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The Use Your Own Words Question

Exercise 4

1. (c) Identify a word in paragraph 2 which suggests a

forceful movement.

2. (c) (i) What does the word “unpalatable” suggest about historical facts?
It suggests that the facts were boring, and thus, the author had no inclination
to learn them.
(ii) What is the author comparing historical facts to in this cooking metaphor?
He is comparing them to food.

(iii) Identify three seperate words other than “unpalatable” which help to
sustain the cooking metaphor in this extract.
Seasoning, sprig, sprinkle

(iv) What is effective about the cooking metaphor in this extract?

Just as seasoning food by adding herbs and spices makes it more
palatable/more tasty, George's addition of a small number of irrelevant
details, and a small number of facts from made history more interesting.

(v) Identify a word that suggests a small amount of a dried powdered


(vi) Identify a word that suggests a small quantity of herbs.


(d) Identify a word in this sentence which suggests that the author was

(e) Identify a word in this sentence which

suggests an impressive and difficult
3 (a) “I must have presented a somewhat
comical spectacle, because all the clients of
the restaurant cracked up.”
Explain what Kovalski is saying here, in your
own words.
He must have looked very funny because all
the restaurant's patrons broke out in laughter.

(b) “As for your mouth, oesophagus and stomach, they're set on fire by the
murderous spices.”
What is Kovalski suggesting here about the food?
The food was extremely hot and spicy.

(c) Explain in detail how Kovalski had undertaken to master his certificate of
(i) He tried to eat with the fingers of only his right hand.
(ii) He tried to eat extremely spicy food.

4 (a) “Where most people are hypochondraics

as a hobby, Lugaretzia had turned it into a full-
time occupation.”
What is the author saying about Lugaretzia
here? Answer in your own words.
Lugaretzia spent an inordinate amount of time
worrying unnecassarily about her ailments.

(b) “She was a master of the art of graphic description.”

Using your own words, explain the author's expression.
She was an expert in painting vivid pictures of her experiences, through her
words and actions.

Bonus Vocabulary in Context Question:

(c) Identify a word in this text which suggests that Lugaretzia appeared to be
giving a news report on radio on television.
(d) Identify a phrase that suggests a very detailed description
blow-by-blow account

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