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A Simple Four-Step Process to Reverse Gum Disease / Gingivitis Treatment (Remedy)

Which Prevents (Heals, Cures, Fights, and Reverses) Gum Diseases (Gingivitis,
Periodontal Diseases)

This article discusses the causes, the symptoms (various stages from early to severe or
advanced), and some misconceptions of gum diseases (gingivitis, periodontal disease / pyrea).
It also describes a proven method in treating (preventing, fighting, healing, curing and
reversing) the disease, without any surgery, medicine (medication and antibiotics), and
it’s almost free and pain-less.

Six months (before I wrote this article) ago my dentist’s diagnosis was that I needed gum
surgery. I had deep pockets between my teeth and my gums. My gum-lines have been
receding, bleeding, and my teeth are loose. Bacteria was cultivating in the pockets making it
almost impossible to kill the bacteria, and gum surgery appeared to be the only cure (or

Based on my home treatment (remedy), I am happy to report that I no longer have gum disease
(gingivitis, periodontal disease / pyrea).My dentist told me that my gums are healthy and
tight.This method (or treatment) has been verified to prevent (fighting curing, healing, and
reversing) gum disease (gingivitis, periodontal disease), and it does not require any surgery,
medicine (including herb or herbal medication) or antibiotics, no harmful chemicals (like
peroxide), and best of all it is almost free and pain-less.

First of all, let’s look at what is the cause of gum diseases (gingivitis, periodontal
diseases). Most gum diseases (gingivitis, periodontal diseases / pyrea) are caused by poor oral
hygiene or gum / tooth health, although smoking, pregnancy and diabetes can be causes
(please see below). The build-up of tartar results in the cultivation of bacteria which causes the
gum line to recede. In severe or advanced cases, the bone structures which hold the teeth is
place will give way, resulting in the losing the tooth (or teeth).

The following lists the various stages of gum disease (gingivitis, periodontal disease).
 build-up of tartar
 receding gum line
 deep pockets between the gums and teeth (necrotizing, advanced or severe stages)
 losing bone tissue or structure under the gums (necrotizing, advanced or severe stages)
 loose tooth (or teeth)
 losing the tooth (or teeth)

Secondly, let’s look at the symptoms (and signs) of gum disease (gingivitis,
periodontal disease).
 receding gum line
 infection and / or bleeding of the gum
 bad breath
 loose tooth (loose teeth)
 pain in biting
 eventually losing the tooth (losing the teeth)
The Four Step Treatment of Gum Disease (gingivitis, periodontal disease). Please note
that the sequence of the following steps is very important.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

 Step 1-Brush your teeth as you would normally do, using the tooth paste of your choice. For
tooth brush, we recommend oral-b with angled bristles and cross-action as shown in the photos
(pictures, pics)
 Step 2-Rinse your mouth with a mouth wash of your choice (with active ingredients: eucalpto,
menthol, methyl salicylate, and thymol). Listerine or Scope is fine, see photos (pictures, pics).
Hold the mouth wash in your mouth for 60 seconds. Do not swallow the mouth wash.
 Step 3-Spit out the mouthy wash. Do NOT rinse your mouth yet. Instead use a sonic tooth
brush or electric brush (preferably oral-b) to brush your teeth for two minutes. Thirty seconds for
left quadrant on the outside (with upper and lower jaws closed). Thirty seconds for the right
guardant on the outside (with upper and lower jaws closed).  Thirty seconds on the inside of
the lower jaw. Thirty seconds on the inside of the upper jaw.
 Step 4-Do NOT rinse with water yet. Floss the teeth with dental floss or the tiny brush as
shown in the photos (pictures, pics). Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.

The above step should be repeated at least two times on a daily basis (three times preferable).
You should see an improvement in less than six months.

The reason why this method works is simple- The main process which helps to reverse gum
disease is the action of the active ingredients in the mouth wash. Thus it is important to get
these ingredients deep inside the pockets between the gum and the teeth. Unfortunately,
normal brushing routine stops at Step 2, which is not sufficient. Step 1 prepares the gumline for
the mouth wash. Step 2 in holding the mouthwash in the oral cavity for one minute helps to
saturate the gum line with the active ingredients. In Step 3 the application of a sonic brust helps
to propergate the active ingredients deep inside the pocket to reverse gingivitis. Since Step 3
only applies to the outside and inside surfaces of the gum line, one needs Step 4 to clean the
gum lines in-between teeth.
I cured my aggressive gum disease!

ambrosia13 3 years ago

Hello, I'm 33 years old and have been suffering from aggressive periodontal disease for the last 8 years. I've had
scaling and root planing several times, been put on antibiotics several times including low dose antibiotics
everyday for over a year. Nothing worked and I lost a tooth cause I had lost so much bone in my upper jaw. The
periodontist wanted
to just pull them all out and put in implants (which is insanely expensive!) I then paid $6,000 and had laser gum
surgery. Still my teeth were loosening and I was in constant pain...
I then read about high dose vitamin C therapy to treat various diseases. I was intrigued how closely periodontal
disease is similar to scurvy - which is a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency.
So I started taking a huge amount of vitamin C. The first day I took 20 grams of vitamin C - that is a gigantic
amount that should cause diarrhea but had no ill effect. But I woke up the next day pain free! My gums were
actually pink and not red and puffy and bleeding! It was like a miracle!
That was six months ago and my gums are healing and my teeth are no longer achy and loose. I had to take large
doses of vitamin C for quite some time but slowly tapered down - I now take between 2 - 5 grams a day depending
on how my gums are feeling. I cannot skip a day and if I'm sick or stressed I notice I need more. I take it in
powdered form at lunch and dinner.
Please, please, please try vitamin C!!! Its cheap and it works! Please give it a try! I know how horrible and painful
this disease can be but its so easily curable - your dentist just wants your money!!!

