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- 86 (Reapproved 1ee6)'1

lj' (f,I||f) Desisnation: E 220


i.i- Standard Test Method for

Calibration of itrermocouples By Comparison Techniquesl
designatron indicates the vear of
Thi5 srandard is issucd under rhe fixed designation E 220; rhe numbcr rnmcdirlely following the
the year of lart reapproval A
origiual adoption or, in the case of revision, rhe ye$ ot l.rsr revision A number in pare hcses rndicates
superscnpt epsiLon (€) rndrcates an editorial cbange sinc€ the last r€Yision or feapproval

1, Scope Monograph 150-Liquid-in-Glass Thermometrya

I 1 This test mcthod covers the techniques of thermocouple 3. Terminology
calibration based upon comparisons of thermocouple indica- 3.1 Defnitions-Ihe dennitions given in Terminology
ions with those of a reference thermometer, different from
E 344 shall be considered as applying to the terms used in this
-nethods involving the use of fixed points. The precise evalu-
ation of the electiomotive force (em0{emperalure relation of a
3.2 Defnitions of Tenns Specifc to This Stsnclard:
thermocouple is accomplished by determining its emf output at
3 2.1 type of themocouple-the type of a thermocouple is
each of a series of measuted temperatures Calibrations are
represented by a letter designation as defined in accordance
covered over temperature ranges appropriate to the individual
with Specification E 230.
types o1' thermocouples within an over-all range from 3.2.2 reference thennometer-a thermomeler whose cali-
abour - 180 ro 1700'c (-290 to 2660'F)
bration is known within a certain specified accuracy.
I 2 In general, the test method is apPlicable to bare wire
thermocouples or sheathed thernocouples The latter may 4. Summary of Test Method
require special care to control thermal conduction losses' 4,i By this test method a thermocouple is calibrated by

2. Referenced Documents comparing its indications with those of a reference thermom-

eter at the same temperature The reference thermometer may
2.I ASTM Stondards:
be another thermocouple, a liquid-in-glass thermometer, or a
Specilication for ASTM Thermometersz
platinum resistance thermometer, dePending upon the ten'lpera-
E ?7 Test N{ethod for Inspection and veriflcalion of Ther-
ture, the degree of accuracy required, or other considerations
4 2 Since the success of the test method depends largely
E 230 Specification ve Force
upon the ability to bring the thermocouple and the standardized
(EMF) Tables for
reference thermometer to the same tempemlure within the
E 344 TenninologY HYdrom-
required limits of accuracy, considerable care must be taken in
- choosing the media and conditions under which the compan-
E 563 Practice for Preparation and Use of Freezing Point
sons are ntade. Stirred liquid baths, uniformly heated metal
Relerence Baths2
blocks, tube furnaces, and dry fluidized balhs, used with proPer
2.2 ANSI Standard: techniques. are specitied for use in their respeclive temperf,lure
C 100.2 DirecrCurrent Rirtio Devices: High Precision
Laboratory Potentiometers3
4.3 Potentiometric inslrunenls, or higb-impedance elec-
2.3 NIST Publications: tronic instluments. must be used for the measurement of emf
Circular 590-Methods oi Testing Thermocouples and
eliminrting insirutttent lolding as a significant source of error
Thermocouple Materials
The details of the test method, lhereiore, aim to providc
Monograph 1i6-Platinum Resistance Thermome[va
assuraoce that the emf measured is actually the emf output of
the thermocouple at the temperature of test and is nol influ-
This method i5 undcr the jurisdiction oi ASTIII Committcc E l0 on Tcmpcrr enced by emf's arising from other sources
lure Nleasurefr.nt and i\ rhe diftc( rcsponsibili(y of Subcomrnittce E200'l on
5. Significance and Use
Currcnl edi(on approlcd lv{nch 27. lg86 Published Mrv 19S6 Odginallr-
published ar E220-63T Discontinued Janurry 1995 rnd rcinstrlcd as
5.1 For users o. nanufacturers of thernlocouples' the test

E 220 86 (1996)€'. method provides a means of conlirming the acceptability oi the

