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Submitted To:-
Submitted By-
Anubhav Pratap Singh(101904181)
Ajitesh Srivastav(101)
The success and finalledgem
outcome of this project required a
lot of guidance and assistance from many people and
we are extremely privileged to have got this all along
with the completion of this project. All that we have
done is only due to such supervision and assistance and
we would not forget to thank all those people.

We respect and thank Ms. Savita for providing us an

opportunity to do this project report in Professional
Communication and giving us full support and guidance
which made us complete this project and which helped
us learn new and useful things for our future.
In ancient times, India had the Gurukula system of education in which
anyone who wished to study went to a teacher's (Guru) house and
requested to be taught. If accepted as a student by the guru, he would then
stay at the guru's place and help in all activities at home. This not only
created a strong tie between the teacher and the student, but also taught the
student everything about running a house. The guru taught everything the
child wanted to learn, from Sanskrit to the holy scriptures and from
Mathematics to Metaphysics. The student stayed as long as she wished or
until the guru felt that he had taught everything he could teach. All
learning was closely linked to nature and to life, and not confined to
memorizing some information.
The subjects taught varied from Sanskrit to Scriptures to Mathematics to
Metaphysics and the knowledge attained would be passed on to the future
generations. However, this system was changed during the Colonial era
when the British set up schools that followed a curriculum confined to
subjects such as Mathematics, Science etc. While the ancient system
included more interaction with the nature, the modern system was more
classroom oriented.
Until the 17th century, India was considered one of the richest country in
the world. However, due to the arrival of the foreign colonizers and the
wrong policies of the then rulers, India lost almost all its richness wealth
wise as well as knowledge-wise. Originally, Lord Thomas Babington
Macaulay brought the modern school system to India, including the
English language, in the 1830s. The educational program was restricted to
the so-called modern subjects such as science and mathematics, and
subjects like metaphysics and philosophy were considered unnecessary.
The teaching was confined only to classrooms and the link with nature and
the close relationship between the teacher and the student was broken.
The modern education system has been supported by one formula: ‘cheap,
required and customary education to all’. Even people are able to decide
by their conscience that what means of education are going to be best
suited to them. Still, many people are ignoramus regarding words and
literacy. Therefore, they are within the necessity to urge a correct
education. It is required to supply education to all, as other nations are so
much ahead within the field of education. It is all in the hand of the
government that what ought to be the exact type of system in which
education for all is secured. Moreover, even the government has taken nice
measures to extend the level of education.

The main features of the modern education system in

India are as follows:
 A system of obligatory education to all or any children up to the year
of fourteen. Under this age, all children must be given education in
any government or private school.
 If any child is forced to do any other job excluding from being
educated the person concerned in such activities will be treated as per
 After gaining primary education, a child can be given secondary
 For providing this level of education each, the central and state
governments are involved through their boards, which are created for
this purpose.
 There are also private boards who conduct a high school or
intermediate exams.
 After their 10+2 (secondary schooling), a person can pursue
bachelor, master and an alternative specialization degree in several
fields of their selection.

The above points appear to be simple but there are any flaws in this system
as well.


With the advancement of education, India has seen an excellent

development within the field of economy. People are less unemployed and
some of them are even freelancing or rather self-employed. One of the best
positive things is that child labor has gone down to an excellent extent.
There are also reservation systems available for the socially
underprivileged people. The present statistics is 7.5% of the scheduled
tribes, 15% for the scheduled castes and 27% of the other backward class,
but the exact percentages vary from state to state. In Haryana, the
reservation is 18% for SCs and 1% for OBCs and 0% for STs, based on
local demographics. In Tamil Nadu, the reservation is 18% for SCs and
1% for STs, based on local demographics.

Presently there are chiefly two boards with the exception of the state
boards conveying education until higher secondary, that is, ICSE and
CBSE. In addition to this, there are also Open Universities providing study
at home facility. If you crosscheck the technical fields, there are several
institutions providing higher education. Additionally, you will find some
institution providing the facility of e-Tutorial.

Disadvantages of Indian education

The major downside of the prevailing system of education is that it is not
easily affordable. Nowadays in India, more than 37% of people are living
below the poverty level. Therefore, they cannot afford education even at
the primary
Another reason for the poor quality of education is the poor quality of
teachers in government schools. The level of education that government
schools are not as expected and they do not possess an honest image
among people. The ensuing possibility is the private institutions, which
provides degrees from private to postgraduate. However, they are very
costly an also the admission procedure is too complicated for common
person to access.

