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Ada Morales
Composing Process
Dr.Randy Marfield
July 23, 2018

Final Paper: How technology negatively impacted us in our society, social interaction
education and culture.

You may ask yourself what is technology? According to business dictionary technology

is purposeful application of information in the design, production, and utilization of goods and

services, and in the organization of human activities. Technology has negatively impact us in our

society, social interaction education and culture. Technology is everywhere for most people it’s a

necessity for everyday living.

Technology was first introduced in the twenty first century, to various stakeholders in

society, namely users, business and education to improve performance, productivity and to

increase satisfaction. (Issa, Kommers ,Isaias, 2016). The internet was invented by dozens of

programmers, engineers and pioneering scientists which developed features and technologies

which eventually became known as an “information superhighway” we know today. Computer

scientists developed the concept of “packet switching” which is a method to transmit electronic

data which became a huge step to the internet.

In the 1960’s the first ever workable prototype of the internet creation of the Advanced

Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) funded by the U.S Department of Defense.

Which used the method of packet switching to allow multiple computers to communicate on a

single network. As technology kept growing by 1970s scientists Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf
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started the Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol of known as TCP/IP

communication model that set standards for how data could be transmitted between multiple


In January 1, 1983 ARPANET espouse TCP/IP from this research began working on

“network of networks” which became the modern internet. It became more recognizable in 1990,

when computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web. Many got confused

with the web and the internet. This web is a common means of accessing data online in the form

of hyperlinks and websites. The web promoted the internet to the public and served as a central

step in developing the information that we now and can access on a daily basis. (Andrews,


Firstly, Humans are created to be in a relationships. We as human have that natural

instinct to share our lives with our family, friends or partners. Social interaction is important, a

person can receive and send information in many ways when they are communicating with

someone physically standing right in front of them. Technology has popular features that mimic

face to face interaction through social media platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat,

and Instagram etc. (Aylett, 2017).

However, the internet and technology gadgets seem to be destroying us little by little

disconnecting us from the world around us. Instead of having face to face interaction with our

friends and family we just simply call or text them but in end we spend less and less time with

them. A face time or texts messages can’t replace that huge smile your best friend has on their

face when you actually see them in person those hour can’t even be compared with having lunch

or breakfast with any of your close relatives or friends.

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Additional, studies prove that face to face interaction provide us with comfort and a sense

of well-being whether it’s with close relative or friends. Behind those disembodied text voice

pops up on your cellular phones, iPad or computer screen. There is an existing human who you

can talk to face to face. It seems we have an extensive connection with technology gadgets than

ever before.

As Melissa used her best friend as an example to prove her point. Her best friend has

more than 2000 friends on Facebook. She gets a ton of likes and comments on her posts but

when you ask her about the quality of those relationship. She responded that she really has few

friends that she trust and spends quality time with. It is sad that we can have thousands of

friends on Facebook but we hardly remember their names, where they live, age, birthday’s or

even met them person (Nilles, 2012).

Robert Waldinger a psychiatrist studied over 70 years on adult development conducted

by researchers at Harvard University. The findings that contribute to happiness was healthy and

real relationships. The ones who were more socially active were happier and healthier whereas

the ones who didn’t were isolated, less happy and lived shorter lives. Social technology can

actually be harmful or damage our well-being and happiness.

If this trend continues, we will depend on technology for social interaction and the

amount of time we spend physically talking to somebody will decrease. In reality people will

prefer to show off their lives online in order to get affirmation from our followers instead of

sharing moments with their family and close friends. We will be accustom to seeing emoji’s on

our phones instead of the actual expression our friends or family member makes. Will

technology bring us the same happiness that interacting with friends or family bring us. (Aylett,

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Technology has changed our society. Over the past years, technology gadgets have taken

over us. This article “The Worst Epidemic in America” points out that Americans can answer

questions about the latest celebrity’s scandals but are ignorant or unaware of real issues that

involve politics, economics and foreign affairs.

As the author from this article (Chantele) did an informal survey on Facebook a social

media platform she ask question to see how many people knew about basic American history.

Question like who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Who is Eric Holder? Harry Reid?

