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4th Dimension Change Coaching

Our Unique Proposition

•4th Dimension Change Coaching
partners with clients in a thought-
provoking and creative process
that inspires them to maximize
their personal and professional
potential. I will partner and support
the achievement of extraordinary
results, based on goals set by you,
the client.

4th Dimension Change Coaching’s
approach is this: the selective use
of world-class research-based
Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and assessments
creative processand models;them
that inspires partner
only in areas of specific
maximize their personal and professional potential. A coaching partnership supports the achievement of
extraordinary results, based on goals set by the client. Throughspecializations; uphold
the process of coaching, individuals the
nonnegotiable creed of absolute
focus on the skills and actions needed to successfully produce their personally relevant results.
sincerity, professionalism,
confidentiality and acceptance.

I will work with you to provide

customized approaches, structure,
materials and motivation to
empower and equip you to explore,
plan, change and celebrate the
attainment of goals that you
yourself have visualized and made
reality. I guarantee that clients who
are accepted will experience
change and empowerment in their

Life is a one-way track with many

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What is Coaching?
Coaching is comparably a new profession. It blends the best concepts from business, psychology,
philosophy, sports and spirituality. Although coaching combines skills from other disciplines, it is a distinct
process of supporting others to create an ideal life. A coach is a sounding board, an accountability
partner, a truth teller and a supporter. Coaching involves dialogue between a coach and a client with the
aim in mind to help the client obtain a fulfilling life. Through the process of coaching, individuals focus on
the skills and actions needed to successfully produce their personally relevant results.

The client chooses the focus of conversation, while the coach listens and contributes observations and
questions as well as concepts and principles which can assist in generating possibilities and identifying
actions. Coaching concentrates on where individuals are now and what they are willing to do to get where
they want to be in the future. Coaches recognize that results are a matter of the individual's, choices and
actions, supported by the coach's efforts and application of coaching skills, approaches and methods.

What Coaching is Not

Coaching is not therapy, counseling, consulting or mentoring. Although the coaching process may have
roots in the field of psychology, the actual process of coaching should not be mistaken for a therapeutic
intervention. The overall differences between these are as follows:

A therapist typically works with a dysfunctional person to get them to become functional. Therapists
typically work with people who need help to become emotionally healthy. They often deal with past issues
and how to overcome them. A coach works with a functional person to get them to become exceptional
and does not rely on past issues to achieve growth.

A consultant usually is a specialist in a given area. They are hired to give recommendations and provide
solutions. Generally, a consultant doesn’t get involved with areas outside of their specialty. While certain
structure and approaches can be similar to consulting, coaching uses a more holistic approach. The
coach collaborates with the client to create a solution using the client’s knowledge and answers. The
coach does not have to have the answers. They have the questions that allow the client to find their own
answers and clarify their own values.

While a counselor provides information and expertise, the relationship is normally hierarchical, perhaps
even authoritarian. It is based in the past and focuses on fixing a problem. A coaching relationship is
present and future based, action-oriented and not hierarchical in nature.

Mentoring is a relationship that is established with someone that is an expert in their field. The mentor is
usually older and more experienced than the person being mentored. The mentor imparts their knowledge

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and experience while the student seeks guidance and advice. A coaching relationship is a partnership
whereby the coach walks side by side with the client. The coach supports the client in drawing on their
own wisdom and following their inner guidance to achieve their goals.

The Approach
The Change Process and Coaching Model
The process of change is never easy. In the basic process there are common distinct stages, which as an
overview can be summarized into the following phases:
1. Honeymoon
2. Strategic
3. Operational (Initial Learning Zone; Final Quitting Zone)
The unique value of the 4th Dimension Change Coaching Model is that it guarantees, with your
commitment, that the final phases, Goal Attainment and Success Leverage can be reached through
phase anticipation, preparation and tracking. Furthermore, this methodology can empower you to
maximize your personal and professional potential through expanded application as your journey
continues and you leverage off your initial success and lessons.

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The Details
Exploring – The Honeymoon Phase
Exploring is about: Understanding your needs and what gives you’re a ‘buzz’; knowing and expanding
your ultimate values and dreams; Developing accurate self awareness of yourself both in terms of your
current ‘as-is’ state and where you would most like to be in the future – in realistic, actionable terms.