The best part of Indian Education system was and is in its ‘Rote Learning’-
Kanthastha, as it was in ancient India. This stimulates the mind, body,
soul. Improves concentration and bursts the stress. Invokes inner sense. In
the CBSE system, with continuous analysis and understanding of theory
concept, the student is bound to do well in life. However, the annual
system can be a boon for slow and average learners. The understanding of
various subjects and equal weight to all is another excellent way to give
horizontal knowledge. There is a combination of logic and ability, thereby,
giving equal importance to the left and right brains. It is such a holistic
educational system.

Moreover, there are several political heads, which form a great gap
between the Indian government and the common people. A number of
them take money from the government, however, do not utilize for the
great of the common people. In addition, one will find several socially
forward individuals taking the benefits of the reservation system. The
problem lies within the massive percentage of illiteracy and population.
These two things need to be focused much on creating any development.

Some Other Factors:

Reservation Policy
When India got it's independence, caste system was very prevalent. Indian
society was plagued by schism between so called 'Upper Class and Lower
Class'. People were judged more by their caste, and creed than by their
actual qualities. Reservation system was meant to bridge the gap between
these two sects. People belonging to lower class were treated in most
inhumane ways. They lacked basic needs like Food, Clothes, and Shelter.
They weren't allowed to study, or work on the same level of people
belonging to the 'UPPER CLASS'. Reservation system was initiated to
give them a fair opportunity to eat better food, get better clothes, a better
house in short to live a better life.

Why India still needs Reservation System? They are still a large section
of people who live in more or less same conditions, rural areas where
casteism is still prevalent.

Why India doesn't need Reservation System? Reservation system is

misused by politicians and common people all the same. Politicians use it
for vote bank we are well aware of that but common people who once
suffered those hardships but now are in good condition, continue to take
the advantage.

Educational Unemployment
. As countries such as India develop economically, a larger share of the
young population begins to attend schools and colleges. This is both due
to the efforts made by governments to promote schooling and college
education as well as a growing awareness among individuals and
families that education improves one’s life chances.

There is widespread evidence from countries around the world that

education benefits both individuals and nations in material terms. Most
Indians believe in the benefits of education which is why one survey
found 71% of them to be willing to even borrow money for the education
of their children.

In theory, college education, in particular, improves employment

prospects. Many young people find jobs of their liking and when suitable
employment is not immediately available, they are likely to remain
patient if the economy is growing and if they see others like them
benefiting from the nation’s economic growth in terms of employment or
other opportunities.

In both senses, i.e. in terms of actual employment and optimism about

future employment, education can mitigate the negative effects of the
youth bulge.
Why college education isn’t helping ?

On the other hand, however, while the Indian economy is growing, it

appears that those with college degrees are not benefiting in terms of
suitable employment. There are several reports of hundreds of young
people with master’s degrees or even PhDs applying for jobs they are
overqualified for. According to a report prepared by the Centre for
Sustainable Employment at Azim Premji University, unemployment
among the well-educated is thrice the national average. There are
approximately 55 million people in the labour market with at least a
graduate degree – of which nine million are estimated to be unemployed.

The high rate of unemployment among the educated is both due to the
lack of sufficient jobs and poor schooling as well as the mediocre quality
of education on offer at most colleges. This makes large numbers of
graduates unsuitable for employment that is commensurate with their
degrees. While the employability rates of college students have
improved over the years, it remains under 50% and as low as 30% for
graduates in arts and commerce. Nearly half of all undergraduate
students – who make up for 80% of the total number of students – are
enrolled in the least employable disciplines.

With reference points stated above, it can be said that the need of the hour
is to divert public and administrative attention towards the development of
educational infrastructure and facilities in India. Also, the current education
system needs to be restructure so that it really benefits the students and in
the case of UG & PG students make them fit for the industry. This will help
in removing educational unemployment. Moreover, the current system of
reservation in govt. colleges and jobs also needs to be amended according
to the current situation.

Experimental Design
Data was collected from the students of Thapar Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Patiala and a few students from other colleges also filled the
questionnaire. A total of 64 students gave their response to the
questionnaire. None of the participants were pressurised to fill any
particular choice, and the entire response of each respondent is completely
voluntary in nature.

Descriptive design
Analysis 1s done with the help of the responses from the people who filled
the Google forms on the topic of discussion.

