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Date Module Sub Module Sub Feature Type

1 Drilling Casing Type and Ta
Configuration Api
2 Drilling Casing Type and Ta
Edit and Add Frontend
3 Drilling Casing Type and Ta
Add Casing Frontend
4 Drilling Casing Type and Ta
Add Casing Api
5 Drilling Casing Type and Ta
Add Casing Api/Frontend
6 Drilling Casing Type and Ta
Add Casing Frontend
7 Drilling Casing Type and Ta
Document UplFrontend
8 Drilling Casing Type and Ta
Adding New CasApi
9 Drilling Casing Type and Ta
View Casing TyFrontend
10 Drilling Casing Type and Ta
Add & Editing Frontend
11 Drilling Casing Type and Ta
12 Drilling Casing Type and Ta
13 All All Tables UI
14 Drilling DPR Add DPR Frontend
15 Drilling DPR Tables UI
16 Drilling DPR Add DPR Frontend
17 Drilling DPR Add DPR Frontend
18 Drilling DPR Add DPR Frontend
19 Drilling DPR Add DPR Frontend
20 Drilling DPR Add DPR Frontend
21 Drilling DPR Add DPR Frontend
22 Drilling DPR Add DPR Frontend
23 Drilling DPR Add DPR API/Frontend
24 Drilling DPR Add DPR API/Frontend
25 Drilling DPR Add DPR Frontend
26 Drilling DPR Add DPR Frontend
27 Drilling DPR Add DPR Frontend
28 Drilling DPR Add/View/EditFrontend
29 Drilling DPR View DPR Frontend

30 Drilling Drilling Plan Document UploFrontend

31 Drilling Drilling Plan Planned/Actual

32 Drilling Drilling Plan Adding Drilling Frontend

33 Drilling Drilling Plan View Chart Frontend

34 Drilling NPT View Frontend
35 Drilling NPT Edit and Add API/Frontend
36 Drilling DPR ADD/Edit

37 Drilling Drilling Plan Document Upload

38 Drilling Drilling Plan Adding new drilling plan
39 Drilling DPR Edit and Add
40 Drilling DPR Manual Entry
41 Drilling DPR UI
42 Drilling DPR Fetching Values from CSV file
43 Drilling DPR Fetching Values from CSV file

44 Drilling DPR No warning POP UP

45 Drilling DPR No warning POP UP

46 Drilling DPR Data Fetching

47 Drilling Cementing Add/Edit

48 Drilling Cementing Add/Edit

49 Drilling Casing Type and TalAdd/Edit
50 Drilling Casing Type and TalAdd/Edit
51 Drilling Cementing Add/Edit
52 Drilling Cementing Add/edit
53 Drilling Cementing Add/Edit
54 Drilling Cementing Add/Edit
55 Drilling Cementing Add/Edit

56 Drilling Casing Type and TalAdd

57 Drilling Cementing Add/Edit
58 Drilling DPR Uploading DPR
59 Drilling drillin plan Planned/Actual

60 Drilling DPR BIT RECORD

61 Drilling Cementing Add cementing details
62 Drilling Cementing Post-Job Cementing Details
63 Drilling Cementing pumping schedule
64 Drilling Cementing Add cementing details

65 Drilling Cementing Add cementing details

66 Driiling NPT Add NPT
67 Drilling Casing Type and TalView/Add/Edit
68 Drilling Casing Type and TalView/Add/Edit
69 Drilling Drilling Plan View/Add/Edit
70 Drilling Drilling Plan View
71 Drilling DPR Add/Edit
72 Drilling NPT View/Add/Edit
73 Drilling NPT Add/Edit
74 Drilling NPT Add/Edit