Possible Assessments:
• Needs and Value Assessment
• Learning Styles Inventory questionnaire
• Personality platforms such as DISC or MBTI
Useful Frameworks to understand:
• Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
• Dual comparison technique
Critical Success Factor:

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Your vision of yourself in the future can be articulated clearly, accurately and in prioritized terms. Based
on this priority the selection of realistic yet challenging goals can be determined and agreed upon.
Elements to consider:
Where would you like to be in 12 months time in terms of Health? Finance? Marriage/Family? Career?

Planning – The Strategic Phase

Planning is about: Setting up structures, strategies and planning to ensure that you are best positioned to
succeed in your articulated goals through a well prepared action plan.

Possible Assessments/Exercises
• Personality platforms such as DISC or MBTI
• Action Planning for Success exercise
Useful Frameworks to understand:
• MARS Structure and Process
• Prochaska and DiClemente’s Stages of Change Model
Critical Success Factor:
• Select multiple criteria of different categories to track and measure your progress.
• Identify the unspoken, automatic assumptions and challenges that have prevented you from
achieving success in the past.
• Articulate and plan how to leverage off current strengths and how to celebrate wins.
Elements to consider:
When you last experienced success in any area, what elements motivated and drove you? Which didn’t?

Changing – The Operational Phase

Changing is about: just that, putting the strategy into action; tracking and measuring the results;
optimizing the strategy if necessary based on lessons learned.
Useful Concepts to understand:
• NLP principles. To speak, to visualize, to write, to think, to claim change and goal attainment
• The power of a positive attitude.
Critical Success Factor:
• Accept that you will experience both failure and success in this stage – and determine to learn
from both and never to give up. The quitting zone phase occurs often just at the verge of success.
• Use lessons to optimize action plan and methods to ensure continued motivation

The Commitment
I expect you to commit to:

1. Believe in Yourself and Your Greatness.

2. Embrace Your Uniqueness, your gifts, talents and passions.

3. Enlarge Your Vision - Be a Dreamer.

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4. Have a positive forward-looking attitude.

5. Take Responsibility
Results are a matter of your intentions, choices and actions, supported by the coach's
efforts and application of the coaching process. Any actions you take as a result of
coaching are solely your responsibility, as well as the results you generate from those
actions. You agree to take responsibility for all that you think, say and do.

6. Be Honest With Yourself and With Me

We are a team working toward your personal fulfillment. The more open and honest we
can be with each other, the more progress we can make together. These are your
sessions and your dreams.

7. Complete your Weekly Reports, Fieldwork, Action Plans & Celebrate!

a. Email me your Weekly Pre-Session Prep Form 24 hours before our session
b. Email me your Post-Session Reflections within 24 hours after our session has
c. The fieldwork and action plans as agreed during our sessions.
d. Celebrate your success without modesty

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Policies & Procedures
Coaching Format
The coaching sessions will take place by phone or face-to-face with the terms mutually
agreed including dates, frequency and duration. The standard coaching format offered
is a weekly one hour phone session for a cycle of 12 sessions with follow-on dates and
times mutually agreed at the end of each session. These 12 sessions are offered pro
bono as part of the ICA Certified Professional Coach Program requirements.

Scheduling and Cancellations

I commit to respect you and your time and expect the same from you. In the event that
you need to change or cancel a scheduled session, I require 24-hour notice. In turn, I
will extend the same courtesy to you, should I ever have to reschedule or change a
session. It is also expected that we be prompt for our sessions.

Trust is essential in building this strong partnership. I guarantee that everything you
share with me will remain in complete confidence. In the case that I would like to share
your information with others, I would seek written permission from you. I do reserve the
right to act if I feel for your safety or those around you are in jeopardy.

This Coaching Agreement was designed with the intention of discussing it with you to
find the points we are in agreement on. It is my commitment that we co-create both this
agreement & our coaching relationship. With this in mind, are there any points that have
not been addressed that you would like to discuss?

In addition, I ask for your permission to use these coaching hours towards my coaching
accreditation. If you do agree, your signature signifies your agreement.

I agree to and commit to the above.

Client: Coach: Jed

Date: Date:

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