Msc. Occupational & Organisational Psychology: Training & Development

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Occupational & Organisational Psychology

Training & Development

Training on Competency-Based Behavioural Interview (CBBI)
Written by:
Paula Oates
Alison Kingston
Roland Teye
Maria McNally
Eirini Karafyllidou

Supervised by: Mark Holloway

Submission Date: 28/ 04/ 2008


Executive Summary ...........................................................................................3

Introduction ........................................................................................................5

Design & Materials ........................................................................................... 9

Delivery ............................................................................................................ 12

Evaluation .........................................................................................................14

References .........................................................................................................18

Appendix I (Training Session Plan) ................................................................20

Appendix II (Handout A PowerPoint Presentation).......................................21

Appendix III (Handout B) ................................................................................34

Appendix IV (Evaluation Questionnaire Sample) ..........................................40

Appendix V (Evaluation Questionnaire Results) ...........................................42

Appendix VI (CD Recording of the Session) ..................................................44


Purpose of the Report

The purpose of this training report is to discuss the design, delivery and evaluation of a training
session based on personnel recruitment using the Competency Based Behavioural Interview process


The interview is one of the most popular tools for recruitment throughout the world (Ferris, Berkson
& Harris, 2002). Interviews are a flexible tool, they can be structured with predetermined items and
questions, or they can have a more relaxed format (Searle, 2003). In both public and private sectors,
the interview is usually one of the final and most critical stages of recruitment (Cook, 1998). The
interview is usually the deciding factor of which the applicant is given the job. Therefore, using the
right interview technique is expected to provide the greatest amount of knowledge about each
applicant, and can limit the likelihood of wrong person-job fit which can have huge organisational and
financial implications if the wrong candidate is selected (Cooper and Anderson, 2002).

This was an area that The Rivers Hospital indicated they could improve on, therefore, the training
session was aimed at training the staff to use the CBBI process. This is because CBBI can produce
assessments of applicants that are shown to be reliable and highly associated with success as an
executive (McClelland, 1998).

Training Method

Training was delivered to the management team of The Rivers Hospital through a one hour training
session which involved the use of PowerPoint, flip charts, handouts and role play to enhance the
learning ability and recall of the staff. The training session was constructed using the following key

 The Rivers Hospital advised that they would like training to take place to enhance staff
interviewing techniques.
 Research was conducted using the internet, University Library, and relevant academic
 The fundamental ethos of the CBBI was the foundation on which the training session was
designed and delivered.

Evaluation of Training

The training session had a positive outcome for both the trainers and trainees. This was for a variety
of reasons, some of which are listed below;

 The techniques used in the training session allowed the trainees to learn in a way that they
create links and associations themselves which makes training much more effective than just
lecturing at people (Downs and Perry, 1984).
 For example, visual imagery was used. People can use mental images of the study outline to
organise, retrieve and perform tasks (Purdy and Luepnitz, 1982).
 The material of the training session was delivered in chunks, aiding trainee understanding and
memory retention of the material.
 The training session was highly structured; limiting the impact that IQ can have on a person’s
learning ability.

However, evaluating the impact of the training session can be problematic. Although ‘happy sheets’
were used to evaluate the training session, their findings can be misleading. For example, 92% of
trainees indicated that they enjoyed the training session. However, Arnold (2005) suggests that this
may simply be due to the trainees enjoying a break from their usual routine.

It can also be problematic to assess how much knowledge the trainee has gained as assessing the
trainees gained knowledge about CBBI would have to take place over a number of months, would
have to include observable changes, and could be affected by external factor, for example, trainee


The ever-increasing competitiveness of the working environment today’s companies are facing
together with few the need of trained individuals who are able to perform a job more effectively, the
demand for training is greater. Arnold, (2005) argues that that training is an effective way of
positively changing behaviour of individuals in the workplace and therefore ‘training activities are
now a continual feature of organisational life’ (pp. 358). This report aims to describe the design,
delivery and evaluation of a short training session relevant to the process of personnel selection.

A recently developed interview technique, the Competency-Based Behavioural Interview (CBBI),

was presented to a team of managers at a hospital located in Hertfordshire. No training needs analysis
preceded this intervention, as would normally be the case, because the client’s request was
specifically to inform the managers on the latest interview methods. Therefore, the training
intervention was designed to help the organisation enhance the personnel selection methods currently
used by introducing a more advantageous alternative, that being the CBBI process.

Personnel selection methods- The Interview

Among the most popular assessment methods for selection or placement purposes is the interview
(Newel & Tansley, 2001). There exist different types of interview (for example, structured/
unstructured, conventional/ behaviour- based) and each may assess very different competencies and
skills (Moscoso, 2000). Moreover, the criterion- related validity (In the case of personnel selection,
the relevant criteria are usually indicators of job success) for each is not the same. Traditional
unstructured interviews have been used so far to help form a general impression about the candidate.
They were serving merely a purpose of discussing with the candidate about the particular position and
the organisation in general. Many unrelated to the job questions could be asked for getting ‘a feel’ for
the candidate, rather than assessing her suitability for the job with relation to the specific requirements
of the advertised post (Porteous, 1997). Contrasting this, structured interviews are preceded with a
detailed job analysis and subsequent identification of specific requirements for a post, based on which
the structure of the interview is formed. Interviewer bias is reduced with the standardisation of the
questions. Furthermore, there is consistent evidence that structured interviews give better criterion-
related validity than unstructured interviews (Huffcut & Arthur, 1994).

