Wuthering Heights Questionnaire

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Wuthering Heights Questionnaire

General questions
1.Who is the narrator of the story?
2.What is Wuthering Heights?
3. What is Thrushcross Grange?
4. Who is Nelly Dean? Is she important in the story?
5. A. What is your perception of the characters in the novel? (Describe them briefly)
B. Is Wuthering Heights a "classic" love story?

Part 1 Chapter 2
6. What did Lockwood find in the bedroom while spending the night at WH?
7. What did it happen late that night?

Part 2 Chapter 3
8. Who is Heathcliff?
9. How was he welcomed by the family?
10. What did it happen in Wuthering Heights when Mr. Earshaw died?

Chapter 4
11. Who are the Lintons?
12. How did their appearance affect Catherine and Heathcliff's relationship?

Chapter 5
13. What did happen to Frances?
14. What is Cathy's problem as regards Edgar? And as regards Heathcliff?

Part 3 Chapter 6
15) it's been some time after Heathcliff's departure. How did the characters evolve?
16) How did Heathcliff's arrival affect them?
Chapter 8
17) Who was the most affected in the end?
18) What do you think was Cathy's illness? Was it physical or emotional?

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