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come) eee FFSAIOTA a AA SHR li TATCAT It aredlreieres Seated of &. a. qaerorenferor areata aa gi daaT | HPASATTTTT aft 3. WUSIRT, &, &, Faas ater att ga: afteaa fecha cence aR aad seTearalemaet: amarnareehat: oft ti. argent walea: sara | arereg: 1890] yt we 2/- [Reaarey: 1969 Bos ossvug wana QouatfulG~126 THor Lit ondny agave: J wanred (perasr wrer Liste ly sir HG Cag. sh. vAyaiposru sravgfacttc SO) OorPauuroyjier pcreart ugigssiup py mrpoda gs wanted grost Bw Gar, Caruredramart, M.A, guise €FHGRSH Bays surhssuuce Oyen usty —— SGnF cones naora proaiuw Ararsse gai er Osorraseriu sha, Bo Bb. sapreb @orbr garserres Qeuohuieuce gH. #5 1890] 2820 (6. 2/- [&. 9, 1969 PREFACE The T M S.S M Lubrary, Thanjavur has been rendering useful service for over twenty years in the preservation and propagation of ancient Indian culture by bringing out ‘from the dark unfathomed caves’ of its literary ocean, ‘many a gem of purest ray serene’ While the previous publications of the Library may be called gems in a metaphorical sense, here is a work literally on gems, the Ratna Pariksa. Two of the works which are got up together in this small volume were originally published in the year 1958 as serial articles in the T. M.S.S M Library Journal with text in Devanagari and a lucid translation into Tamil by Thiru K. S. Subrahmanya Sastri, who was a Sanskrit Pandit in the Library and has edited many works, especially on Mantra and Silpa Sastras, for the Library. The booklets were first released as off-prints from the Journal ; and now, they are placed before the public in book form. The book has been revised, enlarged and re-edited by Professor V. Gopala Iyengar, our Librarian, a leading scholar in Sanskrit, English and Tamil. The text has been improved in several cases with reference to the original manuscripts, the translations have been modified wherever necessary and extracts from some other manuscripts on the same subject and an informative introduction in English, have been added. Exhaustive tables of contents both in Sanskrit and in Tamil have been provided for the benefit of such among the readers who may like to have a taste by a sip of the contents before drinking deep. As the subject is one of common interest, it is fervently hoped, the publication will be welcomed not only by the scholars and specialists in Gemmology but also by the general public who are interested in the knowledge of our ancient lore about gems. Thanjavur } N. KANDASWAMY, 1-3-1969 Honorary Secretary. INTRODUCTION The word Ratna, derived from Sanskrit root ram denotes philologically an object of delight or a coveted object. In this sense, it occurs in the first stanza of the Rgveda, the earliest available literary utterance There Agni, the god of fire 1s mvoked as Ratnadhitama, the greatest conferer of all coveted objects The word has been subsequently used to denote the best object in any species, in compound words like n@riratna, the best among ladies, S#ktirStna, the noblest among wise sayings etc. In its most general connotation, the word denotes adjectivelly any precious object As a common noun, it signifies the precious stones, or gems characterized by brilliance and lustre, and it 1s m this sense that the word finds its place in the title of this book. Since gems, on account of their charming colour and brilliant lustre, have been used as articles of ornament and decoration from very ancient times, the need for testing their purity and of correctly evaluating their worth has also engaged the attention of the wise men of the past and many works on this subject have appeared at different ages from the distant past The need for such treatises became more imperative as there existed and still exists a popular belief that certain categories of defect im the gems produce serious evil con- sequences and that the presence of certain kinds of merit is conducive to great auspiciousness and prosperity for the wearer, his dependants, his home and even his environment. It is also believed that the different gems are associated with the several planets and that by wearing one or another of these gems, the beneficient effect 1s enhanced and the malefic effects mitigated. of the respective planet. Gems have their role to play m Medical Science, as well, smce some gems are used as components of medicinal preparations and all gems have their curative faculties in psychic therapy. Thus, a study of the science of testing iv gems is a necessary and profitable pursuit for the jeweller with his commercial motive, the physician with bis pharmae ceutical purpose and the connorsseur and the beauty culturist with his artistic taste, ‘Vyasa, Agastya, Varahamihira and a host of sages and great writers of the past are mentyoned as having composed works on Ratna Sastra or Science of Gems. In the present work itself, ancient writers on this subyect like Agastya, Bharadvaja, Adgirasa, and ancient works like Ratna Sastra, Utpalaparimala, Visvakarmiya, Smrtistrasangrah and Vabata have been cited. Recently two works on this subject, Ratnadipika by Candegvara and Ratnasastra by Bhuddhabhata have been published by the Government Oriental Manuscripts Library, Madras The two works contained in this booklet deal with a wide variety of topics concerned with gems Like many other Hindu branches of learning, the science of gems 1s interlip\ed with a good deal of mythological and legendary lore Different legendary versions are given about the ongin of gems The extract