John Boehner? What is happening in Ukraine? What was “Fast and furious”? Which is better:

Obamacare or The Affordable Healthcare act? Out of 278 friends her husband has on Facebook

only thirty-seven replied. Five answered correctly all the questions. Most of the ones who

answered knew what is “Fast and Furious” in fact it’s a movie not many knew that Obama care

and the affordable healthcare act are the same thing.

The main problem is that people choose to get their information through television and

social media platforms such as Facebook, twitter or Instagram .They are letting technology and

entertainment to lead them blindly into ignorance. In 2012, out of the all the world events, there

were five top tweets which included Obama’s re-election, Justin Bieber, a disgruntled NFL

player, Great Britain’s summer Olympics tally, and the engagement of two anime voice-actors.

The following year, the five top tweets were Nelson Mandela’s death, Boston Marathon

Bombing and the remaining were two actors deaths and a singer 25th birthday.

This statistics show that people are interested in the trending news and entertaining rather

than informed and intellectual. Aldous Huxley who wrote “New World” said that people are

ruined by what they love, not by what they fear and hate. Postman says that our “Language” has
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sadly become simple to satisfy those who don’t want to think for themselves and keep their

heads in the sand.

This research “The impact of Technologies on Society” practically says that it a waste of

time. “The spreading of incorrect and validated information and spreading lies through these

techniques. Sometimes, one can see a certain kind of sarcasm of the ultimate divine and religion

and see the spread of religious stories as well as incorrect beliefs come out as a result of these

techniques. They can also be seen in other forms such as voice, image or video files, which can

cause danger to the young, gossip and verbal abuse to others, and it can also lead to isolation and

the emergence of a lot of psychological and health problems”. (Bane Younes, M. and Al-Zoubi,


Technology has affect some of the most important cultures in history. Imagine a disease

so contagious it infects thousands in just minutes, is completely undetectable until it’s too late,

and is so lethal it can destroy an entire nation. History has proven that no one is completely

immune to it, and the infected person show no physical signs of illness. Instead, symptoms are

more behavioral and can range from mild confusion and verbal remarks to violent outburst.

This particular plague has haunted some of the greatest culture through history for

example ancient Rome they name the disease “of ignorance”. (GUSTAVESON, n.d.) . Neil

Postman “Future Shlock” which he focuses on how Americans have lost some of their

intelligence through media. He discusses how television is the main source of information now a

days he also points out the flaws that media has turn into production for its consumers. People

are interest in television and not on printed media such as newspaper, books or magazines.
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Postman back up his view of how culture changes when technology is introduced. By

using two movies which are “The God must be Crazy” and “The producers”. The first film

focuses on a tribe in the Kalahari Desert that found an empty coke bottle which has fallen from

the sky. The tribe becomes as obsessed with this coke bottle as they never have seen this object

before. The tribe become torn apart as people wanted the bottle for themselves in the end of the

film the chief throws the bottle over a mountain to maintain peace. The message behind this is

“How does a culture change when new technologies are introduced to it?” The second film is a

musical about Hitler. The main point of this film is to make the play ridiculous hoping it would

fail but surprisingly becomes a hit and he goes to jail. Postman sees this as how society is. We

can easily be entertained,” We will become, in a phrase, a people amused into stupidity.”

Technology is also destroying education in a whole. According to business dictionary is

the wealth of knowledge acquired by an individual after studying particular subject matters or

experiencing life lessons that provide an understanding of something. One of the quotes that the

article “The Worst Epidemic in America” speaks about is an animated Disney film, The

Incredibles. The superhero father, while discussing the kids are doing in school with his wife,

finally throws up his arms in frustration and says,” they’re finding new ways to celebrate

mediocrity!” There is a dangerous mentality being infused into the minds of our children. Tell

children that everybody is the same and everyone is a winner in reality were not.

In 2014 documentary, Building the Machine, interviews proponents and opponents of

Common Core. This highlights the catalyst of the programs and potentially dangerous effects on

children’s individuality and education. Common Core treats it like an “education as a production

line” rather than helping children become” individuals who can independently think, discover,

and create.” Those students that have brilliant minds, but who don’t “test” program well either
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because of simple anxiety when it comes to testing or because of a learning disability such as

dyslexia. In other words of New York Times Best-selling author, Gordon B. Hinkely , “Be smart

and happy, or stupid and miserable. It’s your choice. ”

Although there are two views as how technology is viewed. The positive and the negative

side. The positive side how technology can be used as research tool, for education and business.

