ABIM Quick Hits For MDs

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1. Which HAART is teratogenic?

2. HIV pt with SOB GRADUAL onset, high LDH? PCP
3. Pt with DR and Fe def anemia- celiac sprue
4. Which is a tick borne disease? Ehriliosis, babesios, lyme, RMSF, anaplasmosis
5. Pt with sicca, SSA and SSB+-sjogrens
6. Pt with sclerdoderma and ARF what do u treat with? ACE I (Captopril)
7. Pt with HTN low K and suspicion for conns syndrome, how do u dx? Renin/aldo ratio
8. Pt with met acidosis (AG) and resp alkalosis what toxicity? ASA
9. Pt with anemia and AMS, ARF, low haptoglobin, slide showing schistocytes? TTP
10. Type 4 RTA common in what condition? DM
11. Pt with fatigue, incr axillary pigmentation (probably addisons?) what kind of process? Autoimmune
12. Male with HA, visual loss, high ESR? Temporal arteritis
13. Young pt with albumin 2.5, but total protein 10, what condition? Cryoglobulinemia
14. Pt with pcn allergy, got pcn developed allergic rxn what type? Type 1
15. Pt with hep c genotype 2, VL 1.1 million, US à bridging fibrosis what to do? Rx w/ peg IFN and ribavirin
16. DM with CHF on oral hypoglycemic, which one c/i? pioglitazone
17. Pt that is paranoid dx? Paranoid schizophrenia
18. Pt with depression, suicidal many + signs dx? Major depression
19. Pt with restless leg syndrome how do u dx? What test u do first? Check ferritin r/o fe def anemia
20. Also how do u treat? Pramipexole or Sinemet (dopamine agonist)
21. Pt with stage 3 colon CA surgery done what to do now? 5-FU based chemotherapy
22. Younger pt with breast ca in family what to do? Mammogram (earlier than standard age)
23. 35 female with fever fatigue, arthritis, ferritin 3000 à adult onset Still disease
24. Pt with HA coma, fever, suspected toxicity, osmolar gap <10 how do u r/o ethylene glycol? <10 osm gap
25. Pt with polyuria, low urine osm, given desmopressin with no change dx? Nephrogenic DI
26. Pt with pain and mid fixed dilated pupil? Acute closed angle glaucoma
27. Pt with visual loss and cherry red spot on macula à retinal ARTERY occlusion
28. Pt with multiple miscarriages, no bleeding problems, how do u dx lupus anticoagulant? High PTT
29. Pt with multiple sinusitis infections, low IgA and IgE what to treat with? IG infusion
30. Pt with ascending paralysis, Guillian Barre, treat? IVIG
31. Hiv pt with sudden SOB, pancytopenia, low ret count? Parvo virus B19 infection (aplastic crisis)
32. Pt with WPW ekg shows wide complex tachycardia likely Afib treatment? IV procainamide
33. Ekg with classic LBBB dx? LBBB
34. Pt with many pneumonia’s as a child, now has chrnic prod. cough (likely bronchiectasis) how do u dx? CT
35. Pt with history of crones ileitis as a child, now has bloody DR and pyoderma gangryenosm dx? ?UC vs
36. Pt with back pain 2 weeks, no neurological symptoms, still with back pain what to do? Physical therapy
37. Pt with elevated protein, RF +, rash on legs? Hepatitis C
38. Pt camping in Colorado with DR? cipro or metro? I chose metro (the dude is camping)
39. Bacterial vaginosis lady with pic of clue cell treat? Metro
40. Guy w/ colon ca, has extensive mets, what to do? Adjuvant chemo
41. Pt got chemo, had cardiotoxicity? From doxorubicin
42. 75 yo with palpable thyroid mass? FNA
43. b/l hilar adenopathy? Sarcoid
44. pt with migrating rash? Lymes
45. pt alkalotic with low PCO2 and vent settings show RR 24 WTD??? Lower RR
46. alcoholic pt with met acidosis, no osm gap, cause? Dehydration
47. pt with chronic headache tried everything OTC cause? Analgesic overuse, stop everything
48. pt with tender points, nl ESR? Fibromyalgia
49. how would u dx pt with polymyalgia rheumatic? Shoulder girdle weakness/pain
Insp: Nar Split s2 = PAH
50. pt with advanced RA treatment? TNF alpha Ins+Exp: Wide split = RBBB Wd Fixed = ASD
51. sinusitis, c-anca, RF, hemoptysis, ARF? gPA Exp: Paradoxical Split = LBBB
52. pt with DVT on heparin got HIT? Stop heparin start direct thrombin inhibitor (argatroban)
53. pt has sepsis, anemic, bleeding, no schistocytes cause? Sepsis induced anemia
54. male with hypogonadism, prolactin 2000 WTD? MRI pituitary
55. lady with exophthalamos on picture, pain with lateral gaze, dx? Graves
56. pt with narrow splitting 2nd hrt sound, pulm htn, holosystolic murmur, oxygen step-up LàR ? VSD
57. pt with hepBsAB +, hepBsAG –ve? Immunized
58. pt with RA comes with sever swelling treatment? TNF or plaquinil or methotrexate?