from Smptisiroddhara narrates how Indra slew the demon Vrtra and how the several limbs of the demon’s body were metomorphosed into different kinds of gems, the most precious among them having been named as Vayra or diamond Agastya’s Ratna Sastra mentions Bala as the demon whose body underwent such a rich transformation The legend explains that the demon’s bones were transformed into diamonds, his teeth into pearls, his drops of blood into rubies, his hairs ito lapiz-lazuh, bis flesh into corals, bis eyes into saphire, bis bile into emerald, his phlegm ito topaz and his fat ito cat’seye gems These episodes may as well remind one of Shakespeare’s poetic fancy in Ariel’s song mn “The Tempest” “Full fathom five thy father lies, Of his bones are coral made; v Those are pearls that were his eyes; Nothing of him that doth fade But doth suffer a sea-change Into something rich and strange”. There are other similar legends giving different origins to some other gems One verse in Isvara Diksitiya (P72) however, approaches the realistic explanation saying, “Others hold that stones by the passages of long ages are transformed ito gems by the intrinsic nature of those parts of the earth ” Apart from the legends which only serve the purpose of glorification of gems, the bulk of the works are devoted to an elaborate account of practical details about gems The number of gems are enumerated differently im different works Out of the nine gems that are popularly known under the collective name of Navaratna, 1 Vajra (Diamond), 2. Mukta (Pearl), 3 Manikya or Padmaraga (Ruby), 4 Indranila (Saphire) and 5 Marakata (Emerald) are considered to be Pafica Maha ratna, the five major gems and the other four, 6 Vedruma (Coral), 7 Gomedaka (Cat’s-eye gem), &. Pushpardga (Topaz) and 9 Vaidirya (Lapiz lazuli) are mentioned as Uparaia, minor gems Utpala Parimala enumerates twenty-two varieties of gems adding to the popular list of nine gems, thirteen more varieties namely, 10 Karketana, 11 Rudhwaksa, 12 Vipula, 13 Vimalaka, 14 Rayamant, 15 Sphatika, 16 Candrakanta, 17 Saugandhika, 18 Sankha, 19 Mahanila, 20 Brahramani, 21 Jyotirasa and 22 Sivyaka Only some of these are dealt with in the texts and others are passingly mentioned The several geographical regions where the different gems are found and the respective characteristics and qualities of the same kind of gem occurring im different places are given im the course of the texts. The characteristic features of the gems and the distinguishmg marks of their varying quality are set forth at length for each kind of gem Special attention is devoted in the texts to the description of the vi merits and the defects and the auspicious and inauspicious marks of the several gems which are said to make or mar the health and the fortune of the wearer, The wearing of gems with certain merits 18 highly commended while severe warning 1s given that gems with certain defects are disastrous and wearing them should be strictly avoided Hints are given in the works about the evaluation of the gems, based on their hue, lustre, shape, size, weight and place of origin. The expert tester of gems who hasa sound and thorough knowledge of Ratna Sastra and evaluates the gems correctly 1s extolled very highly, while the pseudo-tester who deludes the people by incorrect estimate, with his meagre knowledge, 1s condemned strongly. Not only treatises on gems but also those on Tantras and Jyotisa expound the benign effects of wearmg rings and necklaces composed of the mne gems ach gem has its presiding deity among the mine planets whose movements and transits are believed to direct the destinies of men By wearing on ones person an Ornament with a particular gem, one can enjoy the favourable infiuerce of the relative planet and overcome the adverse effects arising from its unfavourable movement But a ring set with the nme gems arranged in the prescribed correlation of their positions 1s said to possess a wonderfully talismame effect, securing health, prosperity, success and longevity for the wearer and 1s credited with the mystic power of warding cff all evil A section of this book prescribes the method of making such a nine-gem-ring, A chapter of the book deals with the manner of making artificial gems and the tests for discovering their artificiality A knowledge of this section will be useful both for producing cheap substitutes for gems when they are purposely required and for guarding oneself against beg duped by crafty men who can pass off inferior artificial stones as valuable genuine gems. Such are the more important topics dealt with in this work, Vu The Sarasvati Mabal Library, Thanjavur possesses eight different manuscripts bearing the title Ratna Pariksa, of which four are complete. The present publication contains the entire text of two of the complete manuscripts One bearmg Burnell No. 2032/ D No. 1850 and the other bearmg Burnell No 2039/ D.No 18514 Of these two, the former bears the title eafarttgrt wiréat! The colophon to it reads — oft atmaanfaeaa wate xcagteream: sarfyqarag (Thus ends the chapter on Ratna Parikga im Smptisaroddhara, composed by Sriman-Narayana) Evidently from this, this treatise on gems forms part of a bigger work and that work m turn is only a compilation, either substantially or verbally of many topics pertainmg to Smrtis (not only to gems), as can ‘be inferred from the phrase YfAaTEIC in its title. In the latter manuscript the title merely reads TEAATIIAS geertia making clear from its title, as well as we can see