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How an interviewee’s communication skills can be evaluated and assessed by you as an

Answer: Excellent communication skills are necessary for workplace success. If you are at the interview,
expect that you will be asked about interview questions about how you communicate .Basically there are
two basic skills that every interviewer uses in their interview.
1. Soft skills
2. Hard skills
1. Soft skills :
Communication is the process of exchanging information (speaking , writing , or using other
medium). The interviewer will check that how do you communicate with others . It is one of
the most important thing because good communication is necessary for every task one can
never know in what situation will he exchange his information so he must have good
speaking skills so that he may deliver his ideas properly
b) Teamwork
This is the main focus of an interviewer because the person being called for an interview must have a
good knowledge of working in group. It is because team work is necessary in every field . For this
purpose, the interviewer should ask some simple obvious  questions.
•Tell me about the time when your team mate was not supporting your idea
• Suppose a team leader encouraged competition between team members instead of collaboration…
c) Leadership
The leader leader have to communicate the vision and idea to his team so as to motivate
them to achieve their goals.He speaks in such a way that he will be able to motivate his team
to achieve any goal .He should be the inspiration for his team .He can communicate properly
and clearly so that there must be no chance of misunderstanding.
d) Adaptability
Adaptability skills are the skill sets that encompass a person's ability to the change in the
new environment or we can say that it is the ability of a person to change his deeds
according to the new environment.
e) Critical thinking
Critical thinking is the ability of a person to think clearly, understanding the logical
connection between the ideas.Critical thinking can be discribed as the ability to engage in
reflective and independent thinking.Critical thinking enables a person to recognise ,build
and appraise arguments.
f) Work ethic
Work ethic is an attitude of determination and dedication of a person towards his job.They
display moral principles that make them extraordinary employees in any position.If you have
good work ethic ,you believe in the importance of your work and typically feel hard work is
essential to maintain a strong character.
2. Hard Skills
Hard skills are also tool for measuring capacity for an interview.
a) Rude or arrogant behavior
Constant interruptions, impolite comments and a bossy attitude are all red flags. People with this bad
nature may not collaborate efficaciously with their team members.
b) Poor presentation skills
If you notice that candidates struggle to talk about topics they are likely to have prepared, it is possible
they will also find it tough to present presentations or discuss more perplex issues.
c) Uncomfortable body language
Being stressed and worried is normal during an interview. But, candidates who do not keep eye contact or
are on edge throughout the interview will exert strenuous effort to interact with clients and coworkers.
d) Too short or too long answers
Yes/No answers do not leave much room for discourse. Similarly, never-ending responses could confuse
and disconcert the interlocutor. Person with good communication skills will hit equilibrium between
respecting your time and getting their points across.
e) Lack of persuasion abilities
Good interviewee does not only provide facts and figures, they are also able to induce others. Instead of
someone who only states the obvious, look for persuasive people, creative, particularly for functions that
demand selling.

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