75 Drilling NPT Add/Edit

76 Drilling DPR Add

77 Drilling All All

78 Drilling All All

79 Driling DPR Add/Edit

80 Drilling DPR Add/Edit
81 Drilling DPR Add/Edit

82 Drilling DPR Add/Edit

83 Drilling Casing Type and TalView Screen
84 Drilling Drilling Plan View

85 Drilling Casing Type and TalAdd/Edit

86 Drilling DPR Add/Edit

87 Drilling DPR Add/Edit

88 Drilling DPR Add/Edit

89 Drilling DPR Add/Edit

90 Drilling DPR

91 Drilling All

92 Drilling DPR Add/Edit/view

93 Drilling DPR UI/Frontend

94 Drilling DPR Document Upload

95 Drilling DPR Document Upload

96 Drilling DPR Add/Edit

97 Drilling DPR Add/Edit

98 Drilling Cementing Add/edit

99 Drilling Cementing Add/edit

100 Drilling Cementing Add/edit

101 Drilling Cementing Add/edit

102 Drilling NPT Edit

103 Drilling NPT Add/Edit

104 Drilling Config Casing Grade Add/Edit

105 Drilling Config Hole Size Add/Edit

106 Drilling Drilling Plan Add/Edit

107 Drilling Drilling Plan View

108 Drilling Drilling Plan
109 Drilling Drilling Plan
110 Drilling Plan

111 Drilling NPT & Downtime Activity

112 Drilling NPT & Downtime Activity
112 Drilling Cementing Edit

113 Drilling Cementing Edit

114 Drilling Cementing View

115 Drilling NPT Add/Edit

116 Drilling Cementing Add/Edit/View
117 Drilling Cementing Add/Edit/View

118 Drilling Cementing Add/Edit/View

119 Drilling Dashboard View

120 Drilling Dashboard View

121 Drilling Dashboard View

122 Drilling Dashboard View

123 Drilling Dashboard View

124 05-04-2020 Drilling DPR Add / Edit

125 05-04-2020 Drilling Drilling Plan Form

126 05-04-2020 Drilling Drilling Plan Graph

127 05-04-2020 Drilling DPR Add/Edit

128 05-04-2020 Drilling DPR View/Edit
129 05-04-2020 Drilling NPT View

130 06-05-20 Drilling Casing Type & TallyView/Approve

131 06-05-20 Drilling DPR View

132 18-05-20 Drilling DPR Add/View/edit
133 19-08-2020 Drilling DPR View

134 19-08-2020 Drilling NPT Add/Edit

135 19-08-2020 Drilling NPT Add/Edit

136 19-08-2020 Drilling Cementing Add/Edit/view

137 19-08-2020 Drilling Cementing Add

138 19-08-2020 Drilling All Back Button

139 ### Driling Dashboard Project Level / Well Level

Suggested Corrections
Hole Size, Casing Type and Grade - Duplicate entries should not Reported By Status Checked By
Length and Reverse Tally length is not being calculated Shubham Working Shubham
automatically based on length entered. It should be calculated Shubham Working Shubham
Casing No. &empty
Unecessary Centralizer
are coming areafter
not mandatory.
uploading Shubham Working Shubham
If there is a casing type holesize mismatch. Showtheanexcel
after data upload from excel. Also user should be able to select Shubham Working Shubham
appropriate option from the dropdown Shubham Partial Shubham
While Uploading document at adding new well details,
Reverse Length total should be displayed in its
uploaded document cannot be viewed or downloaded from the Shubham respective field. Working Shubham
While uploading Mohit Working Shubham
While viewing
Calculated theexcel
to fetch
data Data
, wellafter
and number
total the
well , Well function notsuch working. Mohit Working Shubham
While and information
adding cumulative
new casinglength
tally , hole
size ,not
be ,
editable id and
etc are
shouldnot bebeing displayed.
changed based Capacity
on the change Mohit Working Shubham
Depth,Thread Type,Collapse Pressure, (bbl/ft)inFloat
Collar Depth,Thread it is Type,Collapse
editable. Pressure, Capacity (bbl/ft) Mohit Working Shubham
While are missing
fetching Dataas for
Casing in the Sow document. for Casing Mohit Working Shubham
Table size gets distorted when Type viewingand inTally ,Data screen.
a smaller
being of uploaded
cloumnsfor Casing Type
according the data in the coulmns. Mohit Working Shubham
Not necessary to keep all the column sizes same. Shubham Working Shubham
Unable to import data from excel file after first date mismatch. Shubham Working Shubham
Formatting same for all the tables Shubham Working Shubham
In Drilling Assembly Tab, BHA length total is not captured Shubham Working Shubham
Mud Record Tab PV/YP tab not separated Shubham Working Shubham
Drilling OPeration Tab- Date and Time both should not be
