Risk Register Template 47

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Sport England Generic Risk Register
4 Guidance

This Risk Register has been designed to assist Lottery Applicants, Design Teams and Facility Operators in the consideration and
6 management of risk on their projects. The register has been complied to meet Best Practice in accordance with recognised Project
Management methodologies such as PRINCE2, the risk categories reflect PRINCE2 principles.

The register is generic and is intended to promote the consideration of risk. Users are not expected to use every risk, but to consider
those that may be applicable to their Project, or where a similar, related risk may be applicable to their project.

10 The identified risks can be used to compile a Strategic Risk Register or a Construction Project Risk Register.

The use of this particular Risk Register is not mandatory on Sport England Lottery Funded projects; Applicants may use their own
12 format. Applicants must however be aware that the consideration of Risk by Applicants and how Risk is managed on Projects is
often a condition of a grant award.

The inherent and residual risk columns contain formulae that calculate the risk exposure; the residual risk exposure should always
be no worse that the inherent risk exposure.

The financial impact column has been deliberately left blank without any formulae as the financial impact can be calculated in
various ways. Applicants should consult with their Professional Advisors in this respect.

If the register is used to compile a Construction Project Risk Register, the total of the Financial Impact should equate to the Project
Contingency at any stage of the Project.
20 Closed Risks can be moved from the Current Risk worksheet to the Closed Risks worksheet.
22 Risk Definitions
24 Impact
High = severe impact on a project in terms of time, cost or quality
Severe impact on the project strategy, adverse effect on project outcome or operational activities
Major stakeholder concern

Medium = significant impact on the project in terms of time, cost or quality

26 Significant impact on the project strategy, outcome or operational activities
Significant stakeholder concern
Low = minor impact on a project in terms of time, cost or quality
27 Little impact on the project strategy, outcome or operational activities
Low stakeholder concern

29 Likelihood
30 High = certain or strong possibility that it will occur, 61-100% probability
31 Medium = moderate chance of occurring , 41-60% probability
32 Low = unlikely or very unlikely to occur, 0-41% probability
34 Exposure
35 High = will have severe adverse effect on a Project
36 Medium = attention needed to avoid risk escalation
37 Low = likely to disappear
39 Risk Register Template - Instructions for Using Risk Spreadsheets

To start entering risk data simply follow the on-screen guidance on the attached sheet by using the mouse button to hover over the
red check mark in each corner of the headings.

If you enter more rows you will need to cut and paste into the new cells the formula used to calculate exposure automatically
(columns G-H and K-L).
44 To filter the columns (e.g. to show only the high exposure risks)
45 1 - press Ctrl + a to turn on filter
46 2 - select what you want to see from the drop-down menu that appears at the top of the relevant column
47 3 - press Ctrl +o to turn off the filter and show all rows again

Sport England Generic Risk Register v 1.0 Page 1 of 9 (c) Sport England 2011
Sport England Generic Risk Register - Current Risks Schedule
Version 1.0 05_Mar 12 Category
Risk Categories:
Strategic/Commercial S
Financial/Economic/Market F
Legal and Regulatory L
Organisational/Management/Human Factors O
Political P
Environmental E
Technical/Operational/Infrastructure T
No Date last reviewed Risk description Category Owner Manager Inherent Risk Measures in place to Manage the Residual risk Financial Further action Status Comments on Status Target Closure
(Accountable) (Responsible) Risk Impact £k Date







Funding applications to other organisations is rejected, risk of
1 1-Jan-10 S Med Low Low Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
project being unable to proceed

Funding applications to other organisations is delayed, risk of

2 1-Jan-10 S Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
project not proceeding or delay

Funding applications to other organisations is less than

3 1-Jan-10 anticipated, risk of project not proceeding or scope being S Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10

Funding Appeal to raise balance of funding falls short or

4 1-Jan-10 decision is delayed, risk of project not proceeding or scope S Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
being reduced

Onerous conditions attached to grant applications causes

5 1-Jan-10 S Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
delay/rejection, risk of project not proceeding