eyanna03 3 years ago

I posted about a couple of weeks ago. And I must say that the Vitamin C helped a lot. The first day I took it I was in
sooooo much pain I wanted to die. My head and my chest was hurting. I saw you post and went straight to the
store. I took 20,000mg equal to 20grams and the next day the pain was gone. It was and is amazing. Ever so often
I will forget to take the vitamin C and the pain will creep back, but as soon as I take the vitamin C it goes away. So I
keep in mind to take my daily does. I have purchased Vitamin C in bulk now for my whole family.
Thank You

ambrosia13 3 years ago

Hello everyone! I really want to stress that the efficacy of Vitamin C is totally dose dependent. Before I started, I
thought there was no way I was deficient! Everything you eat and drink seems to be fortified with 100% of the daily
recommended amount of vitamin C. I thought for sure I was getting at least 5 times that just from food but I was
also supplementing with 500mg in pill form on top of that... but its just not enough for my body! For whatever
reason, I need more, waaay more than just the RDA for vitamin C and I'm guessing I'm probably not the only one
out there! I've read where people who have been malnourished for extended periods of time need large doses of
various vitamins for the rest of their lives. They become vitamin dependant and I believe that is what I have. I really
cannot skip days and I have found if I drink alcohol, even in moderation, my gums will begin to ache and I must
double the dose of vitamin C for a few days after...
I'm not saying this will work for everyone, our bodies and nutritional needs are all different. But it is a much easier
and economical alternative to invasive procedures that also may not work and may even make it worse! My gums
became much worse after my first scaling and root planing. They turned grayish and saggy, pulling away from my
teeth. I went back to the dentist 2 days after and all she said was that I needed to floss more!!!
I think if you are deficient in vitamin C the gum tissue will become incredibly weak and any harsh treatment, even
flossing, can damage it further. And also, it is not the germs!!! Germs are present in everyone's mouth - but in a
healthy mouth where the gums are strong, the germs are powerless to cause harm. So all that Listerine we have
all been gargling by the gallon is only temporarily getting rid of the problem, not curing the cause - which is weak
and unhealthy gum tissue. Once the gum tissue has been restored to health by the vitamin C, you no longer have
to worry about germs. At my last cleaning, the hygienist said I have the cleanest mouth she has ever seen! And I
do not brush or floss nearly as much as I use to (which was many, many times a day! Now I only brush twice a day
and floss once at night) I believe the vitamin C keeps the plaque from turning into tarter, so now I'm brushing more
to keep my teeth white rather than to stave off germs. and I never have bad breath, not even in the morning!
Please, if you have tried the vitamin C and you think it is not working, you may just need a higher dose! This is a
little gross but could save your teeth - keep track of how much you're taking until you almost or do get diarrhea.
That's when you know you have reached "bowel tolerance" and your entire body is fully saturated with vitamin C.
The next day take slightly less than the day before and always stop when you almost reach diarrhea. Keep doing
this until you only need a few grams a day. Like I said, I still need to take between 2-5grams a day, more if I'm sick
or stressed.
Good luck to everyone! And keep smiling with your own healthy teeth and gums!!!
The Gum Disease Conspiracy (Part 2) from
Part 2 of 2 (Part 1)
Beneficial Rinses
Our American forefathers cured meat by soaking it in brine and hanging it up to dry. The primary function
of the brine was to kill bacteria. Millions of people have helped to cure oral abscesses, gum boils, etc., by
simply rinsing several times a day with warm salt water. The warm water along with the salt helps to pull
"fluid" out of the gum tissue, therefore reducing swelling, alleviating pain, and killing harmful bacteria.
Warm salt water in an irrigating device means sudden death to millions of hostile gum line
crevices and periodontal pockets! Brushing and cocci. flossing is simply not enough to Sick stop gum
disease...that's why so many people who followed their dentists advice still wound up with gum disease
For many years...almost 300 years, it was falsely believed that gum disease was caused by plaque in
general. Therefore people who didn't clean well could expect gum disease and those who cleaned well
were protected...Wrong So is it any wonder that we have so many disillusioned people suffering an
unwanted disease today?
About 10 years ago the light at the end of the tunnel began to appear. Research studies by Socransky at
Forsyth Dental School in Boston, and by Loesche at the University of Michigan began to indicate that the
cause of gum disease was much more "specific" than the old plaque theory. In fact, the new technology
described at least five different types of gum disease based on the specific nasty bugs involved in the
infectious process.
This new evidence is probably best understood by thinking of an old disease we all know and
understand..."strep throat". A reddened throat, inflamed, and infected by betahemolytic streptococcl, and
you have..."strep throat". This is a very specific disease, with a very specific cause, and needs very
specific treatment.
So it is with gum disease, seen in light of today's knowledge. Gum disease is a very specific disease,
with a specific cause, and needs specific treatment. The presence of plaque and tartar are only
incidently related...they are NOT THE CAUSE! Healthy gums: gram-positive faculative rods and cocci-
predominately Actinomyces species and streptococci.
Sick gums: gram- negative anaerobic rods primarily Bacteroids and Fusobacteria.
GI-aids:A diseased condition of the gum tissue characterized by lowering or reduction of the strength of
the immune system to resist bacterial invasion of the gums, further manifested by an allergic-like
reaction of the supportive jawbone to the toxic waste products produced by the bacteria. This
progressive deterioration of supportive bone Is a very insidious disease. This disintegration of the bone
results in such a sea of pus and infection that it encapsulates the teeth and destroys them.
As previously mentioned warm salt water used in an irrigating device is probably the best all around
protection when one wants to rinse away toxic waste products produced by harmful bacteria. It cannot
be stressed enough that brushing and flossing are not enough!
For situations where the gum disease is more advanced, the therapeutic rinse of choice is sanguanaria
extract (SaE). For many centuries various herbs have been used to help create oral health. Sanguinaria,
a herbal extract, is an example of a beneficial rinse used for centuries by native cultures. It is a well
recognized homeopathic remedy. The extract is principally a mixture of benzophenathridine alkaloids,
the chief constituent alkaloid being sanguinarine (Sa).
It seems very strange that in many cases native cultures using herbal methods were able to accomplish
a much higher degree of health than so called Modern Medicine. The reader has probably learned of
many other - personal examples in their own lives.
The only significant factor in today's world are the irrigating devices... These undoubtedly have a
beneficial effect in delivering the salt water or Sanguinaria extract to the right spot... the neck of the
tooth, namely the gum crevis around the neck of the tooth.
This no-man's-land of trouble, the neck of the tooth must be brought to the public's attention so that
they... the people can take over and solve this problem. Those who are waiting for dentists to "carry the
banner"... will have a long wait. Most teeth won't last that long. Now is the time for people to take charge
of their own dental destiny.
How To Eliminate The Dentist From Your Life... Using Self - Help Methods
Life's most valuable asset is health... and yet in today's world it is frequently valued only after it is lost.
Very few people today have escaped the problems of dental cavities and gum infection. The few who are
totally free of gum disease, no cavities, no fillings, and no gum problems at all enjoy common ingredients
in their health picture.
Good nutrition is a key factor among the group who enjoy freedom from any dental problems. Teeth, like
bones, are made up of primarily calcium and phosphorus. Individuals who, at any time in their lives have
been shortchanged of these two valuable elements in their diet, will most likely suffer adverse dental
effects... soft teeth, weak bone support for the roots, etc. The saliva that is produced for us by glands in
and around the moth contains calcium and phosporus in solution, along with various enzymes.
The calcium and phosphorus ions help to keep teeth strong by depositing themselves in the outer layers
of the teeth. Therefore, under the "right conditions", teeth are constantly being hardened or mineralized.
This condition is a factor enjoyed by all "decay immune" people. Those experiencing decay can, if they
so choose, reverse the decay process (demineralization) and bring about remineralization, thereby
eliminating the need for drilling and filling, or pulling of the teeth.
Sound too good to be true? Not really if you possess the proper KNOWLEDGE, and are willing to take
Many people simply do not know exactly how teeth and gums get into trouble, so if one lacks knowledge,
it's possible to take corrective action.