Text and Tool used

Primary data was collected with the help of a structured questionnaire filled
by various respondents. About 14 questions were surveyed.

Statistical Design:
Data 1s analysed by finding percentage of each of the options given in the
questionnaire and the pic charts and tables are made according to the data

This report aims to analyse the current system of education in India by
focusing on the syllabus, different subjects, faculty, extra-curricular
activities and many more. The report involves a qualitative approach to
examine whether the current education system is really beneficial to the
students. Also, the lack of vocational training and more emphasis on
theoretical ‘knowledge in Indian education system is taken into account.
The views of various college-going students of Thapar Institute were on the
educational system were recorded through the use of Google forms, in
order to make the report more detailed. Lastly, the various measures
through which the Indian Education system can be improved are discussed.

Tools for Analysis

The tool for analysis used by us is pie chart and bar graph.

Interpretation Of Data

WhoWhat do you think our syllabus should be change?
are you?
<Q> In current syllabus, 90% is theory(T) and 10% is practical(P).
According to you what should be this ratio?

<Q> According to you what should be teacher(T)-student(S) ratio in a

class ?

<Q> What do you think, teachers should also be rated by students and
action should be taken by management according to rating ?
<Q> Is reservation policy in our education system and for jobs in
govt. sector really benefiting the country?

Neutral Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree


We need to create an army of teachers capable of teaching skill-fully. I've

studied in 4 different schools, and I'm in the 4th year of college. I've seen
my fair share of teachers, and I can say with conviction that not all the
teachers today have the ability to teach with a practical and concept based
approach. Not their fault. Even teachers require training. And that's where
our target is. So what do we do?
Train teachers to adapt a concept based approach.
can be applied.

Encourage the educators to adopt modern and innovative methods of

teaching like videos, role-playing, and kinaesthetic activities, story-
telling. (Yes, storytelling is an art that can be used in education. People
retain stories in their mind more effectively than they retain the
information read from a book.)
And hey, guess what? EVALUATE THE TEACHERS AS
WELL. Evaluation and assessment of their knowledge, their teaching
practices is also necessary.

In the current scenario, the curriculum leaves little or no space for the students to
gain practical knowledge and understand concepts.

o The curriculum needs to be designed such that unnecessary and

useless information is rooted out and useful, must know information is

o That being said, students should also be taught relevant history of

their country, of the world, and also to include some religious preachings.
All of this because:
i. Every person should know their roots, where they come
ii. They should understand how the world politics is working
today and what past events in world history are influencing the current
iii. They should understand what different religions preach and
they should be sheltered from the present day communal and religious

o Focus should be on making the students understand concepts,

which can be applied later in life.
i. Intelligent students have knowledge.
ii. Smart students understand the concepts.
iii. Wise students have the knowledge, understand the
concepts and know how to apply them. We want wise students.
o The curriculum should include projects and practical wherein
students are made to apply their knowledge and understanding of the
given subject. Learning has no meaning if it is not applied. Unless the
students apply a concept practically and see results for themselves, they
won't achieve complete understanding of the subject matter.

o All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Focus should not only
be on studies but also on extracurricular activities. Education means all
round development of an individual. It includes sports, performing arts like
singing and dancing, painting, writing - everything.
The brain has 2 parts: Left and Right. One is responsible for the analytical,
mathematical and logical learning. The other, it handles the creative aspects like
music and art. The curriculum should aim at developing both the hemispheres of the

Assessment of the students must be changed. Currently, the assessment is based on
rote learning and reproduction in the exams. We have no way to assess what the
student has understood. It calls for a change in the examination system.

o Reduce the number of questions that test their memory (rote

o Give practical based questions. For eg., you want to test their
knowledge about a particular topic in Science, let's say Magnetics or
Electricity. Give a problem or a situation which requires them to think about
which concept of magnetic or electricity can be applied to solve the given
problem, and how. A sub question can be added which says, “Write a short
note on _____”. It covers both theory and practical. The assessment or
examination should test their skills rather than knowledge. As I said above,
we want wise students. Test their skills and abilities.
o Examination results are given in form of marks. While marks give a
measure of their performance, it should not happen that the aim of learning
becomes only to obtain more marks and not the learning part itself. Marks
matter when opting for higher studies (better marks, better college), but
they won't help when the person is sitting at his/her job, figuring out what
to do.

Education, if correctly given, has the power to change everything. Literally


Although this report has been made by our team. We took
help of certain surveys to make it informative. The
websites we visited while preparing this report are as

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