Script For Debut

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Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen. May we have your attention please.

We are about to begin Eloisa's 18th

Birthday Party Celebration so please find your seats or table and make yourselves comfortable and enjoy the
rest of the evening.

A very good evening to each and everyone and welcome Eloisa's 18th Bithday Party. We would like to thank
everyone for gracing this very momentous occasion because as they say, you only get to be 18 once.

We would like to acknowledge the key persons who took a great part in making this joyous affair possible.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I introduce to you the family of our lovely debutant
(_______________________________________). A big round of applause please. Thank you very much.

Emcee: "Tonight calls for a grand celebration and it is our distinct pleasure to introduce to you for the very first
time, the reason why we are all gathered here tonight, ladies and gentlemen. So without further ado, let us all
rise and give a warm round of applause, would you please welcome, our lovely debutante, ELOISA REYES."

Emcee: Such a spectacular grand entrance by our lovely debutante, I would say. And now to give a speech
and a toast in honor of our beautiful debutante, we would like to ask ________(Father of the Debutant) on the

Emcee: Some of us have been fortunate enough to see Janine grow and blossom into a beautiful lady, but for
others, I will tell you some information about her. (Autobiography)

Emcee: ""How is everybody doing so far? Is everybody happy? Is everyone also hungry? (Yes!) There you
go. Don’t worry folks, we wouldn’t be delaying your delicious dinner any further.


(We will be calling on the table numbers. Once your table is called, please join Jam on stage for your photo
session with her. Have your photo taken with her and then you can go directly to the buffet tables provided by
___ catering.)

Emcee: "While some of you are still feasting on the delicious buffet and the decadent dessert, We will now
continue with our program
Emcee: The 18 roses signify the debutante’s coming of age. We have now come to the part of our program
that the guys have been waiting for. A chance to hold the hand of our lovely debutante for a short dance. so let
us not keep them waiting. Ladies and gentlemen, the 18 roses with our beautiful debutante.

18 Roses

Emcee: 18 Blue Bills/18 k- older members would pin blue bills or thousand peso bills on the debutante gown as
the debutant dances with her escort.

18 Blue Bills


Emcee: The 18 treasure gifts signify the 18 person that she will treasure and this gifts will be her inspiration
and armor in her journey towards fulfilling her dreams. Ladies and gentlemen, the 18 gifts

18 gifts

Emcee: Happy birthday song. "Happy Birthday Jam! Let us give 18 claps for Jam.. Thank you very much.
You can now blow your 18 candles and make a wish. It is now time to cut the cake. As Jam has reached the
age of maturity, she will now cut the cake and give a portion to her parents as a symbol of her love and
gratefulness to them."

Emcee: "And now a word from our lovely debutante, Eloisa."

And with that our program has officially concluded. We would like to thank Jam's suppliers who have made this
momentous night a success. We would like to thank you all for making it to this wonderful celebration of Jam's
18th birthday. For those who are going home, may God bless you. Be safe everyone. And for those who are
staying, the night is young and the floor is now open for dancing. This is your host, _____, signing off. Thank
you and have a blessed night."
HOST: Seems like our gorgeous debutant really enjoyed tonight. From the shared
memories to a game trivia, Cham has shared a part of her growing years with all of us. At
sabi nga ni mareng Willa Cather? “Where there is great love, there are always wishes.”
Because birthdays are always new beginnings, new endeavors with new set of goals,
sending birthday messages and wishes is a tradition especially in our country, where we
give high value to family ties and relationship. Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, I present to
you these 18 Wishers for our debutant. These are the people close to the heart of our
celebrant, and whom she listens and confides to for inspiring words and friendly advices.
Starting off with the woman dearest to Cham’s heart, representing the mother candle that
will be a source of light for all the well-wishers for our dear Cham, here’s Mommy Cynthia
              18 CABDLES
HOST: Many ancient cultures believed that smoke carried their prayers to the heavens.
So, at the count of three, Mommy Cynthia and members of the 18 Wishes, let’s say “May
all our wishes come true” and blow our candles together. 1, 2, and 3…

Everybody blows the candle

HOST: Let me share another good-to-know trivia to everyone on how birthday cakes and
candles came about as a tradition during birthdays. Some believe that the tradition of
birthday candles began in Ancient Greece. Putting candles on a cake was a special way
to pay tribute to the Greek moon goddess, Artemis. They baked round cakes to symbolize
the moon. Candles were added to represent the reflected moonlight. Today’s tradition of
making wishes before blowing out the birthday candles may have started with that
belief. Enough of all those did-you-know trivia because at this part of the program, our
lovely and stunning Cham will blow the candles on her birthday cake. And to complete that
customary practice, let us all sing joyfully a song I am very sure everybody is familiar with,
the happy birthday song!
Debutant makes a wish and blows the candles.

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