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Our Life Together: 23rd - 30th January 2011

Sunday 23rd Sunday 30th

10:00am Worship Service 10:00am Special Commitment Sunday
Speaker Michael Speaker Michael Enjoying God, Blessing Others
11:30am Morning Tea 11:30am Cuppa in the Hall
followed by Fellowship Lunch
Sunday 23rd January 2011
Wednesday 26th
Australia Day
Thursday 27th Welcome to our service.
7:30pm Music Practice
We are so glad you are with us.
Kids’ Summer Activity We are a company of ordinary people who love Jesus
Activity Booklets are available in the foyer for the children’s and want to share his love and care with everyone.
use during the holidays. These should be named, returned to
the box and used again next week.
It is our prayer that God will speak
with you today.
Parents’ & Tots’ Room
Located just beside the foyer. Toys and activities for young
children up to 12 months of age. You are welcome to use this
room especially during our prayer time and the sermon if your
Our Upcoming Highlights
child is unsettled. It is sound-linked to the auditorium.
Our Special Commitment Sunday: next Sunday 30th January
- followed by shared Fellowship Lunch
BULLETIN NOTICES: To place Roster: 30th January 2011
notices in the bulletin, please contact Next Deacons’ Meeting: Monday 31st January
Wilma Crouch on 5523 3595 or email by 10am
Door Greeting: Lee Caddick BWF - Picnic in the Gardens: Tuesday 8th February
Thursdays. Thank you. Door & Offering: David Hein Valentine’s Day Dinner: Monday 14th February
Downstairs D&O: Roger Mibus Relay for Life: February 18th-19th
Loaves Children’s Talk: Peter Dalliston
& Fishes Media Desk: Ian, Olivia,
Pastor: Associate Pastor: Secretary:
Thank you to everyone for your Jim Rev John Simpson Rev Michael Drennan Jim Blake
faithful support. Items most 13 Browning Street 11 Webb Court 39 Patrick Street
needed include: canned Morning Tea: Barnes & Blake
Portland Portland Portland
vegetables; pasta; shampoo; Offering Counting: D Hein, D Hobbs P: 5523 2257 P: 5523 4893 P: 5523 2347
conditioner; jam; tissues; soup;
Lawns & Garden: G Sobey M: 0428 780 421 M: 0408 568 887 M: 0425 714 633
tea; coffee; sugar; toiletries;
Church Cleaning: Westlake
biscuits. Place donations in the
foyer trolley or in the marked box Hall/Kitchen Clean: Atwell Our website:
on the piano downstairs .
Dear PBC Family, “Devote yourselves to prayer, being
watchful and thankful.” Col. 4:2 OUR FINANCES
There are many ways that we affirm and acknowledge each other
Total December Offering:$14,118
and the relationships we share. For example, we observe Mieke Walker – continue to pray for Monthly Budget: $16,250
wedding anniversaries and major life highlights - to include work Mieke and family Weekly Target: $ 3,750
and birthday milestones. We rejoice each year in our church at the birth of our Graham Adams – continuing radiation Weekly Average $ 3,131
Saviour and remember the sacrifice of Jesus at Calvary and celebrate his treatment. Pray for Dianne too.
resurrection. We demonstrate the love of Jesus in our community through service Stuart and Terese Oakley (and family) - (avg. from 1st July 2010)
and compassion. I believe that sharing in and observing these things together settling back in Portland Week 28th November $2,897
help us grow in our personal faith and bring a unifying spirit to our congregation. Flood communities - many now dealing Week 5th December $3,698
with aftermath and cleanup of floods Week 12th December $2,784
This is why I am excited about next Sunday! For next week we will once again George Mackley – in hospital, pray for Week 19th December $3,604
recognize our commitment to God and each other at Portland Baptist Church in Verna and family Week 26th December $3,692
2011. On Sunday, 30 January we invite you to come as individuals, couples, or Our friends with special needs –
Matthew Harris, Stevie King, Joan Clegg Direct Debit Payments for offerings
families and unite together and celebrate our ongoing commitment to God and
Drennan family –Christy, Camden and and donations can be made
each other.
Bailey - the forecast for treacherous electronically. Details are as follows:
It is a wonderful time to affirm that as we worship God corporately, we will weather could make their return Acc Name: Portland Baptist
faithfully endeavor as individuals to worship regularly, participate in prayer, share challenging Church Direct Offering
our faith, serve others, and support the fellowship of the church with the resources The Lambert Family – have arrived BSB 704 922
He has given to us. safely in Gippsland and now settling in. Account No. 100 006 869
Continue to keep them in your prayers.
When we turn in our Commitment cards next Sunday we are saying to each other, Our Mayor – Mayor Bruce & Councillors Building Fund
“let’s move forward in 2011.” For this coming year will bring us many Loaves and Fishes – needy local families
challenges (just like 2010 did). To get through them we will need to have faith in SouthWest Community – Pastor Shane Total Building Fund raised to