59. Guy with change in vision, facial numbness, vertigo? Multifocal pontine lesions?
60. Vertigo in young girl, recurrent, related to change in head position, treat? Perform Epleys maneuver
61. Pt with hemoptysis from mississipi somewhere, à histoplasmosis
62. Pain in shoulder with internal rotatoin and abduction? Rotator cuff TENDONITIS
63. What do SLE pts die from? Atherosclerosis/CHF
64. With is an equivalent of a previous coronary event as a RF for CAD? Peripheral arterial disease
65. Pt with unstable angina, cannot exercise more than 4 minutes, HR only 110, wtd? Cath
66. Pt with syncope and severe AS how do u dx ischemia? No stress test, straight to cath
67. Lady with HA and most hormones are low what to do? MRI head
68. Pt with velvety patch on arm, hypercalcemia, dx? Autoimmune? ?????????
69. Pt with fatigue and hypotension, low electrolytes? Addisons disease
70. Pt with sudden loss R eye, proximal muscle weakness of girdle, prominent temporal arteryà giant cell
71. Painful vision, photophobic, decreased vision? Optic neuritis
72. Endocarditis with strep bovis look for what? Colon ca
73. Pt with arthropathy (ankylosing spondylitis) and visual pain- uveitis
74. Fixed S2 splitting? ASD
75. Severe persistent asthma? Add long acting beta agonist
76. Pt with snoring has septal deviation in nose, no daytime somnolence, why snoring? Septal deviation?
77. Pt SOB after comes back from work, wtd? Pre and post work spirometry
78. DKA pt sugar 600 and AG 24 started on insulin and NS, 2 hrs later gap 20 and glucose 200 wtd? Change
to D5NS
79. Scleroderma with pfts what do u see? Restrictive
80. Post MI severe chest pain harsh murmur, same O2 sats in both ventricles? VSD
81. Syphilis pt had chancre treated, came back in 2 months with chancre WTD? Treat again
82. Pregnant on lisinopril WTD? Change to methyldopa
83. Pt with sarcoidosis, what to expect on PFT’s? dec TLC, dec fvc, nl or high FEV1/FVC, dec DLCO
84. Graph with 2 curves, which how do u increase sensitivity? Move line to left
85. How do u increase negative predictive value? Incr sensitivity
86. Lady SOB, pulm cath tracing show inc PAP, inc RV, nl wedge, nl LV, nl oxygenation à primary Pulm Htn
87. Alcoholic with ascites, SAAG 1.1, tapped has many PMN’s à SBP
88. His brother also alcoholic, with same presentation but has fever, confusion and Na 120, Rx? Ceftriaxone
89. Lady eats outside, fever, RUQ pain, elevated bili, LFT’s, fat fertile … FFF à cholecystitis
90. Lady with itching, inc ALP, inc bili how to confirm likely dx? (PBC) antimitochondrial ab
91. Which of the following causes osmotic diarrhea? Lactase deficiency
92. Elderly guy with high calcium and high alk phos, hip pain, they show you xray with punched out lesion?
93. Same as above but show you xray which is normal,? Pagets disease
>30% sloughing = TEN
94. Guy with MVA several yrs ago, has pneumonia but develops septic shock? Pneumococcal because <10% Sloughing = SJS
asplenic 10-30% BOTH

95. Lady with fever skin falling off etc etc etc classic presentation of toxic shock, maybe she forgot tampon also
96. Smoker has numbness in radialULNAR distribution (dorsal 4 and 5 digit) no motor deficit WTD? CXR for tumor
97. Guy with sigmoid cancer causing obstruction rx? Surgery not chemo
98. Lady gets leuprolide what is she at increased risk of? Thromboembolism
99. 18 yr old goes to college low BMI and amenorrhea for 3 months ghcb negative WTD? Check TSH
prolactin FSH