SOLUTIONS do not come to those who do not understand the problem.

Teeth and supportive jawbones are weakened by improper nutrition, or by toxic waste products
produced by bacterial colonies collecting within the mouth. The toxic waste products raise havoc with the
calcium and phosphorus of the teeth and they cause inflammation of the gums.
Cavities appear in areas of greater concentrations of the acid-like waste products and if inflammation of
the gums is allowed to persist for any length of time, it leads to infection of the gums.
Loose, puffy gums is the next step in the deteriorization process.
Prolonged loosening, flabby gums, destroy the connective fibers that hold our gums tight to teeth and
bone. Then a space develops between the neck of the tooth and encircling gum tissue. This "abnormal"
space is commonly called a pocket. As the space (pocket) deepens, it then erodes away the bone that
holds the teeth in place. This is commonly referred to as pyorrhea.
More teeth are lost due to pyorrhea than due to decay. About 98% of all Americans have at least some
areas of diseased gum tissue in their mouths, over half of these are also experiencing a progressive
"bone loss".
Fortunately, cavities and pyorrhea (gum disease and bone loss) are both 100% preventible and both are
Most health oriented people these days know a good diet from a bad one. The so-called "secrets of
nutrition" are really NOT secret at all to the nutrition conscious individuals who care about themselves
and their minds and bodies. The building blocks of all body tissues are similar.
A diet lacking in essential elements will suffer consequences throughout the body, not just in one organ
or tissue. The building blocks of both teeth and bone are calcium and phosphorus, but shortages of
these two ingredients will cause other problems as well.
Those who enjoy good nutrition but still suffer dental problems are generally suffering the ravages of
toxic waste products stemming from an overabundance of bacterial colonies within the mouth.
For many people brushing and flossing is not enough to completely control dental problems, especially
those who have already developed pockets at the necks of the teeth. conventional cleaning is simply not
enough to rid the mouth of the toxic waste products responsible for all the trouble.
For years dentists and gum tissue specialists have recommended gum and bone surgery to cut away
loose, flabby gums and infected bone. Supposedly after healing, the mouth can then be "again" kept
clean by brushing and flossing. this is seldom the case, however, and most people wind up in the same
condition in a short time and are told that surgery is necessary again and again.
The reason for this is that the real "cause" of the problem is not being attacked. a "cut job" is not the
solution to the problem. The solution is hidden in a common sense approach to eliminating the toxic
waste products; a solution, by the way, recommended by Dr. Levi S. Parmly in a book; "A Practical
Guide To The Management Of The Teeth", published in 1819!
Most schools of thought today give Dr. Parmly credit for being the first dentist (scientist?) to discover and
report the real cause of cavities and gum infection. The majority of the American public lack this
KNOWLEDGE, therefore cannot take ACTION.
Once pockets form (98% of Americans have early, moderate or severe pocket formation), brushing and
flossing alone cannot remove toxic waste products from these "below the gum line spaces". The only
way known to accomplish this flushing away of the disease-producing toxins is by use of an oral irrigator,
i.e. Via-jet or Water Pik. If the pockets are shallow, the regular Via-jet or Water Pik Tip is adequate. If the
pockets have become moderate (even in limited areas), then a "Special Tip" or elongated directional
(cannulae) tip is necessary.
When the toxic waste products that are being trapped in "below the gum line spaces" are flushed out
daily with warm salt water, the body's normal reparative processes set in and heal the diseased gum
tissue. In most cases, once the gum disease begins to heal, the bone follows suit, growing back new
bone where it's been lost and tightening up loose, wobbly teeth (self-help healing of pyorrhea).
In mouths where bacteria toxins run high, the decay process is also represented, so by eliminating the
bacterial waste products from the teeth and gums the decay process stops, as well as gums and bone
The saliva can then return to its God-intended condition of healing fluid rather than a sewage-
transmission fluid. Only when this "healing fluid" state is acheived can cavities harden (remineralize).
When toxic waste products abound, everything gets worse, not better. The human body normally
produces approximately one quart of saliva each day. When this saliva exists under such environmental
conditions to be in the "healing fluid" state, then and only then will:
Cavities heal (remineralize)
Gums heal (rejuvinate)
Bone heals (tightening up loose teeth)