) Atnndt Book aJ ASTltlSrdklrl,dr' Vol l-10:l materirl in thc irs\enrbled state 'Iypicall) wire productrs
r\\iildbl. llorn;\trreficrrr Nrtionrrl Slrn( lnstiltrtc. ll\\' +:nd Sl lldr proviclc citlibtliion of the inrlividual thc'rtlocouplc legs
Flo(]r Nc$ \ork NY 10036
r Arrilrblc lrom Nrtionrl Insti{ure ot SL.rudards md'ltchnobsv U S DePart
me L of Comficrce, washingron. DC 20lil

Copyriehl @ ASTM. I OO Ba( H abor Dirve Wesl ConsrrolEcken, PA 1 9428 2959' Unrled Stales

(NTlr e zzo
-4 2 The tcst ruethod plorrdcs lbr-cer.tilicltions to telll-rcrir- c\rslIrg tcnrpcfltlLllc ltrildianls nlLl\t bc ntaclc hcli,rc corrli<lcncc
iulc tolcrilnccs lor sltccilicalious such ts Spccilication lj l-10 rrr nlty bc placcd in such upparatus.
oLhcr special spccrlica(ions as requi:-ed I0r contrrer.cial. ntrli 63 lle.fbrcntc Jttttction Tentlcranl/"J. A controllcd tem-
rarv. or research applicatious. pcrature biith lnust be providcd in rrhich the teutpenrture of rhc
-5 3 The lest nrcrhod assuntes thut the materials are honto- reference junctions is lrlintarncd coltstuut llt a chosen r alue. A
commonJy used relcr-encc telltperatut.e is 0"C (-ll.F). usually
0..^pparatus realized through use of tite ice point. but other tctnpcrl'rrures
l]') ) l)( u\cLl il desitcd. The rcltrcucc jrrnrtion terrrpcr',rture
6 I Tl'rc appalatLrs requir.ed for the application ol lhis rcst
should be conholled to a better accurilcy than rhrt expcctccl
mcthod $ ill dcpcnd in dctail upon the temperrture r lDge being
fron thc themtocoupJe crlibrltiou to minlmize rhis ten]perl
covered bur in all cases shall be sclcctcd front the equipnrenr
lure valtatrolt as i] soulce of err.or An tcceptable lrethod for
describcd below
utilizing the ice point as a refet-etlce Junctlon tenlpelature is
6,2 Contparator Butln rutd Furrar-er-A controllcci conr-
eiven rn Practice E 563
parntor bath or furnace shall be used in rvhich rhe measuring
6.-l.l For the rapid cllibration o[ nunrbers of tlternto-
Junction of tlte therntocouple to be calibrated is brought ro thc
couples the reference jurctions crn be ntade ut an isotllcrmal
\atl]c lclnpel-ature as a l-elerelce thennometer,
n'rultitenninal strip. ultose tclnperatul.c is detemtined by a
6.2.1 Lirluid Btrhs-In rhe range from - 160 to 630.C reference thenlocouple rvhose lelerence junctron is in an
(-250 to 1170'F) rhe cotrparalor barh shall usually consisr of icc-point bath. This systent avords thcrrnal loading oi rhe ice
r well stirred.insulated liquid bath provided witlr controls for
nraintaining rhe temperature constant, Suitable types are de-
bath by a large number ol therrnocoupJe wires ancl coirper
conDecting !vires.
sffibed in the appendix to Test Method E 77. Laborarory rype
Iube furnaces tnay be used aboye ambient telnperatule but are 6.3.2 l\4inimum en-or can be achieved only by runnrug the
not recomnrended for the most accurate work in this tempeta- themrocouple \\,ires, without splices, fiorr the n]casuing
ture range.
junctron to the refelence junction. Any splice reprcsents an
6.2.2 Fluidi-ed Povder Baths In the range from - 70 to inhomogeneity in the circuit due to the mismatch of nominally
980'C (-100 to 1800'F) the comparator bath may consist of an sirnilar alloys. The nagnitude of the error duc to the mismatch
air-fluidized s bath of aluminun oxide or simiJar powder. Such will depend on the temperature gradients existing.
a bath should be ruonitored to ensure consistency and unifor- 6.4 Enf-Measuritg Instt u,nents-The choice of a specific
mity of temperature. rnstrulnent to use for measuriog tl.te thermocouple emf will
6.2.3 Tube Fumeces-At temperatures above approxi- depend on the accuracy r.equired of the calibration being
mately 620'C (1150'F) an electrically heated rube fumace perforned. Generally, the instrument can be chosen from one
shall usually constitute the coluparator bath. Any one of a wide of three groups of commercially available, laboratory, high-
\ariety of designs may be suitable, but the furuace chosen precrsion types rvith emfranges suitable for use with thermom_