Sport England funding application is rejected/delayed/less than

6 1-Jan-10 anticipated, risk of project not proceeding or scope being S Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10

Cash flow less than anticipated target, resultant loss of some

7 1-Jan-10 S Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
funding. Risk of delay, scope reduction, additional costs

Sport England Generic Risk Register v 1.0 Page 2 of 9 (c) Sport England 2011
No Date last reviewed Risk description Category Owner Manager Inherent Risk Measures in place to Manage the Residual risk Financial Further action Status Comments on Status Target Closure
(Accountable) (Responsible) Risk Impact £k Date







Lack of strategic vision, are stakeholders/board members
committed to partnership, do conflicts of interest exist? missed
8 1-Jan-10 S Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
opportunities, delay, decision making process compromised,
additional cost.

Suppliers encountering financial difficulties, potential delay,

9 1-Jan-10 S Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
additional cost, legal issues.

Fraud/theft, miss appropriation of funds, risk of reputational

10 1-Jan-10 S Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
damage, possible legal action, breach of grant conditions

Partnerships failing to deliver the desired outcomes.

11 1-Jan-10 Operational difficulties, conflict with funders, risk of funding S Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
claw back, Project does not fulfil intended purpose

Completed project does not meet user/stakeholders partners

12 1-Jan-10 expectations. Operational difficulties, conflict with funders, risk S Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
of funding claw back, Project does not fulfil intended purpose

Delays in site purchase. Risk of programme delay and extra

13 1-Jan-10 S Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10

Exchange rate fluctuations, potential to affect cost in planning

14 1-Jan-10 F Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
stages, possible delay in construction phase.

Lack of liquidity in financial markets causes difficulty in raising

15 1-Jan-10 loan finance or higher financing charges. Risk of additional cost F Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
and delay.

16 1-Jan-10 Interest rate instability, Risk of additional cost and delay. F Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10

Sport England Generic Risk Register v 1.0 Page 3 of 9 (c) Sport England 2011
No Date last reviewed Risk description Category Owner Manager Inherent Risk Measures in place to Manage the Residual risk Financial Further action Status Comments on Status Target Closure
(Accountable) (Responsible) Risk Impact £k Date







Inflation . Risk of rising project costs, budget inadequate,
17 1-Jan-10 tenders exceed budget, potential cost savings needed. Project F Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10

Failure to meet projected revenue targets, risk of funding

18 1-Jan-10 shortfall, risk of sinking fund shortfall, compromise on long F Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
term maintenance cost

Cost of project increases. Risk of scope creep, post contract

19 1-Jan-10 F Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
variation, potential for delay and additional cost.

Tender prices exceed funding. Funding shortfall, need to reduce

20 1-Jan-10 F Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
scope of project, time, cost and quality issues.

Cost of project increases during construction phase. Potential

21 1-Jan-10 funding shortfall, need to reduce scope of project, time, cost and F Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
quality issues.

Delays in receipt of funding, resultant cashflow

22 1-Jan-10 F Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
problems/inability to pay suppliers

Inadequate sinking fund provision/ inability to demonstrate

23 1-Jan-10 F Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
provision. Potential funding rejection/delay

Inappropriate consideration of risks, inadequate financial

24 1-Jan-10 provision for risk. Risk of insufficient budget/additional F Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
cost/programme delay/quality compromised/scope reduced

Business Plan objectives not met, or performance outcomes not

25 1-Jan-10 L Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
achieved. Risk of funding claw back

Sport England Generic Risk Register v 1.0 Page 4 of 9 (c) Sport England 2011
No Date last reviewed Risk description Category Owner Manager Inherent Risk Measures in place to Manage the Residual risk Financial Further action Status Comments on Status Target Closure
(Accountable) (Responsible) Risk Impact £k Date







26 1-Jan-10 Failure to monitor or meet KPIs. Risk of funding claw back L Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10

Breach of terms and conditions of funding agreements. Risk of

27 1-Jan-10 L Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
funding claw back/funding shortfall, project delay.