The Situational interview

For interviews of highly structured format, the situational interview approach was developed (Latham,
Saari, Pursell & Campion, 1980). The basic assumption behind this approach is that intentions and
behaviour are related. Initially behaviours, critical for successful performance, are identified by using
the critical incidents technique through the phase of a systematic job analysis. Later, target behaviours
are translated into questions about hypothetical but relevant to the job situations. ‘Template’ answers
to each question are created against which the candidate’s answers are compared and evaluated.

In this way interviewer bias is lessened, since the function of the structure is to focus the interviewer’s
attention and judgement on particularly salient features, so that candidate attributes that are irrelevant
to job success do not interfere and influence decision making in terms of employee selection.
Research studies indicate that situational interviewing has high predictive validity, for example,
Salgado (1999) reported an average coefficient of .50.

The Competency-Based Behavioural Interview

A variant of the situational interview is the behavioural description interview (Janz, 1982). In contrast
to the situational interview which requires that candidate answer questions in terms of how they might
have behaved, the behavioural description interview requires them to explain how they actually
behaved in the past when they encountered particular incidents. The basic assumption here is that past
behaviour predicts future behaviour; therefore a candidate’s future job performance could be
estimated with adequate accuracy by assessing their past performance on relevant tasks. Moreover,
the difficulties of translating job requirements into personal attributes and characteristics (when using
the traditional approach to personnel selection), can be minimised by using the ‘competency analysis’.
Competencies are not underlying attributes (e.g. openness) that lead to behaviours; neither are they
the outcomes of behaviours. They are understood as ‘behaviours that are instrumental in the delivery
of desired results and outcomes’ (Robertson, Bartram & Callinan, 2002). For example, ‘accepting
innovation’ is a competency that involves identifying new solutions to old problems. Therefore, with
‘competency analysis’ the focus is on naming observable behaviours that are necessary for
performing successfully and not on tasks, roles and responsibilities as is the case with the traditional
approach. Another advantage of the CBBI is that the candidates who did not actually exhibit a
specific behaviour in the past would find it very difficult to invent one.

The training session reported here provided information to the trainees on the whole process of
selection, from planning to assessing candidates to making and validating hiring decisions. The
process described aims at constructing a competency model for a specific type of job at a particular
organisation. It is, therefore, highly context dependent and being customised to the specific needs of a
particular organisation.

Interview planning phase

Stages of the planning phase were identified as follows:

 Developing a competency profile. Initially, current job incumbents of known performance

levels are asked to provide information about situations of good or bad performance (critical
incident technique, Flanagan, 1954). Responses from ‘high performers’ as well as ‘low or
average performers’ are then compared and differences in responses in terms of competencies
used by the incumbents are identified. The competencies directly associated with the high
performers are those that constitute the set of ‘target competencies’ required for the specific
post in the same organisation. Sample replies from incumbents who are known to be at
different levels of overall job performance help by producing a competency model (Maile &
Brooks, 2000). The replies of candidates will be assessed on each of the model’s relevant

 Developing a standardised rating scale. A Likert –type rating scale is developed and its
standardisation is again based on the level of a particular competency that the ‘high
performers’ are exhibiting. For example, if current job incumbents who are assessed as ‘high
performers’ perform successfully with an average or low competency of ‘communicating ’,
then this average or low level will be used as a point of reference. Candidate employees for
the same post will be assessed against this point of reference and will therefore need to have
that specific competency of the same average or low level. In other words, a low level is
acceptable since the current ‘high performers’ of the organisation have low levels of the same
and yet they perform successfully.

 Designing open- ended questions. Open- ended questions that target the critical competencies
identified at the first stage are formed. For example, for testing the competency of
‘communicating’ an appropriate question would be: ‘Give me an example of a difficult or
sensitive situation that required extensive communication. What did you do and what was the

Assessing candidates

The assessing candidates phase involves using the aforementioned competency model, for deciding on
the suitability or the ‘person- job fit’ for each candidate. The competency model for a particular
position consists of a set of certain competencies exhibited by the ‘high performers’ at a certain level
for successful job performance. The candidates’ competencies will be assessed against this model
whose levels of certain competencies are similar or close to those indicated by the model will be

Validation of the assessment

The CBBI process can be validated by using external interviewers of incumbents without being
informed of who the ‘high’ and ‘average or low’ performers are. If the interviewer differentiates ‘high
performers’ from ‘average or low performers’ based on the model produced in previous stages, then it
can be considered as a valid tool to be used for personnel selection purposes.

Lastly, the selection of the CBBI (against other interview approaches) to be introduced to the clients
was based on a review of the following standard criteria for using personnel selection methods
(Robertson, Bartram & Callinan, 2002):

1. ‘Selection methods should provide information about the qualities that have been identified as
important for the job’ (pp.116). With CBBI the likelihood of irrelevant information distorting the
assessment is minimised. Assessment is based only on the type and level of specific competencies a
candidate is required to possess.

2. ‘Assessments based on the method should be indicative of candidate’s likely job success.’ (pp.116).
The predictive validity could be as high as .39 (Ballantyne & Povah, 2004).

