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Original Article

Effect of the Penn Resiliency Program on student

with emotional problems
  Shahram Vahedi, Rahim Badri Gargari, Somayeh Gholami
Department of Psychology, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran

Aim: Education in university is difficult for some students and so depression, stress, and anxiety are
prevalent problems in colleges across the country. People experiencing such psychosocial difficulties
are more likely to be defeated in the course. Resilience training can target these risk factors, but
there is little research evaluating the effectiveness of such programs.This paper describes the design
and measures of a study to evaluate a resilience training program to decrease emotional problems.
Methods: This study followed a randomized controlled trial and included a pretest and posttest.
A  purposive sampling was used. In this way, participants were 30 students randomly selected
between who have emotional problems in 2014 at Tabriz University, Iran. They were assigned into
control and experimental group. Data were collected using depression, anxiety, and stress scale 21.
Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for each subscale indicate high internal reliability. Multivariate analysis of
variance (MANOVA) was run to analyze the data. Results: The findings of this study show a decrease
in the mean score in the mean score of the experimental group in the posttest. Multivariate variance
Address for Correspondence:
Dr. Somayeh Gholami, analysis MANOVA showed difference in posttest mean scores of participants’ anxiety, depression,
Department of Psychology, and stress in the experimental group. Conclusions: The Penn Resiliency Program will promote
Tabriz University, 29 Bahman psychosocial well‑being for student with emotional problems.
Blvd, Tabriz, East Azerbaijan, Iran.
E‑mail: Key words: Anxiety, depression, Penn Resiliency Program, stress

Introduction and could noting observe deep in thought, and other

difficulties such as insomnia, sense of exhaustion and
Emotional problems such as stress, depression, and anxiety fatigue, excessive sleeping leading persons unable to study,
are prevalent problems in college students across the active in classroom, listening to lessons, and so on. Other
country. Emotional problems such as stress, depression, prevalent disturbance in emotion is anxiety and stress.
and anxiety are prevalent problems in college students Anxiety known with features such as autonomic arousal,
across the country. A person suffering from emotional poor sleep, being irritable a lot of the time, skeletal muscle,
problems create serious problems for university because and difficulty in concentrating. Symptoms of stress are
depressed persons have lack of hope, lacking in or deprived difficulty relaxing, constant worrying, memory problems,
of strength or power, sense of worthless, guilty, loneliness, inability to concentrate nervous arousal, being unhappy,
an hedonic, easily irritated, and ashamed or unable to and irritable/over‑reactive and restless.[1]
All of these features are in conflict with what a student
They have no interest to do activities that were once needs to be successful. Despite these, emotional disorders
pleasurable. In addition, cognitive problems in depressed are prevalent among the most common causes of disability.
person such as concentrating, remembering details, National Institute of Mental Health reported that 13 million
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Access this article online Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the
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author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
For reprints contact:

DOI: How to cite this article: Vahedi S, Gargari RB, Gholami S. Effect of the
penn resiliency program on student with emotional problems. Int J Educ
Psychol Res 2016;2:145-9.

© 2016 International Journal of Educational and Psychological Researches | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow 145
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Vahedi, et al.: Effect of the Penn Resiliency Program on emotion

