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CJASN ePress. Published on August 7, 2020 as doi: 10.2215/CJN.


Metabolic Acidosis and CKD Progression

Nicolaos E. Madias
CJASN 16: ccc–ccc, 2020. doi:

Metabolic acidosis of CKD develops when net acid (H1) administered alkali in the United States and Europe.
excretion falls short of net endogenous H1 production, Many clinicians likely remain unconvinced or assign
resulting in H1 retention. It is associated with numer- low priority to countering H1 retention. More educa-
ous adverse effects, including acceleration of CKD tion is required, especially in light of the effectiveness Department of
Medicine, Tufts
progression. Regarding this adversity, the 2012 Kidney and safety of base administration in the Use of Bi-
University School of
Disease Improving Global Outcomes guideline sug- carbonate in Chronic Renal Insufficiency (UBI) trial Medicine, Boston,
gests base administration to patients with CKD and (4). Striking variance in the normal range of serum Massachusetts
serum [HCO32] ,22 meq/L. However, limited data [HCO32] among laboratories likely undermines ad- Division of
show that patients with CKD 2 and normal serum herence to the guideline (1). Nephrology,
Department of
[HCO32] (eubicarbonatemia) manifest H1 retention, Medicine, St.
and base administration ameliorates CKD progression. Elizabeth’s Medical
Further, most patients with CKD 3 and 4 also harbor Metabolic Acidosis of CKD: Expanded Concept Center, Boston,
masked H1 retention. Recognition of this subclinical Rats with 2/3 subtotal nephrectomy develop milder Massachusetts
metabolic acidosis calls for examination of its patho- CKD than 5/6 nephrectomized rats while maintaining
physiologic significance regarding CKD progression. eubicarbonatemia; notwithstanding, microdialysis Correspondence:
documented H1 retention in kidney interstitium. Dr. Nicolaos E.
Madias, Department
Alkali treatment repairs H1 retention and preserves
of Medicine, St.
Metabolic Acidosis of CKD: Classic Concept kidney function (2). Elizabeth’s Medical
The classic concept of metabolic acidosis of CKD Patients with CKD 2 and eubicarbonatemia also Center, 736
reflects the conventional definition of metabolic aci- display H1 retention. One trial randomized eubicar- Cambridge Street,
dosis (i.e., the acid-base disorder expressed as primary bonatemic patients with CKD 2 to NaHCO3 supple- Boston, MA 02135.
Email: nicolaos.
decrease in serum [HCO32] below the normal range ment, equimolar NaCl, or usual care. At both 5 and
[23–30 meq/L]) (1). Accordingly, metabolic acidosis of 10 years, eGFR calculated using the serum cystatin C
CKD and associated H1 retention require reduction in level and the CKD-EPI equation was higher in the
serum [HCO32] to ,23 meq/L (Figure 1A). NaHCO3 group than the other groups. By 10 years,
Rats with 5/6 subtotal nephrectomy develop hypo- H1 retention remained unchanged in the NaHCO3
bicarbonatemic metabolic acidosis and large reduc- group but increased in the other groups, and serum
tion in net H1 excretion. Hypobicarbonatemia is prima [HCO32] was unchanged in the NaHCO3 group but
facie evidence of H1 retention; pointing to its systemic decreased in the other groups, although remaining
occurrence, microdialysis documented H1 reten- within the normal range (7,8).
tion in kidney and muscle interstitium (2). Cogent These animal and human data of milder CKD frame
mechanisms through which H1 retention accelerates an expanded concept of metabolic acidosis of CKD
CKD progression were proposed. Countering H1 that encompasses H1 retention occurring during
retention slows GFR decline and reduces putative eubicarbonatemia (Figure 1B). Initial H1 retention
culprits of kidney fibrosis, validating the patho- augments acidification per residual nephron such that
physiologic construct (2). achieved steady-state net H1 excretion is similar to
Small, single-center studies in patients with CKD controls with normal GFR (sham animals or patients
3–5 and hypobicarbonatemic metabolic acidosis re- with CKD 1); consequently, external H1 balance is re-
vealed that alkali therapy delays CKD progression (3), established but under conditions of H1 retention (2,8).
prompting the 2012 guideline. Subsequently, addi- Subclinical H1 retention should challenge both bi-
tional trials have been completed, strengthening the carbonate and nonbicarbonate buffers residing in
corroborative evidence (4,5). extracellular and intracellular spaces.
How prevalent is hypobicarbonatemic metabolic aci- Studies have shown that 85%–90% of patients with
dosis? In one study, metabolic acidosis (serum [HCO32] CKD 2–4 have serum [HCO32] $22 meq/L. Virtually
,22 meq/L) was present in 7%, 13%, and 37% of patients all eubicarbonatemic patients with CKD 2 tested at
with CKD 2, CKD 3, and CKD 4, respectively, with baseline had H1 retention of variable severity (8).
aggregate prevalence of 15% (6). Such prevalence was Therefore, metabolic acidosis is an early, not late,
only 8% in the NephroTest cohort (CKD 2–4). Lim- complication of CKD. It is anticipated that H1 retention
ited data suggest that the treatment guideline has a would be larger and essentially universal in eubicarbo-
poor following: only 10%–20% of eligible patients are natemic patients with CKD 3 and 4. Nonetheless, the Vol 16 February, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by the American Society of Nephrology 1

