1.2 - Inferential Questions 1-4 - Answers PDF

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Distinction in English Comprehension

Inferential Questions
Question 1 (a)
How do you think the author expected the manager to treat him upon his
arrival? (Give three possible answers).
(Clue: “I was exhausted, ravenous and thoroughly dazed after my 'ordeal' of a
He probably expected the manager to offer him a place to rest and food
to eat, and to speak to him in a warm, hospitable manner.

Question 2 (a)
Why do you think the 'clinic' is given in quotation marks?
(Clue 1: The surgeon abandons his patients and leaves her there to die)
(Clue 2: “And he too left.” implies that there were others in the clinic, who
abandoned Selima as well.)
It was an unlicensed clinic that was used for clandestine operations.
Question 2(b)
Why was the ''bloodless body....worth more than all the Diwali card
parties put together''?
(Clue: The last sentence)
He could sell it to skeleton exporters for more money than he could ever
win at all the Diwali card parties put together.

Question 3 (a)
What assumption did the orange vendor make about sahibs?
They are all rich.
Question 3 (b)
Why do you think the little girl planted herself in front of Kovalski?
She hoped he would give her some of his orange.
Question 3 (c)
Why do you think the young shoeshine boy was circling around
He was hoping that Kovalski might have some food to give him.
Distinction in English Comprehension
Inferential Questions
Question 3 (d)
Why do you think Kovalski promised himself he would eat the banana
out of anybody's sight?

He knew that if he ate it within anybody's sight, that person would come
and beg him for it, and he would probably end up giving it away too.
Question 3 (e)
“At that rate I was condemned to die of starvation very rapidly, ” he
would recall. Why did Kovalski say this?

Because every time he tried to eat his food, he would end up giving it
away to some hungry child who would stand in front of him, begging
him for it.
Question 3 (f)
What is effective about the phrase ''teeming mass'' (line 2-3)

It suggests that is a very large number of people and animals crowded

together/making up a huge group, and moving around a lot.

Question 4 (a)
What evidence is there to show that Jenga considered his mother's point
about him depriving her of ''the opportunity to spend her winter years
with his children boucing happily on her lap'' an unimportant matter?

Prattled on and on

*depriving means to withhold something from the enjoyment or possession of

*prattled means to talk in a foolish or simple minded way
Question 4 (b)
What do you think the author is suggesting when he uses the word
''mercifully'' in the last line?

If Nandini had been able to bear children, all her children would like her,
be extremely ugly, and would have suffered because of their ugliness.
*mercifully means compassionate
*barren means not producing/incapable of producing offspring

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