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Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2019 EJHC Vol.10 No.

Effectiveness of Betadine versus Normal Saline Dressing on Episiotomy

Wound Healing

¹Rasha Gomaa, ² Safaa Abd EL Raof Hashem, 2 Randa Mohamed, 1 Rania Farrag
¹ Maternity & Neonatal Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Fayoum University.
²Obstetrics & Gynaecology Nursing, Faculty of Nursing,Ain-Shams University.


Background: Non-Hodgkin's The current study aims to study the effectiveness of

Betadine versus Normal saline dressing on episiotomy wound healing. A quasi experimental
study included a Simple random sample of 160 postnatal women (80 mothers used saline dressing
and 80 mothers used povid one iodine solution (10%) who had normal vaginal delivery with
episiotomy from Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital). Three tools were used for data
collection; I. Structured-interviewing questionnaire sheet, II. Standardized REEDA scale and III.
Visual Analogue Scale. The results revealed that normal saline had a positive effect on the
healing of episiotomy wound among postnatal mothers in form of lower REEDA scale score and
pain scores (VAS). The study recommended that; educational session to increase women
awareness about use of normal saline after episiotomy in form of leaflet or counseling session
should be adopted. There should be integration of the saline dressing as a main part in discharge
plan. Further researches to replicate the study on large sample to determine the factors affecting
episiotomy wound healing should be applied.
Key words: Episiotomy, saline dressing, povidone iodine solution, postnatal.

Introduction and mental wellbeing, as well as with

social activities. Chang et l.,(2011).
Episiotomy sutures can cause
considerable discomfort and pain for The typical healing time for an
postpartum women because the perineum episiotomy is around 4 to 6 weeks
is vascular and an extremely tender area depending on the size of incision and the
and the muscles of the perineum is type of suture material used to close the
involved in many ordinary activities such wound. Lynda (2009) The delay in
as sitting, walking, standing, squatting, perineal healing leads to increasing the
urinating, defecating etc. Pillitteri A complications such as bleeding, pain,
(2013) Presence of pain entails discomfort, dyspareunia and anxiety.
difficulties to practice motherhood and Although these problems are not acute or
perform daily activities such as self-care, life-threatening, their potential impact on
breastfeeding and newborn care. Recent daily function of mother is important.
studies have evidenced that it is cause for Infection of episiotomy wound can lead
pain, which then interferes with physical the Puerperal sepsis. Puerperal sepsis is
one of the major causes of maternal

EJHC 193
Effectiveness of Betadine versus Normal Saline Dressing on Episiotomy Wound Healing

morbidity and mortality. Fraser & of contamination with vagina and rectal
Cooper (2014) bacteria. Murraryetal., (2012).

Normal saline is easily available, Justification of the Problem

efficient, and cost effective. It is most
commonly used solution due to safety Episiotomy constitutes most
(lowest toxicity) and physiologic factors. common obstetrical procedures among
Also, the application of normal saline is postnatal women with the vaginal
useful in the first 24 hours post-partum delivery. It has a highly prevalence rate
which reduces inflammatory reaction and worldwide, According to WHO the
oedema. It will not cause any burning incidence rate of episiotomy
pain and does not cause damage to the approximately 30-90% worldwide of
new tissues and thus promote the healing women with the vaginal delivery had
process. Malini . R.(2012). episiotomy Hofmeyr etal.,(2011).
Women with Episiotomy experience
Povidone iodine (Betadine) is a group of physical, psychological and
simple and inexpensive antiseptic social problems that diminish their quality
solution consisting of polyvinyl of life, which reflect negatively on
pyrrolidone with water, iodide and 1% women's family. Nursingintervention for
available iodine; it has bactericidal ability episiotomy wound is essential to prevent
against a large array of pathogens the medical co-morbidities associated
Jayaraja et al., (2009). Povidone iodine with episiotomy. Cost of medical
appears to be active against all treatment is a major issue influencing the
microorganisms including Gram-positive patient and her treatment. Use of normal
and Gram-negative bacteria, spores, cysts, saline would be cost effective as the
mycobacteria, fungi, viruses and healing occurs without local antibiotics or
protozoa. Dilution of 10% povidone- disinfectants. So, this study needs to
iodine solution of up to 1:100 has assess the effectiveness of saline dressing
demonstrated more rapid killing of on episiotomy wound healing.
Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacteria
chelonei than the undiluted solution. The Aim of the Study
mechanism for this effect of increased
antibacterial activity at lower This Study aimed to evaluate the
concentration is thought to be due to effectiveness of Betadine versus Normal
weakening of the bonds between the saline dressing on episiotomy wound
povidone molecule and the iodine, healing.
leading to a higher level of free iodine.
Ferguson et al., (2009). Research Hypothesis
The nurse has an important role in Saline dressing will improve
taking care of the postnatal mothers with episiotomy wound healing more than
episiotomy. It is essential to utilize an Betadine.
appropriate method for management of
the perineal suture to reduce the perineal
Subjects and Methods
discomfort, hasten the healing of
episiotomy wound and to protect the
Research design
stitches against infection and hematoma
A quasi experimental study was
because the episiotomy incision site is
utilized to accomplish this study.
located where there is a high possibility