from the matter of its contents, that the work is merely a compilation from several ancient works. Though no reference to the name of the compiler 1s found in the title leaf, the colophon introduces him to the reader with the words Sat Qfats water and also suggests that the author's work 18 a comprehensive one, of which Ratna Pariksa 1s only one of the topics. Unfortunately there 1s no clue im the manuscript to make any surmise about the exact identity or age of the author, Information on these points and suggestion to make the edition more useful will be acknowledged with due respect and gratitude. The third complete manuscript bearing Burnell No. 2033/ D. No 18508 1sa part of Halasya Mahatmyam. The colophon explains the context of its occurrence thus - ¢ft esragutt anemaftgem arreamecd aaafiedl ar qatfeeiseata: 1 (Thus ends ‘ Navaratnavikraya,’ the 23rd chapter of Halasya mahatmya, in the Agastya Samhita of Skandapuraga) In this work, Ratna Parikga is included in the elaborate account of viii the Puranic episode of how Lord Siva, mamifest as Sri Sundaregvara at Madurat, appeared before his devotees as a trader in gems and expounded, incidentally, the treatise on gems To avoid repetition of ideas already mentioned, only an extract of the third work is given in this publication, selecting only the additional points not, contained m the other two The fourth complete manuscript and the four other incomplete ones in the Library under the same title have not ‘been taken into account as they contain nothing new and simply repeat, either verbally or in substance, what has already been mentioned in the other works printed and published im this volume, Very exhaustive and collated tables of contents, one im Sanskrit and the other in Tamil have been added, a perusal of which will acquamt the readers with the comparative treatment of almost every minute detail about the several gems, dealt with in the three works mcluded in this publication. My thanks are due in an abundant measure to the Honorary Secretaries of the Sarasvati Mahal Library, to the former Secretary, Thiru O. A Narayanaswami Iyer, for having entrusted this interesting work to me and to Thiru N Kandaswami Pillai, the present Secretary, whose infectious spirit of enthusiasm and energy has spurred me on to continue and complete it Thanjavur V GOPALA IYENGAR, 1-3-1969 Librarian, EDITOR. u aaa u [aet qhani aiateteetern fengnatet soca | waat | AE: wandered: afte afar ger wen: ores wa fer: | sma era oe TARY Bat rag wARsaTaeaaEt gat wag] eater Pardee SISTA waa carta tee Sadiady waster BQ-08, arereaMTAT eA Tata (aes) eee wait: we FAA: g wea gaat ea: , sR afaaaa a 1-2 grea CATH are. OTL g warigareast tartar: zara: RH RAR hve Waa seat wrens: BR aT TAY FETA, & ee wart foreseen ug grata sero: wa 2a, ara. aaa aaierne Rar, aeafiger FT a a= sia Teather arom Fae “ aiita wrt saftey ° Tari afanrTaTTayaT: Re aigagantea waa Sera rt) aR fagtta ern sea, gure we &R foguta 7e fered wae Fe, é afgaganaaran aa RR: Re gmat Gay ante parég ay wager gq SSPRURET: RR RataoaAT ast aT: aN am: fraavion Safearant Paley 93 ue area Baars a amor srmee safaee: geo ee quitter ait fa: ae og SORT: re ager aft: agent eras: , at aguas a oe are aE ay Paar " uat ewer Fahad: 2) aa = $a. aa, ast 94 Zor: ye aarat (wart) ao- Arg Tara TNT qa aa: go wari frq-enad-gy-ate-Bar-neE- ateReT Ta sa: ue Rea TOL ge faegaiver firg-onad-chad sagt arafara a fegztnni sant a) frgare argivehsaaer R SRR Beare Regt: , ast etdake. faa ae fegqme ifear gaer a ame asefiaey 4e AGATE WTAE RR ITT STRAT RAR, TET femarcnat 4 uy oftader anigey ry TUR Sea, se TRAN a ay TRAIT THAT RTL BR Harte FATTY aR farsa Vary ea RB Parnes safer BR-2V arine Fert, ae afeeenes a 4 wa, | 8, arm. BATRA: PTT aa aaa FETAL aR Ram, Banteay, aR (afer ) term: rafireraay R Bogara fifieer eam, ae mg F aM Prareraiser aiPaaeay rr mae we, aa a3 4y RITA TaTaTay oar aoa | ey alerdrer vam, cer ezafdaaads a 4 waIH-wAIR Tela Agee PACT WAT aegard, andi a ae wat Wake aarti ae} safer ay at gar waranty sale; 4a seTeeaita gar Bren 4R fiftventy scant afearai auf, can santa Mets es aatia Aenerraagourr 43, cy Brame Afana act qe ey aramiinne say afariltiae steer, cela aaa tw cq aa, gia sarageaa ateaz te mifane cao, ei, apa = Re ae smear Tele aay saa Bins aiestar sao ona aif ae at: ae Tanrate Rene as) ater: gemeaie sani, ce gears sz te, weMAae Sat, ge TRATTA a ee TET wat ae ara ze pe RO. afiemadls. cet gas = Re framadly , cet aabaferend a Re ated: ae oeiteneacd = Re feaoriiener drags Re Buel dt, ae alana a Re RT, Ter Pedra a Rg FRRPROT AHTISAARI tw. Awa agemre-wmergen: seta apes: agtadageral Rena arotea: Birger a}fener aarlaery mereraal atari RR Bata- gate Paeea.qeea fara. oepfeararen: Aten Te BAY: AP-RR FERRO aeat aA QAQMT: fa. am. aR wR R 4R 4 aR at. wagice aie ort ageehate:, Bare a RR atine sgfia set RR waRee an Fea: RR arafe-erg- FeeeM: aa: R dearatain, deaena BRR ORR AAT de-seara aya RRARY, Tract afer waaay ay aeaaTMgnE Arne Baa RR artery (Tat: ) RO-3o arora feeararia aw asa aeaat quay: ROVE a awe, TO. RTT FRSA, yar (afar) arrratr WRATRAERITS SATA Baran Re Aoarreaa, aw PRTC av aiftaaea TREMeaPaeTaa Ber SaatraseTy, afr (ara) See TERI RHI ga. art. <& aq 4R wR aR waa, &° Re Re 4 4e Reha after Gates vorraneeeay TART CRATER STAT TA, career aTgaoaaT: safrrer aret ate: frome: , de aaa 3 fared:, ce naan aT fiepaghs:, aq Tararaharend = aaah, Fe Tyree a QAI MATT, area. , 2a otaceriisaar: wean TPIT qua, de Sacaatget = TARA By APRA: a fadageri ataaat Ree, aeaaaa = afr sera gM: D aheqrel TATE ATTY Re Re Re Re Re