NOTE: When the saliva is of "healing fluid ability" an interesting phenomenon occurs: the calculus or
tarter that builds up on teeth (deposited) is slowly dissolved, eliminating the need for painful and
expensive scraping of the teeth by the dentist or dental hygenist.
Purifying the saliva and mouth can be speeded up today with new "state of the art" products. A rinse of a
solution of highly concentrated calcium and phosphorus ions (with a remineralizing catalist) has recently
been developed by a biochemical company here in this country.
To combat the build-up of bacterial colonies (producers of toxic waste products) a new teeth cleaning
substance has been developed to retard the bacterial colonies from growing in the first place. Yet
another rinse is available to kill off high concentrations of bacteria when a saliva test has shown them to
be excessively high.
It is important to note here that the 2% of the public who are immune to cavities and gum problems, do
not need these products, and diligent and effective removal of all bacterial colonies will, in time, produce
the same beneficial effects. These products are only intended to hasten the process in cases where
conditions are considered moderate to severe
Top 5 Gum Disease Natural Cures from
Try these gum disease cures and natural treatments for fast results:
#1 Flossing (1-2x daily)
Removes food that is lodged in teeth preventing bad bacteria from growing.
#2 Clove and tea tree oil essential oils (5 mL 2x daily)
Rubbing these essential oils of clove and melaleuca (tea tree) on your gums or brushing teeth with them
has antibacterial properties and can prevent gingivitis.  Apply 2 drops of these oils 2x daily with carrier
oil like coconut oil.
#3 Coenzyme Q10 (100 mg daily)
Can have a healing effect on gingivitis.
#4 Vitamin C (1000 mg 2x daily)
Vitamin C helps strengthen gums and helps with healthy tissue formation.
#5 Green tea (1 to 3 cups daily)
Make sure it’s unsweetened, the polyphenols can help fight gingivitis.
Bonus Remedy:
Oil pulling can help fight gingivitis.  Take 1 tbsp coconut oil and 2 drops of antibacterial essential oil like
cloves and swish in mouth for between 5 to 20 minutes.
If you want to heal gum disease & reverse tooth decay try this homemade remineralizing toothpaste
recipe that has all the nutrients that supports building healthy teeth. From calcium to magnesium, this
recipe has it all. Not only will your teeth be clean, but they’ll be healthy and strong! Try it today!
Mineralizing Tooth Paste – First of all, I know it can get expensive, but there are several brands of
fluoride-free toothpaste that you won’t have to pay a small fortune to get your hands on. Second, if you’re
looking to save a buck or two and also want to remineralize your teeth in a particularly powerful way
 4 tbsp. Coconut Oil
 2 tbsp. Baking Soda (aluminum free)
 1 tbsp. xylitol or 1/8 tsp. stevia
 20 drops peppermint or clove essential oil
 20 drops trace  minerals or (calcium/magnesium powder)
Oil Pulling – Used for centuries by Ayurvedic medicine, oil pulling is a fantastic oral detoxification
procedure that has gained some popularity in the U.S. the last several years. Simply done by swishing a
tablespoon of oil in your mouth for 20 minutes, this simple process has been praised to cure everything
from gingivitis to headaches to systemic diseases like diabetes! If you can’t do 20 minutes, 3-5 minutes is
still good. I recommend using coconut oil or MCT Oil and a drop or two of clove and/or tea tree essential
oils for maximal antiseptic and antifungal power. Here are some tips:
 The best time to oil pull (like most other detoxification procedures) is first thing in the morning right
after you get out of bed.
 Don’t let the 20 minutes time frame deter you. You won’t even notice 20 minutes have gone by if you
do this during your normal morning routine (i.e. while you shower, put your clothes on and prep for the
 Immediately afterwards, rinse your mouth out with warm water. Use salt water for added
antimicrobial properties.
 Don’t be shocked if the oil/saliva mixture you spit out is milky white or yellow.
 Finally, brush your teeth as normal.
Note: This should be a relative relaxing process, so don’t feel compelled to vigorously swish your mouth
with oil for the entire time or else you’re bound to get sore jaw muscles. Simply and gently move the oil
in your mouth and through your teeth without swallowing any of it.
Gum Disease Treatments That Work
1. Camu Camu: I take 2 teaspoons of camu camu a day, and have muscle tested that this is the main
reason for my gums being healed. It is a natural vitamin C powder AND has bio-flavinoids. I have read
that a worn immune system is the main reason for poor gum health. It really all comes down to dietary
reasons. My gums were red and swollen, and so were my daughter’s. After taking this and giving it to her
everyday in raw yogurt, I see an amazing difference. I can’t remember the last time I saw healthy light
pink gums, and no more bleeding! My daughter’s gums are beautiful too!