100. Guy comes with tremor no hx of parkinsons, treatment? Primodone or atenololPROPRANAOLO

101. Pt with recurrent pyogenic infections, which complement def? C3

102. Pt with fever chills, white patches on palate, PO2 55 rx? Bactrim + steroids (methylprednisone)
103. Pt with chest pain and dysphagia, corkscrew esoph on barium? Isosorbide mononitrate or ca ch
104. Pt with paradoxical splitting of S2 why? LBBB, sever aortic stenosis
105. Pt has sore throat, develops dark urine after FOUR days, cause? IGA neph, PSGN needs 2 weeks
106. Male IV drug user with low complements and protienuria and hep C no rbcs in urine?
Membranoprolif GN
107. Pt with irregular nodules in thyroid and hyperthyroidism? Toxic multinodular goiter
108. Thyroid nodule WTD? FNA
109. Pt is postpartum, has high TSH, normal T4 dx? Painfulà subacute, painlessà postpartum
110. Pt with testicular mass, doesn’t illuminate WTD? Orchiechtomy via inguinal canal baby
111. Testicular and epididimis pain which bacteria? Oldà enterobacter, young à Chlamydia
112. Pt with cardiogenic shock what do u see on PA tracing? High SVR, low CO, high PCWP, low
mixed oxygenation
113. Alcoholic with gum bleeding why? Scurvy
114. Guy with hemoptysis and cough, no constitutional symptoms WTD? CT scan.
115. Girl plays with her cat and sleeps next to her after gardening earlier in the day has dime shaped
lesion in armpit………… cat scratch disease or sporothrix schenenscki !? neither, hydradenitis suprativa
(skin involved only)
116. Pt with CHF class 3-4 which improves mortality? Aldactone
117. Pt with 2.5 cm nodule on prostate, PSA 2, wtd? CT/US guided bx
118. What causes Orthodeoxia (platypnea)? Anything that causes of RàL shunt (PE, late VSD, ASD
RàL, pericardial eff/tamponade?)
119. hypopgimented rash on dorsum of hand, 3x5 cm, treat with what? Figure it out.
120. Pt with mycosis fungoidis lesion on chest à look up on google images
121. Erythematous flat macule on forehead/pinna/face red à discoid lupus vs rosacea?
122. Lady with lesion in armpit has cat and gardens, it’s a skin lesion, no LN à hydradenitis supprativa
123. Pt with pedunculated lesion on lower lip à molluscum contagiousum, which virus? Pox virus
124. Pupil reacts to accommodation not to light à argyl robertsonian
125. Pupil has irregular borders ? uvieitis/iritis
126. Pt with pupil not crossing midline when looking to contralateral side à intranuc ophthalmoplegia
127. Use sensitivity to rule out
128. Wrist pain worse with ulnar deviation and thumb opposition à dequervain tenosynovitis
129. Pt with great toe numbness towards end of day à tarsal tunnel syndrome
130. Renal transplant pt on steroids, medial knee pain (anserine bursitis not an option) à aseptic
131. Pt playing soccer hurt knee, swelling develops OVERNIGHT à miniscal tear, if swelling immediate
132. Pt with no pulse or BP in arm after exercise à subclavian steal syndrome
133. Pt with arm pain, parasthesia, PE nl, sympathetic dystrophy, WTD? Bone scan, Rx?
134. Pt with impotence, no DM, no morning erections, low testosterone, LH slightly high à fe, tibc r/p
135. DM with high cholesterol and impotence WTD? Doppler lower extremeties?
136. Tyrosine kinase (gleevac) for what? CML
137. Microcytic anemia with NL RDW cause? Thalasemia,
138. Target cells when do u see them? Post splenectomy, thalasemia, Hgb C, D, hypochromic anemia
139. FH colon CA, 25 yr old with adenomatous polyp on colonoscopy, WTD? Repeat colonoscopy in 3-
5 yrs?