Re RB RR wR RS RR RB Re RR eat. aa &R eq 98 Ro 1. aa genyfa a4 geadre faemrtenecamed yestarg- arto “agen” efe oes Fam! wert aaet arepeys- wgeata wqunftsaeq) daareaata safer aearearaeg gas.” eta wdsfaanata ata: froaafearataaa fae | ust Ofate seat wa aa. Tata TO KeRTST ee TRUITT BEAT RR gece agit set: RR AaPana. oe RR aieaPamr: fear arr RR sate: BER vedios desert RR a8 Aermahaass teat B9-Ak Aeer series sneer: R qetergeiead dea tag ae vaties garter sea. ae wertewera, ae rales a4 ater afer et: RoW aarasead, 34 angaafeart: Fry waaay , aa after Brena a dna: aa frereas , cer arigaarend = RR afer day, 3a aoa RR aeaieds: , cer gear a R Aiea cago: RB sURIee aa TIT: Ry werflees aa (aR) IM gy wa, = $2. um. fee sefreat of: Re AeeRaes gaan gatioe aa: ae att Aleaifearnaa eaeieaitarry 32-34 88 erie ahaa z4 Pacioer a TA: Hae: STATA 34, ATL RRR aeaTenarrenh aR Tee Heqaae senses Aca, ACHAT: ey ReRTE TERA APAY Bg: we RERTe ATAraTT we mR SATA, ye aay aTRaRT: wR aencel aaftat ar aq wart, te eased 7 RR Renae: , der THERA ae TI, a AEA aR asad der arPrataerrt ag aaa , ce Get T EXC) BENT, Tea ehzafeateafeat ae HANI: TA TTT, aw FRAT AAT ZA ATT: RR Reargmer acc. reTheTy ae 2 ge Ra. fadeet geet, fered, ome, gum aft were Ta _ OT: Teg THAR BATTER, yw SARA AAS GF TMT: aaa ag} STM Re Saeagiisrme dultae sense aaa, mafia’ = x aa: rea gare: eafte: aQrve eae 8 RReHe SAT fens eater gon: EY earaCAT, ae RAFTS, Rw SRT Fey GSAT ae Reaartacan Radaaal 3 cnfeart a ge eaiene RITE a aT: 23 gear: at FRET a garner giana gears wet gen: gare tg} at: aia Series: grata: PALO SAY fa, ear. RR RR ce 4 Me RR RR 9& we RR aa fa. eA. graatey Aafia: tage: we agaq Bt agony ee ‘Sgiea Bat OT: aR age agae do: aR frggae Agia eqarcay “a ey RR TAKS, BR WAKE Ara: BRT Ry TAT ss} TTA YT: ay ARR ae equal at: RR Dawa Agl-aanra eHfeneTiaaTs , HS STE | 4g maT BRR caer Seafarer 99% fgttafrer, RR PASSAT BR TaISe aE IM. ge sareer ast ats: at garnet Rasa: wif: saree order Burw Gar pp *) se 0 Bgragi0 aarues Lore gy erm. (Ber Oer@ Ap) pur, Deda, Aups reer umenpuyo Pega gr suk (Bpsgmpaj) gor sieAumeter wflseb aris 6 57090 (Yme aya) Bmarvrgnd OPourgnr spusers woo TE GD WHIGG Yopuin ures s Deir o.@ Cgrajusar TOs Cstapypmor wr easiest Bspsseeer, 80x 5565ummsmu wiomPisss Heat praumad Gem weor a b-ovr, mS 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 amr-ior 74 60 ovibecon Hd QDr-ut Laaar SovrGiacyyponrr ws nasa s San Auge 81 ugugsgsSer utGay asmaste 5 SMuugo gHuGu usstaecr 87 ugurrag Se Pmserue aor 31 SENnss Her provgias saudeor 81 On 5pDewerfuden Bob st frsrSucoiuior Quoumaceruddscr 82 Obst Sow (32-35) Hr $7 Bow ecir_reu Oe disor 32 49 fagzheu 2 sussowsiup ou wmBauwe or 49-51 Sos Gon Pptussms Gury gtd Guse 82 grusub, QoSr fuk sox Sow Baas 64 supon Qos7 bow App5g 54 Bo bas Ser venom 64 BHSs BoSHoo waged 65 Rose Cs tapwacr ao 32-38 Yr STW ‘UgT8w” cary siOUYRDETO RL LL Gmarg aun 9 Sguror apse wren aGorenect cL Gbw ugurragesum Suen. sovnmp yrgu 5 5uT usgrer Gtensg) QanssumsGne “@eAr fou” cD) SRUIGATE DUTESs0So. Doyepu Qurgsra Sg0pTQNIO CopBermeTULLy Gasogh 2. HTsesraph 15670 spujend Aur@ex0 prowpid nerdard (uomred suciy) ag, omemu yh pile aAL® Anahi pps © Buy 0 & pert glb an corn Par 08 wée ars Ps stb BGs Hsrei tu (weiner ect Cor wLsdwg) 6GuBmrmund@srGOsGie geuartiuw (sabe ecrGorwt & Fug) wrersBaronr of WIS G0 Basho oanbadt 255) asso s Gor Comiissr sep Quins dsr ooparon gomiissr Tp fas hon Apserunsar iO Sipvpy exw hopss Qasr Bugs Det wAoow ura PporsgadAgrg Qs AT Baga su psa Qrdor 6g 596 Csams sof Or Ar fosms sfdugsr® eofuscur A NGEOHM, MUSH, gGorsws Me géaiwepd Gb top tb (36-38) wre gh eerie Qe discr ujssh ea susHurar aIGgssrb5b w76 55 DIG ‘argsugi’ (sGirs Bord) cay Ouwiegs arrow ups po Per wg Quusiacir cofemn mf, 33 33 33 83 38 3d 84 34 24, 33 35 35 36 QDT owt 63 49 7 76 sli WI SSS Sor aimsssr By yo MSS aps My wrsss Ser TyIMs Cs aqgvecr wep (Beigua or sg) CpimwssGw afovBurrio (Aarcrer apoh arg) eustiacr 1d STU B09 ayer Lo qt mounagremr (arsamsg)) UbgSe8ar pasasOeiuyo wero (grupos) Gea Os gar Z058 DarOaew sidasBgrayb (wamrdsauy) ys So Censsmgé OarGaGb grb (upmoure widugy) stapes upsepsrar Dr acPeart gy'r, SI@QMCK BusoH cancrsewd sduregs (ugsdr Pp orbs) oy ar SOD ye ocr TS Sw wp0Gs Yopidn wrassdm Cgiogwasn usgy Gursw (AuryGure @ifay) esirar 0155505 aflssdon1g) Warren enw, sam § Beir ein, eripaypliyy grin, BAH Dw, stom wpsseSer Gortisn 55 Copa Su gig eamtsPruyoiw urs sw seer uTymeGeruy Fur agew silent 1-5 gone 57 76 36 86 36 36 86 387 37 37 62 54 37 62 a7 xili LO py wIsgdSeh Ease 7H wrsss8m Porsrwiisen 1G uTAEar gui Pow Qumy Bsrag Baers was0 oi wise Yoursg. ster afagwa®en uo Curdsyas wang eran ugsssmoe sfdugrad BOL uy FU uve Sor GDL Feb (39-40) rugeh a sus Swe Howser Mun8 Hs erp Quis oairirgw mugssSon aur S@fusim sweohude srengevor epSrannguaPuder svanqcurto en Srarmgy adujas Hd Ao sor gy AnAwuns ug suf mHesop ge Ams sSgnb 2 aringb mig smaafled eam diese upsurrasS iG mm Du om au 114. 