Universidade Do Minho: Geographic Information System

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Universidade do Minho

Geographic Information System

Master Program in Urban Engineering

First Year

Instructor: Daniel Souto Rodrigues 


3D Building – Santa Cruz


January, 2011

Urban Engineering, Civil Engineering


1. Ob

This project
p is to build a better GIS skill for students throuugh creatiing 3D
buildinng in alongg Nova dee Santa Crruz Street.

The coombinationn of resullts obtainiing from the 7 studdents of UUMinho’s Urban

Engineeering will form a
complette set of o 3D
buildingg, whichh stars
from thhe roundabbout of
University of Miinho to
the M Motorway Padre
Júlio Fraagata.

The commbination will be

used forr further study
s in
two oother su ubjects:
Urban Planning g and
Sustainaable Mobility.
Figure 11. Map of th
he area
(Source: Google Ma ap)

2. Meethodologgy
ure 2. Diviision of ta
asks for
the 7 foreign sttudents

Secttions are divided among

students. This ppaper conceerns only
the purple
p bounnded sectionn and an
imagge (below) from goog gle earth
was cropped to focus on the

Skettchup is a soofter to aid forming

up the building with different

The daata providedd are provvided by thhe professo

or (RuaNovvaSantaCruuz.shp) is used
u for
geoproccessing the google
g mapp satellite phhoto.

Steps off the work task

t are listeed below:

Figure 3. Satellite photo
p of
the area (Source: Google

- Open ArcC
O Catalog then connect with the working
w follder containning the shhapefile:
RuaNovaSa antaCruz.shhp
- O
Open ArcMMap
- A Data and
Add a browsee to the connnected follder, add map m of the provided map m data
(RuaNovaS SantaCruz.shhp)
- T work with
To w 3D, wee have to chheck the 3D D analyst extension
e frrom Custom
mize tab,
Extensions… …
- G
Georeferen cing data requires too display th he Georefeerencing toolbar by click
c the
Windows taab, point to Toolbars, and
a click Geeoreferencinng.
- F
Follow thee step provvided by ArcGis
A Desk ktop Help, the result we obtain n is The
coordinate system assiigned to thee raster dataaset (image)) is the sam
me as the co
system defiined for the data frame..

Figure 4.. Raster dataset after georeferen


- The raster dataset,
T d whhich is also rectified in
n .jpg formaat will be pplace into Sk ketchup.
Dimensions s of the imaage must be maintained d.
- D
Draw builddings on the image and save in Skeetchup 6.0.
- I Arcmap, import the drawn skettchup file by
In y displayingg the toolboox.
- I 3D Analyyst tools, chhoose Convversion then
In n From file, Import 3D files.
- F
From Inputt files, brow wse for the Sketchup filef saved earlier.
e Enteer the desireed name
a locatioon in the Output
and O multtipatch featture class. The
T multippatch file withw .shp
format is thhen created.
- T
The pictuure of 2D D buildingg then ap ppears witth originaal dimentio ons (as
RuaNovaSa antaCruz.shhp) but diffeerent locatio on. Georefeerence againn the satellitte image
so that we can
c place it on ArcScenne with drap ping superpposition.
- I ArcScenne, add data with the muultipatch creeated by ArrcMap in thee previous step.
In s
- A the geooreferencedd image; thee result is ob
Add btained as seeen below.

3. Ou

Figure 5. Multipatch
M h 3D building on satelllite image.



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