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This chapter presents the research design, research locale, research

participants, sampling procedure, research instrument, validity and reliability, ethical

consideration, research procedure and statistical analysis.

3.1 Research Design

This study will utilize the design of the descriptive-quantitative research

design which focuses in determining the level of perception on Mandatory ROTC for

senior high school among grade 11 students. Survey questionnaire will be utilize in

this study to gather and collect the responses of the respondents.

3.2 Research Locale

The locale of this study will be the school of Brent Hospital and Colleges

Incorporated located at R.T Lim Boulevard, Zamboanga City since the respondents

chosen are students of the institution. It is an academic institution offering medical

allied courses, and Senior High School program. Specifically, the Science,

Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) strand.

3.3 Research Participants

The participants of this study will be the grade 11 students under science.

Technology, engineering, mathematics track who are currently enrolled in the whole

semester of school year 2019-2020. Grade 12 students are excluded in this study.

Slovin’s formula will be utilized to compute the sample size of the respondents. The

total population of the grade 11 STEM students is 339 and the total sample size is


Inclusion: Grade 11 Senior High School Students who are officially enrolled in 2 nd

Semester of S.Y. 2019-2020.

Exclusion: Grade 12 Senior High School Students, Sunday High and College


3.4 Research Sampling Procedure

Stratified sampling will be used in the sense that the respondents of this study

will be chosen by the researchers from a population of STEM senior high school

students to form a stratum of sample from Grade 11 students. Random sampling

method will be utilized in this study.  It is also considered as a fair way of selecting a

sample from a given population since every member is given equal opportunities of

being selected.  Each name of the grade 11 students will be listed in a piece paper

then place in a bowl and mixed thoroughly. Then the researchers pick the required

number. All the individuals bearing the numbers picked by the researcher are the

subjects for the study. 

3.5 Research Instrument

The researchers utilize a researchers-made questionnaire that serve as a major

tool of the study. Survey questionnaire comprises of two parts. The First part designs

to determine the Demographic profile of the respondents. And the Second part is to

measure the students’ perception on Mandatory ROTC which is answerable by

checking on the box that corresponds to the personal opinion of the respondents.

Likert scale is used with (S.A) for Strongly Agree, (A) for Agree, (D) for Disagree,

and (S.D) for Strongly Disagree.

3.6 Validity and Reliability

The researcher construct the research instrument based on the research

literature and research problems of the study. Then researchers will present the draft

questionnaire-checklist to the teachers and experts who have the knowledge in the

field of ROTC to validate the contents of the questionnaire in terms of

appropriateness and suitability to the research problems. . After the draft has been

checked, modified and revised the researchers will conduct a dry-run on the

questionnaire checklist to the grade 12 students to further check the reliability of the

research instrument using the test and re-test method. The researchers provide 20

copies of questionnaire administered to the non-respondents twice in a span of week.

Then, the first test results and the second test results were computed using the

Pearson product moment coefficient r value will determine whether the research

instrument is reliable or not. According to Williams (2012), the acceptable reliability

ranges from ±0.70 to ±1.0.

3.7 Ethical Considerations

For ethical consideration, the researcher must obtain the voluntary consent of

the prospective research respondents. They will be brief on their roles as respondents

and explain to them the purpose of the study. Anonymity among the respondents will

be maintained – meaning their identities will not be divulged. Information that will be

taken from respondents will be kept confidentially participation in this study is

voluntary and if there are problem arises, they are free to withdraw anytime without

any penalty or consequences. Furthermore, the researcher will inform the respondents

about the outcomes of the study right after its completion.

3.8 Research Procedure

The researchers write a letter to seek for the approval of the school principal

to conduct the study. After the study is approved, the researchers again provide a

letter of consent in the respondents for them to cooperate and understand this research

study. As the respondents agreed to participate in this study, the researcher will

distribute the questionnaire to the selected student who is currently enrolled in grade

11 because of their involvement of the study which is the level of perception on

mandatory ROTC for senior high school. The handling of questionnaire will be done

personally by the researchers and facilitate its retrieval for about 5-10 school days.

The gathered data will be statistically treated with utmost confidentiality.

3.9 Statistical Analysis

The data obtain from the respondents will be treated with high degree of

confidentiality and will be organized and analyzed using the following statistical

tools, frequency and percentage to determine the demographic profile of the

respondents, Weighted mean to determine the level of perception on mandatory

ROTC and t-test will be also used to determine the significant differences on the level

of perception of the Senior high school students when data are group according to age

and gender.


Approval letter

Dear Ma’am Date:

Greetings of peace!
We the researcher will conduct a research study entitled “LEVEL OF
FOR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL” as partial requirements in our research project. In
line with this, we humbly ask the approval from your good office to conduct the study
and administer our survey questionnaire. Rest assure that all data will be treated
confidentially and the results of our research will beneficial to the grade 11 SHS
students, BHCI senior high school faculty, this institution, and parents of grade 11
senior high school students of Brent Hospital and Colleges Incorporated currently
enrolled in STEM program of 2nd semester A.Y 2019-2020.
Your positive response is a primary factor in the attainment of this study.
Thank you very much.
Respectfully yours:
The Researches

Approve by:
Principal, SHS

Participant Information

Dear Respondents; Date:


Greetings of peace!
We the researcher will conduct a research study entitled “LEVEL OF PERCEPTION
HIGH SCHOOL” as partial requirements in our research project. It is hoped that the
findings of this study fill gap on the academic performance among grade 12 senior
high school students of Brent Hospital and Colleges Incorporated Academic Year
With this, we are appealing for your voluntary participation and cooperation to our
research project. Your name and other pertinent data will be kept confidential.

Sincerely yours:
The Researchers

Noted by


Research adviser

Research Instrument

A Non-Standardized Questionnaire Survey on The Level of Perception on

Mandatory ROTC for Senior High School students.

Part 1. Respondents Profile

Name: (optional)

Age: Gender:

15-17 18-20 Male Female

Part 11. Students Perception on Mandatory ROTC for Senior High School

Direction: Read carefully the following statements and put a CHECK against the

appropriate option: S.A (Strongly Agree), A (Agree), D (Disagree), S.D (Strongly


No. Statement

If ROTC will be implemented:

1.) This will help me develop self- discipline

2.) This will help me develop leadership skills

3..) This will help me develop self-defense


4.) This will help me develop physical fitness

5.) This will help me strengthen interpersonal

relationship skills

6.) This will help me in enhancing self-esteem

7.) ROTC will teach me the principles of good


8.) This will help me develop time management

9.) ROTC instill students patriotism and love for


10.) This will motivate students to be better citizens

11.) This will just add burden in the studies of the


12.) ROTC will help develop the interest of the

students in military services as a possible career

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