Rasha Gomaa, Safaa Abd Elraof Hashem, Randa Mohamed, Rania Farrag
Setting Three tools of data collection were
used to achieve the aim of the study as
It was conducted at postnatal follows:
"recovery room" at labor unit at Ain
Shams Maternity University Hospital. 1. Basic data assessment tool
"Structured interviewing
Subjects questionnaire sheet"

A Simple random sampling of 160 It was designed by the researcher

postnatal women (women according to after review of the related literature. It
the following inclusion criteria: postnatal consisted of 10 questions (closed
women who had normal vaginal delivery questions) divided into two parts:
with episiotomy, postnatal women who
were free from medical disorder that  Part I: Personal data (demographic
could delay healing process as DM, data) (questions 1-5). This part aimed
obesity...etc.) were involved in the study to collect data related to age, marital
divided into two equal groups (Normal status, educational level, occupation
saline and betadine). and income.

Sample: was calculated according  Part II: Present obstetric history

to formula statistics (questions 6-10)

(Z1-α/2 + Z1-β)2[P1 (1- P1) + P2 This part aimed to collect data

(1- P2)] related to number of pregnancies &
(P1-P2)2 previous labor, the last date of labor,
number of children and type of
• Z1: statistic for a level of confidence. episiotomy.
(For the level of confidence of 95%,
which is conventional, Z value is 1.96). 2. Episiotomy wound healing
• P1: expected prevalence or proportion assessment tool "Standardized
in intervention group. (P is considered REEDA scale adopted from
0.5) Jahdi et al (2011).
• P2: expected prevalence or proportion
in control group. (P is considered 0.5) This tool was used to assess the
• α: Error type 1 (is considered 0.05) level of healing of episiotomy wound
• β : Error type 2(is considered 0.10) before and after intervention. REEDA
Scale is as a descriptive scale that has a
four-point categorical scores (0-3) which
measures five components associated
Tools and technique of data with the healing process. These
collection components are Redness, Edema,
Ecchymosis, Discharge, and

Effectiveness of Betadine versus Normal Saline Dressing on Episiotomy Wound Healing

REEDA scale Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.82.

Redness Edema Ecchymosis Discharge Approximation
0 None None None None Closed
Within 0.25 Within 0.25 cm
Less than 1 Skin separation
cm of bilaterally or
1 cm from Serum 3 mm or
incision 0.5 cm
incision less
Bilaterally Unilaterally
Beyond 0.5 Skin and
cm of 1-2 cm from subcuta-neous
2 bilaterally or 0.5- Serosanguineous
incision incision fat
2cm unilaterally
Bilaterally separation
Beyond 0.5 Skin and
Greater than 2 Greater than 1
cm of subcutaneous fat
3 cm from cm bilaterally or Bloody, purulent
incision and fascial
incision 2 cm unilaterally
Bilaterally separation
 Scoring system Pilot study:

