A Taste of Its Own Medicine

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A Taste of its Own Medicine: The Philippine Public Health System and its Role in

Promoting a Healthy Democracy

Submitted by:

Jyrus Cimatu

In Partial Fulfillment for the course of:

Legal Counseling
Dean Rodel Taton

In a rapidly globalizing world where the gears of civilization veers towards development
of the economy and entrenchment of capitalism as the key towards liberation, the abrupt
pandemic infection of CoVID-19 disrupted the machinery of the word market which then serves
as one of the cogs on which international and domestic order is grounded upon. The CoVID-19
as a pandemic greatly highlights not only the current health crisis but also the pitfalls of
economic development which is not inclusive and sustainable that does not take into account the
general welfare of the people which comprises of social services, health programs, and support.

While the primary objective is the development of a vaccine to ultimately eradicate the
disease, comparative analysis reveals that in stemming the tide of the virus’ transmission by
flattening the curve, different states and governments have contrasting approaches and responses
that is influenced and limited by their systems, resources, and culture which may range from the
imposition of lockdowns in various cities and regions, promotion of social distancing,
conducting mass testing, guaranteeing social welfare by the provisioning of basic goods and
necessities, etc.
It is in this regard that the indispensable function law is highlighted as it plays an
important role in the establishment of peace and order so as to properly implement the policies of
the government to flatten the curve. Dispensing it otherwise would foment only disorder and
chaos that would be transgressive of social distancing that seeks to curb the rate of transmission
when it comes to dealing with the pandemic and deterioration of social order. The institutions
and policies the law establishes are the primordial actors of the government in carrying out the
mandate of the Constitution.

As it currently stands, the number of CoVID-19 cases continues to skyrocket with more
than a million being infected worldwide and with 8,488 cases in the Philippines with about 568
dead, one of the highest mortality rates in the ASEAN region. The issue of public health,
comprising of health facilities, providers, professionals, and regulators is an issue of the public
concern as it

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