Bibliography: - : List of International Legal Materials

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List of International Legal Materials:

1. African Charter on Human and People’s Rights

2. Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
3. Bonn Guidelines on Access to Genetic Resources and Fair and
Equitable Sharing of the Benefits Arising out of their Utilisation.
4. Convention on Biological Diversity
5. Convention on Farmers’ and Breeders’ Rights
6. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People
7. FAO, 1987: Report of the Second Session of the Commission on
Plant Genetic Resources, 16-20 March 1987, CL 91/14
8. FAO Resolution 4/89
9. FAO Resolution 5/89
10. FAO Resolution 3/91
11. Indigenous and Tribal People’s Convention, 1989
12. International Convention on Civil and Political Rights
13. International Convention on Economic Social and Cultural Rights
14. International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and


15. International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources

16. Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing, 2011
17. Union pour la Protection des Obtentions Vegetales, (International
Convention for the Protection of New Plant Varieties)

List of Legislations, Rules and Regulations:

1. Act of Plant Varieties Registration, Control and Certification of

African Model Legislation for the Rights of Local Communities,
Farmers, and Breeders And for the Regulation of Access to
Biological Resources, 2000
2. Biological Diversity Act of India, 2000
3. Biological Diversity Rules, 2004
4. Patent Act, 1970
5. Patent Amendment Act 2005
6. Plant Patent Act, 1930 (U.S.)
7. Plant Variety Protection Act, 1970, (U.S.)
8. Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001
9. Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Regulations, 2006
10. Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Rules, 2003
11. Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights (Second
Amendment) Rules, 2009
12. Seeds Bill 2004



1. Dr. Elizabeth Verkey , Law of Plant Varieties Protection, Eastern

Book Company, Lucknow, ( 2007)
2. Avinash Shivade, Intellectual Property Manual, Butterworths,
3. Peter Drohas ED., Intellectual Property, England: Ashgate
Publishing, (1999)
4. Dr. T. Ramakrishna, Biotechnology related Intellectual Property
Rights, Bangalore: CIPRA, National Law School of India
University, (2005)
5. Graham Dutfield, Intellectual Property Rights, Trade and
Biodiversity, Earthscan, London, (2000)
6. Jack Ralph Kloppenburg Jr., First the Seed: The Political Economy
of Plant Biotechnology, New York, Cambridge University Press,
7. Torremans Paul, Intellectual Property Law, London, Butterworth,
8. Vandana Shiva, Captive Minds, Captive Lives: Essays on Ethical
and Ecological Implications of Patents on Life, Dehra Dun, India:
Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Natural Resource
Policy, (1995)
9. Jayashree Watal, Intellectual Property Rights in the WTO and
Developing Countries (2001)
10. Brad Sherman el. al., The Question of Patenting Life, Perspectives
on Intellectual Property, Vol 4, Sweet & Maxwell, (1998)

11. Bibek Debroy ed., Intellectual Property Rights, Rajiv Gandhi

Institute for Contemporary Studies ( 1998)
12. Jack Ralph Kloppenburg Jr., First the Seed: The Political Economy
of Plant Biotechnology,1492-2000, New York: Cambridge
University Press (1988)
13. James Boyle, Shamans, Software and Spleens: Law and the
Constitution of the Information Society, Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press (1996)
14. Stephen Brush, “Whose Knowledge, Whose Genes, Whose
Rights?” in Valuing Local Knowledge: Indigenous People and
Intellectual Property Rights, ed. Stephen Brush and Doreen
Stabinsky, Washington, DC: Island Press (1996)



1. Srividhya R. & Jamie M, Has India Addressed Its Farmers' Woes?

A Story of Plant Protection Issues, 20 Geo. Int'l Envtl. L. Rev. 97
2. Christoph Antons, Sui Generis Protection of Plavt Varieties and
Traditional Knowledge in Biodiversity and Agriculture: The
International Framework and National Approaches in the Phillipines
and India, Indian J. Law & Tech. Vol 6, 89-139 (2010)
3. Philippe Cullet, “Farmers’ Rights in Peril,” Frontline 17, no. 7, 71-
72 (2000)
4. Prabhash Ranjan, Recent Developments in India’s Plant Variety
Protection, Seed Regulation and linkages with UPOV’s Proposed
Membership, 12 (3) The Journal of World Intellectual Property,
219-243 (2009)
5. Dr. Suman Sahai, India’s plant variety protection and Farmers’
Rights Act, 2001, Current Science, Vol. 84, No. 3 (2003)
6. Philippe Cullet, Plant Variety Protection in Africa: Towards
Compliance with the TRIPS Agreement, 45 J. African L. 97-99
7. David Vaver, Invention in Patent Law: A Review and a Modest
Proposal, 11 Int'L J.L. & Info. Tech. 286-293 (2003)
8. Paul J. Heald, Mowing the Playing Field: Addressing Information
Distortion and Asymmetry in the TRIPS Game, 88 Minn. L. Rev.
249-286 (2003).