3. ‘The information about candidates produced by a method should not be unfairly influenced by
characteristics that are not relevant to job success.’ (pp.116). Again, the selection decision is based
only on the extent to which a candidate possesses desirable (as identified from the particular
competency model) competencies. All candidates are assessed on the same standard criteria.

4. ‘The method should be acceptable to candidates and consistent with the organisation’s norms and
values.’ (pp.116). Face validity of the CBBI is high since the questions asked are related to the said


For the purposes of the present training programme, the following materials were used:

A. Training Session Plan (Appendix I). It served to inform the trainees of what will they should
expect of the session and when. This was aimed at reducing the amount of expectation and anxiety of
the trainees.

B. PowerPoint Presentation (Handout A, Appendix II) to:

- maintain the focus of trainees

- reinforce key components of verbal messages
- illustrate complex concepts
- aid trainees’ comprehension

The presentation incorporated 40 slides in total. ‘Chunking’ was employed in the training design as
research suggests that the amount of information short memory can hold is seven plus or minus two
items at a time (Miller, 1956). It has also been indicated that, when a second channel (imagery) is
added to what people hear, their retention goes up 50 per cent whereas hearing was found to only
produce 20 per cent retention (Beebe & Beebe, 1997). Human information processing theories like
Paivio’s Dual Coding Theory can be used as bases to explain the influence PowerPoint has on
learning and retention. Paivio (1987) suggested that there are two subsystems of information
processing; imagery and verbal. Furthermore, Peeks (1987) found that, when pictures and text are
presented together, the level of information retention is improved. Due to the fact that people have
different cognitive abilities, it was important to structure the presentation in other to ensure that, equal
learning took place (structured help). The PowerPoint presentation illustrated information in a
hierarchical order which allowed for structured learning, together with the use of colour, and graphics.
People can use mental images of the study outline to organize, retrieve and perform task. Purdy and
Luepnitz’s (1982) research showed that participants who looked at images had significantly greater
recall than those who just saw words. Their research amongst other forms the bases for the inclusion
of images in a PowerPoint slides presentation.

C. Flip Chart

Flip charts are one of the very useful tools available to trainers. They may aid learning through
capturing comments from the trainees, focusing on the key thoughts, highlighting information,
demonstrating reference for later use and are often used to enable the trainers to write and display
their thoughts during the session.
The use of the flip chart was necessary as the training group wanted the trainees to be involved in the
session. The flip chart was used to elaborate on important points in accordance with the suggestion
that elaboration enriches encoding, which ultimately aids retention and recall (Craik and Tulving,

D. Handouts

Handouts where given to the present trainees to allow them to practice and to use them for revision
purposes following the session. The participants had two sets of handouts, handout A (Appendix II)
served as a learning guide containing all PowerPoint slides used.
It also included a step by step manual on how to conduct the Competency-based Behavioural
Interview (CBBI) together with an exercise to assess the level of understanding of the trainees in
relation to the competencies within a particular role. Handout A also included tips for the trainees to
remember when employing CBBI. Handout B (Appendix III) incorporated a list of competencies and
open questions recommended to be asked when conducting a Competency-based Behavioural
Interview. All this information was made available to the trainees ensuring that learning and retention
took place.

E. Evaluation Questionnaire

To assess the impact of the training session, an Evaluation Questionnaire (Appendix IV) was used
consisting of six questions incorporating a Likert-type rating scale along with other questions, which
required written input from the trainees. The present trainees where asked to select the level to which
they agree, disagree or remained neutral. For example, “The training session was a positive
experience”, the trainees were asked to indicate to what extent they agreed with the statement. The
results of the evaluation were used to assess the value of the training programme and to identify future

F. Role Play

For the purposes of demonstrating undesired behaviour at interviews, role play was employed the
present training session using role play aimed at improving the retention and recall levels of the
present trainees as it included both verbal and visual information. The role play also intended to
illustrate the idea of interviewing in a more accessible way.
This was based on the fact that elaboration enriches encoding of information, which results in better
retention and recall rates. The role play was also used to raise the arousal levels of the participants as
the present training session was in the afternoon, when the trainees’ arousal levels are known to be
low. It was important to keep the trainees attention focused on the programme and the inclusion of
some comedy within the role play enabled this.

G. Stationery

Stationery was provided for the trainees to aid their completion of the various exercises in the hand
book and enabled them to take notes during the training session. Note taking is often regarded as a
learning aid and is known to help encoding according to Martin and Carlson (2007). Encoding
specificity refers to the way we encode information as it determines our ability to retrieve this
information later.

H. Dictaphone

As a requirement, the group had to produce evidence of the training session taking place. A
dictaphone was used to record the training session for these purposes. Trainees’ fully informed
consent for video recording the session was sought before the session commenced.


“Training activities are designed to bring about changes in people’s behaviour through the
acquisition of knowledge and skills, therefore the way in which the training is delivered has
an important impact upon the extent to which the knowledge and skills are acquired.”
Arnold (2005), pp. 364

The training session took place at the client’s organisation. As suggested by Arnold (2005), the
trainers stated the programme’s objectives at the start of the session by saying ‘OK, so the objectives
of the training are…’(Appendix VI- CD Recording of the Session).

Rapport was established through the trainers’ introduction followed by asking the trainees to
introduce themselves and state their position upon arrival ‘So, if you just tell me your names and what
your position is in the company.’ (Appendix VI- CD Recording of the Session) thus making the
trainees feel included encouraging them to take part in the training session.