captured. Operation
Also remarksdetails table Drilling
column should Activity missing.
beisdisplayed Shubham Working Shubham
Time Distribution table is incorrect. Total not beingas
calculated. Activity Operation should be taken from the Acticty Shubham Working Shubham
Operation Table. Shubham Working Shubham
Rates not calculated properly. Shubham Working Shubham
"From Calculation not working Shubham Working Shubham
In caseDepth"
we have Validation
an entry in forDrilling
the next Operation
date alreadyTab from the
then check date
"To Depth""To Depth".
should be same as "From Shubham Working Shubham
Depth" of the first data point of the next date DPR. Shubham Working Shubham
Spud Date and Time, Well TD Date and Time Headers need to
Bit Record data
be corrected. is gettingneed
Validation repeatedto beinremoved
two rows. for Well TD Date Shubham Working Shubham
and Time. Shubham Working Shubham
Change Hole Size Name to Section Type Shubham Working Shubham
Add units in the headers as mentioned in the DPR details file Shubham Partial Shubham
In Deviation Record Tab, all the fields including document upload col Shubham Working Shubham

No messsage to user to check whether their file has been uploaded

or not. File name should be displayed after being uploaded. Mohit Working
Column to specify Casing/Section name/type, missing as described in Mohit Working Shubham

Upload data from Excel functionality missing in each tab in order to

fetch actual/planned data from excel. Mohit Working Shubham

Switch between Hours and Days not working in graph, Also legend for Shubham
x Working Shubham
NPT Classification column missing under NPT tab. Shubham Working Shubham
Show alert that the entry already exits while selecting the well no. itseShubham Working Shubham
Section Type is incorrectly mapped with hole size, it should be
mapped with casign type. Working Shubham

No messsage to user to check whether their file has been uploaded

or not. File name should be displayed after being uploaded. Mohit Working
Entry of Remarks should not be mandatory Mohit Working Shubham
After clicking on save, uable to edit entries. When trying to edit, tabs Shubham Working Shubham
When doing manual entry to rig pump detail, the operation detail for Nilesh Working Shubham
In Bit Record, Bit No field is too small and whole digit cannot be vieweNilesh Working Shubham
Not fetching Depth in from DPR in Bit Record Nilesh Working Shubham
From Time, To tIme fields are not fetched automatically in Operation DNilesh Working Shubham

No warning if time is not 12 hours in day and night shift as

mentioned in SOW Nilesh Working Shubham

No warning if total time exceeds 24 hrs as mentioned in SOW Nilesh Working Shubham
In deviation record, in depth field, 0 value should be accepted as a leg Nilesh Working Shubham

Unable to add time data for Pre and Post Job pumping schedule. Also
the time option does not look intuitive Shubham Pending

Documents attached do not appear to have been uploaded unless

the entry is saved. Ideally should appear after the upload is complete
after the document selection Shubham Working
Reverse length calculation is not working at times Shubham Working Shubham
Float Collar Depth, Thread, Capacity & Collapse Pressure fields are notShubham Working Shubham
For the first casing type disable the fields of Previous Casing Shoe De Shubham Working Shubham
Previous Casing Shoe Depth, Previous Casing OD and ID for the secondShubham Working Shubham
In Hermetical Test Date field, Option to enter date should appear Shubham Working Shubham
Thread Type, Casing-Casing Capacity should be captured from Casing Ty Shubham Working Shubham
Unable to edit data copied from Pre Job Pumping Schedule to Post J Shubham Working Shubham
Duplicate entries for same casing size/Hole Size should not be
allowed Shubham Not Working Shubham
If a new casing information is added in Casing Type and Tally after cemShubham Working Shubham
While uploading DPR, we get an error that well name is mismatching aDivyansh Working Shubham
No warning message displayed when copying planned data to actual tab Divyansh Working Shubham