Failure to comply with non project related legislation, H&S,

28 1-Jan-10 L Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
Employment, Child protection etc.

Project related Public Liability claims against applicant. Risk of

29 1-Jan-10 L Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
project delay and legal costs.

Possible need to comply with EU procurement requirements

30 1-Jan-10 L Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
(OJEU), programme issues, additional consultancy costs.

OJEU alcatel challenge received during standstill period.

31 1-Jan-10 Significant programme delay or Project may not proceed. L Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
Potential for additional legal and consultancy costs.

Failure to comply with EU remedies directive, alcatel

32 1-Jan-10 challenge. Significant programme delay or Project may not L Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
proceed. Potential for additional legal and consultancy costs.

Successful alcatel challenge. Significant programme delay or

33 1-Jan-10 Project may not proceed. Potential for additional legal and L Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
consultancy costs.

Changes in regulatory or legislative requirements affect design,

34 1-Jan-10 L Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
procurement or costs.

Sport England Generic Risk Register v 1.0 Page 5 of 9 (c) Sport England 2011
No Date last reviewed Risk description Category Owner Manager Inherent Risk Measures in place to Manage the Residual risk Financial Further action Status Comments on Status Target Closure
(Accountable) (Responsible) Risk Impact £k Date







35 1-Jan-10 Change in rate of vat or other taxation issues L High Med High High Low Med New 1-Jan-10

Non compliance with Building Regulations. Risk of additional

36 1-Jan-10 L Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
consultancy fees, programme and quality issues.

Inadequate Communications/lack of communications plan.

Failure to communicate key works and
37 1-Jan-10 implications/reputational damage with O Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
staff/stakeholders/partners. Lack of clarity in decision making
process, programme delay, potential cost and quality issues.

Not all key stakeholders involved in decision making process,

38 1-Jan-10 resultant conflict in requirements, programme delay, potential O Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
cost and quality issues.

Lack of employer resources, impact on decision making

39 1-Jan-10 O Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
process, programme delay, potential cost and quality issues.

Issues not logged and actioned. Risk of change control not

40 1-Jan-10 being actioned, additional consultancy and contractor costs, O Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
potential delay.

Loss of key staff/advisors, lack of continuity/skill gaps. Risk of

41 1-Jan-10 project delay, inadequate communications, potential additional O Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
consultancy and contractor costs

Extended recession/weak economy/down turn in demand.

82 1-Jan-10 S/F Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
Down turn in demand for use of facility, income shortfall.

Rapid economic growth/rising tender prices/skills shortage.

83 1-Jan-10 Market fluctuations, rising tender prices, budget shortfall, need S/F Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
for value engineering.

Sport England Generic Risk Register v 1.0 Page 6 of 9 (c) Sport England 2011
No Date last reviewed Risk description Category Owner Manager Inherent Risk Measures in place to Manage the Residual risk Financial Further action Status Comments on Status Target Closure
(Accountable) (Responsible) Risk Impact £k Date







Supplier Insolvency (consultants/contractors). Project stopped,
84 1-Jan-10 S/F Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
legal costs, significant additional cost, risk of cancellation.

Fluctuations in taxation. Insufficient funds, re design and

85 1-Jan-10 F/P Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10

Major Accident on construction site, potential for delay and

86 1-Jan-10 additional cost due to investigation and revised site T/L Med Med Med Med Med Med New 1-Jan-10

Legislative changes affecting agreed design/brief, additional

87 1-Jan-10 T/L Med Med Med Low Low Low New 1-Jan-10
cost, potential for delay

Sport England Generic Risk Register v 1.0 Page 7 of 9 (c) Sport England 2011
Sport England Generic Risk Register
Closed Risks Schedule

No Date last Risk description Category Owner Manager Inherent Risk Measures in place to Residual risk Financial Impact Status Comment on Status Target Closure
reviewed Manage the Risk £k Date
Target Closure Date Impact Likelihood Exposure Exposure Impact Likelihood Exposure (Estimated) (Estimated) (Estimated)

Sport England Generic Risk Register v 1.0 Page 8 of 9 (c) Sport England 2011


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