555910 C pragma dr Yoquyrsib (lL) Yopurras ds Som adeng ever tb Yeurraw yop ouds@sTGsod yogurts Hot eomtiacr sO yspurtes Hor Caragmuacr ot @ Yoquyrass Sor 2 sus5H tobe 1 -§ apt 62 38 33 87 39 58 39 39 39 89 40 43 41 54 62 62 76 Fpag yshugra s Sot Vengevorid Ysurras$@o Pivorembd Qedws ute CgayWledr magia (41) maGhus Dor venparr FUSMSSASTOS EW OG Comtesse DHUSOHSZS AsiGsgu maf Csrapwscr 18m 5) (Yeirof) Ot an yur UGA EOLMUs SHO CanCgaib (42) Csr GugssSeir depo tb Carn gatd ori gic QuusMer wry esrb CarCugas Son Anbs gorwacr 1L@ CarGugs sso Csragmacr sap Conugair, ysurraur, on Gfunt, spdrarss0 Oma sues Sen amaad, URcrEaD OUGhu smo Gurr pra uangid (42-43) uaps Ser esusSowds uppsw BSapumasr Uapo cari s@u Omar UapsSar veagerrip sober AF QoT-wr 77 77 44 66 66 58 42 65 66 66 56 77-79 42 48 xv ups Ser germasr sug ups Ser Cgragtiscr o_G wiisordater sonLashera ws Paar UMpss ssocAuiBercrr Guo shar FS Sormaeage Gur guror Sor diner adar SSormagMage Aut gysuncr Cs aymacr 5 Son tiachn Usp SVAOrTH T/PIE e906 sraabacr Oeupos posamisin aad (43-44) Qewpams seSoriis2or -pSuph yap Asus ysne sub yop woremfissh pseaw . ys Hormachd Aewnemscou a Ded Soumect OuresHu 75 dordiser He eisars& AursHagmeciieo Cofantuiid FU 5058 As1GsGb psug (éformacier Quits QrusSren® gsdormecher 4, cracr Gemtsahih Dmprs ats Cs gorweeh Bat yoo pint oor gy avib-sot eS apt-wt 61 61 88 43 64 68-69 43 43 44 44 44 61 57 53 es50 stéaGagar & Gay oor LD 1505 BlowFury Qasyvaw Hysuuyjwo7go0 GSores% worden casper, Hs grutuse suo usmAur stray AsrGage masaAgresooiuder s say amr ib ausigrngh ssh OuwUgses Sg oor ID wurrs dst 2.5u59 IG s5tbs0 ouadir st mass dns Quuncr gi, saat Cprw@aruyo Srdgih sorsoomr Cong alOh wmp (45) pusdtaizaie Gi sSm Capu sup ppefu + 5 Ben ms or DOLD FBO pasdgsmas galaursn 4G. © fu se Borisscr bugs Her wer as A” musdgac ala yesaqu 9H paps ha wscfier uss euGwrasiedr Cured pSarmisct Aeiiujo emp (46-48) Asupmad uapo Gsuuyo erp Aewpms QnFrhow Gsiuyd pop Asupas wrss0 Goiupb rsp svfesut ToS er-iwt 58 59 71 71 71 71 45 59 82 58 46 47 47 Oewpas ugugtan Gewupo perp 47-48 u tates aa 0 WAAR VATA u —_o— u w@eaha: 8 ater area cardial wero 1 aa ehamrereat BH carat wre 11 8 wate grated Hasegen fear: 1 ed aaharat wet BRITT 2 HI Raganeai rasa: | Rast yet weaTeTTAT CAAT 1 Bu fede afta a ged ways | HUGS crissy =j5ar uftmgay. —_o—— raC pr susD Qo sea mSohcr ufosgmus sa pSCpsir, Teermacisr ufmagau sSrgam 2080 Irish werent, qd) Cugutiads ushmauld 985 Hu Croft sand Yfegiapsrt, gefwisor sufi Ord py oamud, @ YON ABroy_Cr ! Csut-grorat-amgrour-dg dur STI-e7si-gegt YsAuutsgeGs Efti-gqeng g cere) Afieaa ghar agit meet tt 8 1 rentyrieay aaron 4 | agate siat a af a aaa 1 41 aia Tar ger geetsadies: | seataarat qohqaataieaa al § 1 Hemsted Sa ae cede | fitaehaany Tag ayTATy 1 0 ae a grr afaear cary aH atte (erate) Ba: | TARTS aT YR TAN YTETTAT I < Ul or edr-(@ ain _adi0-a.o0or LT Liy er Eig dua Hye w- eorrur P-siiacort-B5n ct ou8er Cp sohur gprs cos tiered Sorhietrs uGiIssCusinGu. qmsurd, tserm safc es susdmuuin uimaperuuyo sTmaege OerdaCuan Gd 09g Gers Hs or0800. (2-3) smpsCe.L gam Su wofat, Csat 4@546 CustsSnsia g sorta cher osuss, sous Sodan Qutiscr, souschdr PHyir, Get, Czropn, of®, om. Gur.Quurmiusos ATG YOD, TOL, aphgsnudmey Qowaters an. 9901 @t. (6-7) Yury, Themed Yasir dis Qmrsor. sser phi g ose simu sop Seeded Outed wgy- (8) cSerutenm 3 aa) THIN aT TTATATATT | area wat ta Grate aaa Ns at [areal svg: usta Tam: | ara medatarg: Wasa Ta TU oI ay — wa 8a wats aa er RATA | wa ara Bag ea eH Tea ke wae frema 37 ae Te art aa Bart gas FT TA RU aalt qnetsfaagata a amd Raa | aaq aerages tay gaa ee aay aaa Gps, URITIM TH THY BH sw Vor Cara Ses. sus Csatstr wPsgubsror. sue ugrowurer Czann um_SHGssTOR. sousir Berg aderoure eps ewsisteruyo sane Blas oor Laer (9) euGar, Csutscr saBargh sora Sse Qeorg CeCamSyler Camrg@iad. “g Crat acpsos@euCer! ursrm~sor amsssuGer! & gun OLUCaan@b. amr=dsofdr straGon! Ceniaesg seCar! agrgdputstmasriursp ApuGer! Agsrrsvr~yWrsIerst mauGer! sy wrsT Sofiet umaaGer! guigh sasrsor umrssaGer! agrrevrs% grmad guiésCaan@k. agsrens aed 4 carter | aft tert Aeex a Bae: wT: fra | UIST ARR: TeAAATT | U8 aadarnat ga Saree: | fafea aaat we arate age 1 et RITA TATA aati agaTey | aoe: Feral at STATE GET 11 2G UI AVARS AAT NAT AT RET ATT: | MATGTIRT TAA F FAT 29 Peaderra aera AeA | afta fe a G54 7a aate ada i Re acr® pias pOWZseGo, wwe Mrs srUUTDD Gorse Gro, (10-13) Csutad Qaaury Cousirys@sran® massacnd PaGram. Qos rg SousCa@ oowG sraquor os Qisre0,9 sof sou CsutaGar! suser apAEs50 siersmss0sfpgrscomGLor, sh srfuges wr SsgG0A3 ms cong s\suielar evwt sia Oswg sgQuicnm. 21 Gor Qader suure Lorne Casgo yor agin sr Oosoidrs Bpost eon gor. (14-16) agree, Gsroardc agamsssan® cHsrar® gmysg, DT Bn@s euersis BorT® YMGH), Stossr amg sn Auto conor? gsc bar AIguuMse GeravCusmGv, gwasdr Agius geonuteneag 5 ast wera af % wala faaq | qafarata Fee atte aa gray 29 11 gent Gama a2} ae ag Fer Wada Ta: TEs 11 RU gag fed Gey attaramngt aa: | RR geqad ag: agaaatT: HR ary Rerlkfaeaten: AAR VAST: | Fat wey Bea TMT Bat Mt 11 VW fitaadaa fet agar: abr: eat: | OSUpiss GelACpsr crormsr, et Gon, SyrLoeT Cagis yor QoArer, want ursuar@or Can agmns! £ carg Aguusoss yisSOoww AHdI®_D cor syptw efi sms TMSGsASTOSR Carer @.n, sro1 yy Gaiaor. agrr=ser, Os) sur QuapApgd, sag efrgmSB MuGgeGgsOsTOsg Glut. eter, Greer Caw yarnoGss QbSre, agra sg@ioiw Symows sory vger YSSSTO gusty 5 DTT. (17-20) eiGer Csatscr gatrws Sd gibgnd ansBusms ypsi@isd. sumpsverscr Bomb Arugtiacd. sing eLDAGng shOrAs T5000 aris@bearimdar, Csutscr smusafid Anns Tors Sbs agi cong Quuhiierr. sonasefed, Bh, uTiy Qoussfid eomrrerousct ra gincessr Ri sur, mesahed e.cior_rorens eng eStwy gt Burd, 6 catia aatatarea Seareengat aasag 11 22 aa ta davaatee | Tea was ag Ree Het pana 1 Ww UI wel asia: Ag Gea: | at al deagadd saieg wT UI antes steTreTORa aaa FraTf ear: | TATA ATR TARTS TATA Ul RE Ul ame wey a: pagal a4 hea a) want wh: aa erg, gleam: 11 20 11 at a afe at dy died alegre: | BIg Tera sonsu gqrwrw. ararasafin Lorton GSHT gr Hurd, (21-23) Yong, Csanss, satan, od a5086r, wag scr, Asonsise, a luctsér 5% 7 5crde br 695 g50s0 nmi. a8 DESC 5 GuysuIe Upatsuu@sstuceg. QuysWn ugrs Am sg BLdser +O. smnuscfiv AGsTA