Serial No./Jets/TFA showing error mssg that entered or fetched fields Divyansh Working Shubham
when uploading cement documents at the top, we cant see the two
uploaded files after the upload unless we save the entry. And when
we upload the third file we dont get an error saying that 2 files
already uploaded. Divyansh Working Shubham
In Pumping schedule-Fields makred in red in the scope document shouldDivyansh Working Shubham
in pumping schedule, fields entered should not take negative values Divyansh Working Shubham
Drilled Depth is not been extracted automatically as mentioned in So Mohit Working Shubham

In Auto Updating Current Casing Properties, Float Collar depth is

being updated from Cellar Depth in casing type and tally , which is
wrong . Mohit Working Shubham
Year wise navigation should also be enabled while selecting the date Mohit Working Shubham
Spelling for mud weight is wrong-it is showing Mud wight(ppg) ,need Mohit Working Shubham
Cashing - Casing, while saving a new form it showing cashing data creaMohit Working Shubham
Spelling Correction-(State-Scale), for toogle title to select between da Mohit Working Shubham
Graph for Drilling/Vs actual plan size is ..out of screen size.Better vie Mohit Working Shubham
In mud record, some fields are overlapping Nilesh Working Shubham
Show NPT and Operation Hours at the top, next to the drop down field. Shubham Working Shubham
Remove Add Button from the bottom of the NPT table Shubham Working Shubham
Operation field should be enlarged Shubham Working Shubham
While selecting date range option, make sure that the selected date
should not go beyond the present date in This Month and This week
or custom date options. Shubham Working Shubham
Upload excel option in DPR to be disabled until date and section is
selected Shubham Working Shubham
Well Entries taking too much time to get created. Shubham Pending

Updating/uploading new file is very slow and taking too much time. Shubham Pending

IADC Code to be alpha numeric, All the fields are not mandatory in
Mud Report and opeartion details as stated in the DPR Details file. Shubham Working Shubham
Don't extract unit from DPR. Extract only data. Shubham Pending
DPR is following 12 hrs format. Need to follow 24 hrs format Shubham Working Shubham

If Manually updating time in operation details. Elapsed time is not

updated Shubham Not Working Shubham
While deleting casing entry. Propmt text is not correct. Shubham Working Shubham
Drilling Plan Curve Smoothning should be disabled. Shubham Working Shubham
Rename the file upload option from "Document" to Casing Tally File
Upload. Shubham Working Shubham
From Depth, To Depth and Remarks column is not mandatory in
Opeartion Details Tab, rest of the columns are mandatory. Shubham Working Shubham
Rate Cloumn entries will be fixed and can be changed only from
dropdown. Dropdown to have R1, R2, R0, Meterage. Shubham Working Shubham
Allow alphanumeric entries for TFA, Serial No., Jet, Type in Bit Record
Tab as well. Shubham Working Shubham

All the fields are not mandatory in Drill Pipe Details, Pump Details,
Mud Details, Bit Record and Mud record tabs. Shubham Working Shubham
Unable to save the DPR entry not getting any specific error. Just
showing error but no details. Shubham Working Shubham

Export Options in view table is not working for many modules Shubham Working Shubham

In deviation record, Uploaded file is not visible in add/edit screen Shubham Working Shubham
Whenever a particular sub module entries are saved, the screen shifts to
operation module Nilesh
When new document is uploaded, Document upload icon alos changes
along with new delete icon. Keep the doucment upload icon same as before
after adding the document Nilesh Working Shubham