Structured Help

The present trainers ensured that the all trainees start from the same level of CBBI knowledge by
structuring the delivery of the programme in a hierarchical manner with the lowest to the highest level
of learning. This facilitated all types of the trainees’ cognitive ability. The trainers achieved this by
starting the session with ‘what is CBBI? Who already knows about CBBI?’ (Appendix … CD
Recording of the Session). This served to established the trainees’ level of knowledge. A full
explanation of CBBI followed ensuring that all trainees started from the same point. This approach is
also recommended by Arnold (2005).

Social Learning Theory (SLT)

Although there is now generally accepted theory of learning in psychology (Arnold, 2005), the
present training programme delivery employed Social Learning Theory (SLT) where ‘key cognitive
processes, such as expectancies about what might happen and the capacity of individuals to learn
without direct experience, are seen as having a crucial role to play in learning’ (Arnold, 2005, p. 366).

SLT incorporates three distinct stages. First stage is normally used to attract trainees’ attention
through performing the target behaviour. This was done by role play focusing on good and bad
behaviour concerning CBBI technique.

In the second stage, learning takes place through the trainees’ observation. Here the present trainers
presented the CBBI model and its use ‘…in order to use CBBI, you need to…’ (Appendix VI- CD
Recording of the Session). The trainers drew key points from their modelling.

The third stage of SLT concentrates on the trainees’ learning strengthening through practice and
rehearsal. At this point in the session, the present trainers asked the trainees to practice their CBBI
technique skills by identifying different competencies for a particular position in their organisation,
‘what competencies would you say are required for this post?’ (Appendix VI- CD Recording of the
Session). The trainees were also encouraged to practice their skills in when they return to their work,
‘when you interview next time…’ (Appendix VI- CD Recording of the Session).

According to research in SLT (Bandura, 1977b, for example), the learning improves when models or
trainers modelling the desired behaviour are the same sex and race. This was achieved particularly as
11 out of 12 trainees were female as well as 4 out of 5 trainers.

Although SLT does not fit all types of training interventions, particularly those modelling work tasks
is not suitable, in creativity and innovation, for example, (Arnold, 2005) modelling the technique of
CBBI was believed to aid the trainees’ learning.

Sequencing of Material

Sequencing of material was used during the present session in order to help the present trainees to
develop new skills and knowledge. Arnold (2005) highlights the importance of sequencing, which can
sometimes be dictated by the trainees meaning they can control the pace of the training delivery. This
was partly achieved by the present trainers asking ‘is there anything else you’d like me to elaborate
on?’ (Appendix VI- CD Recording of the Session).

Throughout the session, the present trainees were encouraged to reflect, question and think by the
trainers asking questions such as ‘do you have any questions so far?’ (Appendix VI- CD Recording of
the Session).

The theories and delivery techniques were all designed to help the present trainees to acquire new
skills and knowledge.


Although research suggests that training is an effective way of positively changing behaviour of
individuals in the workplace (Arnold, 2005), evaluation provides an insight into the value of a training
programme and potential improvements.

Despite the importance of training evaluation, according to Patrick (1992) only about 10 per cent of
companies actually undertake an on-the-job evaluation post training, while longitudinal analyses of
training effectiveness are even less frequent amongst organisations.

Kirkpatrick’s (1967) Model

Kirkpatrick’s (1967) model for training evaluation is probably still the most popular way of
evaluating a training intervention. It comprises of four hierarchical levels of data collection.

The first level, ‘reaction’, is normally where most organisations would end their data collection
according to Arnold (2005). Although the data collected here mostly represents the trainee’s views of
the training, which may reveal very little about its overall effectiveness, most organisations stop after
collecting this kind of information immediately following a training programme.

Evaluation Questionnaire

For the purposes of the present assignment, this was also the case. The trainees were asked to fill in a
questionnaire regarding their views of training immediately following the end of the session in order
to ensure 100 per cent response rate. This was achieved and the data collected were subsequently
analysed (Appendix V- Evaluation Questionnaire Results ).

The trainees responded positively overall. 92 per cent agreed they enjoyed the session, for example.
Although this type of data is valuable, it can be misleading as suggested by Arnold (2005). He points
out that often the reason why the trainees enjoy the training is because they simply welcome a break
from their routine at work, ‘none of this feedback tells us whether the training was actually effective
in terms of promoting new learning’ (Arnold, 2005, p. 370).

To avoid this, Arnold suggests asking the trainees about their perceived difficulty and usefulness of
the training. This was partly achieved by asking the present trainees if using CBBI could improve the
quality and efficiency of their recruitment process, to which 69 per cent responded by indicating

‘Agree’ (Appendix IV - Evaluation Questionnaire Sample and Appendix V- Evaluation Questionnaire

Pre- and Post-Tests

The next level of Kirkpatrick’s model is ‘learning’. Here, the focus is on collecting data concerned
with assessing whether or not the trainees attained the immediate outcomes of the training (Arnold,
2005). Although the present trainers attempted to ask the trainees questions in order to assess the level
of their knowledge during the session, the assessment at this level often requires some kind of pre-
and post-programme testing in order to ascertain the level of the trainees’ understanding. This would
typically be done in a form of a test covering the material of the session, CBBI knowledge, as a pre-
test being compared to a post-session knowledge of the CBBI. Care must be taken in order to use the
same assessment method and tester thus decreasing the chances of threats to internal validity through
inadequate instrumentation. As Arnold (2005) points out, data collected at this level is typically
gathered immediately after training, suggesting that the period in which the trainees retained the new
information should also be considered as it contributes to the success of the programme. Therefore, it
would be advisable to assess the specific knowledge of the CBBI potentially gained by the present
trainees after a period of time, for example, six months.