I would not use synthetic vitamin C, but I think acerola berry powder, which is very high in vitamin C
would probably work as well. Also raw milk has vitamin C like properties. Johanna said she drank it but
it didn't help the gum problem. Organic Palm oil may also be very high in vitamin C. Let's continue...

I reversed my gum disease in 32 months cleaning once daily without flossing

On April 6, 2010 my dentist declared I had gum disease pockets, one 7mm deep and fourteen 6mm deep.  On
December 10, 2012, my dentist told me I had "no problems" and gave me only a regular cleaning, not a
periodontal cleaning.  In the 32 months between those two visits, I used no floss and little toothpaste, but I did
faithfully sleep every night with teeth cleaned by sonic brushing and Waterpik irrigation.
On that April 6, I knew I had to do something serious.  I knew that floss and I do not get along.  My teeth are
crooked and tight.  Floss breaks.  And it hurts my fingers.  I had also been looking for a reason to fast a bit longer
than 2 or 3 days.
So that day I bought a Waterpik irrigator and a Philips Sonicare toothbrush (plus some other items I didn't end up
using much in the long run such as Stimudents, GUM brand plastic plaque brushes, and povidone iodine) and
began preparations for what turned out to be a 12-day water fast.  And since that day I have followed nearly
100% faithfully the following daily program.
1.  Swish after all snacks with small quantities of plain water.
2.  Fast nightly on water alone for 12 hours and occasionally up to 24 hours.
3.  Clean teeth before each night's fast with at least 2 minutes of sonic brushing (no toothpaste, but occasional
germicide like Listerine or hydrogen peroxide)
4.  Clean/irrigate after brushing with more than one tank full of water (plus occasional Listerine or bleach) in the
Waterpik on 2 to 3 power.
5.  Rinse with germicide (Listerine or hydrogen peroxide) usually after irrigating.  (2013 update: Note that Listerine
is very helpful, but there are probably cheaper and better things to use on your teeth.  See comments below.)
To accomplish the above, I had to slow down my life.  I had to get a water bottle and keep it at my side nearly
always.  I had to learn to detect and dislike the feeling of dirty teeth.
About the Waterpik.  There's also the possibility of flossing.  But I can't conceive how dental floss could ever clean
and disinfect as well as an irrigator.  Flossing is a drag, and irrigating is a blast (hmm, quite literally, actually). 
Flossing: painful, limited, gross.  Irrigation: refreshing, penetrating, disinfecting, cool.  And the price of the
irrigator is trivial compared to the cost of dental problems.  I am a total advocate now for having an oral irrigator
in every home.  How do you irrigate with more than one tank full of water?  Put the Waterpik without its lid in the
sink under the spigot and run the water at a trickle while you irrigate.
Along the way, I had the constant reward of a clean and fresh feeling body and mouth every morning and cleaner
smelling breath without perfumes.
My way isn't the only way to beat gum disease, I'm sure.  Some promote brushing thrice daily, oil pulling,
frequent professional cleanings, etc.  But to be totally frank, I think my way was a lot more simple and fun.
Oil Pulling Therapy
Effective Natural Detoxification, Stimulation of Elimination, Self-Help Cure and Prevention of
Many Diseases Incl. Cancer?

Information summarized, partially excerpted and/or translated from various sources, particularly
Copyright © 2006 & 2007 Healing Cancer Naturally

The practice of oil pulling apparently is a time-honoured tradition in parts of the world. Oil pulling
therapy simply consists in thoroughly sloshing certain types of commonly found cooking oil in the mouth
for up to twenty minutes (for details see Instructions: how oil pulling is done). This practice is said to
draw toxins & destroy natural mouth germs while stimulating the body's eliminatory system and
increasing metabolism, thus leading to improved health and the conquering of disease.

In fact, thanks to this double action, oil pulling therapy is claimed (according to Dr. Karach MD as well
as others) to have healed illnesses and complaints as diverse as bronchitis, tooth pain, diseased teeth,
headaches & migraines, eczema, thrombosis, chronic sleeplessness, arthritis & related illnesses, diseases
of stomach & intestines (such as ulcers, gastro-enteritis, peritonitis), kidney, liver, lung and heart disease,
blood disorders (such as chronic blood diseases like leukemia), women’s diseases & hormonal disorders
and diseases affecting the nervous system (such as encephalitis, meningitis, and neuro-physiological
paralysis). It is also said to prevent the growth of malignant tumors, to cut and heal them, to be a heart
attack preventative, to cure diseases brought on by toxic drugs, and is even credited with the cure of

Dr. Karach himself claims to have cured his own chronic blood disease of fifteen years standing using the
oil therapy and that the same method healed an “acute arthrosis” (which had made him bed-ridden) within
three days.[1] Added benefits reported concern the fastening of loose teeth, the healing of bleeding gums
and the visible whitening of teeth.
For detailed information on tooth and gum benefits of oil pulling, see Oil pulling for dental health and

In other words, oil therapy is claimed (according to Dr. Karach MD and others) to be some kind of
panacea of both curative and preventative power with the added bonus of potentially doubling the
presently observed average human lifespan. Additionally, “in terminal diseases such as cancer, Aids and
chronic infections, this treatment method has been shown to successfully replace all others. ... a wide
variety of symptoms have unquestionably disappeared without any side effects. ... diseases which would
normally be treated by an operation or by powerful or potent drugs, usually with significant side effects.”