If a document is already uploaded and a new document is needed to be

uploaded instead, while uploading a warning that the previous document
(Name of the document) will be deleted should be displayed Nilesh Working Shubham
GTO Upload Button icon is not proper Nilesh

When Clicking back button if the form contains data which is not saved,
display warning for the same Nilesh Pending to be done later as discuss
when creating form, under well profile, drilling depth(greyed out) was
supposed to get filled out automatically, will be extracted from drilling
module Divyansh Working

When entering form, after choosing cementing method, the entries for
Initial Mud density, Mud Density used for Displacement, Top of Lead
Cement & Top of Tail Cement Behind the casing..these entries should take
only positive values Divyansh
When entering data for pumping schedule, density field should be
permitted to take decimal vlaues as well (Float) Divyansh
In the upload document table Icons are not showing properly after
uploading the document, Icons overlap or get cut. Divyansh Working Shubham
When we click on edit button on main table, details of country, state,
block, location are not displayed. Divyansh Working
When filling form we are not able to fetch data using GET Data Divyansh

Entries should not take negative values. Eg of casing grade. J55, HCL80,P11 Divyansh
Cannot be a negative value. It can be an integer value Divyansh
Drilling Plan Chart not working as expected. Decimal values for Activity
hours is not being accepted. Mohit
Drilling Plan Chart, Activity hours for both Actual and Planned are displaying
same in the graph irrespective of data entered. Mohit
The excel Report generated from drilling plan contains "View Drilling Plan "
and "Document" column … that doesn’t make signifinace as of now as per
current representation Mohit Working Shubham
File format error is being generated while downloading excel Mohit
Drilling Plan-File export not working after selecting specific well. Mohit
NPT & Downtime Activity Detaills-Calendar not working properly. Unaable
to select date range Mohit Working
NPT & Downtime activty details -cant fetch data Mohit
While Editing Well No. should be preselected Shubham Working
Data entered in Cementing Method is also not displaying while
editing Shubham Working Shubham
Extra Casing Tabs appearing in Cementing View Shubham Working Shubham
Data after clicking get data should appear in datewise order
ascending order Shubham Not Working Shubham
Drilled depth unit is missing under well profile section Divyansh Working Shubham
Units of Current casing properties->fields are missing Divyansh Pending
Decimal values should be accepted for Initial mud Density & Mud
density field after selecting Cementing method Divyansh Working Shubham

Wells level dashboard - changes "Dig hired" to "Rig Days" - Pending Shubham Pending
Shubham Pending
Wells level dashboard - ROP(Rate of Penetration) icon should be
change to drill icon - Pending Shubham Pending
Wells level dashboard - remove label scale as dropdown is self
intuitive from drilling progress(P vs A) - Done Shubham Working Shubham
Wells level dashboard - Export feature for each graph(png, pdf and
xls) as well as whole page(pdf and png only). Shubham Pending
All Date formats not being accecpted while uploading DPR Shubham Pending

When copying data from planned to actual for the second time, copy
button disappears. Keep the copy button available at all times and
provide a popup incase user tries to copy the data to the entries
already filled in actual. Like Actual data will be replaced on copying
from planned. Divyansh Partial Shubham
Number and Label on X-Axis are overlapping in the graph Divyansh Not Working

When entering the data in DPR module manually, Time Fields in

Operations Tab and Mud record do not work as intended and
Elapsed time is alos not calculated Shubham Pending
Taking too much time to load and display data Divyansh Pending
Export functionality not working in View Page Divyansh Pending

When we approve a casing type in casing type & Tally, A YES/NO

dialogue box appears, there is a spelling mistake in word ‘change’.
Also unit for Float Collar Depth Is missing in Add and View form
display unit as "m". Unit of Collapse presse should be"psi" Divyansh Pending

For all the tabs, export butons for excel word are not functional. Divyansh Pending
In drilling assembly tab, Spelling of second- "No" to Number or No." Mohit Pending
S.No.s are not appearing correctly in all the tabs. Shubham Pending

