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There is a way to not be bound by this or any other contract that you did not enter willingly, knowingly, without disclosure, nor to held liable for any compelled benefits that you have received. Under the Uniform Commercial Code 1-308 lies your remedy and is in harmony with Common Law. This is the codified version of the old Law Merchant that was used since time immemorable. Some say it only deals with finance, but not so. Since all courts deal in Admiralty Jurisdiction today, and all "charges" are compelled performance of contracts (statutes) that have been "broken", the remedy is to file an Affidavit of Reservation of Rights under UCC 1-308. It is so powerful that it actually can be used to move you from the Democracy (Under the US Govt Inc., i.e. a US citizen/United States citizen, 14th Amendment citizen), back under the Republic i.e. a "natural Citizen of the Republic or a state Citizen. Notice Citizen vs citizen. You decern which is the slave and which is the Sovereign. Also, another "protection" is to file a 15 Statute at Large which will expatriate you back into the Republic as well. 15 Statute at Large was passed by Congress on July 27th, 1868, the eve of the 14th Amendment passing... Wonder what/why was going on??? Why did Congress feel the need to almost emergency pass this Legislation??? It has never been repealed and stands in effect to this day,although it is not listed "in the books" any longer. Wonder why??? Go ahead and google it or go to www.coppermoonshinesills com and click the section entitled BEAT THE LAW "How to get Diplomatic Immunity". Look on the left hand side. Scroll down the menu toward the bottom, you'll see it. Here lies your salvation and your remedy against this Draconian system under the Admiralty Courts and the Democracy/US Govt Inc. While you're there browse around a while and if you run into my ole’ buddy the Colonel, tell'em Stan said Howdy! Hope this helps, and long live the Republic! Notification of reservation of rights UCC 1-308/1-207 PUBLIC Your name here, sui juris THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMUNICATION TO ALL Allrights reserved UCC 1-308 Notice to agents is notice to principles ‘your address here Notice to principles is Notice to Agents your address here Applications to all successors and assigns Phone: XXX 300K 100 All are without excuse Let it be known to all that |, your name here explicitly reserves all of my rights. UCC 1-308 which was formally UCC 1-207. Further, let all be advised that all actions commenced against me may be in violation of, USC TITLE 18 > PART | > CHAPTER 13 > § 242 Deprivation of rights under color of law USC TITLE 18 > PART | > CHAPTER 13 > § 241 Conspiracy against rights Wherefore all have undeniable knowledge. AFFIDAVIT Affiant, your name here , sui juris, a natural citizen of the your state here, ‘a common man of the Sovereign People, does swear and affirm that Affiant has scribed and read the foregoing facts, and in accordance with the best of Affiant's firsthand knowledge and conviction, such are true, correct, complete, and not misleading, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Signed sui juris, This Affidavit is dated NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COUNTY OF Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, the above signed your name here, This day of 2009 Notary Public MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:

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