Figure 1. | Metabolic acidosis of CKD. (A) Classic concept. (B) Expanded concept.

precise prevalence of H1 retention in eubicarbonatemic sound but cumbersome, invasive, and time consuming;
patients with CKD 2–4 remains to be determined. therefore, it is unsuitable for clinical practice (2,8). Might
Experience with patients with CKD 2 suggests that there be a practical and noninvasive alternative? In pon-
eubicarbonatemia can last for many years (8). Putative dering this question, measurement of urine citrate emerged
factors affecting the duration of subclinical metabolic as a possibility. Hypocitraturia has long been recognized
acidosis include the baseline serum [HCO32]; the higher as a sensitive indicator of H1 retention (9). It occurs in
the level, the longer the duration of eubicarbonatemia, hypobicarbonatemic metabolic acidosis (H1 feeding, di-
other factors being equal. The dietary acid load is an- arrhea, distal renal tubular acidosis) but also in eubicarbo-
other factor; decreasing H1-producing, animal-sourced natemic metabolic acidosis (increased meat intake,
protein or increasing HCO32-producing fruits and vege- incomplete distal renal tubular acidosis). Sensing of meager
tables would tend to prolong the eubicarbonatemic phase. intracellular acidification seems to induce the physiologic
Despite progressive augmentation of ammoniagenesis of adaptations that result in increased proximal reabsorption
residual nephrons, ammonium excretion variably dimin- of citrate and hypocitraturia, the conserved citrate yielding
ishes as CKD advances, increasing H1 retention and HCO32 during its metabolism. Drawing on this evidence,
accelerating transition to hypobicarbonatemia. Gradual the association between H1 retention and urine citrate
exhaustion of nonbicarbonate buffers, including those in excretion in eubicarbonatemic patients with CKD 1 and 2
bone and muscle, would speed shifting to hypobicarbo- was evaluated before and after a 30-day administration of
natemia. Finally, some medications (e.g., loop diuretics) HCO32-producing fruits and vegetables. A mixed effects
increase serum [HCO32 ], whereas others (e.g., angioten- regression model showed that urine citrate excretion was
sin converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors) promote H1 strongly predictive of H1 retention and reliably verified
retention (5,6). reduction in H1 retention after fruits and vegetables (10).
Furthermore, changes in urine citrate excretion identified
changes in H1 retention as eGFR declines in eubicarbona-
Subclinical Metabolic Acidosis and CKD Progression temic patients with CKD 2 (8). Thus, urine citrate holds
Despite its anticipated very large prevalence in patients promise as an index of H1 retention in eubicarbonatemic
with CKD 2–4, only a small trial has examined the role patients with CKD to guide initiation of base therapy and
of subclinical metabolic acidosis in CKD progression—a monitor its longitudinal effectiveness.
positive study (7,8). Thus, research should now shift Not surprisingly, urine ammonium excretion has been
toward subclinical metabolic acidosis with a focus on identified as a risk factor for progression to ESKD. In both
CKD 2 and 3a. The underlying rationale is potential the NephroTest cohort (n51065; 69% with measured GFR
amelioration of the CKD course before diffuse kidney $30 ml/min per 1.73 m2, 92% with eubicarbonatemia) and
fibrosis ensues. To maximize demonstration of benefit, the African American Study of Kidney Disease and
trials should enroll eubicarbonatemic patients with rela- Hypertension cohort (n51044; 84% with measured GFR
tively high H1 retention. $30 ml/min per 1.73 m2, 88% with eubicarbonatemia),
The current procedure for estimating H1 retention in those in the lowest tertile of baseline urine ammonium
subclinical metabolic acidosis (i.e., the serum [HCO32] excretion had an increased hazard ratio of ESKD. More-
response to oral NaHCO3 load) is pathophysiologically over, in the latter analysis, among eubicarbonatemic
CJASN 16: ccc–ccc, February, 2020 Metabolic Acidosis and CKD Progression, Madias 3

