Week009-Chi-square: Laboratory Exercise 004

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Quantitative Methods


Laboratory Exercise 004

At the end of this activity, you should be able to:
 Perform statistical computation using Chi-square
 Run Chi-square
 Interpret the result

What to Prepare for the Activity:

 Microsoft Excel

1. Encode the table in excel in a continuous manner

School X conducted a survey on a sample of 30 students. The Social Economic status (SES),
Gender, and their ratings in Mathematics and English were considered variables. Encode the
SES using the rate below:
Social Economic Status: 1 – Low, 2 – Medium, 3 – High
The result of the survey conducted gave the results of their score in Mathematics and English.
To test the association between Gender and Mathematics, and Gender and English, refer to the
values of Mathematics and English where:
Mathematics: 1- Low
2 - High

English: 1 - Low
2 - High

  Social Economic Status GENDER MATH ENGLISH
1 High 2 2 2
2 High 1 2 2
3 Low 2 2 2
4 Med 2 2 2
5 High 1 2 2
6 High 1 2 2
7 High 2 2 2
8 Low 2 2 2
9 Low 2 2 2
10 Med 2 2 1
11 Med 1 2 2
12 Med 1 2 1
13 Low 2 2 2
14 Low 1 2 1
15 High 2 2 2
16 Low 1 2 2
17 High 2 2 1
18 Low 2 2 1
19 Low 1 1 1
20 Low 1 1 1
21 Med 1 1 1
22 Med 2 1 2
23 Med 1 1 2
24 Med 1 1 1
25 Low 2 1 1
26 Med 2 1 1
27 High 2 1 1
28 Med 1 1 1
29 Med 1 1 1
30 Med 2 1 1

2. Compute if there is significant difference between gender and rating in math, gender and rating
in English using Chi-square
3. Follow the steps on how to get the value after selecting the data as shown in the picture. Note
that the level of significance determines if there is significant difference or not. If the significant
level is 0.05, any value less than or equal to 0.05 means that there is significant difference
between variables.
Quantitative Methods

4. Transfer the results in Microsoft Word Application. Give your interpretation to the results.
Use the given format
Results and Discussions
Table and Graph

Rubric for Checking

Criteria for Evaluation:

 Appropriateness of statistical tests and accuracy in the
computation (10%)
 Analysis and interpretation (10%)
 Presentation, technical tone, format (5%)

Take note of the equivalent grade:

1.0 24-25
1.25 21-23
1.5 18-20
1.75 15-17
2.0 12-14
3.0 10-11
5.0 below 10

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