should have rhe following capabilirresi cters. The first two groups are manually balanced potentiom_
6 2.3.1 Means should be provided to control the fumace at eters [hat ale not self-contained and that require a more-or-]ess
a constant telnperature for short lengths of time (approximately permanent bench setup with a number of accessodes. including
l0 min) at any temperature in the range over which the fumace a storage battery, hi_eh-sensitivity galvanometer or.null detec_
is to be used. tor, and a laboratory-type standard cell. All instruments require
6.2 3.2 There should be a zone of uniform temperature into periodic calibration by the National Institute of Standards and
r,'hich the thermocouple measuring junctions may be inserted, Technology or some other laboratory sirnilarly quaJified.
rnd the e must be adequate to permit 6.4.1 Group A Potettioorctes shall be used where the
a depth to assure that the measuring highest accuracy is required. Potentiorneters of this group have
Juncron ted by temperature gradients no slide wires, all settings being made by neans of dial
along th switches. All design features will be consistent with the
attainntent of the highest accuracy. Suclt instruments shall have
NorE l-Funher discussions of suitable tube fumrces are gi\en in
a limit of erlor of 0.2 !V at 1000 UV and 5
Xl I and X1.2. UV or berter at
50 000 pV jn accoldance with ANSI C100.2.
6.2.4 ature of any 6.4.2
balhto orrereru will normal
brings rhe accurate Such potentiolneter
thermoc .ature as the
slide wir features shall be dire
referenc d in liquid accuracy
oxygen or some other refrigerant have been used successfully. this class shall haYe
The blocks are provided rvith wells for the test thermocouples
I pV at 1000 pV and t2 FV ar 50 000 pV
and the reference themtometer. Similarly, uniformly heated 6.13 Gtoup C Instrunents include electronic digiral volt-
blocks have been used at high temperatures. Such baths are not
meters and analog-to-digital conveners of potentiotnetdc or
excluded under this test nethod, but careful explorations of other high-impedance design. Instruments of lhis class have
limits of error similar to rhose in 6.4.1 and 6,1.2 These
lnstluments pernlit lasl readings of a large number of tltermo_
'CaLlahrn. J T., HcrL Transfe. Chlracreri\tjcs in Ajr Flurdircd Solds up ro couples. Such tast readings dentand less tentperarure stability
9f,vl'F. ASNtLl Papc.70w Atfenlt 3, Jxtrndt o1 Bosic F,,rnEerin!. Igil of rhe barh \\'irh rime.
4il|l e zzo
6 5 Connecting Wire Assembll-Connecting wires from the eter may be used from
reference junction to the potentiomerer are of insulated copper
- 180.C (-300.F), or lower, to 400oC
(750"F). or even higher with special rypes. Generally,
and should be run in a grounded conduit or braided cabie if accuracy of these themometers js less below _ 60.C, where
they are subject to electrical pickup. organic thermometric fluids are used, and above 400"C where
6.5.1 Selector switches may be used to switch between dimensional changes in the bulb glass may be relarively rapid.
different thermocouples being calibrated and the standard requiring frequenr calibration. The uncertainties of difl.eient
themrocouple. Such switches shOuld be of rugged construction tlpes of liquid-in-glass rhermometers are given in X2.3.
and designed so that both connecting wires are switched when Specifications for ASTM thermometers are given in Specifica
switching from one thermocouple to the next, leaving thermo_ tion E 1.
couples not in use entirely disconnected from the potentiom_ 14 Tlpes R and S ThennocoLrples (plotinum_Rho.liutn/
e constructed with copper contacts, Platinnn)-1he num (Type S), or
c nd must be located in the copper the platinum-I3 couple (Type R;
p rve rhe all copper circuit from the of 24-gage (0.51 as the reference
reference junction to the potentiometer precautions should be thermometer for temperatures from 630.C (l l70.F) to 1200"C
taken to protect the swirches from temperature fluctuations due (2190'F). Their use may also be exrended down
t0 AII Currents or radiation from hot sources