However, assessing the trainee’s knowledge alone would be insufficient. The application of
knowledge, or how the trainees behave in the workplace following the training, builds on the
sophistication of the second level of the model. The third level is ‘behaviour’, which look at to what
extent the trainees actually apply the newly learnt skills in their workplace. One of the techniques for
data collection at this level is manager’s assessment and feedback of the trainees. The present trainees
could have been asked to report on their staff that attended the present training programme. However,
this could be less effective than directly observing the present trainees at interviews, for example, as
managers may down-play or exaggerate any potential training benefits of their staff (Arnold, 2005).

Organisational Factors & Obstacles

Furthermore, the actual behaviour of the present trainees at interviews following the training would
also require unlearning previously learnt behaviours in their organisation and the revision of the
organisational recruitment practices, which could be the biggest obstacle for the present training
programme to be effective, mainly due to the short-term financial cost for the company.

The fourth level of the Kirkpatrick’s model is ‘results’. It is concerned with the assessment of the
training’s impact on the organisation. Perhaps unsurprisingly, only two investigations at this level
have been identified by a meta-analysis of training studies conducted by Alliger and Janak (1997).
This is due to the ambiguity of the factors contributing to the changes in the organisational
effectiveness. It is extremely difficult to identify whether training is the sole factor in something as
complex as this.

In the present organisation, other factors like trained staff’s motivation, management encouragement
or peer support could all contribute to the organisational success.

Individual Factors

Self-efficacy or the individual’s belief in his or her ability has been widely researched in terms of
training. Stevens and Gist (1997), for example, found that high levels of self-efficacy are associated
with faster learning and greater likelihood of transferring the individual’s new skills into workplace.
As Arnold (2005) points out, self-efficacy ‘is not concerned with the skills that individuals have, but
with their judgements of what they can do with whatever skills they possess’ (p. 375). It is therefore
worth mentioning that no personality questionnaire was administered prior to the training session in
order to tease out how the present trainees would rate themselves on this personality construct.
Therefore, this would have been valuable data to collect prior to the training.


The techniques used in the training session allowed the present trainees to learn in a way that they
create links and associations themselves which makes training much more effective than just lecturing
at people (Downs & Perry, 1984). For example, visual imagery was used.  People can use mental
images of the study outline to organize, retrieve and perform task (Purdy and Luepnitz, 1982).

The training session was highly structured thus limiting the impact that IQ can have on an individual’s
learning ability.

Criticisms of the Model

One of the biggest criticisms of the Kirkpatrick’s (1967) model is based on the argument concerned
with its hierarchical nature (Arnold, 2005). This would mean that the individual’s enjoyment of the
training is directly associated with the training’s success and changes in behaviour are dependent
upon the individual’s knowledge acquisition. However, Arnold (2005) argues that it is possible to

actually dislike the training, especially if it is too demanding and yet learn a new skill or understand
the material and not apply it in the workplace. Similarly, as the data collected post-training mainly
concentrated on this area, for example, 62 per cent of the trainees agreed that the training was a
positive experience (Appendix V - Evaluation Questionnaire Results), it may not mean that the
trainees have learnt something as a result. This is also supported by Alliger (1997).


The success of the training programme in the present organisation would therefore depend on various
factors including organisational and individual ones. Although very difficult to collect and interpret,
evaluation data at all four levels of the Kirkpatrick’s (1967) model would have been beneficial.
However within the limitations of the present assignment, it was felt that the evaluation carried out
was appropriate, practical and an achievable way to assess the training programme’s overall value
highlighting potential improvements.


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APPENDIX I (Training Session Plan)



DATE: 28-March-08


14.00 to 14.05 Welcome and introduction

14.05 to 14.10 Why use CBBI

14.10 to 14.20 Role play depicting a bad interview process

14.20 to 14.25 How can we improve the interview process

14.25 to 14.40 A model based process of CBBI skills

14.40 to 14.50 Anatomy of the behavioural part of the CBBI process

14.50 to 14.55 Question Time

14.55 to 15.00 Refreshments

Appendix II PowerPoint Presentation

Slide 1 ___________________________________
(CBBI) ___________________________________

TRAINING SESSION ___________________________________






Slide 2 ___________________________________
Your trainers are……

 Alison Kingston
 Eirini Karafylidou
 Maria McNally ___________________________________
 Paula Oates
 Roland Teye





Slide 3 ___________________________________
Objectives Of This Training Session!