9. Joseph Straus, Bargaining Around the TRIPS Agreement: The Case

for Ongoing Public-Private Initiatives to Facilitate Worldwide
Intellectual Property Transactions, Duke J. Comp. & Int'L. L. 91,
100-01 (1998).
10. Srividyha Ragavan, Of Plant Variety Protection, Agricultural
Subsidies and the WTO, IP & IP vol. 4 (Peter K. Yu ed., 2007).
11. Doris Estelle Long, The Impact of Foreign Investment on
Indigenous Culture: An Intellectual Property Perspective, 23 N.C.J.
Int'L L. & Com. Reg. 229, 263-64 (1998)
12. Gerd Winter, “Patent Law Policy in Biotechnology,” Journal of
Environmental Law 4, no. 2,167-87 (1992)
13. Susan Sell and C. May, “Moments in Law: Contestation and
Settlement in the History of Intellectual Property,” Review of
International Political Economy 8, no. 3, 467-500 (2001)
14. Peter Drahos, “Global Property Rights in Information: The Story of
TRIPS at the GATT,” Prometheus 13, no. 1, 6-19 (1995):
15. S. K.Verma, “TRIPS and Plant Variety Protection in Developing
Countries,” European Intellectual Property Review 6, 281-89 (1995)
16. Chidi Oguamanam, Agro-Biodiversity and Food Security:
Biotechnology and Traditional Agricultural Practices at the
Periphery of International Intellectual Property Regime Complex,
2007 MICH. ST. Law Review 215, 244-46 (2007)
17. Gerald Moore & Witold Tymowski, Explanatory Guide to the
International Treaty of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and
Agriculture 4 (2005)


18. Klaus Bosselmann, Plants and Politics: The International Legal

Regime Concerning Bio-technology and Biodiversity, 7 Columbia
Journal of International Environment Law 116 (1996)
19. Marcia Ellen DeGeer, Biopiracy: The Appropriation of Indigenous
Peoples’ Cultural Knowledge, New Eng. J. Int’L & Comp. L. [Vol.
9:1] (2012)
20. J. Janewa OseiTutu, A Sui Generis regime for traditional
knowledge: The Culture divide in Intellectual Property Law,
Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review, 15 Marq. Intell. Prop.
L. Rev. 147 (2011)
21. Stephen R. Munzer & Kal Raustiala, The Uneasy Case for
Intellectual Property Rights in Traditional Knowledge, 27 Card.
Arts & Ent. L.J. 37 (2009)
22. Olufunmilayo B. Arewa, TRIPS and Traditional Knowledge: Local
Communities, Local Knowledge, and Global Intellectual Property
Frameworks, 10 Marq. Intell. Prop. L. Rev. 155, 160-63 (2006)
23. Graham Dutfield, TRIPS-Related Aspects of Traditional
Knowledge, 33 Case W. Res. J. Int'l L. 233, 240 (2001)
24. Krishna Ravi Srinivas, Intellectual Property Rights and Traditional
Knowledge: The Case of Yoga, 47 Econ. & Pol. Wkly. 2866-2871
25. Amy Nelson, Is there an International solution to Intellectual
Property Protection for plants, George Washington International
Law Review, 37 Geo. Wash. Int'l L. Rev. 997 (2005)


26. K. Ventaraman, Intellectual Property Rights, Traditional

knowledge and Biodiversity in India, JIPR, Vol. 13, pp 326-335
27. Jim Chem, There’s no thing as bio piracy & it’s a good thing too,
McGeorge Law Review, 37 (1), 35 (2006)
28. Bala Ravi S., Effectiveness of Indian sui generis law on plant
varieties protection and its potential to attract private investment in
crop improvement, JIPR (9), 533-548, (2004)
29. Dr. Gerard Bodeker, Traditional Medical Knowledge, Intellectual
Property Rights & Benefit Sharing, 11 Cardozo J. Int & Comp. Law
785, 790 (2003)
30. Paul J. Heald, Mowing the Playing Field: Addressing Information
Distortion and Asymmetry in the TRIPS Game, 88 Minn. L. Rev.
249, 286 (2003)
31. Rohan Dang and Chandni Goel, Sui Generis Plant Variety
Protection: The Indian Perspective, American Journal of Economics
and Business Administration 1 (4): 303-312 (2009)
32. Shanthi Chandrashekaran, The Indian Plant Varieties Protection
Act Beneficiaries: The Indian Farmer or the corporate Seed
Company? JIPR, Vol -7, page 506-515 (2002)
33. Srividhya Ragavan, Protection of Traditional Knowledge, 2 Minn.
Intell. Prop. Rev. 1 (2001)
34. Swaminathan M.S., Genetic Diversity und the Indian Seed
Industry, in Bibek Debroy ed., Intellectual Property Rights, Rajiv
Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies, New Delhi, (1998)


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