to room
lemPerrlure. Accuracies artaina
6.5.2 Terminal blocks may be used in the connechng circuit, Trble L Croup A and B poren
if convenient. but should be provided wirh copper bindin-e
Group C instruments (6.4.3) c thenno_
sts and should be protected against the development of couples.
rsmperature gradients in the blocks. '1.5 Ttp e B The nnocouple s p latinun- Rhod.ittm/Rhoditun-
6,6 Tlrernncouple Insulatio|t and prorecion Tubes_Two_ PLqIi uDl)-The platinum-30 2o rhodium/platinum6 %
hole cerarnic tubing may be used to suppoft and electrically rhodium (Type B) thermocouple, formed from 24_gage (0.51_
insulate the immersed portion of the two bare conductors of a mm) or larger size wire, is recommended as the refercnce
thermocouple. Only suitable ceramjc should be used. chosen of thermometer for temperatures above 1200.C (2190.F). The
a material which will not coltaminate the thermocouple and
which will provide the necessary electrical insularion at the
calibrat ary
heat con the
ing shou led
eters tha the
thermocouple wires wirhout binding. During the test, the mometer in the
thermocouples may be inserted in a protection tube which -300 to 700.F) in
some instances, general, limited by
should be resistant to thermal shock, noncontaminating to the the stabiiity of ove approximately
thermocouple materials, and gastight. 200'C (400"F), emf measuremenrs
6.6.1 Sheathed thermocouples may be tested without further and the inhomogeneity of the rvire below 200.C. Twentv-four
protechon ol support in liquid or dry fluidized baths, provided gase (0.5l-mm) wire is a useful compromise between the
that the bath rnedium is compatible wifi the sheath marerial. lesser stability of smaller wire and the greater heat leakage of
Crre must be taken to keep thermal conduction losses within larqe rvire. The uncertainties of temperarure measurements
limits of experimentfll error The sheathed rvire should \\ ith this thermocouple are given in Table I If measurements
extend, $,ithout splicing. to the reference junction for minimum approachrtg an uncertiiinty of 0.1.C are to be made, I Group
error (see 6.3.2). A potentrometer (6.4.1) nust be used.
7. Reference Thermometers 7.7 Sunilar Thennocouples-W hen procedure C (9.4) is
used. the reference thermorneter shall be a previously calr_
?.1 The reference thermometer to be used fbr the compari_
brated thermocouple having the sarne composition as the test
son calibration of thermocouples will depend upon the ten_
peratLlre range covered, whether a laboratory furnace or stined
liquid bath is used. the accuracy desired of the cahbrttion, or 8. Sampling
in cases where more than one type of thennometer rvill suliice,
ti I Sampling is normally specilied in the ASTM material
the convenieDce or preference of the calibrating labomtory.
specification tltat calls for thc calibration As a guideiine for
7.2 Platitttrttt Resistatlce Thernometers-The standard complrance testin-q. a minifium
platinurn resistance thermometer is the most accurate ref'erence
of three stmples are often
trken lbr calibration compliance of a lot of wire or of
thermoneter for use in stined Iiquid baths at tcmperaturcs from thermocouples. ln the case of wi.e, the samples should
approximarely - 180 to 610.C (-300 to ll70.F). In cases preferablv be widely separated within the lot. for example, both
where accuracy approachins 0.1.C (02.F) rs requrred at ends and the middle of a coil. Users should be arvare that rn
temperatures belorv abour-60"C (-70.F) or abore 200.C some instunces contplilince. tcstinil willcalsc changes kr occur.
(.100"F). tilcfc arc 1c*, llter.naLires to thc use ol reststilncc
in tlie thernloclcctric propcrties ol the thernocouple \\ire.
themrometeIS ls refcrences Standard resistance thenllorlerers
rle described in X2.I and X2 2. 9. General Procedures
1.3 Liquitl in-G[ots The ruot nererr-Th is tvpc of thern.]on 9 I The calibration procedure consists of measurin-! the enf
([T|l e zzo
TABLE 1 calibration uncenainties in calibrating Thermocouples by the comparison l\,4ethod-Temperatures in oeqrees celsius"