Interestingly, oil pulling is also part of the daily morning routine prescribed in conventional and
alternative cancer treatment researcher Lothar Hirneise’s new cancer treatment center in Germany.

While it seems that noone so far has done any placebo-controlled double-blind studies on the possible or
actual benefits of oil pulling for health[2], so any healing reports so far published could be easily dismissed
as simple anecdotes based on the powerful placebo effect, the simplicity, apparent harmlessness as well as
inexpensiveness of application of this biological healing/detoxification method (see Instructions) and the
possible rewards concerning internal detoxification to be reaped make it seem advisable to at least give
oil pulling a thorough try. Perhaps, as Dr. Karach claims, oil therapy is indeed able to help heal the human
organism in its entirety, to effectively treat all types of diseases and “in some cases enabling one to avoid
surgical intervention and the taking of medications that can have harmful side effects”.
Some laboratory results however - a world-first

The German book Die Heilkunst von Morgen [The Healing Art of Tomorrow] by Erika Herbst contains
the very impressive results of a man who had his saliva tested for eight industrial toxins in the laboratory
after oil pulling with sunflower oil. While the sunflower oil itself (before oil pulling) contained
infinitesimal amounts of environmental toxins such as Lindan, PCB 138, PCB 153, PCB 180, HCB, DDE
etc., the saliva-cum-oil-mix contained up to 27 times as much and even contained toxins that had no
detectable levels in the oil prior to pulling. In other words, the body had indeed excreted these toxins in
the process of oil pulling.

Water pulling instead of oil pulling

According to the book quoted above, pulling with water (or herbal tea) will have the same detoxifying
effect as pulling with oil while of course taking a burden from the waste water purification system. You
may also wish to experiment with different healing herbs. If you do use oil, to protect the environment
spit out into a paper towel.

Meanwhile (since 28 October 2013) we also have the results of a first trial study comparing the
effectiveness of water pulling with that of oil pulling in reducing oral bacteria and plaque counts (both
were shown to be massive).

Why oil pulling works

According to the independent German popular science magazine "Der Naturarzt" devoted to subjects
surrounding naturopathy (founded around 1882), oil (or water) pulling has the following effects: it
activates lymphatic flow and thus increases detoxification and the elimination of metabolic acids. The
suction movement activates the thymus gland (the motor of metabolism and "awakener" of vital energy).
Finally the mouth's acupuncture points are stimulated.

Personally I suspect another major reason behind oil pulling's apparent ability to improve or actually heal
various conditions: a number of pioneer dentists and researchers have found a direct link between
"hidden" dental infections (such as jawbone cavitations[3]) as well as so-called interference fields[4] in the
oral cavity, and a wide variety of complaints ranging all the way from skin issues to psychosis.[5]

Now regular oil (or water) pulling both measurably reduces bacterial load AND by mechanical and other
action stimulates local blood and lymphatic circulation which is likely to have a deeper-reaching effect,
i.e. able to positively influence (and conceivably reduce or eliminate and thus "cure") deeper-lying
infections and diseased tissues in the mouth as well. And as the latter are erased, the conditions formerly
arising from them would also cease.

This deeper healing effect may be most pronounced in those who use olive oil. Erudite naturopath Father
Thomas Häberle noted that he reaped great successes using olive oil for diseases of the bones and head
since "olive oil is able to penetrate even the hardest bones and bring healing where it is needed".[6]

Which oils to use (if you don't want to use water)

Recommended oils to use for oil pulling are sunflower and sesame oil, both of which have been found to
be equally effective in healing diseases. Also mentioned are peanut oil and “distal oil”, the latter possibly
being a mistranslation from the German Distelöl (safflower oil). Quote: “Other oils were not found to be
as good/We have observed that any oil other than SUNFLOWER or SESAME may not be effective. Do
not blame oil pulling by practicing with other oils.” Apparently, a normal refined sunflower oil as found
in supermarkets has proved to be effective in numerous people. But “Our experience with thousands of
people across the globe says USE COLD-PRESSED OIL as first choice, if it is not available use
For patients following the Budwig diet & protocol, it is however imperative to exclusively go for organic
cold-pressed oils. Even for the general reader, Healing Cancer Naturally recommends to always, if
possible, choose the best possible quality in foodstuffs, both in the interest of one’s own health and the

Instructions: how oil (or water) pulling is done

In the morning before breakfast (i.e. on an empty stomach), take one tablespoon into the mouth (don’t
swallow it). Move the fluid slowly around your mouth, as you would when rinsing your teeth. While
keeping your mouth closed, slosh the fluid around your oral cavity, pulling it through your teeth, sucking
it etc. Do this for fifteen to twenty minutes. “Chewing” in this manner draws a lot of saliva and gradually
dilutes the oil which becomes thoroughly mixed with saliva in the process. Swishing is said to activate the
enzymes, with the enzymes drawing toxins out of the blood. As you continue this process, the oil-saliva
mix gradually becomes more and more liquid and thin and acquires a whitish look (if the oil remains
yellowish, it has not been pulled long enough).