American adults (almost one in 17) have a serious mental suicide.[14] Better diagnosis and treatment of depression
illness.[2] Mental health disorders cause a severe problem can bestead reducing suicide rates among college students.
in life. Persons with high levels of depressive symptoms or ACHA–NCHA declares in the fall 2011 survey that more
depressive disorders are at risk for having academic and than 6% college students asserted seriously considering
interpersonal difficulties. It is expected that these students suicide, and about 1% reported attempting suicide in the
become cigar smoker, use other substances, and make previous year .[8]  Suicide is the third leading cause of death
an effort for suicide.[3] In the United States and Canada, for teens and young adults aged 15–24 years.[15] As for this
accounting for 25% of all years of life lost to disability and discussion, when we evaluate universities condition, it
premature mortality.[4] Moreover, suicide is the eleventh seems clear that having mental health resources is necessary
leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for students, and it is necessary to treat depression and
for the deaths of approximately 30,000 Americans each other emotional problem.
year (WISQARS, 2010). Iranian student population also
suffers from depression, anxiety, and stress. For example, The Penn Resiliency Program (PRP) researched depression
study by Najafikolyani and Poornajm showed that 76% prevention programs, and there are numerous works
of students have stressed, 56% and 53% suffer from on it. This curriculum teaches cognitive‑behavioral and
depression and anxiety.[5] Another researches show a rise social problem‑solving skills. This package based in
in the number of mental health problems. Meta‑analysis part on cognitive‑behavioral theories of depression by
of the result in 35 articles in Iran from 1995 to 2012 with Aaron Beck, Albert Ellis, and Martin Seligman. Ellis’
a sample size of 9743 show prevalence of depression in Adversity‑Consequences‑Beliefs (ABC) model is central
the University as 33%.[6] The best explanation we should of the program, demonstrating the idea that our beliefs
consider about it is many mental health conditions start about events mediate their impact on our emotions
in the typical age range (i.e. 18–24‑year‑old), during college, and behavior. Through this model, students learn to
students deal with a unique amount of stressors, including detect unhelpful thoughts, evaluate the accuracy of those
new lifestyle, friends, roommates that they should share thoughts, and challenge negative beliefs by considering
a room, exposure to new cultures, and alternate ways of alternative interpretations. PRP also teaches a variety of
mannerism and thinking. If the freshmen have difficulty strategies that can be used for solving problems and coping
adjusting to a new environment, they are more likely to with difficult situations and emotions. Students learn
struggle. Harrison[4] states “if students feel inadequate techniques for assertiveness, negotiation, decision‑making,
or incomplete to cope with the new environment of a social problem‑solving, and relaxation. The skills taught
college campus, they could easily become more prone in the program can be applied to many contexts of life,
to depression and anxiety.” There are great academic including relationships with peers and family members as
stressors such as competition, poor management of time, well as an achievement in academics or other activities.[8]
the perceptible pressure to do well the tasks and exams.
The emotional problems affect aspects of everyday life Therefore, although there is enough evidence indicating
functions. Untreated emotional problems last for a long the effectiveness of the PRP, there has been little research
time interrupt day‑to‑day activities, and are much more in this area among nonclinical college student in Iran. The
than just being “a little down” or “feeling blue.”[7] The present study aimed at investigating the effects of PRP
American College Health Association–National College on emotional problems of students. We hypothesize that
Health Assessment (ACHA–NCHA) found that nearly students in the PRP intervention will show lower levels of
30% college students reported feeling “so depressed that emotional problems compared to control group.
it was difficult to function” at some time in the past year.[8]
The question that arises is how emotional problems affect Methods
college students? Depression can have an impact on college
student academic performance.[9] Studies suggested that The study was a randomized controlled trial and included
college students who have depression are more likely to the pretest‑posttest control group design. No treatment is
smoke.[10] Also, students with depression do not necessarily given to the control group, while the experimental group
drink alcohol more heavily than other college students. was given the Penn Resiliency Training. Participants
But, depression among students, especially women are of the study were new freshmen students who were
more likely to get drunk and experience problems related screened by monitoring health plan via Tabriz university
to alcohol abuse, such as engaging in unprotected sex.[11] counseling center. Also, Participants were re‑screened
Depression and other mental disorders often accompanied and re‑evaluated by using depression, anxiety, and stress
by substance abuse, which can complicate treatment.[12,13] scales (DASS 21). DASS 21 was designed by Lovibond
Depression should be considered as a major risk factor for and Lovibond in 1995 to measure emotional distress in

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Vahedi, et al.: Effect of the Penn Resiliency Program on emotion

