Ebunlomo K.O: Performance and Job Activities

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Performance and Job Activities

Between March. – November. 2010

Prepared By:

1.0 Introduction.
The report here presents a comprehensive documentation of the creative application of
my professional and entrepreneurial skills for the period under scrutiny (March, 2010
till date) for which I have been on probation. This however offers a basis for an
assessment of my productive contribution to the Organization as well as an appraisal on
how well I have fared in imbibing the Organization’s culture of excellence and high

2.0 Balanced Scorecard Self Assessment.

1. PROJECT Avoiding error  I discerned all building
MANAGEMEN through proper production
T Interpretation drawings/project
actualization plans
technically and early
enough to eliminate error
of any kind before
 I enforced effective
supervision strategies on
all assigned duties,
paying attention to
details and ensuring strict
adherence to all known
standards and
specifications with a view
to reducing mistakes.
 I facilitated
understanding of works
through proper
interpretation of tasks to
Sub-Contractors and
suggest innovative ways
of actualizing same on
Time budget and within
Managements timeline.
 I also ensured painstaking
insistences on Rodot
standard on all assigned

 I ensured proper
Preparation and
presentation of effective
work schedules and
programmes on all
assigned projects to
which adherence is not
 I cultivated the habit of
highlighting my things to
do for proper time and
project management.
 I personally with high
level of consistency
generated as well as
reviewed Early Warning
work Schedule (i.e
Activities Charting of tasks in order
Coordination and of execution preference
Communication bearing in mind all
requisite resources and
actions taken on
actualization early
enough) with regards to
my work engagements for
elimination of dummy
periods that might arise
as a result of lag in
procurement and by
extension failing time

 Insistence on
Tool Care and achievement of
Material Wastage task/milestone on
Reduction. schedule.
 I ensured proper
coordination of the
activities of contractors
and suppliers through
prompt dissemination of
as well as enforces strict
adherence to stipulated
specifications and
 I communicate as fast as
possible my
opinion/suggestion on
projects for improved
Return of Working quality and aesthetics as
Tools and Material appropriate.
 I ensured proper
managements of
materials to avoid
wastage through proper
portioning, storage and
stacking without
compromising quality. I
also ensured proper care
for working tools on site.
 In cases of material/tool
damage on site, a prompt
notification is given to my
line heads for appropriate
 I also ensured the return
of company’s working
tools to site store after
the close of works daily

 I have always ensured

return of Rodot working
tool back to Head office
store at the expiration of
projects, handing it over
to office logistics and
store keeper. References
could be made of FITC’s
project in this regards
where I ensured the
return of all tools and
leftover materials within
the demobilization period
as stipulated by the MD.



2. DESIGN AND Improvements in  I introduced modification

STUDIO Design to drawings, relating with
MANAGEMENT MD/line manager on
S design options and
improvements in design.
Reference could be made
of OPIC revised design.
 I offered best services
taking physical
measurements and
presenting them
graphically in sketches
which at most times have
attracted MD’s
Example/instances include
sketches generated for
preparation of cabinetry,
wardrobes and furniture
shop drawing for FITC and
T. Ige Opebi’s site.
 I proactively contribute
towards the evolution of
improved and innovative
design and construction
options/methodology with
the ultimate goal of
achieving functionality,
comfortability and
aesthetics. Reference
could be made of the
timely suggestion I raised
on FITC project that the
Steel truss canopy
designed and infact
fabricated for the
Generating property’s approach
Working Drawing facade be eliminated to
avoid over adorning of the
already beautiful façade
an idea MD bought into
and so was implemented.

 I was actively involved in

taking measurements of
sites for preparation of
working/shop drawings for
proposed projects.
Site reports and Instances include,
Work status Preparation of shop
reporting drawing for T. Ige Opebi
and FITC’s wardrobe and
cabinet design, working
drawings for LSSDPC
project, in Magoo as well
as revised drawings for
Opic site.

 Knowing fully well that

feedback is the breakfast
of Champions; I regularly
generate status/update
reports with progress
pictures on all assigned
projects, communicating
same to Md through my
line heads or directly to
Md through daily text
messages and or phone
 I also prepared
reports on projects as
 I give regularly, weekly
reports/updates for the
purpose of project
management meetings
often held in the office
every Monday of the
3. CUSTOMER Relating with  I consistently work on
RELATION contractors fostering a good working
MANAGEMENT relationship with all our
S Sub-Contractors. In doing
this, I developed interest
in there well being and
personal life and sends
complements to them on
their Birthdays and festive
 I ensure quality control of
works on site,
instructions to contractors
through call or text
messages. Often, a copy is
sent to Md for job
 I often summon technical
meetings where projects
challenges are
Relationship With unanimously resolved
Line Heads seeing issues as our
common challenge and
not an individual’s

 I enjoy a very cordial

working relationship with
my Line head in person of
Engr. Ayoola Adeyelu.
 I communicate effectively
with my line head seeking
advices, guidance and or
directions on project
implementation as the
case may be.
4. Personal  However, it is pertinent to
TALENT Development note that some projects
MANAGEMENT have seen me working
directly with MD and in
such cases; I have enjoyed
tremendous support and
guidance and benefitted
immensely from her style
report. of leadership.

Record Keeping  I read and review

literature often for
purpose of self
 I engaged in self financed
training in Three (3)
dimensional designs for
self development in

 I generate at all time

daily, weekly and monthly
report on all assigned
 I keep accurate record of
activities and resources
under my control.

3.0 Achievements on Assigned Projects.

RODOT Supervision of all  Setting out of Building
PERMENENET Construction works from  Construction of sub-structure
HEAD OFFICE. inception Which includes consisting of ground beams,
ISHERI, OPIC Civil works, Electrical and columns and reinforced ground
AREA. (OPIC mechanical works. floor slab.
SITE)  Construction of ground floor
frames (i.e columns and beams).
 Construction of First floor
suspended Slab
 Construction of first floor frames
(Columns and beams).
 Construction of second floor Slab
 Mechanical and Electrical conduit
works at all stages as required.
 Production of sub-Structure As-
Built and Revised drawings.
 Co-ordination of Sub-Contractors
 Generation of site status/update
reports, minute and
documentation of progress

RENOVATION Renovation works:  Preparing budgets and costing for

WORKS AT FITC Tiling works, Electrical and units of projects assigned.
YABA Mechanical works, Civil  Supervision of works assigned
works, Metal works, and coordination of all other
Furniture works, Painting team members.
works and External Works  Taking site meetings and walk
through minutes and subsequent
documentation of same.
 Coordination of FITC’s property
relocation Scheme from Apapa to
the new office at Yaba.
 Proactive contribution in
construction of utility building,
external works, storm water
drain, and a overhaul of fence
and septic tank
 Understanding Site management
 Direct handling of contractors.
 Interpreting furniture design,
office furniture and office space
T.IGE OPEBI Renovation and remodeling  Setting out of fence piers.
works.  Supervision of finishes work.
Civil works, Mechanical and  Team playing and managements
Elect. Works and finishes Coordination of contractors and
site activities
 Preparing snag listing.
 Taking site meetings and walk
through minutes and subsequent
documentation of same.
 Creativity and quality control.


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