 To provide an understanding of the ___________________________________

problems that transpire when
inadequately administered interviews are
 To present a model based process for
developing and enhancing Competency-
Based Behavioural Interview skills
 To present The Rivers Hospital with an
understanding of the benefits and
protection that following this process may
provide ___________________________________




Slide 4 ___________________________________
What is CBBI?
 It is an interview technique that focuses
on the competencies and behaviours of
the applicant
 Competency - is a standardised
requirement for an individual to perform a
specific job adequately
 Behaviour – is based on the assumption
and is supported by scientific evidence
that past performance will predict future
performance ___________________________________




Slide 5 Why is the interview process so


The organisation and the candidate
stand to lose a lot if it is shown that the
interview has lead to an improper ___________________________________
“job-person fit”





Slide 6 ___________________________________
The loss to the organisation
 Salary and training cost spent on hiring
an unsuccessful employee
• Cost of recruiting new hires
+ ___________________________________
• Costs of training and loss due to
inefficiency of unsuccessful employee
• 1/3 of annual salary of employee ___________________________________




Slide 7 ___________________________________
Loss to the organisation (cont.d)
 Leads to inefficiency of the team or unit
resulting in loss of performance
 Poorer service or product quality
+ ___________________________________
 Potential Litigation Cost
 100 – 265% of Salary




Slide 8 ___________________________________
Loss to the candidate

 Time and effort

 Self esteem
 Confidence

 Loss of salary ___________________________________




Slide 9 ___________________________________
What can go wrong and why?

 Interviews that fail to be based on an adequate ___________________________________

job analysis will fail to elicit meaningful
 Interviewers are subject to personal bias and
other sources of error
 Candidates can learn practice skills in the
standard interview process ___________________________________
 Questions in the interview may reveal too much
about the job
 Interview questions may be too close-ended

FOR EXAMPLE! ___________________________________




Slide 10 How can we improve the interview

 Structure them

 Base them on the competencies ___________________________________

relevant to the position

 Focus on behavioural aspects





Slide 11 ___________________________________
Why structure the interview?
 Lessens the likelihood of haphazard
 It presents a comprehensive
standardised process that allows you to
make comparisons across employees
 Decreases Legal Liabilities!!!
 with regard to the diversity of the
 enhances the documentation process
 all candidates are treated equally ___________________________________




Slide 12 ___________________________________
Why use competencies?

 Competencies are not limited to
identifiable work experiences alone
 Competencies are established
through conducting a detailed job ___________________________________
 Scientific research has shown that
competencies are more directly
linked to job performance ___________________________________




Slide 13 ___________________________________
Why focus on behaviour?
 Scientific research has shown that ___________________________________
the best predictor of future
behaviour is past behaviour
 Imaginary questions can be faked
 Questions based on past behaviour ___________________________________
are verifiable
 Scientific research has shown that
behavioural based Qs are more
effective ___________________________________




Slide 14 ___________________________________
A model based process of CBBI Skills

1. Develop a Competency Profile ___________________________________

2. Develop a standardised rating
scale or system
3. Design open-ended questions
that target those competencies




Slide 15 ___________________________________
1. Develop a competency profile
 Do a job analysis ___________________________________
 Identify the important and most
commonly performed tasks of the
 Identify which competencies are ___________________________________
important and essential at entry
 Identify which competencies are
utilised to perform each task ___________________________________




Slide 16 ___________________________________
For example….







Slide 17 ___________________________________
A position advertised on your intranet!


o Physiotherapy Receptionist/
Administrative Assistant




Slide 18 Physiotherapy Receptionist/ ___________________________________

Administrative Assistant

15 hours per week ___________________________________

We are currently looking for a friendly, self-
motivated, computer literate person with excellent
communication and interpersonal skills to join our
physiotherapy team working with an established
receptionist. Duties include reception and general
computer based administrative work.

We have achieved an enviable reputation for

providing a quality service to our customers and are
looking for individuals to maintain and develop this.




Slide 19 ___________________________________
What competencies are required?

a. ------------------------------
b. ------------------------------

c. ------------------------------
d. ------------------------------

e. ------------------------------

Now look at page No.1 and 2 of

handout B




Slide 20 ___________________________________
2. Develop a standardised rating scale

Anchor this scale to reflect the ___________________________________

behavioural descriptors that link
back to the job analysis
Competent Competent
Highly Very Highly
Competent Competent





Slide 21 ___________________________________
3. And then ... Open-ended Qs

 Design Open-ended questions that ___________________________________

target those competencies

 For example???

Look at pages No.3-6 of handout B





Slide 22 Develop a competency profile ___________________________________
A more advanced Approach

 Ask incumbents of known performance

levels about situations that went well
 Compare responses High Performers vs
Low/Average Performers to see how they
differ in competencies
 The competencies directly associated with
the High Performers are the competencies
you want to target!





Slide 23 ___________________________________
For example….







Slide 24 ___________________________________
The CBBI model validation

 Validate the interview ___________________________________

 Try the interview on incumbents of
known performance levels
 If the interview differentiates high
performers from average/low

It’s Valid!




