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af hi | GERMANY & The smartest way to find a job in Germany. Get a 6 month visa to legally search for a job. Y-Axis is India’s No.1 Overseas Career and immigration Consultant Dee ee ee ce ou ee a D = eg a xe ak BB (oD aa O 2) > Tis =e es es Ee ee Y AXIS ee Germany, officially the Federal Republic of Germany i a federal parliamentary republic in west-central Europe. The country consists of 16 states, and its capital and largest ct is Berin, ‘Aa: 357,021 square Kl metres ‘Wit 81.8 milion inhabitants, tis the most populous member Capital Cty: Berin stale in the European Union. Germany is one ofthe major political Currency: Euros and economic powers ofthe European continent anda historic Population: 82 mitions leader in mary theoretical and technical fields Germany isa major | GUTERE EW industrial nation and one ofthe wore's largest economies Exchange Rate: 1 Eu Ina survey of 27 countries conducted by the BBC World Service in 2011, Germany was once again voted the word's ‘most popular place. According tothe poling company Globescan, as reported in UK daily newspaper The Dally Teleoraph this is because “in terms of ifestyl and its high-quality products, Germany has a successful image. ‘Germany has been one ofthe mast popular immigration destinations in te world for some time now. ‘+ Some 11 milion ofthe people curentyIving in Germany were actually Bom elsewhere. * One in five people in Germany have a migrant backoround. Has one of the lowest rates of youth unemployment inthe word Isa land of invention and innovation, 1s a major industrial nation and one ofthe work's largest economies. “Tee German cities are onthe Ist of “the word's ten most livable cites": Duesseldort, Munich and Frankfurt One-fouth o al ofthe inventions in the field of envronmental technology that are registered with the European Patent Office come from Germany. Nearly half ofall products manufactured by German companies ind their way to customers in other countries, making Germany the work's top exporter German companies ae highly competive and they need ever-larger numbers of highly trained empoyees. ‘There isa shortago of skilod workers in many sectors and professions in Germany. Some 5,000 jobs fr physicians in German hospitals remain unfiled because of alack of suitable applicants There were more unflied postions for engineers in Germany a the beginning of 2012 than ever before ‘A an engineerin Germany, you can expect to ear an annual salary up to 45,000 euros in your fist few years. ‘You are insured against sks suchas illness and long-term care needs — wen you have a jb in Germany. ‘Germany Jobseeker Visa isan itative by Federal Government o encourage more qualified professionals trom abroad to ‘come to Germany. As from 1 August 2012 graduates with a German or other recognized university deoree or afoeion ‘degre comparable to @ German deoree wil be eligi io enter Germany to seek employment. Holders ofa jobseeker's \isa may stayin Germany for upto Sx months to seek employment. To obtain a jobseekers vis, applicants must furnish root of ther university degree and that they can support themselves forthe planned duration of ther stay. While seeking employment, jobseekers are not permited to work, whether ona self-employed basis or otherwise ‘Long-term Residence permit that allows you to stay in Germany & search fra job, this wil be granted for 6 months. * Does not allow to work til you convert this to residence permit for employment after finding an adequate employment. + Allows to ook for obs & interview wath employers. * Securing Employment visa becomes easy after you obtain a Jobspeker visa. All you need to dois personaly interview and get your ob! + Once a job is granted, applicant can apply fr residence permit- Employment Education ' Hold a recognized qualification from German Universities or foreign degrees equivalent to German Degrees. Sufficient funds and accommodation * Hod sufficient funds and arranged accommodation fr the intended stay in Germany (6 months). © Hold travel and medical insurance Employment = Adequate years of experience inthe nominated occupation can help you i finding jos in Germany, though tis is not a mandatory requirement. Motivation * Should have planned course of action to secure employment in Germany and understanding of employment and career prospect in Germany aS we = am Lis Se ee 7 a aa) O Xe > a al = ra eal O ‘Application procedures ‘+ Fle an aplication with concerned German Consulate, with complete documentation. ‘+ Qualification Assessment and document verification as per the discretion of the Consulate ‘A personal interview may be required to check your understanding of