Row when deleted from NPT Table should not be deleted from the
above operations table, presently it is happening in some cases. Shubham Pending

Data in the Operations table is repeating for the same day in some
cases. Also when trying to get data again after changing the data, get
data feature is not working. Shubham Pending
No units for parameters in the form below stage, Unit for Density will
be ppg, and unit for Top and Behind will be m. Divyansh Pending

In cementing, if user wants to add casing details for which the entries
are not added in 'Casing Type and Tally'. Display warning of some
sort that "First the casing entry need to be created in Casing Type
and Tally" Divyansh Pending
Should show a popup warning when pressing back button that the
data entered will be lost, wherever applicable. Mohit Pending
In Drilling Plan Chart after well selection scroll bar is not
appearing in legend
Comments Comments Checked by Final QC by Date

Was working but now unable to save Done

new entry. Done
Found working, we
Not Working Unable to add new doc Done can discuss over call
file or update existing Done to close this

Done Fixed and working as
Fixed and we can as
Done discuss over call for
Found we can
working as
Working Now Done any further
discuss concern
expected, wecall
Working Noware being created which
Extra Entries Done any further concern
discuss over call to
are not in excel Done close this
Units for Drill Pipe details and Rig Unit to be provided by
Pump details not appearing in View Done Shubham as
page TBD discussed


Format of excel should be same as Pending-

export format. Else it will cause Discussed
confusion to the user with Amit sir

Legend in tooltip for x axis is missing Done


Shows error when time is missing in
between but no error if time exceeds 12
hrs. Also when changing time manually
in DPR data in elapsed time column Logic mis
does not update match
Shows error when time is missing in
between but no error if time exceeds 12 Fixed and working as
hrs. Also when changing time manually expected, we can
in DPR data in elapsed time column Logic mis discuss over call for
does not update match any further concern
need to
Waiting for Time Picker Options from change time
Codefire picker Done


Still Duplicate entries are being created Done

Not Found Done
Found working as
expected, we can
discuss over call to
Not Found Done close this
Found working as
expected, we can
discuss over call to
close this
Still Showing Cellar Depth Value Done


Pending Improved

Pending Improved

From Depth, To Depth, Remarks

column is not mandatory in Opeartion
Details Tab, rest of the columns are
mandatory. All the fields are not Fixed and working as
mandatory in Drill Pipe Details, Pump expected, we can
Details, Mud Details, Bit Record and discuss over call for
Mud record tabs. Done any further concern

Fixed and working as

expected, we can
Time updates but is not changed to the discuss over call for
correct format. Done any further concern

it is mandatory in
Done case of meterage.



Shift operation should

Done be mandatory


Done Working




to be done
later as
be done later as discussed discussed to be done later as discussed






taking 1 decimal value and rounded of
in display Done

Pending Not found



To be tested in real scenario Pending

Text change Pending

Icon change Pending

We can process only one format at a time so please suggest suitable date format. curr

No Popup coming before the data is

replaced if the planned fields already
contain data. Done

Note reproduce ,need to clarify




Not reproduce




Will do later
ERGY Acceptance Mohit Divyansh Nilesh


Need to have discussion about the logic being

Working used
Need to have discussion about the logic being
Working used
we are not getting an error for “Shift time
Not Working exceeding 12 hours”

we are not getting an error for “Day time

Not Working exceeding 24 hours”

Working Working









Working Working



Working Fine now Done



Working Fine Now Done





Working Fine Now Done


gest suitable date format. currently this(20.06.2020) format has been implemented

Test Test Test

S.No.Date ReportModule Sub Module Sub Feature Type




17 Configuration - Drilling Drilling Project Plan Add/Edit

18 Configuration - Drilling Drilling Project Plan Add/Edit
19 Configuration-Project Details Activity Operations & Co Export Excel

20 Configuration-Project Details Activity Operations & Co View data Export

21 Configuration-Project Details Activity Operations & Code
22 Configuration-Project Details Activity Operations & Co Search