Range Of nterpolaled

0lo 070' every 100 05 l

0lo 870F 300, 600, and 870 05 2
0 io 35Oc every 100 01 05
1601o 0c every 50 01 05
e lo 76oF 100, 300 500, and 750 05 1
0lo 350G every 100 01 05
0 io 1250F every 100 05 l
0 to 1250F 300, 600, 900, and 1200 05 2
0lo 350c every 100 01 05
-t60 to oc every 50 0.1 05
FandS 0 to 1,150F every 100 03 0 5 lo 1100 and 2 al 1450
o to 1450F 600 and i200 03 1 io 1100 and 3 al r.i50
B 0 10 1700F every 100 03 0 5 lo 1100 and 3 at 1700
600 and 1200 03 1 to 1100 and 5 a1 l70O
T 0lo 370G every 100 01 o2
010 100G 50 and 100 005 01
-160 lo 06 every 60 01 a2
Va ue6 qiyen in lhls lable are exkacted from Nar onat BureaL ot Standards Ctrcular 590
see 3.2
cApprorimale ca bralion points
aWrlh homogeneous
thermocoup es and reasonable experimenlai care
'_ llsing d flerence cLrve from reierence lab e
1 lube lumaces, by comparison w lh a ca ibrated Type S rhermocoupte
n slirred lquld balhs, by companson with a standard plalinum resistance thermometer.

of the thermocouple being calibrated at selected calibration is particularly adapted to the calibration of rhe thenltocouples
poiDts, the temperature of each point being measuled u,ith a at any number of selccted points when tlte same |umace is to
standard thermocouple or other thermometer standard. The be uscd oyer a wide temperature range, its telnperature being l
number and choice of test points wiJl depeDd upon the type of changed for each point. Through dte use of two potcntiometers
thermocouple, the temperature range to be covered, and tlte it is possible to make simultaneous readings of a standud
accumcy required, Table I or Tabte 2 will serve as a sujde to thermocouple and r rhennocouple being cilibrated rvirhout
the.election. One of rhe following rhree general mcthods nray waiting for the fumace or bath to stabilize at each temperaturc.
be used in the calibration procedure The stJndard thcrmocouple is connected to one potcntiometer
9.2 Procedure A is applicable when a standard thermo- and the thennocouple being caliblated to the other. as shown jn t
couple aod two potenrioneters can be employed. The method Fig. 1. Each potentiometer is provided with a reflecting
TABLE 2 calibration Uncertainties in calibrating Thermocouples by the comparison Method-Temperatures in Degrees

Thermocouple t
rypeu Bange Calbration Pointsc I
Obseryed Of lnielpolaled
Poinls 0
32 lo I6ooF every 200 o
1 2
32 lo 1600F 600, 1100, and 1600 1 c
32 ro 650G every 200 a2 1 o
-256 lo + 326 every 100 o2 1
32 to 1400F 300, 600, 1000, and 1400 1 2
32 lo 650c every 200 o2 o
32 10 2300F every 200 1 2
32 lo 2300F 600, 1200, 1800, and 2300 1 4 t,-
32 to 650G every 200 0.2 1
-256 lo + 32c every 100 o? I el
,g and S 32 to 2700F every 200 05 I 2000
10 and 4 at 2700 s(
32 to 2700F l lOO and 2200 2 lo 2000 and 5 at 2700
B 0 to 3100F every 200 b
05 1 to 2000 and 5 at 3100
ll00 and 2200 05 2lo 2000 and 9 at 3100 ol
T 32 to 700c every 200 o2 04 te
32 to 200c 110 and 200 0-1 0.2
-256 to + 32,3 every 100 tU
o_2 o4
table is lasea upon the values in Table 1' but Fahrenheit temperalures are g ven in al
i$b round numbers raiher than exact equivatents of the cetsius lemperature-

Asonable expenmental care,

6 tibraled Type S thermocouple.
a standard platinum resistance thermometer
{[TD e zzo