three subcategories of depression (e.g., loss of self‑esteem/ Data were improved by subtracting the pretest scores from
incentives and depressed mood), anxiety (e.g., fear and the posttest scores then run a MANOVA on them, and
anticipation of negative events), and stress (e.g., persistent the results are presented in Table 2.
state of overarousal and low frustration tolerance). It was a
self‑reporting questionnaire with 21‑items (7‑items for each Before the parametric test of multivariate variance
category) based on a four‑point rating scale. To calculate analysis, Box and Leven’s tests were used in order to
comparable scores with full DASS, each 7‑item scale regarding its hypothesis. According to Box test that
was multiplied by two. Items included, “I found it hard it was not significant in P ≤  0.01 for any of variables,
to wind down,” “I was aware of dryness of my month,” condition of equality is regarded in variance/covariance’s
and “I couldn’t seem to experience any positive feeling matrixes (P = 0/029, F = 2/34, Box = 16/19). According
at all.” Participants were asked to rate their agreement to Leven test and its insignificant for all of the variables,
with each of items (in the form of statements) on a four the condition of equality is regarded in variances of
point Likert scale from “0 = did not apply to me at all” to intergroup.
“3 = applied to me very much, or most of the time”. The
higher the score, the more severe the emotional distress As it is seen in Table 2, significance test of MANOVA
was. Internal consistencies (alpha) coefficients for each showed that there is a significant difference between
subscale of depression, anxiety, and stress were 91, 81, experimental and control groups considering at least
and 90, respectively.[16] one of the dependent variables (Wilks’ lambda = 0.59,
F = 11.42, P =  0.001, Eta  =  0.59). Also, the results of
Entrance criteria for this study include no use drugs the multivariate variance analysis showed the significant
and lack of psychiatric. After reassessing those who have decrease in the mean of scores in stress (F = 40/11),
criteria to enter in the study, 30 people were assigned by anxiety (F = 0/81), and depression (F = 77/72). In other
the hidden and confidential method to equal experimental words, PRP decreases emotional symptoms in experiment
and control groups. All experimental participants were group and decreased 43% stress, 45% anxiety, and 53%
exposing to 11 sessions in the Penn resiliency training depression.
program. Components of the PRP include the cognitive
component that made of the ABC model, recognizing Discussion
cognitive (“thinking”) styles, cognitive restructuring,
avoiding erroneous beliefs, decatastrophizing, putting it in The present study aimed at investigating how the PRP
perspective and the hot seat, challenging negative thoughts. would influence the student with emotional problems.
The second part in this program is social‑problem‑solving The results of the MANOVA indicated a decrease in the
component consist of assertiveness, relaxation, and scores of emotional problems (anxiety, depression, and
problem solving. stress) and its relevant dimensions for the experimental
group in the posttest. This finding is at line with Peng and
Result Brun, wasser, Gillham, and Kim that showed that PRP
could make better positive emotions, particularly for the
The mean and standard deviation of all the variables were low‑resilience individuals.[17,18]
reported in Table 1. The findings showed that emotional
problems were reduced from pre‑ to post‑assessment. The simplest explanation for this finding is that PRP’s
effects on a wide range of risk factors, such as difficulties
Because, these data did not meet the assumption of and conflicts with family and friends and pessimistic
homogeneity of regression slopes (F‑ratio = 154.57, df = 2, cognitive styles. PRP improve cognitive style and coping
P > 0.05), we conducted further analysis with multivariate skills. Cognitive style plays a role as a mediator variable
analysis of variance (MANOVA). in PRP’s effects on depressive symptoms.[19]

Table 1: The mean and SDs of the study variables in pretest and posttest between the groups
Group Sample size Statistics Pretest Posttest
Anxiety Depression Stress Anxiety Depression Stress
Experimental 15 Mean 9.6 9.6 12.9 5.8 6.9 10.2
SD 4.5 4.8 4.4 4.8 4.8 4.1
Control 14 Mean 10.7 11 14.07 11.07 11.8 14.36
SD 4.01 3.6 3.7 4.1 4.05 3.3

SD: Standard deviation

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Vahedi, et al.: Effect of the Penn Resiliency Program on emotion

Table 2: The MANOVA of the means stress, anxiety, and of depressive symptoms moderated the intervention
depression in the experiment and control groups effects. Therefore, further research is required to consider
Source of Sum of df Mean F Significant moderated factors and delayed posttests for generalizable
variation squares square and reliable findings of the present study. Third limitation
Group that should be mentioned is that PRP trains a different
Stress 40.11 1 40.11 19.08 0.001
Anxiety 0.81 1 0.81 21.11 0.001
behavioral coping and problem‑solving skills, but few
Depression 77.72 1 77.72 29.02 0.001 studies have considered the cognitive and behavioral
program components separately. We recommend future
MANOVA: Multivariate analysis of variance
studies should evaluate these behavioral skills as potential
mediators of PRP’s effects. If behavioral components are
PRP teaches a variety of behavioral coping, problem‑solving the active component, it may be recommendable to revise
skills, assertion techniques, decision making, and relaxation the program, putting greater intense on these skills.
that succumbing to depression and its sequel. Indeed having
behavioral skills assist youths to pass this part of life without Financial support and sponsorship
any abnormality following or resulting from a mental Nil.
disease or injury. In addition, students have a collective
life, so those who are nonassertive usually get depressed Conflicts of interest
and experience stress and anxiety. Assertion training is There are no conflicts of interest.
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