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My fantasy invention is a teleporter and its name is Wish&Be. When you imagine this kind of
gadget you would imagine a big cubicle similar to a telephone booth. However, my invention
would look rather like a little remote control easy to carry on your pocket. It would have a little
keyboard to introduce the address you want to transport to. After introducing the required
address, the gadget would send electromagnetic waves to a satellite and as a result you would
be instantly in the place you would like to go.

Wish&Be has many benefits due to its function and it would make life much easier. One of the
main uses of this gadget would be to reduce your waste of time in a traffic jam or it would
facilitate your life in terms that you would never be late anymore. Moreover, levels of
pollution would decrease because vehicles would be less frequently used and it would reduce
the emission of pollutants to the atmosphere. Furthermore, you would reduce your time going
from one place to another and you would have more time to enjoy.

Nevertheless, Wish&Be cannot be used to travel long distances as to travel from one country
to another. This invention would make easier your daily life but you would have to take a plain
for going to your holiday destination. Moreover, its price would be elevated because it would
be difficult to produce it so, it would be unfair for people who cannot afford it. Another
drawback of this invent would be that people would stop walking for going to their jobs or
colleges thus, it could increase the number of health issues due to a sedentary lifestyle.

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