Each item is rated on a scale of 0 Pilot study involved 16(10% of the

to 3 and total scores ranged from 0 to 15. sample) women attending the postnatal
The lesser score indicates better healing. "recovery room" at labor unit of Ain
Shams University Maternity Hospital (of
3. The Visual Analogue Scale total sample included in the study). The
(VAS) for assessing level of pilot was done to evaluate the relevance,
pain adopted from Li et al clarity and content validity of the tools
(2007). used for data collection, evaluate time
needed for application of the study and
This tool was used to assess the find the possible obstacles and problems
level of pain. It is a subjective measure of that might face researcher and interfere
pain. It consisted of a 10cm line with two with data collection process. Women
end points representing „no pain‟ on the included in the pilot study were excluding
left side and „worst pain' on the right side. from the total sample.
The women were asked to rate their pain
by placing a mark on the line Field work description
corresponding to their Current level of (procedure):
Field Work:
VAS scale Cronbach's alpha
coefficient was 0.86. includes interviewing, assessment,
implementation and evaluation.
 Scoring system
Score 0 (No pain), 1-3 (Mild pain),
4-7(Moderate pain), and 8-10 (worst 1. The data was collected from
pain). August, 2014 to June, 2015.

Rasha Gomaa, Safaa Abd Elraof Hashem, Randa Mohamed, Rania Farrag
2. The researcher attended the  Clean the episiotomy wound from
previously mention setting 3 days a forchette to anus and repeat this
week from 9 am to 2 p.m. procedure for three times with
different clean cotton.
3. The researcher selected women
according to the previously  Wipe it with dry cotton making it
mentioned criteria. clean and dry.

4. The researcher conducted the first  Instruct the women to repeat the
interview with women in both procedure twice a day for 10 days at
groups to fill the data in the tool 8 hours of interval.
before discharge from hospital in
postnatal "recovery room" at labor For control group routine care
unit. Then the researcher provided
women with the required For the control group instruct the
instructions regarding dosage, women to apply povidone iodine solution
technique and frequency of saline (10%), three tablespoons in four glasses
dressing & routine care solution of water three times a day.
which were clearly mentioned later.
The researcher conducted the
1. The researcher conducted initial follow up visits on the 3rd, 7th, and 10th
assessment in hospital for both group days at postpartum period to assess the
before discharge to assess episiotomy effect of saline dressing on postnatal
wound condition using REEDA scale mothers' episiotomy wound healing
and Visual Analogue Scale. process by REEDA scale for both group
(normal saline solution and betadine).
Implementation Also, Visual Analogue Scale was used to
asses level of pain in both groups.
For intervention group normal
saline Content Validity:

 Instruct the women to put on their The developed tools were

side with upper buttock raised or reviewed for the appropriateness of items
placed in the lithotomy position and and measuring the concepts through an
a good light source is essential for three experts jury panel of Maternity and
visualization of episiotomy wound. Gynecological Nursing ,faculty of
nursing , Ain Shams University to assure
 Instruct the women to put the content and face validity of the
normal saline solution in a bowl, questionnaire then accordingly some
and pour some of it over the women questions were modified and other scan
perineal area. celled.

 Take a clean cotton roll and dip it

into the solution and squeeze it

Effectiveness of Betadine versus Normal Saline Dressing on Episiotomy Wound Healing