yxdiadCsrgd Qrery so @ ysrdsor snerurGher por, snssecr yssSer wy prob Qewwuut® Agra Bispwr, agrmnss DiATQor.w Gugmowned Qadso Ql_sHAGrg) usCGA 5Ae wr yer mar agriadicr eorustruyh Coropistruyw uted sg) wise Stiou Pieriuungyeg senCogb sia MSsargguh apawron yeu Aen. Gib. (24-27) 9 Berit om Gay ? wer aft waa edararfir gag ae 1 sre: aerat Feat: Aaa ae: | aigagaands fara & feaferofarg 1 8,11 amen 2 Raa TEA: | Tat Gen Sar feqvarfiatsan: 11 e 1 Paeaaa: qsTEn: faa: CAT | gaa: aeaaeal yay aaATAT BL are: eraad Dar deed eERalieas: | Samir, SanagGwr Ashag Qsraronmon ye Divruv agsghear Sflumu wdssre, wails: Oy AggugiBurH suc sree Oy fepug Heeunw. (28) 7550 Sprusr grb, mS Sug: 5, asus ad, esrard, asp) prime gran. smo.sor PAGanrar Daw whys, wounds, syoms ges cram gy aps p) Cugwadr. (29) age D chonacha maw gah, Qufu e@mb, alae, Qousr ocomaserrsgy, Gg, Cras QooruguiGiussscn yoagggr Saat, (30) CsiQser, ysrofasn eoormaserniis Ffus eo Yromuser, wSP gS shondisermd. Gensacihed pie gofumaemuss Apbamasarnw. snus Busvanisafin QopssGausin@o. (81) srr (sider er ypsH0 Gurfed svg Gantiuero), arausu, Cros, fGuegab, aoig 8 waredent | anigeanf se ta: aed Crea TL I BR Ul des greed gea Heska aaa 1 ae aeaTal ang GeUT TAIT | 33 aiisard gat aca Basha Frere: | died 3 hae grilares Faq I BV UI sara Ue ae teehee | WATT BARA Ta RATT BY afi wale. aaret Ag Gu ystatissr, apse Qosuseso at opacr mywavs grdseib, Qmasen am_serurercussr, (32) Oufusrer yoamers cser5ms5 ard mus Dotuas uéduar@s Qguurs, prorgads YG@ni Ss smalorupid gona. (33) SYCatsCor! DS? gH rammetrs srg Auiédeg sha wuss guar pbs mwHf sow sare, ys Sots Wry d, OuersArretrupd SyeoL_oure, (84) Byioos pserwelr mas Agtuae offws0s Qypturn, siisdlugms somcare. sg) gisas @sud Cerssmsuyo un sm sub AarGagu. QYMEWUTN OT HY H\SAAL. Carsoor Hw. (35) TSCOSUED grb. ee georut meng as AA FAINT | vais mae gaa goa 3 | daa yaar sila gi asi wed TU Ba gt afeay HAs tadaT | feared wagrat Sarat seats: 12H geeky que a arat aftarati: | Suet a anes sat Gewdas: 11 3 Qo: Ts AAS MAT Ts Ger THAT: | srraaal feet start wae: ue Gor CG sragaisair rearbschsr = SuS8, xD, Garw Qoratrcs ufadsgtumsg) sy masaf ad Bgragdaamnd eanymor gpermatr Ouréhag sda ous gis eruutp paar OD, (a) Agsys5h0 sSus Carsheir,Carma Cars Boro wgro cariWby. Aer wyssHo Gow Wenig UswS Lidiss Hae ear. ISD. gsmurug wyas80 Queraings sib, wr~7regyor, Grar® Que sofgrs eamiiipg. sD 5s Io mares, Cmrurend Qro0@ Qwsorgys ecirnuIng. (2-3) agrestis Gormad Qog. Csrapisd pbs. erau (Spc) pra @ Seu. rtSsufagaradr Qoastns Wed gan dro Causin Gs. (4) BR 10 vartat TRU Syl FT AETSAT TAT | ateoraat (at?) Brive aft vet go: Baa Ul wal fiegetat Var ara: HRI FAT! ae AGURAATR TTT: TH WT FUSE U1 Gl ar Tar Ta at BMT HAT AACTA | fratateral aaa 8 aachrantia sara ergag | gages ave frsnafiarng tl ¢ i Fas TURAT TYATTA STAT | qoararsrdtd 34 aah FETE NU spCsrarwis Qosse, sr Powro 9555%, oagagsrer a @ geruTs QESSS, (yaar aimnuTs JESS, IyYsS Qiarsgssv stor agrsdm gots Bb. WOO (HYSGF HAVH wis), Gog (yeah), Crome (Caro), Art mw (Peo 50) 20g) AuIA's0), STEUZW (STamsuIs wr Gurar p Ga1@) sar rg Cgragti ser, (8-6) Gary, Fay, UEser, agty com sree a5 Apisd, Qorvrsre Sows Yoptu Grrwapexr, oypSfu, macw, Gor gids gsisessdsama sormb, 2) eam ysrar Irrbanar gD ar sm 55 pfliusisst wWSG0, STATE, SLUM™ Dousers moL_wsmigu Levan s8or 91501075. (8) Gonder ops shu g_grf ugrsmp ys gderuiteoneg 11 BUAHIST wa aay za TET | aft: sfiere terntffareng 1 Xt! wWereaia we wT | gga area axataarog 1 8 aS afsaat cara seer way arth carers Aree wey a AE ae IT ke Say Reguad: vtadt ashe: saat ameaa feadt adie: 123 1 waist Tae fequaa: TTA | waa oftaaeg Ge Tara: Ht 2 Hl OusAGbuse gue, ugradrwo, 6555 pred Qoaster 0 ourer. (9) Seorumcror oudu grHs agntsmss sfiuersir ser mrt s sub, Aurgdram, Agengactien Conpuih, Yr Qonuskor senrainsh. (16) Canwpsror 557 gts massnss shssrd verruarch Osisd, wrwt s Hub, sorsnoflus WIGSE Qouscr vair_aeb. qt) WO®sraxpsher gs SWSSOL h5eDsCuTH Pal nid D5SGd. 5550S 51H Gogiud ecronmarsorrn (urty YsAweaserre ) Lu caring. groda MOSE OQogsrd Tunfurd, wwth cece. MDES BOM G STH usa Bd. (12) Bia (yma) arp Coragmes, Box, BtSSV, ust soh, wens, rer wtars auyswrss wm plUygedéng. (18) aw verte | feeqnaaa geod aaTate | afed wazeniBaa gq wegera (4 Il aa cara te Aaalt fra wa | ceattad ward aaa fara tl 84 ae de Feet saa: I WIT | OT are goraret aaheAa Ul VV Ul ary tay — wera Tat tat aazsat wage | Bearawt Bar tar TeTRe 11 Le Oop terug PauuTsqn aurea Deseo. Hviss ooh ug Aawursapo oi Lwrsayn sewers aPsgb Qosoe. uflargss@udug) Pauursayo atturaat, GL urssafsg Qusou. (14) UmgFsragurer gs, ays, Sor Gonarskar wai Aaiigy BG2. gpurggw comp Barapn UW Sonsuysir® usr ee. ular dei cron Carag hur Saw 2an@ Usirgpo. Qof wuaswIer uu Brbmg88mer, (15) wmaurorg Fauy, weysd, Gareniiy sror epsirgy Agore. we FacuTs Qomsrd wots @Smreor aYfupd, wma uveeser Poors Depard ewsmgu Sfs55R wea Camu Ppors Qopsre por se 5u40 apujPorupo Gy 5H Gringo crar wore (uma srafusmsiGurap aga) srry Sng (yeraf) Bor Corogisen Gordiseno crap gm DUULL er. (16-17) Aah Crensmu (BrmsaBarG) doa. gyAE mar. avd wa srb (amg ué2550 ws) arnudsra (Og) od eoruten aig 18 wazareet at Bem ar waifiat | Ret wafiara saa aaferat 24 faa unfert am: aeard steer | ag: arava cat a wR Rat UR tl a gantaeng wi a aes e371 wat wet a aadlt VAST 2H Lass So (ys), Coed (mPG0 afin yiug), Crow (p7Rw stron QsrLisfurse @aseu Card), Gessn (Qu usenssfigne gpatyCured sremts ULL 91596 Ce5a0 sorg uur.) Goalsors Grar Craghead mg Bauer Qmasahe, ang vs55S HauY Bsror gy xuLTETg, oars As1GsGu. Pi_gusssFSo yay coor gs uwwsms earGuaepe. pOo MGwrt CaiG