140. Screening test for acromegaly? IGF1, confirmatory test? GH response to glucose
141. Postpartum, low TSH and FT4, à Sheehan, postpartum pit necrosis
142. Best treatment for PMS? NSAIDS then OCP then SSRI
143. Pt has hysterectomy 10 yrs ago, had normal pap smear, what do u advise? No more paps
144. Dental assistant has MRSA infection of the hand treatment? Polyhexadine hydrogel or something
145. Pt works in ocean hunts crabs à vibrio vulnificus
146. HIV with low CD4 count and PPD 5 mm, besides HAART what do u give him? INH 9 mths
147. How do u dx endocarditis? TEE not an option? Blood Cx’s
148. Pt with staph coag positive (aureus) line infection WTD? Pull line out
149. EKG showing pericarditis
150. Young boy with syncope EKG clearly shows prolonged QT
151. Pt with holosystolic murmur increase with inspiration since childhood comes with worsening
dyspnea, loud P2 à VSD with eisinminger
152. ASD pt what do u see on EKG? RBBB
153. Midsystolic click with murmur to axilla and increase with handgrip? MVP with regurg
154. 70 yr old male smoker WTD? Abd US to r/o AAA
155. 70 yr old with HTN and TIA which antihypertensive? Ace inhibitor or HCTZ? I say ACE
156. MCC of HTN in young ppl? Renal fibromuscular dysplasia????
157. Ataxia, urinary incontinence, and dementia à normal P hydrocephalus
158. Dude worries a lot, agoraphobic, buspirone not an option which SSRI? Paxil/paroxitine
159. Pt depressed given SSRI has manic symptoms treatment? Lithium (SSRI unmasks mania)
160. PMR pt with girdle muscle pain and high ESR (dx question)
161. Hip xray with hip light up (osteosclerosis) à pagets disease
162. Pain with pagets treat with? Bisphosphonates
163. Pt on bisphosphonates has heart burn? Pill induced esophagitis
164. Mediastinal widening on CXR and pleural effusion? Esoph rupture
165. Pt with night sweats, cough, fever, cavitary lesion in RUL WTD? Isolation
166. CT scan with typical fungal ball aspergillous
167. Lady with fatigue high bili, à primary bili chirosis, check AMA
168. Sclerosing cholangitis in a guy with Ul colitis how do u dx? MRCP/ERCP
169. Pt with Gerd, has barretts what CA he has risk of? Adenocarcinoma
170. 50 yr old with chronic heartburn now losing weight WTD? EGD
171. Pt has large B cell lymphoma comes with pl effusion à tapped and he feels better WTD? Talc
172. Pt with heartburn, no response to PPI, EGD nl, wtd? 24 hr esoph monitoring
173. Carcinoid pt (flushing, DR etc) what valvular lesion? Tricuspid regurg
174. Ankylosing spondilitis what valvular lesion? Aortic regurg
175. Pt with hematemesis, scoped and found with clean based ulcer WTD? Medical floor with fluids
176. Swimmer ear treatment? Topical antibiotics
177. Strep throat, 2 weeks later renal failure à PSGN
178. Pt with low Calcium, low phos, high PTH why? Vit D deficiency
179. Immunosuppressed with meningitis which abx? Vanco, ceftriaxone and ampicillin (listeria)
180. Vent pt autopeeping WTD? Disconnect vent and bag a little
181. Pregnant lady which valvular lesion more problematic? AS or MS? I say AS (MS can do balloon
182. PFT flow volume loops, extrathoracic obstruction what do u see? Impaired inspiration(bottom) but
expiration OK
183. Bedridden NH lady fell with hip fracture WTD? Hip protecters, no surgery
184. Sinusitis and renal failure wtd? Steroids and cyclophosphamide (wegeners)
185. Exerc induced asthma with night symptoms on inh steroids and prn Beta agonist? Add long acting
B agonists
186. Tear drop cells WTD? Bm bx (mylofibrosis)
187. Pt has severe carotid stenosis and ameurosis fugas WTD? End arterctomy
188. Renal failure, high Calcium, back pain à MM
189. Fracture of long bone with petechia and dyspnia? Fat embolism
190. Postpartum with sudden SOB? Amniotic fluid embolism
191. Murmur with mass flopping in LA on echo, no fever etc à surgery for myxoma
192. High WBCPMNs in ascetic fluid treatment? Ceftriaxone

193. Pt symptomatic with AS and valve area 0.5? surgery

194. Old guy with occasional Vertigo, diplopia? Post circulation (vertibrobasilar) insufficiency
195. 83 female NH fell and nondisplaced hip fracture WTD? Traction vs pain meds vs surgery
196. Guillian barre syndrome treatment IVIG
197. Old guy with neck pain and hyperreflexia in arms only, parasthesia à cervical spondilothis
198. Pt asks about new treatment, statistics show confidence interval from -1 to +1 (crosses the zero)
you tell him its not significant
199. Pt with 1.3 million platelets with tingling à platlatpheresis
200. Pt with PCV now has tear drop erythrocytes WTD? Bm bx to r/o mylofibrosis
201. Pt comes from Nicaragua, has high fevers, dengue or malaria? Read on both no more available at
this time
202. 65 yo drinks occasionally, ALT and AST in 70’s, high ALP, fever RUQ à benign intrahepatic