Ethical considerations: Result

The following research ethics was Table(1): illustrated the

considered and maintained during the demographic characteristics of the control
study: group, the mean age of the mothers was
22.00±4.91. Concerning the marital
Oral informed consent was status, 100% were married women.
obtained from participant after explaining Regarding to the educational level as
the purposes of the study, no harm explained in figure 1; the results shows
occurred to participant, each participant that 39.4% &35.2%of the control group
had right to withdraw from the study at was Intermediate, Primary education
any time, women rights was kept, data respectively. Regarding to the occupation
was confidential and used by researcher status the result shows that 97.2% of the
only. The proposal reviewed and studied sample were housewives. In
approved by the faculty ethics committee. addition, 49.3% of the control group had
not enough income.
An official approval letter
clarifying the title, purpose and setting of Table (2):showed that the
the study was obtained from the Director demographic characteristics of the study
of the Faculty of Nursing at Ain Shams group, the mean age of the mothers was
University and Director of Ain Shams 20.68 ±2.34. Concerning the marital
Maternity University Hospital as an status; of the study sample, 100% of them
approval for data collection to conduct were married. Regarding the educational
this study. level as explained in figure 2, the results
shows that 34.3%&31.3%of the study
Limitation of the study: group was high, primary education
respectively. Regarding the occupation
The sensitivity of data collection status, the result shows that 95.5% were
as REEDA Scale items and care leads to housewives in the study group. In
women's embarrassment. addition, 56.7% of study group had
enough income.
Statistical Design
Table (3):showed that obstetric
The collected data were organized; history of the control group, represented
cauterized, analyzed using the statistical that 77.4% of the control group were
package for social studies (SPSS) version primigravida. 22.5% of the control group
18.0. Quality control was done at the was multigravida, and 87.5% of them the
stages of coding and data entry. Data previous labor was since 1-2 years. On
were presented using descriptive statistics the other hand, the results represent that
in the form of frequencies and 88.7% of the control group their type of
percentages for qualitative variables and episiotomy was Medio-lateral.
means and standard deviations for
qualitative variables. Qualitative variables Table (4): illustrated that the
were compared using chi-square test. obstetric history of the study group,
Statistical significance was considered at represented that 71.6%vof the study
P- value < 0.05, highly significant group was primigravida, and 28.4% of
difference obtained at p<0.001. them the previous labor was since 1-2
years. On the other hand, the results

Rasha Gomaa, Safaa Abd Elraof Hashem, Randa Mohamed, Rania Farrag
represent that 94% of the study group differences between both groups (control
their type of episiotomy was Medio- and study) regarding to 3rd day, 7th day
lateral. and 10th day respectively. While there
were no significant differences between
Table (5):showed that the both groups regarding to the total healing
comparison of (REEDA parameters) process before the intervention.
episiotomy healing process in the two
groups before intervention the results Table (7):This table reveals that,
shows that there were no statistically there were highly statistically significant
significant difference between both differences between both groups (control
groups (control and study) in relation to and study) regarding to 3rd day, 7th day
redness, edema, ecchymosis, discharge and 10th day. While there were no
and suture approximation at before the significant differences between both
intervention. groups regarding to the total pain scores
before the intervention.
Table (6):This table shows that,
there were statistically significant
Table (1): Demographic characteristics of the control group.

Routine care N=71

No %
Age 22.00±4.91
Marital status
Married 71 (100%)
Divorce 0 (0%)
Widow 0 (0%)
Housewife 69 (97.2%)
Worker 2 (2.8%)
Enough 36 (50.7%)
Not enough 35 (49.3%)

Educational level
19.70% 2.80%


Illiterate Can read & write Primary Intermediate High

Figure (1): Educational level of the control group.

Effectiveness of Betadine versus Normal Saline Dressing on Episiotomy Wound Healing

Table (2): Demographic characteristics of the study group

Saline N=67
No %
Age 20.68 ±2.34
Marital status
Married 67 (100%)
Divorce 0 (0%)
widow 0 (0%)
Housewife 64 (95.5%)
Worker 3 (4.5%)
Enough 38 (56.7%)
Not enough 29 (43.3%)

Educational level


Illiterate Can read & write Primary Intermediate High

Figure (2): Educational level of the study group

Rasha Gomaa, Safaa Abd Elraof Hashem, Randa Mohamed, Rania Farrag
Table (3): Obstetric history of the control group

Routine careN=71 %

Primygravida 55 (77.4%)
Multigravida 16 (22.5%)
Number of previous labor
No 55 (77.4%)
1-2 16 (22.5%)
Time of previous labor N=16
1-2 year 14 (87.5%)
≥3 years 2 (12.5%)
Number of childN=16
1-2 16 (100.0)
Types of episiotomy
Medio-lateral 63 (88.7%)
Median 8 (11.3%)
Lateral 0 (0%)
J-shape 0 (0%)
Modified median 0 (0%)

