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Open-Channel Hydraulics Make up exam
Code: HE-334 Section: G3H (A&B)
Time allowed 3.00hrs. Max. Mark =60%
Instruction:  Assume any reasonable data wherever it’s required
Each question carries the mark given in
Clear step and neat work will get more
 Show with neat sketch wherever required
 The exam is closed book.

Q1. An expansion in a horizontal rectangular channel takes place from a width of 2.0 m to 3.0m.
The depths of flow for a discharge of 7.20m3 /s are 1.20m and 1.40m in the narrower and
wider sections respectively .Estimate the energy loss in the transition. (6)

Q2. A rectangular channel is 3.0 m wide and carries a discharge of 15.0 m3/s at a depth of 2.0m.
At a certain section of the channel it is proposed to reduce the width to 2.0 m and to alter
the bed elevation by z to obtain critical flow at the contracted section with out altering the
upstream depth. What should be the value of z? (6)

Q3. Water flows in 5m wide rectangular channel made from unfinished concrete with n=0.015.
The channel contains a long reach on which S o =0.020. At one section, flow is at depth,
y1=1.5m with speed V1=4m/s. estimate the channel location where the flow reaches a
depth of 0.9m. (7%)

Q4. As shown in fig. in a rectangular channel carries 1.6m3/s per united width of channel that has
n=0.011 and So=0.0016. If a 5m height dam is placed across the channel, determine the
water surface profile up stream from the dam. Use the direct integration method with
0.30m depth increments. (9%)


fig.1 n
Q5a) Derive the Dynamic Equation of GVF and classify the flow profiles by giving
analytical and logical justification for each type. Show each of them by neat
sketches. (7)

b) If a series of three channels of longitudinal slope (i.e. So <Sc) is transmitted to a

channel of slope (So>Sc) and finally enters the channel of slope (So=Sc) as fig.2
below. At what transition a Hydraulic jump is formed? Why? Show by plotting
the flow profiles at each reaches. (6)


Fig.2 channel transition

Q6. Derive an equation for spatially varied flow for increasing discharge case with stating
appropriate assumptions. (7)

Q7. a) A sharp-crested suppressed weir is 2.5m long. Calculate the height of the weir required to
pass a flow of 1.25.m3/s while maintaining an upstream depth of flow of 1.25m.
Use coefficient of discharge over the weir, Cd= 0.611 + 0.08(H1/P). (5)
Where P is weir height and H1 is head above the weir.
b) A rectangular channel 2.0m wide can carry a discharge of 3.00m3/s at a normal depth of
1.0m. Design a side weir so that it will pass all the flow in the canal when the
discharge is 1.80m3/s and will divert 0.6m3/s when the canal
discharges3.00m3/s. (7)

 2 E  3S  E  Y 1 E Y 
Given M =    3 sin   
 and
 ES  Y S  ES 
CM = 0.611 1  2

F1  2  coefficient of De Marchi.

Q8. In a tidal river the depth and velocity of flow are 0.9m and 1.25m respectively. Due to tidal
action a tidal bore of height 2.1m is observed to travel upstream. Estimate the height and
speed of the bore & speed of flow after the passage of bore. (6)

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