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The niche of the red fox is that of a predator which feeds on the small mammals,
amphibians, insects, and fruit found in this habitat. Red foxes are active at night.
They provide blood for blackflies and mosquitoes and are host to numerous

2. The tiger, zebra, and black panther have the same habitat as lion but are not from
the same niche. 

3. Mutualism: both species benefit from interaction; commensalism: one species

benefit, one unaffected; competition: each species affected negatively; predation,
parasitism, herbivory: one species benefit, one is disadvantaged.

4. Parasites are different from predators because parasites only take resources from
one host, whereas predators eat many prey.

5. Ants and fungus: ants actively create fungus, sometimes using leaves and their
own fecal matter. Once the fungus grows, the ants eat it to sustain life. The
fungus is given life by the ant. The benefit to the ant is that the fungus is food.

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