Table (4): Obstetric history of the studied group

Items SalineN=67 %
Primygravida 48 (71.6%)
Multigravida 19 (28.4%)
Number of previous labor
No 48 (71.6%)
1-2 19 (28.4%)
Time of previous labor N=19
1-2 year 14 (73.7%)
≥3 years 5 (26.3%)
Number of childN=19
1-2 19 (100.0%)
Types of episiotomy
Medio-lateral 63 (94%)
Median 4 (6%)
Lateral 0 (0%)
J-shape 0 (0%)
Modified median 0 (0%)

Effectiveness of Betadine versus Normal Saline Dressing on Episiotomy Wound Healing

Table (5): Comparison of (REEDA parameters) episiotomy healing process in

the two groups before intervention

Saline Routine care

REEDA P- value
N=67 N=71
REEDA Parameters before intervention
Redness 1.95±0.63 2.02 ±.357 1.52
Edema 2.05 ±.0.22 2.07±0.26 0.72
Ecchymosis 2.32±.474 2.17±.384 0.57
Discharge 2.15±.426 2.05±.22 1.27
Approximation 2.02±.27 2.07±.26 0.81

Table (6): Comparison of the total episiotomy healing in the two groups after

Total Saline group Routine care group

(REEDA scale, 0-15) N=67 N=71
Baseline (day of delivery) 2.98±0.40 2.15±1.47 0.45
3rd day 1.56±0.54 1.94±0.19 0.001**
7th day 1.32±0.26 1.76±0.45 0.002**
10th day 1.09±0.22 1.41±0.29 0.031*

Table (7): Comparison of Episiotomy pain scores among control and study
group during postnatal period

Saline Routine care

Pain score P-value
N=67 N=71
Baseline (day of delivery) 7.29±1.41 7.38±1.13 0.06
3rd day 5.83±1.56 6.21±2.04 0.000**
7th day 4.07±2.12 5.37±1.99 0.000**
10 days 1.52±1.41 2.94±1.7 0.001**
The previous study finding that has
Discussion been done in El Minia was in the same
line with Hoda & Nahed (2012) who
Concerning the demographic studied effect of self perineal care
characteristics of the study sample, the instructions on episiotomy pain and wound
present study showed that the mean age in healing of postpartum women and it was
the study and control groups was (20.68 found that statistical significant relation
and 22 years) respectively. As for the between women's educational level their
educational level, the results showed that practicing of perineal self-care in the study
slightly more than one third of the studied group.
sample had intermediate level of
education in control group and high level Regarding obstetrical history of the
of education in study group. This great studied sample, the current study findings
number of educated women is reflected showed that about three quadrants of the
upon their cooperation during accepting studied women were primigravida in control
and practicing perineal care in the study and study groups. The majority of both
group. groups' episiotomy type was Medio-lateral