203. Pt with allergic rhinitis, which do u stop? Glipizide or estrogen or lisinopril or HCTZ or
204. Pt with ecoli 0157H7 now has TTP treatment? Plasmaphesrsis
205. Hep C pt with renal failure, low complements? MPGN
206. Pt alcoholic, fell down passed out, UA shows 4+ blood no RBC à rhabdo
207. Guy in fire, found unconscious, has soot in nose and anion gap met acidosis, WTD?
Methylprednsione or oxygen via NC or intubate and 100% O2 or intubate and 60% O2???!??!??!?!?!?
208. Rash in nasal folds and eyebrows, scaly à seborrheic dermatitis
209. Picture of pt with rosacea
210. Homosexual dude with fever and R wrist swelling and arthritis ? disseminated gonocoal infection
211. Pt with colon ca, had surgery, CEA went from 9 to normal after surgery WTD? Observe
212. Young guy with LUQ pain and hemolysis, with high bili and palpable splenic tip à heredetory
213. Pt from Minnesota, has rash on sun exposed area, from what? Photosensitivity due to drug?!??!
214. Pt stung by bee has anaphylaxis, besides epi pen what do u offer? Desensitization shots
215. Diabetic in his 70’s, with proximal thigh weakness, diabetic amiotrophy
216. Pt with low SVR, high CO, low pressures otherwise, à sepsis
217. Pt with high platlets what do u check ? ferritin r/o fe def anemia
218. Pt with recurrent pneumonia, steatorrhea à check sweat chloride
219. Homeless with b/l chest opacities and O2 sats 85% à bactrim and prednisone
220. Recurrent gonococcal infections due to which deficiency? C5-9
221. Pt on albuterol prn, now has night symptoms, what do u start? Inhaled steroids
222. 40 yr old F amennorheia since her delivery 8 yrs ago, low FT4 and nl TSH? Pit necrosis /Sheehan
223. Most common skin problem with Hep C? cryoglobulinemia
224. 30 yo with AST/ALT 500-600 and ALP 280? AMA to r/o PBC
225. Which condition needs yearly echocardiogram? Scleroderma for pulm htn
226. Pt has metastatic cancer and persistant bone pain despite opiods wtd? Calcitonin or
227. Pt with polydipsia, has sodium 145 and low urine osm à diabetes insipidus
228. Fe def anemia not corrected with Fe supplements à celiac
229. What does randomization do? It equally distributes the unmeasured variables (not the measured
230. NNT 25% vs 20% à 1/5% or 100/5 = 20
231. Graves pt with low RAIU why? Taking too much iodine
232. Which vitamin excess causes hypercalcemia? Vit A excess
233. Pt with no pulse on L sudden onset, severe arm pain and weakness? Takayasu???
234. Pt alcoholic, has foreign body sensation in eye, picture of graves disease dx? Keratitis,
conjunctivitis, graves?!?!
235. DR, dermatitis, and dementia? Pellagra niacin deficiency
236. ICU pt diabetic, whats best for diabetes? Insulin gtt
237. Diabetic with A1C 8.5 on glitazone, added glargine and A1C is under 7 now, has retinopathy
WTD? Nothing
238. Cushing symptoms with high 24 urine cortisol, ACTH doesn’t suppress with low dose stim test but
DOES suppress with high dose test? Extra pituitary source
239. Arthritis, nystagmus, uvieitis, wt loss à whipple disease à small bowel bx for dx
240. Hypocalcemia and high PTH level, vit D level ok, why? Magnesium deficiency.
1. What to do if Factor leiden positive, but no symptoms of thrombosis in a person whos mother is Factor
positive with recurrent DVT? Anticoagulate/observe
2. Barium swallow showing typical achalasia, but negative EGD 2 months ago? What to do? Traet vs
3. neiseeria infections, what complements affected??