Educational Technology is involved in an effort to resolve or improve a problematic situation

involving learning, instruction, training, performance improvement. Educational Technology is

now essential, students and teachers it has changes the face of education and it has created more

educational opportunities. Teachers are learning how to use technology in the classrooms and

students are interested in learning. Technology in education has diminished educational

boundaries, students and teachers are helping one other in using advanced educational

technologies. Technology has help us grow in mobile learning and long distance learning. Online

education is flexible and affordable, students can attend classroom during their free time and a

chance to interact with other students. (Ramey, 2013).

As a research tool, the internet access to information from all around the world. Chantele

did an informal survey to prove her point. Students and teacher are using it to support their

research study. These tools help us learn and explore new things. Students are using this platform

to email teachers and conduct surveys as Chantele did. The internet is used to research for related

studies, article or journals. (, 2016)

Instead of going to library for hours to research on a topic. Now, you can just google it

can find the answer and don’t have to waste hours in finding it. The availability that the internet

has latest information and communication technologies. The internet is more effective, useful

and informative and it provides a lot of information in less time with low cost. The research
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scholars also find it helpful to browse e-books, journals and research papers, which could be

downloaded at faster rate. (Gagan and Rakesh, 2018)

Finally, Technology is used for business. It does matter how big or small the business is

one way or another a business use technology. A business communicate with its customers via

email, WhatsApp or telephone. Employees need to interact with clients quickly and clearly.

Websites allow customers to find answers to their queries or products they are looking for.

Technology has advantage over shipments the business and the client can locate where the

commodity is in a large geographic area. Technology is used to protect financial data,

confidential information. Security by having computers passwords a business can ensure none of

it upcoming projects will be copied by the competition .Research capacity is new opportunities

will have a step ahead of its competition. The internet helps a business to advertise and market

their product and services to the world. (Small Business Development Centers, 2015).

Technology has disadvantages and advantages to it. Some of the advantages are research

tool, education and business. Disadvantage are that technology is affecting our culture, society,

education and how we interact with one another.

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1. Andrews, E. (2013). Who invented the internet? [online] HISTORY. Available at: [Accessed 21 Jul. 2018].

2. Aylett, C. (2017). The Impact of Technology on Social Interactions. [online] LinkedIn.

Available at:
christine-aylett [Accessed 21 Jul. 2018].

3. Bani Younes, M. and Al-Zoubi, S. (n.d.). The Impact of Technologies on Society: A

Review. [online] Available at:
jhss/papers/Vol20-issue2/Version-5/N020258286.pdf [Accessed 21 Jul. 2018].

4. (2016). Using Technology for Research and Learning in the Field of...
| Bartleby. [online] Available at:
Research-and-Learning-in-PKCMTVEYVC [Accessed 22 Jul. 2018].

5. Building the Machine:The common core Documentary.Dir.Ian Reid.HSLDA. 31March



7. Esther Dyson,”If You Don’t It,Leave it,”from the New York Times Magazine, July
16,1995.”Esther Dyson on Writing”.

8. Gagan, S. and Rakesh, P. (2018). USE OF INTERNET FOR RESEARCH AND

Available at:

9. GUSTAVESON, C. (n.d.). English 1010 - Synthesis Essay. [online] Chantele.

Available at:
[Accessed 22 Jul. 2018].
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10. Hinckley,Gordon B. Standing for Something.USA: Times Books. 2000

11. Nilles, M. (2012). Technology is Destroying the Quality of Human Interaction | The

Bottom Line. [online] Available at:
interaction [Accessed 21 Jul. 2018].

12. Postman Niel, “Future Schlock,” from Conscientious Objection by Neil Postman
copyright 1988 by Neil Postman.

13. Ramey, K. (2013). The Use of Technology - In Education and Teaching Process -

Use of Technology. [online] Use of Technology. Available at: [Accessed 22 Jul.

14. Small Business Development Centers. (2015). Why is technology important in

business? [online] Available at:
business/ [Accessed 22 Jul. 2018].

15. Technology.BusinessDictionary.comRetrievedJuly16,2018from

16. Tomayess Issa, Pedro Isaías, Piet Kommers, (2016) "Editorial: The impact of smart
technology on users and society", Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in
Society, Vol. 14 Issue: 4, pp.310-312,

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