances; the grant- labour market. to fully understand the forces behind
ing of scholarships; and the matching Finally, the precise combination health workforce supply and demand
of workers’ skills and tasks. UHC can- of health workforce policies intended and make it possible to develop effective
not be attained unless health workforce to address worker shortages and mal- health workforce polices for the attain-
inefficiencies and resource wastage are distribution should be tailored to each ment of UHC. ■
eliminated by improving health worker country’s particular context and to its
productivity and performance.12 population’s health needs. In addition, Competing interests: None declared.
Virtually all countries have grow- innovative approaches such as task
ing private health labour markets. Poli- shifting and deployment of community

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