4. What does Letrazole do in breast ca ? Increase survival/ increase disease free period
5. Swan ganz findings in cardiogenic shock
6. Inferior wall MI with RV MI: Artery RCA
7. Slightly abnormal transaminase in 31 year old with slight ataxia: Wilson’s
8. Colon ca with liver met? Hepatectomy
9. Colon ca with tumor not extending beyond serosa: Observe stage III. Resection + 5Fu and Leucovorin + Oxaliplatin FolFox.
Before Serosa just RESECT
10 HNPCC ( father and daughter with colon ca and aunt with uterus ca)
11. MALTOMA : Treat H pylori
12. 81 yr old post CVA with good functional capacity. Patient’s son wants to sign consent for colonoscopy.
What to do? Obtain patient’s consent first.
13. Hospitaised patient with vertical nystagmus after IV glucose: Thiamine def.
14. Ehrlichia infection: Low bllod counts. Morulae. Treatment: Doxy
15. Chest tube indications in parapnemonic effusion: ph, WBC etc
16. Criteria for hospice; Life expectancy less than 6 months
17. EKG on pericarditis: Diffuse ST elevation with PR depression: Tx: NSAIDS
18. Orthodeoxia ( satn drops from supine to standing position): Hepatopulmonary syndrome.
19. 24 yr old with ascites and abd pain on OCP: Budd chiari
20. Hepatitis C with rash and arthralgia: Cryoglobulinemia
21. Hepatitis C with renal dysfunction; MPGN
22. Hepatitis B with N AST and ALT: No antiviral treatment
23. Indications for valvular surgery in infective endocarditis
25. Lady with elevated AMA: PBC
26. DNR order to be placed in chart. Do you need the patient’s signature or just verbal agreement?
27. S/P MI with EF < 30% : ICD
28. S/P MI with EF of 40% : ACEI
29. ASD: Cl features: RVH + Pulm Ste murmur
30 Diag of HSV encephalitis: PCR
31. Letrizole: breast Ca; Improved disease free survival
32. Myelofibrosis: Tear drop cells and splenomegaly
33. Patient with history of MVA, abdominal scar and severe infection: At risk for pneumococcal sepsis
34. Acid base: Salicylate poisoning
35; Myeloma Vs Waldenstrom’s : M spike with organomegaly
36. Lipid management: ATP III guidelines
37. Pericarditis EKG: ST elevation and PR depression diffusely
38. Patient on Dig and Amio: Nausea and bradycardic: Stop Dig
39. Flow volume loop: Fixed obstruction: Flat on both inspiration and expiration: Tracheal stenosis from
previous intubation
40. Ear redness, nasal and tracheal problems: relapsing polychondritis
41. High HgB A1C : Start insulin
42. H/o pancreatitis and gastric varices; Splenic vein thrombosis
43. Erythema nodosum: Crohn’s
44. Intermittent ophthalmoplegia; MS
45.Kidney stones: When to acidify/alkalinize urine
46. Gout: When to start uricosuric/allopurinol
47. Envelope shaped crystals on UA: Ethylene glycol poisoning
48. Mets and hypercalcemia: Sq cell cancer
49. Mets and mental status changes: Hypercalcemia
50. Lady with h/o fibroadenoma removed, when to start screening: At age 40, no increase risk
51. Old man; unconscious, high BUN ( 55 ) and Na ( 155); Initial fluid; NS
52. Patient with smell of ETOH, dilated pupils; rhinorrhea, lacrimation: Opioid withdrawal
53. Beesting: Give EpiPen
54. Multiple sinopulmonary infections/ ENT surgeries: Low IgG and Ig M: Give monthly IG
55. Defn of Meta-analysis, sensitivity,PPV
56. Lyme: Ceftriaxone; Only when heart block or meninigoencephalitis. Otherwise Doxy
57. Asthma, high eosinophil, neuropathy, skin problems: Churg- Strauss (Eosinophilic granulomatosis with
58. Varicella vaccine: Give now as a single dose
59. Hep B: Ans was active recent infection
60 HIV ppx post exposure ppx: Start meds now
70. High Ca High PTH à Primary hyper Para
80. Brother had colon CA at 54 pt is 45 nowà Do colonoscopy NOW
81. Gray vaginal discharge: trichomonas, Rx: METRO
82. Daughter wanted PEG: Ans: NO mortality benefit
83. Daughter with POA, elderly with DKA. Now she is better and POA not req. Ignore daughter
decision after improvement reassessment.
84. Sq Cell Ca Picture
85. Causes of Polycythemia. DDX like workup
86. Dexa when to do and repeat

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