employment and carer prospects in Germary. ‘You willbe granted a Long-term residence permit ~Job seeker visa for 6 mont. You willbe allowed to travel to Germany and search for jobs in your sklled area of work. YeAis Services and Process: * Evaluation = Technical evaluation of your education & work experience to ensure that you ar eligible forthe Germany Jobseeker Visa + Documentation Guidance + Assistance wit travel & medical Insurance * Assistance with accommodation arrangement at an extra nominal cost) + Guidance on preparation of motivation eter. + Guidance on funds maintenance, * Guidance on appointment and submission of application with the Consuate * Preparation forthe personal iteriew. Processing Time: ‘© Evaluation: 48 hours ‘+ Y-Auis Application processing: 2-4 Weeks from date of submission of all documents ‘+ Embassy/Consulate Processing time: 4-6 months” from date of Application “The processing procedures and periods ae revised from tne to tne atthe soe dscetion of the German ConsulaterEmbassy, ‘¥-Axis Service Charges and Application Fee Y-Axis Technical Evaluation: Rs.1000 ‘Axis Full Service: Rs.35000 Consulate Fee + Visa Fee - 24100 per applicant ‘© Document verification - ©2000" “Document verification cost is up to Rs. 45000 for Mumbai Applications Quaification Assessment is mandatory for Applications fled in the Mumba Region before the submission of seeker application. The fee tor qualification assessment is: Euro 100 Refund Policy ‘No refund on evaluation + 25% refund on %35000 if application is rejected + No Refund incase of rejection de to fraudulent information and/or documentation ‘After'you land in Germany Y-Axis Travel and Relocation Services Y-Axis provides complete travel and relocation assistance, which includes air tickets, accommodation, aiport pick up, ‘rentation turs and assistance wih a local Indian guide. These services are at an extra nominal fee and canbe availed of before or after you receive your visa Disclaimer: ‘© Our acvsory services are limited to consutancy and documentation assistance ony. ‘= Y-Axis does not dea with fraudulent documentation / information submited by cents. ‘© Y-Axis Consultants are strict forbidden to help cents with document procurement or any oer fraudulent activity. Please contact if a consultant asks you for aditional fees foray other sevice that isnot provided by Y-axis ‘Additional costs wil apply like courier charges, notary services, appcation fees, dd making charges. ‘Accommodation’ and travel tickets costs is only booked at your cost and wil ot be covered inthe package. Helpline number is avaiable ony for information & guidance. Visas Immigration Overseas Jobs Admissions Event wi Yehxis Overseas Careers is India's No.1 Overseas Careers and immigration Consutant. Over the lat 13 years of being in business, we have eared the trust of our clientele purely on the basis of our professionalism, strong researchand success ate. Cents enjoy a good rapport with our competent, Knowledgeable and experienced consultants who offer high {quality and ite changing career counseling ore ur sevice fee is affordable and we are paid ony if we are supcessful. We offer various fexble payment opsons to sut your pocket. (ur core competence i visa documentation and expertise in een cards. We process the highest numberof immigration cases in india, These thousands of casestudies have given usthe experience and expertiseto handle any type fase. ‘What our clients are comfortable withisthe trust ofour brand ‘and the transparency of our process whichis backed by a proper legal agreement including a clear refund policy. ‘Our global resettlement services ofer end-to-end solutions including jo search services and alowing you tolandin any country and fee! our support until you settle down permanent. We hold the information you submit ous in great trust the reason that our network infrastructure uses MPLS technology the highest level of encryption that only banks ‘se. You can be assured that your information is secure and confident with us. 1 you are looking to apply fora Visa ora Green Card tak to Y-axis You canbe sure youae taking tothe country’‘sbes. Nae) Cerro Ho Seat Your Consutant is Direct Line: Direct E-mail: es one Call: 0 939 640 1515 / 040 39414545, E-mait: customerservice@y-axs com Vt. ‘SMS: Nl at $7333 Y-Axis Counseling Centers: Anmedabad — = 39614545 Bangaloe _: 30268986/00 Jubilee Hills: 30545000 Chennal 39414545, Doi 39414545 Hyderaind —: 30589614/15, Kolkata 39414545, Koramangala: 39414545 Mahaiemni —: 30480275776 Mumbai ‘141520001 Pune 39414545 Secunderabad: 30589618/19 Somajgita _: 30589746/47 Vashi gg051t11/i2 ea TRAVEL CLUB sot

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