God and stand with one another. In a nutshell, this is why Commitment Sunday and congregation end of December: $509,771
exists … to celebrate that we are standing together with each other as we worship Commitment Sunday - next week
December Donations: $1,595
our God and move where He directs us in 2011. Monday B/F available balance: $114,320
And if you are new to Portland Baptist and would like to consider being a part of School Chaplaincy - Michael Drennan
All gifts to the building fund are
our fellowship this year, there is a place for you to select on the commitment card Tuesday fully tax deductible. Please take
to signify your intentions. CRE Teachers in local schools the information sheets (blue &
Wednesday yellow) and envelopes are
If you need a card, please contact us during the week so we can ensure you have Children’s Talk presenters available in the porch. You can
one for Sunday. Thursday deposit straight into the building
Everyone who does the cleaning fund via internet banking using
I hope you will make it a priority to be with us next Sunday! After this special
Friday the following information:
service, please join us in a shared finger food lunch. Those who care for lawns & gardens
Acc Name: Portland Baptist
Looking forward to seeing how God will move us forward in 2011. Saturday Church Direct Building Fund
Our friendly door-greeters BSB 704 922
Blessings, Sunday Account No 100 007 044
Those setting up church & hall for
Michael & Christy services - Len Caddick, Jim Blake “Let’s press on in faith!”
RELAY FOR LIFE - PBC TEAM 2011 Our Special Commitment Sunday
Great community spirit - raising funds for cancer research! and Fellowship Lunch
When: 7:00pm Friday 19 to 4:00pm Saturday 20 Feb. ~ Next Sunday 30th January ~
Where: Henty Park. Registration Fee: $15.00
This is the day when all who wish to renew their
Relay for Life begins at 6:00pm Friday with the Survivors and Family Walk. membership for the coming year are invited to present their
Relay walkers start at 7:00pm and finish at 4:00pm Saturday. Commitment Cards which are now available. If you have not yet
TODAY all the PBC Team should see Debbie after the service to collect received your envelope with the card and covering letter, please ask.
their T-Shirts and make any final registrations. Registration forms are in This is a very special time when we publicly witness again to our faith
the Hall near the heater, along with the Walking Schedule. in Christ and affirm our love for our brothers and sisters in the
Helpers needed for the Donut Machine - a great part of the fundraising, fellowship. Please bring finger food to share for Lunch in the Hall.
but one requiring plenty of keen volunteers, particularly for Saturday night.
Thank you to everyone who has helped with fundraising to date. Special Say "Hello" Valentines' Day
thanks to Jan and helpers for running the market stall yesterday! If anyone to the
can help with a sign/banner for the team please see Debbie asap. Governor for Dinner
Would all interested people see Debbie Oakley or phone 5521 7164, mob: us all! Monday 14th February
0439 550 244 or email: Well done to Shivaun Oakley,
Stacey Goldsworthy and the other
at the church
John & Judith DATES TO members of the Cockatoo Valley 6:15pm for 6:30pm.
REMEMBER Singers who will be performing at A special celebratory meal for
this week Government House on Australia couples of all ages. Cost per
John and Judith will be in Special Commitment Sunday: Day at the invitation of our couple - $30. Come along for a
Next Sunday 30th - special Governor. We hope you have a very special evening. Numbers are
Melbourne for a couple of days this
service followed by Fellowship wonderful time on this special limited. RSVP with payment by
week. John has been asked to speak Lunch - bring Finger Food
at the Waverley Christian College day at such a special place. Monday 7th Feb. to Judith please.
Staff Retreat on Thursday. Your Deacons’ Meeting: Monday
prayers will be appreciated. There is 31st January ~ Quilts for Queensland ~
a staff of 150 at the school. BWF: Tuesday 8th February Following the tragic flooding of the
Lockyer Valley in Qld, the Tent Hill
Valentine’s Day Dinner:
Relay for Life Monday 14th Feb. - 6:15pm
Baptist Craft Group are planning to
make quilts for families or individuals, as a gift of
Market Stall love. Jan Donehue’s sister-in-law Marika is the
Thank you for the Weekly Prayer contact person of this group. Any donations of quilts
would be gratefully received - or to save postage
support given with the Group costs, if you have quilt tops to donate, (or would like
fundraiser yesterday! Our regular Tuesday to make some) the Tent Hill group is happy to finish
We certainly did morning Prayer meetings resume in and distribute these. Would anyone interested in this
“Seize the Day!” February. For all pastoral needs project please meet with Rosemary, Raelyne, Judith
Jan Donehue & Debbie Oakley please call John or Michael. and Jan after this morning’s service.

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