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The Importance of Protecting Our Tourism Objects

Assalamualaikum wr wb

Good morning

I come from Lombok, West Nusa tenggara. You might already know a little about that
tiny island. Beautiful beach, Mountain to climb, unique culture, and so on. When I was a
little, I didn't see the government's concern about the potential of tourism objects and the
people there also seemed less concerned about cleanliness. But now things are getting better,
and now I know it’s so important to protect our tourism objects. In this occasion I’m going to
talk about the importance of protecting our tourism objects. I will mention three reason why
we should start to take care of our tourism objects and I’ll finish it by giving a conclusion.

The first reason why we should start to take care of our tourism objects is because
Indonesian tourism objects is one of the reasons why many International events held in
Indonesia. Our nature is such a beautiful gift from God, our nature has everything to impress
the whole world. I live in Lombok, and wherever I go, no matter if I went to the west coast or
east coast there will always be beautiful beach with white sand and clear water. But if we
don’t like to be in hot place like beach, go north and then we’ll find Rinjani mountain. That is
the reason why Lombok is the place for MotoGP to be held in Indonesia for the first time.
there is so much tourism objects in just one island, and I believe there are still a thousand
more spread all over Indonesia. We should start to take care of our nature so that the world
can see us as the best destination and International events will remain held in Indonesia.

The second reason why we should take care of our tourism objects is because
Indonesian tourism objects can make a lot of money. The reason is simple, with a lot of
people visiting Indonesia means a lot of money coming to our country too. As an example,
we can look back at the MotoGP event that will be held in Lombok. To prepare the event the
government created a special economic zone in the area where the event will be held. The
government provide the place so that local people can trade there, they can sell local food,
local handicraft and souvenirs. That will increase the income of people who lives there and
can lead to better GDP for Indonesia. So clearly by start taking care and developing our
tourism objects, we can help Indonesian economy.
The final and I think the most important reason why we should start taking a good
care of our tourism object is because it’s the only thing that can last. We all know Indonesia
have a lot of natural resources, let say gold and crude oil. But those things wouldn’t last
forever. It’s a different story with tourism object, we can keep it alive and we can make it
better. Let’s take Saudi Arabia as an example. We all know Saudi Arabia’s crude oil and all
its glory. Saudi Arabia from time to time keep developing the area around Kaaba, they spent
their money on developing Mecca and Madinah. They did that because they realize that their
natural resource wouldn’t last forever and at the end, their biggest income is from Muslim
around the world that go to Saudi Arabia to do Hajj. By taking care our tourism object now,
we can use it in the future to convince people around the world to visit Indonesia and it will
be one of the biggest sources of income.

In conclusion, we should start taking a good care of our tourism object are mainly
because of three interrelated reasons. First, Indonesian tourism object can attract people
around the world to visit Indonesia, then we can make money from it, and developing tourism
object it’s actually some kind of investment for the future generation. My intention here is to
remind all of us to protect our nature so the next generation and the generations that follow
can still enjoy our nature like we do right now. We all can start by do a little thing, because
the little things matter. If we can’t do the little things right, we’ll never be able to do the big
things right.

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