Basic Tense Exercises 9: Please Choose The Most Appropriate Answer For Each Sentence

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Basic tense exercises 9

Basic tense exercises 9

Please choose the most appropriate answer for each sentence.

Q1 Brody went ......... today.

A surfing B surf C surfs D surfed

Q2 The dolphin ......... out of the water at SeaWorld yesterday.

A leaps B leap C leapt D leaping

Q3 I think I ......... a cold. I have to go to the doctor.

A catch B catching C am catching D catches

Q4 I have to ......... my car because it's too small. We have two children now.

A sells B sell C sold D selling

Q5 I ......... the roller coaster at the fair last year.

A rode B ride C rides D riding

Q6 I want to ......... smoking. It's just so hard!

A quits B quitting C quit D am quitting

Q7 You have to ......... your car in reverse before you can back into that parking stall.

A puts B put C putting D is putting

Q8 You have to ......... this problem. Otherwise, you can't move on with your life.

A overcome B overcomes C overcame D overcoming

Q9 I like ......... the lawn. I love the smell of fresh-cut grass.

A mow B mows C mowed D mowing

Q10 I am ......... my mother for coffee at 12 pm.

A meet B meets C meeting D met 1/2
Basic tense exercises 9

ANSWERS: Basic tense exercises 9

Q1 Brody went ......... today.

A surfing

Q2 The dolphin ......... out of the water at SeaWorld yesterday.

C leapt

Q3 I think I ......... a cold. I have to go to the doctor.

C am catching

Q4 I have to ......... my car because it's too small. We have two children now.

B sell

Q5 I ......... the roller coaster at the fair last year. is
A rode

Q6 I want to ......... smoking. It's just so hard!

C quit

Q7 You have to ......... your car in reverse before you can back into that parking stall.

B put

Q8 You have to ......... this problem. Otherwise, you can't move on with your life.

A overcome

Q9 I like ......... the lawn. I love the smell of fresh-cut grass.

C mowed

Q10 I am ......... my mother for coffee at 12 pm.

C meeting 2/2

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