23 Configuration-Project Details Activity Operations & Co Add Activity

24 Configuration-Project Details Activity Operations & Co Add Activity
25 Configuration-Project Details Activity Operations & Co UI
26 Configuration-Project Details Activity Operations & Co Edit
27 04-08-2010 Configuration-Project Details Country Add
28 04-08-2010 Configuration-Project Details State Add
29 04-08-2010 Configuration-Project Details Block Add
30 04-08-2010 Configuration-Project Details Block Table
31 04-08-2010 Configuration-Project Details All Table
32 04-08-2010 Configuration-Project Details All Table
33 04-08-2010 Configuration-Project Details Location Table
34 04-08-2010 Configuration-Project Details Location Add
35 04-08-2010 Configuration-Project Details Land Type Add
36 04-08-2010 Configuration-Project Details Well Information Add
37 04-08-2010 Configuration-Project Details Well Information Add
38 04-08-2010 Configuration-Project Details Well Information Add

39 04-08-2010 Configuration-Project Details Country Functunality

40 04-08-2010 Configuration-Project Details State Functunality

41 04-08-2010 Configuration-Project Details All Add/Edit

42 04-08-2010 Configuration-Project Details Block View

43 05-08-2020 Configuration-Project Details Standar Excel Template Edit

44 05-08-2020 Configuration-Project Details Standar Excel Template Add / Edit

45 05-08-2020 Configuration-Project Details Standard Excel Template Add / Edit

46 05-08-2020 Configuration-Project Details Location Add/Edit

47 05-08-2020 Configuration-Project Details Block Add/Edit

48 05-08-2020 Configuration-Project Details Land Type Add/Edit

49 19-08-2020 Configuration - Project Details All Add/Edit

50 19-08-2020 Configuration - Project Details All Back Button

51 19-08-2020 User Mangement All Add/Edit

52 19-08-2020 User Management All Search

53 19-08-2020 User Management User Registration Add/Edit

54 19-08-2020 User Management User Registration UI

Suggested Corrections Reported By Status
Creating a new Project, it is not showing project left menu. Shubham Working
In left menu, project sequence should be ASC order Shubham Working
Map my India or Google mp API to be reviewed for pricing before
implementation Shubham Pending
Project detail page: at bottom table- change 1st label from address to
Coordinates (Done) and add info column for selected
direction(N/S/E/W) - pending on add/edit Shubham Pending
Minimum 3 coordinates are required to create a project Shubham Working
In Project creation End date should not be mandatory Shubham Working
Project Logo - Crop selector dimension should be changed in rectangle
shape and on display pages its H-W should be fixed to avoid
overlapping on another section Shubham Working
When you navigate from a project to its dashboard from right side slide
menu then this slide menu should also be there on all project
dashboard page to navigate directly on other project dashboard Shubham Working

On project dashboard date range, remove "This month" and add two
more filters "Last Year", "Since inception"---TBD Shubham Pending
On project dashboard, Rename Projectwise Wells Drilling status to Plan
wise.....(Done)and in its graph change month name to plan name at
bottom(Pending)--- it will come from api Shubham Pending
On project dashboard, Drilling Progress- Plan vs Actual: change wells
input place holder "Select wells" or "Wells" -(Done) and should be
multiselection dropdown(Done), Select all(pending) Shubham Pending
While Creating Drilling Project Plan in Date column provide option to
select only date and not date & time Shubham Pending
Surface and Production Hole casing can not be same Shubham Pending
Export as excel not working for main table data Mohit Pending

Export as excel not working when viewing a specific activity and trying
to exportentry
Activity dataisofdisappearing
subactivty once the activity status is set to inactive. Mohit Pending
Both entries for active and inactive should be available Mohit Pending
Seach feature not working properly Mohit Pending