Slide 25 ___________________________________
Example – Self-Management
 Planning
 Prioritisation

 Co-ordinating tasks

 Concern for time or deadlines

 Tracking Progress

 Goal Awareness ___________________________________




Slide 26 The process of developing a behaviour

interview (cont’d)







Slide 27 Anatomy of the behavioural part of the

CBBI process

Precede the actual question with a

statement to setup the question that is ___________________________________
relevant to the job
“speaking in front of groups is a requirement for this job’

o Ask them about similar situations

‘Can you describe a time when you...?’ or ‘give me an example of
how you...’ ___________________________________
 Solicit specific responses reflecting
behavioural aspects of the situation
‘What did you do to resolve the problem?
‘How did you handle the situation?’ ___________________________________




Slide 28 ___________________________________
Behavioural Interview
Introductory conversation

 Opening Questions
 clarification of CV
 Closed-ended confirmations

 Prepared Questions
 Main questions
 Elaboration questions

 Closing conversation/final questions from





Slide 29 ___________________________________
Tips to remember!
 Keep it simple, general and clear ___________________________________
 Refrain from using slang or relating to
something too precise
 Investigate positive behaviour

 Extend the questions using “most, best,

least” ___________________________________




Slide 30 ___________________________________
Tips to remember cont’d
 Wait for the applicant to conclude ___________________________________
their response before proceeding
with the next question
 Prompt elaboration of the
candidates response to obtain more ___________________________________
information like…..
“And then what happened?”
“What did you do next?”
“What was the outcome?” ___________________________________




Slide 31 ___________________________________
Elaborating questions
 Ensure they are relevant to the ___________________________________
original question

 Note negatives together with any

problems encountered ___________________________________
 Do not proceed until you have
obtained enough details to evaluate
the candidate ___________________________________




Slide 32 ___________________________________
Elaborating questions

 Aids to disconfirm impressions be it ___________________________________

positive of negative

 Decreases rater errors






Slide 33 The interview must be controlled by


 Keep the candidate on track ___________________________________

 Do not allow “we” responses
 Do not accept generalities for
“can you be more specific”




Slide 34 ___________________________________
Evaluation of candidate

 Only evaluate after the interview ___________________________________

has concluded

 Use your scales!

 Consistency among candidates is




Slide 35 ___________________________________
Evaluation of candidate







Slide 36 ___________________________________
Evaluation of candidate – taking notes

 Aids memory ___________________________________

 Enables documentation
 Provides a summary of the situation

 Details any quotes





Slide 37 ___________________________________
How to train your raters
 Devise scripts based on behavioural ___________________________________

 Video record role plays depicting

applicants of various performance ___________________________________

 Have raters apply the scales to each

scenario and calibrate their ratings ___________________________________




Slide 38 ___________________________________
And finally!

Practice, practice, practice

Because ___________________________________
“Practice makes perfect!”




Slide 39 ___________________________________
Alison Kingston

o Eirini Karafylidou
o Maria McNally
email ___________________________________
o Paula Oates
o Roland Teye ___________________________________




Appendix III (Handout B)

Vacancy required competencies

Friendly person= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Self- motivated= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Computer literate= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Communication skills= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Interpersonal skills= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Reception duties= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Administrative work= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Quality service to customers= ------------------------------------------------------------------

 Do you think the words used here capture the full range of competencies necessary for
the job?

 Can you think of any other competencies necessary for performing the job

A. Core Competencies1

Adaptability = the ability to change or be changed to fit changed circumstances

Client Focus = Understand the client by anticipating and responding to client needs; fulfil
client expectations without compromising the integrity of the company;

Communication = the activity of communicating; the activity of conveying information

Organizational Awareness = employees have an in depth understanding of the company’s

structure, priorities and processes.

Problem Solving and Judgment= capability of generating adequate solutions to problems

and the capability of judging or assessing a person or situation or event;

Results Orientation = Driving to achieve results while pursuing the highest standards;
maximising the use of resources and moving from basic results orientation to managing for
results, to linking results.

Teamwork = capability for cooperative work within a team

B. Role Specific Competencies2

Developing Others = cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural
development; make others progress, unfold, or evolve; create by training and teaching;

Impact and Influence = have an effect upon; having power to influence another towards
organisational goals;

Innovation = the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new; a
creation (a new device or process);

Leadership = Demonstrates the ability to carry out the organisation’s vision to manage
changes, to make sound and timely decisions and be accountable for them, and to lead, build
and motivate the team to achieve planned results

Relationship Building = the act of constructing mutual dealings or connections among

persons or groups, ones that promote co-operation and productivity;

Resource Management = Organising and managing information, people, and other resources to
achieve established goals and results.

Self-Management= the act of managing one self

Strategic Thinking= the process of thinking related to or concerned with strategy and
systematic planning;

Open-Ended Questions

A. Core Competencies


 Tell me about a time when you changed your priorities to meet others' expectations.

 Describe a time when you altered your own behaviour to fit the situation.

 Tell me about a time when you had to change your point of view or your plans to take
into account new information or changing priorities.

Client Focus

 Give an example of how you provided service to a client/stakeholder beyond their

expectations. How did you identify the need? How did you respond?

 Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a client/stakeholder service issue.

 Describe a situation in which you acted as an advocate within your organization for
your stakeholder’s needs, where there was some organizational resistance to be


 Describe a situation you were involved in that required a multi-dimensional

communication strategy.

 Give an example of a difficult or sensitive situation that required extensive


 Tell me about a time when you really had to pay attention to what someone else was
saying, actively seeking to understand their message.

Organizational Awareness

 Describe the culture of your organization and give an example of how you work
within this culture to achieve a goal.

 Describe the things you consider and the steps you take in assessing the viability of a
new idea or initiative.

 Tell me about a time when you used your knowledge of the organization to get what
you needed.

Problem Solving and Judgment

 Tell me about a time when you had to identify the underlying causes to a problem.