Rasha Gomaa, Safaa Abd Elraof Hashem, Randa Mohamed, Rania Farrag
The previous study finding that has (control and study) regarding to3rd day,
been done in Nigeria was supported with 7th day and 10th day this finding
Izuka, etal. (2014) who stated that confirmed the hypothesis putative by the
episiotomy is usually administered for researcher. However, there were no
several reasons including to prevent severe statically significant differences between
perineal laceration/tear in the parturient, both groups at the day of delivery.
especially in the primigravida
The previous finding that has been
Medio-lateral episiotomy is done done in Australia is confirmed by
commonly. Because the Extension to the Fernandez etal (2012) who conducted a
anal sphincter is less common so it is study to assess the effects of normal
more suitable for instrumental delivery saline with other solution for wound
and in short perineum, In general, median healing. The findings suggested that more
episiotomies are more commonly than half of the mothers treated with
performed in the USA, while mediolateral normal saline had good healing. Slightly
episiotomies are more common in other more than one third of the mother treated
parts of the world Kilpatricketal (2007). with other solutions had got skin
irritation. The result showed that normal
Concerning the comparison of both saline is effective in reducing the
groups regarding the status of wound infection rate and promoting the healing
healing process scores at the episiotomy of episiotomy wound than any other
site which evaluated by REEDA scale, the solutions which help to improve the
present study showed that there was non healing process. The study concluded that
statistically significant difference in normal saline can be used as a healing
relation to redness, edema, ecchymosis, agent which will not interfere with the
discharge and suture approximation at normal healing process.
before intervention between two groups.
This finding may be due to the exhausted These findings that has been done
of the mother from the first day of in Bulgaria were in agreement with a
delivery which means that she can't start study conducted by Ivanov et al. (2012)
any hygienic care for the perineal. who evaluated the efficacy of topical
application of Sodium Salt in episiotomy
The current study finding that has and caesarean section surgical wounds.
been done in Tehran, Iran was in the same The result showed that REEDA scale was
line with a study conducted by significantly lower in sodium salt
Eghdampour (2014 ) who studied the application. No wound dehiscence was
effect of Aloe Vera and Povidon-iodine observed, in which sodium salt was
on episiotomy healing, that reported no applied. The study concluded that sodium
statistically significant differences salt is reasonable wound care option,
detected in Redness, Edema, Ecchymosis, especially in cases, when wound
Discharge and Approximation (REEDA) complications are expected.
before intervention, between both groups.
Similar to our study findings that
Concerning the comparison of the has been done in Arak there is also a
total episiotomy healing in the two groups study done by Attarha and Moses (2011)
after intervention, the results of the who studied the effect of water and soap
current study showed that there were irrigation with Routine care and normal
statistically significant differences saline in the treatment of patient with
between both groups in favorite to saline episiotomy wound. It was found that

Effectiveness of Betadine versus Normal Saline Dressing on Episiotomy Wound Healing

about slightly less than half of episiotomy The present study emphasized that
wound closure has been occurred faster in normal saline is effective treatment of
normal saline and routine care group. In episiotomy wound healing as well as
water and soap irrigation group about less lessening pain scores which can reduce
than quarter of episiotomy wound got the suffering of mothers and enhance
infection. The study concluded that healing as the healing occurs without
Routine care and normal saline enhance local antibiotics or disinfectants.
the episiotomy wound closure.
Regarding the comparison of
Episiotomy pain scores among control The finding and research
and study group by visual analogue scale hypothesis of the present study cast light
during postnatal period, the current study on some of important features about effect
shows a statistically significant of normal saline on the healing of
differences between both groups (control episiotomy wound.
and study) regarding pain score at3rd day,
7th day and 10th day. On the other hand,
 Normal saline had a positive
there were no statistically significant effect on the healing of episiotomy wound
differences between both groups at the among postnatal mothers in form of lower
day of delivery. This may be due to the REEDA scale score and pain scores VAS.
fact that episiotomy wound is neglected
aspect in postnatal case both by the health
personnel and mother themselves as soon
as care.
 In the light of the finding of
In accordance with the findingsthat the study, the following recommendations
has been done in Iran of the current study are suggested; Educational sessions to
Sheikhanetal. (2011) investigating the increase women awareness about use of
effective-ness of ice pack containing normal saline after episiotomy in form of
normal saline on the episiotomy wound. leaflet or counseling session should be
The results shown that the mothers had adopted, integrate the saline dressing as a
significantly less pain on episiotomy main part in discharge plan, further
wound. The study concluded that the research to be replicate the study on large
application of ice pack containing normal sample to determine the factors affecting
saline can be used in the post-natal wards episiotomy wound healing. Moreover, the
and at home setting. The previous result is findings of the study should be
in the same line with our study finding generalized to other clinical settings and
that indicating, the effective of using the study itself should be done using
normal saline packs to relive pain from larger samples. Also, a further study can
episiotomy be done so as to assess both knowledge
and practices of the obstetric nurses
The current study findings that has regarding their application of normal
been done in Tehran were in agreement saline for the wound healing.
with another study done by Eghdampour
(2014) which revealed that there were no Financial support:
statistically significant differences in pain
intensity scores in two groups (Aloe Vera and No funding was received.
Povidon-iodine) before intervention (p≤0.58)
and 8 hours (p≤0.69) after episiotomy.

Rasha Gomaa, Safaa Abd Elraof Hashem, Randa Mohamed, Rania Farrag
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