Spitting and cleansing

The watery oil/saliva mix is then spat out. It must not be swallowed, for the liquid has become toxic from
poisons being drawn from the circulation through the mucous membranes of the mouth. After spitting the
oil, the oral cavity must be thoroughly rinsed and washed with water a number of times. Cleanse your
teeth with a toothbrush or use your fingers; if you spat oil into the sink (rather than a paper towel), also
properly clean the sink, because the oily liquid expelled contains large amounts of bacteria and other
harmful/toxic bodily waste (apparently, a microscopic review would reveal microbes in their first stage of
development in this liquid). “Pulling Oil pulls out disease elements from the system (body) and restores

Those who prefer visual demonstrations will find numerous videos on youtube demonstrating the very
simple technique.

When to do oil pulling - is there a best time to practice?

Best time to do the oil pulling routine is said to be in the morning before breakfast (where it can easily be
integrated into the rest of one’s morning routine).

The ancient Ayurveda healing system advises to do oil pulling in the morning after brushing your teeth
and cleaning your tongue and on an empty stomach. Similarly Dr Karach advises oil pulling before
breakfast on an empty stomach (one hour after drinking water, tea, coffee or other liquids in the morning,
but before breakfast. Generally, the best time for oil pulling would be when you do not feel well (for any
health problem make sure to do oil pulling on an empty stomach).

Recommended frequency of oil pulling states that to enhance the claimed healing process, oil pulling can be repeated three times a
day (always before meals on an empty stomach) but it also says that only the patient himself can answer
this question depending on how he feels which tells him if he needs more or less applications of the oil
pulling routine.

How long to do the oil pulling advises to keep up the practice until one has recovered one’s original strength and
freshness, enjoys good appetite and memory and regularly wakes up refreshed, after a restful sleep,
“without black circles under your eyes”.
When initial worsening of symptoms is observed

Patients suffering from more than one disease can experience a worsening of their situation in the
beginning. Dr. Karach - like other naturopaths - believes that an apparent worsening of one’s state of
health is a propitious sign (often referred to as healing crisis) indicating that your disease is disappearing.
This includes healing fever. He advises not to interrupt the treatment when one’s state seems to be
worsening. In fact he believes that by discontinuing the oil pulling, one also interrupts the healing
activities stimulated by the oil pulling.

Claimed time requirements to achieve healing/cure claims that oil pulling will speedily cure acute diseases in two to four days, while chronic
diseases usually require more time, sometimes even one year, and advises persistence in application.

Oil pulling caveats & precautions

(a) Don’t swallow the oil after completion of the process but spit it out. Do not worry, however, about any
oil accidentally swallowed. It will simply be discarded through the normal elimination channels.

(b) If you are allergic to a particular brand of oil, change the brand or type of oil to a different one. Or as
mentioned above, simply use the (environmentally preferable) water pulling method.

(c) One author I have seen warning against oil pulling for people who carry amalgam fillings, claiming
that even more mercury than “normal” will/could be released by this practice.

User experiences & results of oil pulling:

On diseases reportedly cured by oil pulling

One of many impressive results reported is that of a 90 year old German woman who after suffering from
neurodermatitis for years virtually eliminated it by oil pulling.

In 1996, an Indian daily (Andhra Jyoti) conducted a survey among its readers on the effects of oil pulling
on various diseases. 1041 readers responded, 927 (89%) of which reported healing effects (curing one or
more diseases). 114 or 11% did not report any disappearance of symptoms/illnesses. The chronic diseases
reportedly cured were the following:

 Diseases like polio, cancer, leprosy, polycystic kidney, neural fibroma, paralysis etc.: 72 cases
 Diseases pertaining to the female reproductive system: 21 cases
 Piles: 27 cases
 Diabetes: 56 cases
 Heart disease and blood pressure: 74 cases
 Arthritis and joint pains: 91 cases
 Constipation: 110 cases
 Digestive system: 155 cases
 Skin problems such as pigmentation, itching, scars, black patches, eczema etc.: 171 cases
 Allergy and respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis etc.: 191 cases
 Physical pains and problems with the neck & head area: 758 cases

In addition to the above-cited case of neurodermatitis, Erika Herbst in her book "Die Heilkunst von
Morgen" reports a number of other healings due to oil pulling. These include one or more cases of
tinnitus, colitis, sleeplessness, excess mucus, blood in urine, tiredness incl. after meals, arthritic stiffness,
major pain in hands, a leg that had already turned blue from diabetes, headaches, coughing, bronchitis,
chronic sinusitis, head cleared, firmer skin, hot flashes gone, initial worsening of symptoms followed by
healing, no more colds or flu, better evacuation, better sleep, acne gone, glaucoma improved, migraine
gone, no more hayfever, general rejuvenation, prostatitis healed, diarrhea, nausea, lack of appetite, even
varicose veins disappearing after oil pulling.

Cancer & joint pains: sample healing testimonies of chronic diseases

A homeopathic physician from India reports three cancer cases, two of which concern a “schirrus type of
carcinoma of the uterus” (confirmed by biopsy report). Within two months of oil pulling, the bleeding
was reduced, the general condition improved and both uterus carcinoma patients feel confident that their
disease will be vanquished. “You know confidence/faith contributes to cure more than medicine.”
Compare Healing Cancer & Your Mind.

The third case involves a woman who developed a malignant tumor larger than a tennis ball on her
jawbone (this patient is also on homeopathic medicines). After a month of oil pulling, pus was discharged
from a hole that formed in the tumor on the jawbone. Three weeks later, the flow of pus stopped, the hole
closed and the tumor reduced in size to almost undetectable. “In these cases, my medicines must have
given temporary relief. I am hoping they will totally heal.” The same physician adds this observation: “In
case of joint pains the improvement that would have resulted in eight months with my medicines, have
come within two months of oil pulling.”