 Describe a time when you had to analyze a problem and generate a solution.

 Tell me about a situation where you had to solve a problem or make a decision that
required careful thought.  What did you do?

Results Orientation

 Tell me about a time when you set and achieved a goal.

 Tell me about a time when you improved the way things were typically done on the

 Describe something you have done to improve the performance of your work unit.

 Describe something you have done to maximize or improve the use of resources
beyond your own work unit to achieve improved results.


 Tell me about a time when you worked successfully as a member of a team.

 Describe a situation where you were successful in getting people to work together

 Describe a situation in which you were a member (not a leader) of a team, and a
conflict arose within the team. What did you do?

B. Role Specific Competencies

Developing Others

 Tell me about a time when you coached someone to help them improve their skills or
job performance.  What did you do?

 Describe a time when you provided feedback to someone about their performance.

 Give me an example of a time when you recognized that a member of your team had a
performance difficulty/deficiency.  What did you do?

Impact and Influence

 Describe a recent situation in which you convinced an individual or a group to do

 Describe a time when you went through a series of steps to influence an individual or
a group on an important issue.

 Describe a situation in which you needed to influence different stakeholders with

differing perspectives.


 Describe something you have done that was new and different for your organization,
that improved performance and/or productivity.

 Tell me about a time when you identified a new, unusual or different approach for
addressing a problem or task.

 Tell me about a recent problem in which old solutions wouldn't work.  How did you
solve the problem?


 Tell me about a time when you had to lead a group to achieve an objective.

 Describe a situation where you had to ensure that your "actions spoke louder than
your words" to a team.

 Describe a situation where you inspired others to meet a common goal.

Relationship Building

 Describe a situation in which you developed an effective win/win relationship with a

stakeholder or client. How did you go about building the relationship?

 Tell me about a time when you relied on a contact in your network to help you with a
work-related task or problem.

 Give me an example of a time when you deliberately attempted to build rapport with a
co-worker or customer.

Resource Management

 Describe a situation in which you took a creative approach to resourcing to achieve a


 Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a particular resource management
issue regarding either people, materials or assets.

 Describe the options you would consider to resource a project or goal if you did not
have the available resources within your own span of control.

 Describe a situation in which you established a partnership with another organization

or stakeholder to achieve a mutual goal. What steps did you take to ensure the
partnership was effective?


 Describe the level of stress in your job and what you do to manage it.

 Describe a time when you were in a high pressure situation.

 Describe a time when things didn't turn out as you had planned and you had to
analyze the situation to address the issue.

Strategic Thinking

 Describe a challenge or opportunity you identified based on your industry knowledge,

and how you developed a strategy to respond to it.

 Describe a time you created a strategy to achieve a longer term business objective.

 Describe a time when you used your business knowledge to understand a specific
business situation.

Appendix IV (Evaluation Questionnaire Sample)

Training Evaluation

As we come to the end of the training course, we would like you to participate in a final evaluation by
answering the questions below. As trainers, we also need to learn from this experience. Completing the
training evaluation questionnaire will provide essential information on how this training could be

Please read the following questions and circle the most appropriate answer to each of them, which
gives the extent to which you either agree or disagree with the statements.

1) I enjoyed the training session

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

2) The training session was a positive experience.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

3) I understood the content of the training session.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

4) The training session was delivered in a way that I could relate to.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

5) Through the training session, I have gained skills and knowledge about CBBI.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

6) I feel that CBBI can improve the quality and efficiency of the recruitment process.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

7) Do you feel that the CBBI process can be facilitated by yourself?

8) If not, why? (Please elaborate)

9) What do you feel were the good and bad parts of the training session?

10) How could the training session be improved?

Please return this form to the main reception desk after completion

Thank you for your participation!!!

Appendix V (Evaluation Questionnaire Results)

Training Evaluation Summary

Strongly Strongly
ITEM disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree

1) I enjoyed the training session       12 1

2) The training session was a positive experience     3 8 2

3) I understood the content of the training session       12 1

4) The training session was delivered in a way that I

could relate to     1 11 1

5) Through the training session, I have gained skill

and knowledge about CBBI     4 8 1

6) I feel that CBBI can improve the quality and
efficiency of the recruitment process   3 9 1

7) Do you feel that the CBBI Process could be facilitated by yourself?


“In an ideal world it would be great financial restraints!”

“Probably already doing it in a round about way”

“Yes. I already do standard questions and scores to be fair at interview. I will now investigate
developing a competency profile, however, it could be extremely lengthy for all the jobs on the

“Yes” – x4

“Possibly we may have similar process in place”

“I think it already is to a degree but not using a model”.

8) If not, why? (Please elaborate)

“Financial restraints”

9) Please provide an overall comment on this training session be it positive or negative

“It would be interesting to compare how we do now to this concept”

“I really enjoyed it”

“Given it was a nerve wracking experience, all did well”

“Could all introduce yourselves”

“Good handouts”


“Extremely enjoyable session, just the right length of time”

“Very positive”



“Well Presented”

“Would like this to be a longer session

10) If this training session could be improved, how and why?

“It was fine”

“More equality of delivery”

“Take a bit longer or speak a little slower”

“No improvement”

“Very well delivered but could speak more slowly”

“Maybe extend the time to go through processes a bit more”

“No, very enjoyable”

Appendix VI (CD Recording of the Session)


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