Your Future Depends On Aspiration

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In the ancient times, when Indian society was based on the principles of caste-system, there was
no problem before the youths of our country as to how they should plan their future life because
the son inherited the profession of his ancestors, and it was hand over from generation to
generation. But in present-day society, when old social and human values have been discredited,
this problem demands the serious attention of the parents as well as of the state.
In these days of economic strife, the choice of profession is a question of bread and butter. Choose
the wrong profession and you will fail in life. He must think twice, before entering a particular
profession. That means 'Think before you act'. 'Look before you leap'.
What should be the governing principle in the choice of the right profession? The golden rule, to my
mind, is that the young man should undertake a profession according to his tastes capacities,
aptitude, and constitution. The parents are warned at this stage, not compel their children to take
up a profession against their will.
As for me, Indian Civil Services suits the best as a profession. Since it is considered as one of the
premier services which paves the way for becoming an IAS, IPS or IFS officer. Civil Services offer an
attractive and challenging career to the ambitious, aspiring and talented. The wide variety of jobs
within the fold of Civil Services have a relatively greater sphere of authority and power than any
other services in India.
Civil Servant in one way decides the fate of the nation as the implementation of all developmental
and other government policy rest with them. If we talk of prestige and respect, this is the most
prestigious and respectful job of India as it is a job that provides an opportunity to satisfy personal
ambition as well as indulge in social welfare. There is a diversity of work - a wide variety work is
associated with civil services, like maintenance of laws and orders, developmental work, disaster
management, representing India on international forum, administration, upliftment, and
empowerment of marginalized sections of society, etc., which forces me or inspiring me to become
a civil servant (IAS Officer).
It is easier to choose a profession than stick to it. The youngsters who mostly have tempting native,
are strictly warned not to be rolling stores. All work is noble, what is wanting in the young men of
the present day, is sincerely and integrated to their profession. If they are sincere and laborious,
they must succeed.
As the choice of a profession is a puzzling task for the inexperienced youngsters the parents must
seriously look to it. Moreover, the government must appoint the Guiding Officers and other experts
to them.

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