No error being generated when " Activity name " is duplicated , rather
file is being saved currently without error Mohit Pending
Subactivty code should
Spelling Correction, not Navigation.
Upper be duplicated
"Activity Operations Code" to Mohit Pending
"Activity Operationns & Code"
Entry is not getting updated. Not receiving any Popup to show if Mohit Pending
When editing the name of country, we are getting multiple messages
that theis entry
has or not.updated. Specially if you update few entries in
been Shubham Pending
row. editing the name of country, we are getting multiple messages Divyansh
that the entry has been updated. Divyansh
No pop up update/message on creating a block entry. Divyansh Pending
Export feature
feature missing
not working in Category, Location & Activity Operation Divyansh Pending
Code etc. Check for all the
Apporve/Reject option tables
is not present for all the entires in the Shubham Pending
configutation. Shubham Pending
Delete is not functional under action column Divyansh Pending
No pop up update/message on creating a Location entry. Divyansh Pending
No popup message for entries created, updated or deleted Divyansh Pending
Spelling of degree is incorrect under address section Divyansh Pending
No popup message for entries created, updated or deleted Divyansh Pending
Incorrect Dropdown Menu opening under well type. Well type menu is
fixed. Shubham Pending
Country active/inactive status not being updated in other modules. For
eg drilling plan Mohit Pending
State Active/Inactive status not being updated in other modules. For eg
check with drilling plan Mohit Pending

While creating a new entry with already existin name the error is
coming "Name already exist" ,replace it with "State already exists"/
"Country already exists" etc. Mohit Pending

In the main table Replace the column name with State instead of Block,
Block column name has been repeated replace the first with "State" Mohit Pending

While editing the module already file is not shown on the edit screen Shubham Pending
Alias Feature is not working and new upload feature should be used as
discussed. Shubham Pending
When we save a file we dont get any message that the entry is created,
updated. Divyansh Pending

Correct the Watermarks in Location Form ex- Under Location Name,

"Enter LAQ Category" needs to be replaced with "Enter Location
Name" Mohit Pending
In field of entry for "Block" the Watermark is written as "Enter Country
Name.", replace it to "Enter Block Name." Mohit Pending
In field of entry for "Land Type" the Watermark in the box is written as
"Enter Land Name.", replace it to "Enter Land Type." Mohit Pending

When we add new entries, popup message is not displayed for entry
created or updated for all the sub modules. Please check and fix for all
the sub modules under configuration Divyansh Pending
Should show a popup warning when pressing back button that the data
entered will be lost, wherever applicable. Shubham Pending
Duplicate Entries should not be allowed in any of the submodules of
user management Mohit Pending

Search option not working properly,for eg-Search "2" and there are 2
company record excisting "Test1" and "Test2". And for the search it
showing both the entry Mohit Pending

When user classification is selected to external, Department and

Desgination entry should be disabled as per SOW. Which is not the
case currently. Mohit Pending

Complete Name of user is not being displayed. Only First Name is being
Displayed .Display both first and last name with one character space. Mohit Pending
Checked By Comments Comments Checked by Final QC by
Shubham Done
Shubham Done


Pending on Add/Edit form Partially Done

Shubham Done
Shubham Done

Shubham Done

Shubham Done


Partially Done

Partially Done














Final IENERGY Acceptance Mohit Divyansh Nilesh
Date Approved


partially done Partially Done

partially done Partially Done

Not Done Done

Done Done
Done Done


Done Done
Done Done
Done Partially Done (Change Spelling of Operationns to
Done Done
Done Done
Done Done
Done Done
Done Done
Done Done
Done Done




Done Done

Done Done

Not Done, (Uploadi

Not Done

Done Done

Done Done

Done Done





Spelling of Operationns to Operations)
S.No.Module Sub Module Sub Feature Type Suggested Corrections
1 All All All Back Button on all the pages
In Breadcrumbs DPR should be in upper case in DPR
2 Drilling DPR DPR View View
Highlight the menu option whichever is selected in the
3 All All All left hand side menu.
Reported By Status Checked By Comments



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