Golvono me ters Relleci

on cornmon Scole
FlG. t Schematic Arrangement lor Two'Potentiometer Method

e reflected from the two

the galvanometers being
the zero of the scale when
also when the potentiom-
eters iue set to balance the emf of each thermocouple. When
rnore than one thermocouple is to be calibrated, a selector
' sriitch is introduced between the reference junctions of the
r. tbsmrrouples being calibrated and the associated polentiom-
,. etgr, The above procedure for taking data is then repeated for
.. r ec!-h tbermocouPle in tum.
: 9.j P rocedure B is applicable when only one potentiometer
' '- ',:=d. The arrangement when several thermocouples are
-hg cdibrated using a tbermocouple thermometer as a
rer:r=nce is shown in Fig. 2. This method requires that the bath
ci i.-jrnace including the thermocouple be stabilized at the
J-!=3d temperature before readings are taken. Each thermo-
' .-c+-.:pie is connected to the potentiometer in sequence by means
oi -&" selector switch, as shown. The reference thermocouple
-rl-v.rtd be read just before and just after the reading of the ernf
ti the emf of each
-;h thermocouple. After measuring
*e,-=ocouple once, the whole sequence should be repeated at FlG.2 Schematic Ariangement with a Selector Switch and a
Single Measuring Instrument
lg.;: once at the same temperature to give check readings of
e=j- \\hert a large volume of work is involved' or when for
r-..-,. orher reason it is inconvenient to use only one fumace or same typg as the reference, as, for example, a Type S
h:: a series of furnaces
:or all of the calibralion temperatures, thermocoup)e being calibrated against a Type S reference
.-: :--ins mry be used, each being maintained at the different thermocouple, a convenient variation oI the two potentiometer
ii:-:Eratures coffesponding to the desired calibration tempera- methods may be employed. With this technique, the emf of lhe
i-x-i:- ^{fter insertion in each fumace or bath, time must be reference thermocouple is measured with one Potentiometer. as
:l-'.":d for steady state condilions to be reached before in Procedure A, but in this cd5e the second polentiome{er i{
i:-::;gs are raken. VariaLiols of this tnethocl u'ould irlclLrcie thc usecl to rnclsure simrtllaneottsly thc relatively small emf
l'-: ri a plarinun resistance thermometer or liquid in-glass difference between the refercnce thermocouple and the ther-
::]:--omctcr as reference in a stined liquid bath, rnocouple being calibrated. At least two disrinct advantages
'; .: Procedure C may be realized thlough the use of this technique. First, sjnce
: -: I When the thermocouple being calibrated is of the the ernf difterelces are a stnall liaclion of the emf. they can be