Personal testimonial: Diabetes - Pregnancy - Childbirth

(female, 41) "I am a diabetic patient with no children. After doing OP [oil pulling] for three months, I
became pregnant. At the time of pregnancy, my blood sugar increased. I stopped [oil pulling] for about a
month thinking it was aggravating my problem. Having come to know that aggravation is a sign of cure, I
started [oil pulling] again. The sugar level came down and I continued [oil pulling] throughout my
pregnancy. After a caesarian operation, I gave birth to a baby. The doctors checked for sugar, both for the
baby and me. We both were free from sugar. The wound healed well and stitches removed on the seventh
day. Doctor was astonished at this. I found OP benefited me in the following ways:
[Oil pulling] reduced sugar gradually and diabetes cured. The skin became clear and shining and the spots
on the body disappeared.
The body became strong, teeth firm; gums healthy and the hair turned black and stopped becoming white
or gray."
Mrs AVL Umamaheswari, Commercial Tax Dept, Eluru, A.P.

Personal testimonial: Diabetes

"At the advanced age of 74, it is unjust to expect miraculous result from any kind of therapy. Yet I must
say that what I have experienced through [oil pulling] therapy is almost a miracle and quite unbelievable.
Diabetes has been troubling me for the past 13 years. Now my blood sugar level is normal, though I do
not take any medicine. I have discontinued all medication including vitamins, enzymes etc."
(Swami Swarupanand Bharati, (K.R.K.Chetty, IPS, D.I.G. [Retd.]), Hyderabad
© Copyright 2005-2006 writes that “additional research concerning Oil Therapy has now been thoroughly
documented, especially with regard to physiological similarities between individuals.”

Oil pulling for oral detox, fixing loose teeth and cavities, strengthening teeth, stopping sensitivity, tooth
decay & abscesses, eliminating bleeding gums

Oil pulling has been credited with a number of astounding oral health benefits since the times of
Ayurveda, the oldest holistic healing system we know of. In Ayurveda, oil pulling is called "KAVALA
GRAHAM", and the Charaka Samhita sutra sthana chapter states that “by oil pulling with til-taila (sesame
oil), teeth are not affected with cavities and they become firm-rooted. Toothache and sensitivity to sour
items will be healed and one will be able to chew the hardest items.”
According to, Dr. Karach MD, the "author" of oil pulling, said: "The oil therapy heals tooth
pain totally. Obvious results are re-fixing of loose teeth1 [which no dentist is able to do] the stopping of
bleeding gums and the whitening of teeth." Apparently, oil pulling also removes dental infections, stops
further tooth decay, and reduces/eliminates sensitivity of teeth. Quote: "[Oil pulling] is analgesic in
relieving pain, antibiotic in eliminating infection, anabolic in fixing loose teeth, reduces sensitivity of
teeth like sensodant and also ensures oral hygiene. OP makes this possible by its influence on the nervous
system, endocrine and immune systems towards a state of balance..."

Other oral benefits reported include the cleaning of a tongue that had been coated with a white-yellowish
film, the healing of aphtous ulcers and a salivary gland infection, no more tartar (calculus) forming, a
growth in the parotid gland which developed after starting oil pulling (likely incipient beforehand)
completely healed within six weeks in combination with an exclusively raw food diet.

Sample oil pulling dental benefits testimonials

"I have been oil pulling with sunflower oil for over three years on a regular basis and I am sold. It was
upon the advice of my dentist that I tried it. My gums have much improved, since starting the routine
redness, swellling and infections are gone, some of my teeth have become firmly reimplanted in their
sockets! Additionally I've practically gotten rid of all tartar (calculus). Also no more sore throats and
apart from a bit of sniffles at one point, hardly any colds worth mentioning! But that's no wonder
considering that all toxins and bacteria are bound to the oil and spat out." (translated from the German by
© Healing Teeth Naturally)

"....super-clean feeling in my mouth after oil pulling."..."best and quickest remedy I have found for
sensitive teeth is oil pulling with extra virgin olive oil"... "swishing with coconut oil2 several times a yellow canine teeth have whitened considerably (I have tried without success bleaching,
baking soda and peroxide, etc.) [and] my sensitivity in my teeth has decreased dramatically."

"I have always had sensitive and really weak teeth [but after one month of oil pulling] no tingling feeling
and just an overall healthy feel in my mouth", "oil pulling has ... reinforced ... loose molar", "At first, my
breath stank but I stuck with it and [after six weeks of oil pulling] my breath is now fresh and my teeth
are strong", "I had a brown discolored tooth and after 2 pulls the brown is gone. [Previously] I have had
my teeth cleaned many times by a dentist and still had that brown tooth...".

Another person who had had numerous cavities as a child reported that she had been doing 20 minutes of
oil pulling every morning for nearly two years and that at a dentist's visit, for the first time in nearly 40
years of life, she was told that nothing needed to be done, no cleaning or polishing or anything else. This
person used one teaspoon of coconut oil plus three drops of an essential organic oil blend (containing
cinnamon, peppermint, spearmint, clove, myrrh, manuka and almond oil). In addition, she brushed her
teeth twice daily using a clay-based all-natural toothpaste with xylitol, essential oils and sea salt.

Last but not least, personally I find oil pulling helpful to dislodge stuck food particles from between my
teeth (particularly those I wasn't even aware of and which vigorous water rinsing hadn't managed to

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