GaGa siugesub, PasiGsenvorubh eanQuew gp. murgigemuier CarG sujssst® LWgms eoo@ Lat gr. Qmussmsehign en sto os ofsst ULL gGuTe sreriugn “Crgar? amp Bang Sram 365 EBT ogee Upgesafe iPoraujeer ccm gpI'o (18-19) wag COLrnAGgss1d Ass0Ismnmw 2 cir® uargpo. Sorww (Fosssy CuraGar soogy Osruuorapsr arg, CureCat stemruuGargy) arm Csron sromtulime wer gas uws05 coain® vem gpit; BFeun. abt sS0 srameuar a8 Cure sremuutime sbs4eraugducm Cgzrayo MDFSAT EHH wr om Sm zsOaTGSEW, DANI Ardand wrayd HK Pogue. Sevi1y oot 55 gi, Year 14 eerrérert | aibeda 3 ae ava a aM aq | ee AT Yo: Aer TTT ANPZAT 11 RA A a aaaten amt eor8gg, sordavtsy, BENG gZeruoTs omar gy, Er Pr_oigg QPoaam Cety sm % (OSHS) asinQusin gpl, pxnwaw 2o1Qucdr ems stom gy Cnrroyurom agr gsanshon Cenapbatnuo Sooo essBor wpe on. uy ora, (20-22) aigy utenssp apna. rg0r utoeeg 15 AT FET entvareaai shi gerade | aa heaget wae: eH qUaty aa aes TOR | qed wren Veardatseqagq aenfest agent aikee avaT aT | alte aia manety sat aie 30 Hevea gt ates HAS ge | a wat TI ITTATTTAT 1 8 sgiésaiiccr uPenay, winder, urwy, Goan, wSsmrub @ eas af or S29 Ys gieser earinderpar, epmdd, AU, eG Qmuscher situsdo wagess ware Asiper, Gustisehid goisgdsor Spsg sismuacr USSsSKTS Ba pr. Zoe wSgisalt Ceaisar BsrepSt0Gu «POS gs Asx y AGAGiaM. Bosured Qouss Am_oug sig. (1-2) unter unity Genrsuscher gion 2 sinew Ysgiisa gan Oewursrtse;5Gs Sorvusigs) @sedIn Aidsso seri rGew wsgissor TS@ss macho (MYSHISSH) Vo sisetGeHoor s sam yuousor, Cusg$o eat_igo Ysstar gy Can Pepe. oroucGurTse)d arroyaoraand s19 55 WrSayo serurscyo Glu goflmwisGurd Mano Ggere 16 carta armaagtatyga wld aq | maaRecat afas wae 04 Ste aad 64 Aterort werafa | yrdiat a weaa ara Sa NG Hes Harel asa | aera ASA we AiR goaahia: to i gerald Rist aihek oy | medigeaed aqme] aaqaq <1 YRorsisao PGsGr. Og Caanacr ghasss05g), palsramsesdmruug sifg. (8-4) aruGurg Cgessu spade woos ss So LomLre@v YSgHsHer ApAAssahoruGuMsr pe (ALD, ergSrb grusefn Jauurer wéyser pit, wwseremr Urareo, Qousepmer sta Joss. (5) sviuusder sin cam meio (raj sa THUGS) PSST Z ULanmuracy, Ms gwenfw arse, $0 Opwieyr, Hess gafusrorgraaid Dosgb. ararduler EwsSo camingo O55 Tom gsmpu yoreAun Geuwrseuredr sein eogya Urisagpgwir gi. (6) sri@iusr puller gi We came vss usPowrCurD amy gsc Udder gafuyo eowsrs P5550. Op yerorfuuw Oedwrgat 6@e65 doughs). (7) BH oop wss0u BCray 5 Sen g2rudgysir veh Gsarmg om Gumhia ars Srymsrgrsajo Cuensge Onsen, (P9598) urPhuyend vserutenm 17 aad wade ageieeqary | sega agit: goa: amea Feaera 18 ativeas ee WaaeTE RAT | HUA TIA A RT TW JA U Lol ares agidey fas arene | gets we a wegAES TAT qui faa at 824 gar sehen | a ghat: atatiaen: [ta] saa etwas: 1 Curwaph ga Ga Pye mado ariiauowreayo BGrgu. (8) ISI enim gy e5SperiCursm Gare Yous, saBsreocuy shor (suns Bor fen) simoysi ar BIS0 DEES. Ogi Qugers yabrowfunw Asiigast SQHSGSSIM Gor1gb. Qos Cag op Howaorrd Toom@sig smiurbpCaair@b. «mee aw earrgu ysgcdsr gamsiyulesr Now, Yo YlLoWs s1 5870, paw gal Qmasterym usr, OS Fvbpy. uTuis®rUGuTaga. (9-10) ACKIUI gsr _TGb EPSS1er g) Amsertd, gyraunwb, ungated, uTuro @b5 Orasohd mys wsSuI0 earindapg, sar gud @flucr ngrserauder CorFIOnSH Topo QuIsgasc As syoastar Fusam esc eaugi® O55 yssi ecm «cpg Qa vvsare Qaorna gahymersrs Qosqu. Os Apres). (11-19) Be 3, 18 cercéten | eqet wer ae: AegaTaTaaRa | vata garerat y Rey area | 23 1 afronent wren: cat sta mathe | fois geperart ordineat aq 1 88 I ailee aBRRE weaTAe: | Gel TT aq TPA ST airs ages aif Raareay | armeageya teres are 86 UI A099 eanrigid wsgser Cuaga sz acid sore aginiag OuAsrsad, pOssrumuyo, Adersae Qosev. Qeasaher sil Qeowacher ars ST SO 4uU QurGssG sur. (18) Geer sorp AGI commeb wsHsG UsGuersSab (mss usH) HH QuuT. Oa aso worsen, GuGU Apyser stacy, grisarier on 587 Yaa srsyo BoeGu. Og Ssddprsg. sser Lifmsguid maCsipsutadr Aamo aii wHiCu dorurg cag mpSepart. Og Amrousig. Oo ae adr shassseeg. madu uTeduth Ceuisutaenags Sorsaer gs. (14-15) Argon edo ceriem wsstergy apapoyd Qoouourer Hpyw eon a gy. Bor sda ecioe ws wesc Ppwraaph esauranh Qyagu. (16) aden utenseg 19 odes as fd cared Jay | Sone oS fread = ed a aifek satiaay ute gar: wardia: wae: aatia: Ul we anremmeat Tenfl Term tl te waraaden: ofeest frneay | Ohaaa qarems a sa: HPATH: 1 4 aaa ca aR FT ARNT J TT AYTATRT yAT Ul 2 Mt Sala aes sd seer | ungebss S50 oar inex (Sg PMiwcwracyd GacranuTsaps PESOb. Qa Aorsduworergro, utur Cases SQar_r6e yYSsrorg, ADs uso wrasse LOTUS Fromage Ameo. (17) YS gieeeher went Caroghiac mre. wPSoT rer Caryiect 4m, stuss Cgragiaaier Qrsacnr sm56 m AC pi, (18) OSD OG USES HO F.109 Qe. 2Osrairig GEG. Q506 45H ws8orw (And Crimgsgy) ory) Quit. Ors Conagypcron gy ngiCrnssems oct Qucir got. YSHO or semBureds sromtuGs Oss Carag sSHG wsSsrwTmgw (Sir sar) steirgy Ouwi, Oo Pécunrs ysd7 presos ecinQusis gpd. (20) erie dD Ppb oerdu YyYsges gore (AyO 20 derndtert | arnt aermeneaftartg 1 82 Tifes fener AzeT | afer anit aastad art daa argo fags aot va aR | feat arr areas Fara ae I 23 sgaafalea ay sad afar | ifs frat Fa censifeatera uke feat a areas ahaa | Oa ag ga tee adaarerT etl BIeTtU® LGsewssq) cH Quuh As sis SusmsucrGusremye gnsurd Fos RAG Cosain Grd. (21) Leip Apapsror WSgiss ATs sw srory) Oust. WoZs Ms gaAereincd wWremucLomer, wf GsaCu Qi. (22) YSDO Qa MSS CODarcheRs (aps Dy) veTwis oinsah, O65 Caraskhpa AGMH su corm Quit, Gmss pshiuacr seer uréSurie8or upd Qty BQaureir. (23) SHH oLLUTs Gadorna aPaahimbsta mids Carms his etuLh oar gy SUUt Gens ofa O35 7D sTEpgd gU84 59 @sin_rew (24) tCaresr aryauter wey OmoruTrédusens Ps pHs. Fen (ard Sours Qdanwd) HosGh wsgsq pderuPeneag at frat og sand aed | aad dian fret fetrat Boaz et aaa dente wedieashiar | weg anda a eid & dime 1 WOH aarghdart gat afar | Bre aie Teg TTA Ty 11 Re Ht agew (Fung) sp Quut, Oe yaoyp sfsg AIG. (25) 95 Ubsd 50 e565 Beptssh5 Sgeuttsand (u85550 9045 SHSSH) sor D ut. Brg Csragw @ SASwrswpp2.