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Canadian History Vocabulary

Constitutional Monarchy: is a form of government in which a monarch acts as a head of state

within certain boundaries or a constitution.

Representative Democracy: a type of democracy in which the citizens delegate authority to

elected representatives

Globalization: is when the people of the world all connect and share ideas. It means to connect

Repatriation: means to send a person or prisoner etc.. back to there homeland or county they came

NATO: military alliance of democratic states against aggression

NORAD: a Canadian and American join force to detect air threats over the continent

Alliance: a treaty between two or more nations to cooperate for specific reasons

Terrorism: is the use of violence and threats to intimidate people mainly for political uses

Moderate: means to reduce the excessiveness of; to make less violent

Right Wing: the right wing are the members of a consecutive or reactionary political party or
they are those who are opposing political reform

Political Ideology: a set of values and ideals about proper purposes and scopes of the government

Liberal: a person of a certain political party in this case the Liberals; means to be favorable to
progress and open minded

Communist: someone who pertains to the communist party

Multicultural Society: means that there is acceptance of many different cultures and religions in
the make-up of a city

Emigration: is the act or instance of emigrating; it means to move from one place to another

House of Commons: the elective, lower house of Parliament

Governor General: the person who is chief over all other governors and has a lot of power

Prime Minister: Head of the Government in Parliamentary systems

Bill: a proposed law or right presented to a legislation but not yet passed as a law

Budget: a limited amount of money or estimate for a certain purpose

Official Opposition: the official opposition is the political party with the second highest number
of seats in the House of Commons or a legislative assembly
Aboriginal: earliest known or original native people

Self Government: control or government of a community or state by its members

Discrimination: treatment or consideration of people based upon their looks and not there

Human Rights: fundamental rights; the rights to speak your mind

Metis: a person of ancestry

Bilateral: pertaining to or affecting both sides

R.C.M.P: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

M.L.A: Modern Language Association

Constituency: the voters or electives in a district represented by leader of representative

Seat: a place in the house of commons

Term of Service: a certain amount of time you can run for in a government position

Democracy: a form of government that is ruled by the people; where everyone has the right to

Sovereignty: means to have supreme and independent power in government as possessed or

claimed by a state or community

Constitution: a system of fundamental principles according to which a thing is governed

Independent: to be free and not be controlled by others; to think for ones self

NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement

Cold War: a rivalry after WWII; sustained hostile political policy and an atmosphere of strain
between opposed countries

Taliban: a Muslim fundamentalist group in Afghanistan

Jihad: a holy war undertaken as a sacred duty by Muslims

Left Wing: the part of a political or social organization advocating a liberal or radical position

Conservative: someone who preserves existing policies or conditions; a political party

Socialist: an advocate or supporter of socialism; someone part of the U.S socialist party

Capitalist: a very wealthy person; a person who has capital invested in a business enterprise

Immigration: to immigrate from one country to another legally

Refugee: a person who flees a country for safety or for refuge

Senate: is the assembly or council of citizens having the highest deliberative functions in a
government especially a legislative assembly of a state or nation

Lieutenant Governor: the person who is in place next to the state governor and who would take
place in case of illness or death etc..

Portfolio: is the office or post of a minister of state or member of a cabinet

Speech from the throne: is an event in which a monarch or representative reads a prepared speech
to parliament about the agenda for the upcoming session

Speaker of the House: runs the proceedings of the House of debate, voting, points committee
members etc..

Supreme Court of Canada: highest court in Canada and is the final court of appeal in the
Canadian justice system

Government: is the control and direction over the members of a community or citizens of a place;
the form of system in which a place in run

Prejudice: when you judge someone or something based on what you see or have heard and not
on knowledge or facts

Equality: means to be fair and treat everyone and everything with the same kindness and respect

Activist: an especially active, vigorous advocate of a cause especially a political cause

Bilingual: someone who can fluently speak two or more languages

Charter or Rights and Freedoms: Gives everyone civil rights in Canada and certain rights to
Canadian citizens. It is designed to unify everyone and give equal rights.

M.P: Military Police or Mounted Police

Lobby Group: a group that exists to fight for a certain cause

Riding: the act of a person or thing that rides

Campaign: a systematic course of aggressive activities for some specific purpose; the competition
by rival political candidates and organizations for public office

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