participants at baseline, those in the lowest tertile of urine Responsibility for the information and views expressed herein lies
ammonium excretion had higher adjusted odds of incident entirely with the author(s).
hypobicarbonatemia at 1 year. It would be interesting to
compare urine citrate excretion and urine ammonium
excretion as indicators of H1 retention in eubicarbonatemic 1. Kraut JA, Madias NE: Re-evaluation of the normal range of serum
patients with CKD. However, a major obstacle to the utility total CO2 concentration. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 13: 343–347,
of urine ammonium excretion is that clinical laboratories 2018
generally do not offer such measurement. 2. Goraya N, Wesson DE: Management of the metabolic acidosis of
In conclusion, research should now shift toward exam- chronic kidney disease. Adv Chronic Kidney Dis 24: 298–304,
ining the effect of base treatment on CKD progression in 3. Kraut JA, Madias NE: Retarding progression of chronic kidney
eubicarbonatemic patients with CKD 2 and 3a. Such trials disease: Use of modalities that counter acid retention. Curr Opin
should target patients with higher H1 retention, as esti- Nephrol Hypertens 27: 94–101, 2018
mated by the serum [HCO32] response to oral NaHCO3 4. Di Iorio BR, Bellasi A, Raphael KL, Santoro D, Aucella F, Garofano
L, Ceccarelli M, Di Lullo L, Capolongo G, Di Iorio M, Guastaferro
load. Baseline urine citrate and ammonium excretion P, Capasso G; UBI Study Group: Treatment of metabolic acidosis
should also be obtained to further evaluate their utility with sodium bicarbonate delays progression of chronic kidney
as markers of H1 retention and CKD progression. disease: The UBI study [published correction appears in J Nephrol
33: 619–620, 2020]. J Nephrol 32: 989–1001, 2019
5. Chen W, Levy DS, Abramowitz MK: Acid base balance and
Disclosures progression of kidney disease. Semin Nephrol 39: 406–417, 2019
N. Madias reports that he participated as a consultant in two 6. Raphael KL: Metabolic acidosis and subclinical metabolic aci-
Metabolic Acidosis Working Groups sponsored by Tricida, Inc. dosis in CKD. J Am Soc Nephrol 29: 376–382, 2018
(October 2016 and September 2019). 7. Mahajan A, Simoni J, Sheather SJ, Broglio KR, Rajab MH, Wesson
DE: Daily oral sodium bicarbonate preserves glomerular filtration
rate by slowing its decline in early hypertensive nephropathy.
Funding Kidney Int 78: 303–309, 2010
None. 8. Goraya N, Simoni J, Sager LN, Mamun A, Madias NE, Wesson DE:
Urine citrate excretion identifies changes in acid retention as
eGFR declines in patients with chronic kidney disease. Am
Acknowledgments J Physiol Renal Physiol 317: F502–F511, 2019
Dr. Nicolaos E. Madias wishes to acknowledge Dr. Donald E. 9. Alpern RJ, Sakhaee K: The clinical spectrum of chronic metabolic
Wesson and his research colleagues, Dr. Nimrit Goraya, Dr. Jan acidosis: Homeostatic mechanisms produce significant mor-
Simoni, Dr. Lauren N. Sager, and Dr. Abdullah Mamun, for col- bidity. Am J Kidney Dis 29: 291–302, 1997
10. Goraya N, Simoni J, Sager LN, Madias NE, Wesson DE: Urine
laborating with him in testing the idea of urine citrate excretion as an citrate excretion as a marker of acid retention in patients with
index of H1 retention in their eubicarbonatemic patients with CKD. chronic kidney disease without overt metabolic acidosis. Kidney
The content of this article reflects the personal experience and Int 95: 1190–1196, 2019
views of the author(s) and should not be considered medical advice
or recommendations. The content does not reflect the views or Published online ahead of print. Publication date available at
opinions of the American Society of Nephrology (ASN) or CJASN.

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