@25 Osi gIGb. (26) atvragaurs Qawrsg, Suopmorg (sgt 165590 GuGuTH wiLLors Oqtug ssTagy ww SOT DUSSTO OQ. Prod ummscousured oss OQ SHGnCu simswrodmaguy sae g Orwvg), cwrpsg, ofegserng, xpssysrarg. Uitenme 5 JretuiLr a Zavisg, bad esrivoor ssi, 9°5 YsgraM CODD» aieauyn moruserage, (27) nes $1 $0 gohan Cure p gal y om Lw YS gS9 “ m>gIVu” se gy Aur, Bde aL aor (epee. alzauorer) 5546 “ Gorag” son py CUWi. (28) Csragdaorndgiugr-s 00 gah Barb YSGEG “ Piwwu?? ors gy QuWit, 28 cereéet | gee Der ae wafer a Aq AU wt tarda aq ferret BT | eh adoota aifee Fa aaa uF Ul waaay wel: ata soreafe | saat difmarorn tat sage far 1 after AR amreqa caress: | ter weft Sat age afeaiet 11 aR feat avextt sort dior Aavaatiett 1 semide ePauuepao en Pp Seu Guna pub aLayegh Ba1@, sfieh, gmren Qaerugyd AGte® YS5465 “mPssi” (UC@Manrd savy varuariiy) sai gy uw, QS5m5u mandgorer Ganmsonch my SO55 SRUUA DISS gud AESAuMr uw Ceward Aigssumruysr. maw uTuwseEu mFSG, (29-31) US HSH SG WEHFoT-WZITU-O v5} 14-Lovw sr6ir erow (dpb) sragAish cor Tearzogusmz0 fads git untdueursdr & gsi pent. wgsecr Apurer YSH Dedasmss OarGsed. vgs (ugmadurgs) Boyne Yogi ysSeou 0555) Cerio. (82) Carcrrenw Apypsrer wg Ysops QarGsqu. fo Popa YSsg Ameursdusms grew Oeus 199 GW. Tserut neg 33 arefa: Tad ger afta Ses aA HN 83H ean: fe: sae aT ATA | a — MATA TA IA WIAA | 88 Ul aaieage Tes warhaay | qe: siama: sem: sauighedia 0 4 ul ANETTA TRA | wey ae wade awe: alata 1 88 U1 qaigurtaea yore saeTag | fra Bxttse asreyferTat 1 R911 85 Sa Pum Gorse wréred srorg Quwit, Vay Go Duel Qom.s5 Gis (ueraBo) ora wy Quut., usgicr versio. Qarsire gy gw sorEsow (apes) oreirg Gut. TOL i— m0 stemuysror aura ZranG@ Auaraws BUDsald pra gampmasc Deus gs msusahe aud gy sts oi Caan Ge, aG gi@ Qawrnn 12 swgeaw ferapdrat Omaravd CarBer BGWSHID Qucmsvs sr caper Mas, B50 GIN goNT Belg), Maly Ger GronG usssSqupsrar Corsammadr uo aperaher Qrar@ vsadadign GurGgsismus gy Qinrés a2 carat aoe ITS Hes | arora tere? adem agareet 1 3 I a wg freiag of cam dere | BORA aT HATIT 1 38 1 aaa weet a award AAT | wee gay wa ata a maT ve aa at fisting dea ara HA | wert att gee at aa at aeifaay ti 88 ad BORAT TH STATA | AAATAT FAY BISA TT | AT UW ve Ul CaO, Yorafor oq usstschigns 5 stieaw ALG gampo Geigy, srafer aulgeter 2150 YHuCaarOd, (2UOWQ_sI YEE muuTs Bos Cas Gn), mstiIguia Cuaudsssd0 snnpe slg sgréd (pa Oru urtsg ve. Cui Gasir Gd. OG SLGH sm CurG wplGG sLye Bie Aer Gator ahGaur, cares BOPAuIH Bon cyw son eon a 8G apHreG 4 Hse 1 Sg) AmpuIe Med, Sbs Ysgrsd “sBrehw” DseApmsanciadr creat ugu. semuseigyn 456 to. $950 Ysg Mae Apes. OD pee creme 9 an § YSgidner aimirufer rserut neg a5 aay 84 ane wae: | saiaranes qudcaaea ti 82 ROHS VAG wifes Tat ALI area frafe aaq mary vacate U1 ee eqn Stet Fa Aet y aT | ae a went ate wa V4 wer wa TT aa Gea ashe Meh | wert aera dey ayat TE_RTTT 11 BGI wear wert gel gent geqeTaT | ROSETTA Beh aT AGU VO Hl fongn sjnuad “essu0” (2wiss wsgescr) erercin@wo. 8G sys cHL4q 14 wasn 10 wegdacr amu Borgd sus “wgenw” (0557 YS gesEr) crerUU@w. 8G spe wOLb5 20 usm 18 ws Has cr arid MarGn snus * 15" (HYG HsHsssr) seriuGo, Qmarseficr off senascfler stents wgiees@ gud. Qoastrs syed Adu wsagisaserb eand. OSHSxor TO GuTGo yrmpujd adn wAdYo Guns aAsyo Odargy se pluie. MG OT YFHSEGSES a8 Hany GUM. VG PSgsam2q Qogurer Avge, oOSar YSgIe a4 % canta | awe ated See | TeAATRTATAT: (A) TURTT: BATA: | aed divatieare: afrederaM (1 ve af ge: 65tG E0551 Dh sie. aFs TOL_yrM YSHS 8e5es i221 Hau. BG GSS Ore spGx cor. Poisre, sig Cganianwieng. Bsbat Apisg. sms s7QIb pia sorer gs). wsgese earigb Bima, dmrsge Autism, Gan tsdr, Corapiisor, BAe) Leder Ear, TEDL BUG 5H, simarssficir 98D, Denaslar Peas Bavaro BUrVar KH MMIGED Et. wSszs07 PHD. reeruPmnaig az ara area fed cama Ras seq aifeaq | aah a wat ate sue ku fas set 8a at Tet RT! aad adante agi gat BAN aaerertert aaa diners fig | qae® seen ate alent sathiay i 8 faas ¢ wie THITMAATAy | WIRHSE uF Msp, Lor eflssurer 5 855), trace siiens, Ansari Qoaached osinrnci mg. Loreto wise Qiiisclw ecenicMdrpg aren gy sBaurefiscir on. pidlcét mami, qa) souscAe Misch epsorag Qo. sroryrd Hromirug Qo. 21(%) sS7o wargaug Oro, Sausb orereragy Qrwo01b, (2) 8 (%) boo CreS5HHO ceiomebh wrehssh wrras soft Apyserg. Ospe “Awerabsaw” ereér gy Quwie. gy sho ecrirag sodoysmrsrh. Osos Sum sS?? orer yy Ouwi. (3) Piss HO earirgy As Poors OoeGe, QaH6 “ uswrrsd » srairgy Dwi, 8 terete | ha mengheys geri way He HI set ftedays fet eatery | were 4 after Fake 4 1 aifirere aarearar wat Ret wat: | TTA ETM: Bat HET efdat ue srafeartag fete TYTTAT | feet fag fa wa WAT 18 UI ag frafrga Tarafearaey | sreryr SS ear_rag ugscr Pours Ha se 9516 " GA 55” aeTy uw, (4) DrascAid Aisersd0ccnnag dpsss. gid yr sho ecg so_ssrorerg, wip Qa Quis scfgid acrrag pOssiuIETg. Beniac Ow achdr Capnmuoungianirgis GarCusmaarms (5) wrens mG AsAudrg cp ofa és er oa phar peri, simascfer pod Gommacr mrang, eranu (Amb) ude g 8 grb. (8) QrrG Azote Apd sosAGbso 9655 “Mg Séenu” (QrarOds Sob avs5g) tory Oui. M5 Caragh usgdsbr amsseid, Cr Bde QrenGe gab sremiuiined 3556 “ gchusb? arg Guu. Ors Cera gaurs s1HsIHSsr ger or 5my cin Queir gpd, (7) LOL sAGbSTH 216/06 " Berard” oer gy Quust, Dra Coregd gusiserd grag pe Qeuupd, ypderufonseg 99 wat USER WORAATIAT Ul

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