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Network Operating System and Configuration

Lab Tutorial - 10
ITSA2003 Lab Tutorial 10
Name: Rupesh Pandey
Student Id: 40290

List what all steps will be there to ensure the network is correctly patched?
Elaborate each step-in detail. Also, list any 5 latest Patch Management Tools.

1. Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Devices: This might seem like a

very simple (and therefore negligible) task. But form the core of patch
management. Because, only if you do so, you'll be able to correctly distinguish
between those devices which are authorized to enter your network and those
that are not. In other words, you'll be able to restrict unauthorized devices from
entering your network, only if you maintain an inventory of authorized devices.
2. Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Software: Next comes inventorying
of what's inside of these authorized devices. That is, different kinds — and
versions — of software packages. Why? Because different devices may require
different patches. And only by inventorying the software available within your
enterprise devices, you'll be able to patch them properly.
3. Secure Configuration for Hardware and Software on Various Devices: Then
comes configuration. Secure configuration of both devices and the software
available to them. In other words, steps you take to make them foolproof to
external as well as internal website security threats. How is your system or the
software in it is going to respond if attackers try breaking it? Will they gain
access to everything that's on the device or only to specific non-sensitive data?
As you can realize, secure device configuration is a significant step which can
supplement good patch management practices in securing your network.
4. Continuous Vulnerability Assessment and Remediation: Security patches are
not free from vulnerabilities. They just take you a step closer to becoming more
secure. Therefore, continuous vulnerability assessment of these security
patches is necessary and appropriate remediation processes should be thought
of beforehand. Like, for example, which version of the security patch your
enterprise will roll back to in case the current version fails? And other such patch
related issues should be addressed as well.
5. Controlled Use of Device Privileges: This step concerns itself with the
regulating of user privileges to the devices which they've been provided access.
Level of access permissions should be decided based on the user roles.
Obviously, the top-level officials will need more access, while for others the
access will be rather restricted. Then come the admin privileges. What about
these people who are responsible for configuring the security policy or patching
for the whole IT system? How much access should they be provided? All these
questions should be resolved in the right manner.

Any 5 patch management tools are as follows:

1. SolarWinds Patch Manager.
2. Microsoft SCCM.
3. GFI LanGuard.
4. NinjaRMM.
5. ManageEngine Patch Manager Plus.

Task 2:

Write the abbreviation for “BIOS”.

BIOS stand for Basic Input Output System
Explain reasons why BIOS is an essential part of your system?
The BIOS (Basic Input/output System) is a firmware (type of computer program)
which is used for booting computer devices. It is what the device's microprocessor
uses to get the system started once a device is turned on. These functions are
essential for the smooth running of the device.
Which amongst “Software Executables” and “Software Updates” are
essentials because they frequently comprise of critical patches to the security
Software updates are essential because they frequently comprise critical patches to
security holes.

What is the drawback of virtualization? Give an example of Hypervisor and
give reasons why hypervisor is important?
ANS: The drawbacks of virtualization are:
 It can have a high cost of implementation. ... 
 It still has limitations. ... 
 It creates a security risk. ... 
 It creates an availability issue. ... 
 It creates a scalability issue. ... 
 It requires several links in a chain that must work together cohesively. ...

Examples of hypervisor – VMware Fusion, oracle Virtual Box, VMware workstation

1) With a hypervisor, you can successfully run and monitor concurrent virtual
machines on a host.
2) Hypervisor secures the operating environment from internal conflicts.
3) Without accessing host resources, hypervisors achieve a better level of
computing performance, availability, and scalability.
4) provides economic relaxation around the datacentre, OS backup, hardware
servers and even cuts down on power usage, making it an overall cost-
effective transition
5) VMM offers better uptime faster deployment, reduced workload, and cost
predictions for operational needs.

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