($Tll e zzo

rnelured to irighcr degrce of lbsolute acctlracy (tricrovolts),

a plesented on a rccordcr chart ot othel autoll]atic dxta s]'slclns.
Sccondly, rf the crltf diitercnccs vary relnlively slowly u'ith With approPflate s\\'rlching. autonlutic or nritltual oiltlilliolr. the
chtngc in tetnperltufe. the actllal telllPel-xtirre at the tllne oI il nurnbcr of therntocoLrplcs thrt may be calibrated togcthcr u'ill
nleasulerrent llee(i not bc known ilccur tely, iu]d ii higher rittc dcpend principally trl thc siu-c oi thc lutrltcc uscJ
of change of furncce temperature can be used tlran that 10. Prcparation of Thermocouples for'fest
tcrlerated when using Procedule A. Because of these tg'o
10.1 In preparation ibr tcst. a suitable thcrmocouple protec
circurnrtances the mcthod may be readily automotcd .
tion tube shall be chosen that is long enough to Pto\rlde
sLlltciert imnersion and to cxtend out fiol'u the fumlce ol bilLh
T i:E lrr'oco!?iE for 50 to 75 rnn (2 to 3 jn ) A two hole ceratric rnslrlrtirlg
tubc, sornewhat longer than thc protection tube, shall bc
selected for each thermocouple. Exccpt whcn using Procedure
C (9.4), the rvires of each thermocouple iue tltreaded through
the holcs in its rcspective tube. and llte group of thenllocouple
tubcs loosely bundled together. The rneasuring junctions of all
of rhe thermocouples may be welded togcther into I common
bead to provide good thermal contact betwccrl tlle junctions of
the different thennocouples If it is not convenierrt to weld tlle
junctions together, the jullction ol each thetmocouple must be
PCiE\I OMETER welded separately xud the junctions broughl into good contact
by wrapping them wrth platinum wire or foil. Slip the irlsulrt-
iDg tubes down on the thern.)ocouple wires as close to the
measuring junctions as possible without stressing rhe \\'ires.
Insert the bundle of thermocouples to the bottom of the
protection tube; then place the tube at the proPer depth in the
fumace or bath. Such an assembly is shorvn schetuatically in
Fig. 4. In this process take care not to stress or cold work the
wires. Special care must also be taken during handling of the
dermocouple wires to avoid contaminating them.
10.2 Procedures for Types B, R, and S Tltennocouples
( Platin um-Rhodiun/Pl atittunt )---Tfis procedure for annealing
FlG.3 Schematic Arrangement Showing Basic lsolating Potential
Circuit is adapted to the calibration of bare wire platinum-IO 7o
rhodium-/platinurn (Type S) or platilum-13 7o rhodiutn/
platinun (Type R) thermocouples in the tenPerature range
94 2 When comparison measurements are beilg made by
from 0 to 1480'c (32 to 2700'F) and to fie calibration of
di.ect subtraction in this manner, there can be no electical
platinum-30 7o rhodiulVplatinum-6 7o rhodium (Type B) ther-
circuit between the various thermocouples except al the Point
mocouples in the range from 0 to 1700'C (32 to 3100"F).
where the difference voltage is measured. In liquid and dry
Suspend the thermocouple freely in air from two binding posts,
fluidized brths *ith conmon media, this requirement presents
which should be close together so that the tension in [he wlres
no problen, provided that the thermocouples do not touch each
and stretching while hot are kept to a minimum. Shield the
^'\er. In tube furnaces it may be difficult [o keep rhe various thelmocouple from drafts. Electrically anneal the themlo-
- ,ctions at the same temperature without electric contact. In
couple in air for a period of 45 min at approximately t450'C
this situation the electrical isolation can be achieved at the
(2650"F). Then cool it slowly (over a period of aPproxinately
reference end by use of an isoloting potential comparator
circuit.6 The basic circuit is shorvn in Fig. 3. The isolating
I min) to 750"C (1380'F) and hold it at that temperature
approximately 30 min. Following this anneal, allow the ther-
potential device is a double-pole, double-throw chopper (vi-
mocouple to cool to roorn temperature within a few ninutes
brating switch) and a capacitor which is first charged to the
Altemating current from a variable transfomrer is a con\enient
potential of the reference thermocouple and then is moYed into
source of controlled power for heating the thermocouple wires,
series opposition with the enf of the test thermocouple so that
about 12 A being required for 24-gage (0.5l-rnm) wire. The
the diference potentiometer indicates the difference in emf
tenperature is most readily determined by sighting on the
between the two. The total emf of the reference thermocouple
platinum leg of the thermocouple u ith an oplical pl rometer A
is continuously monitored by the other potentiometer. To
pyrometer reading of 1300'C (2380"F) will correspond to a
obtain the highest sensitivity, two chopper and condenser units
wire temperature of about 1450'C. This correction is necessary
are used al 180-deg phase difference, as shown in Fig. 3. The
to account for the emissivity of the wrre.
potentiometers may be of the manually balanced type, or if
10.2.I Following the anneal, thread fie thermocouple
self-balancing potentiometers are used, the results may be
though its insulating tube and mount, together with a reference

Dauphinne, T M., 'An App&arus for Companson of Themocouples," C.Jlla'
For infonnarion on !telding of me!suring junctron s. see lanLtut an the Use ol
dian launaL of Pbsics,Yol ll, 1955, p 275 Thetinocouples in Tcmpe.anft M.avtrcne , ASTi/ STP 17A R, 198l,'
($T|l e zzo
in a Drotection tube as described in 9-1. The that tests be made (or have previously been made) to ensure
thermocouplc shrll be either a Type B. R. or S that the depth of immersion is sufficient in the fumace or
that has been calibrated at fixed points or by fumaces being used. Sheathed thermocouples can be calibrated
with anoLher thermocouple so calibrated. Special in a tube fumace with no further protection provided that the
iijlrbare mutt be exercised during handling of the annealed fumace atmosphere is compatible rvith the sheath. The precau-
:1: thermocouple wires to ayoid contaminating or stressing them. tion discussed in 9.4 must be taken if dift'erential comparison
j.'.,I 10.3 Procedure for Base-Menl ThermocoLrples in lnbora- techniques are used.
'10.4 Procedure
tury Fumaces-lhis procedure is applicable to the calibration for Base-Metal Thermocouples in Stined
ii' of the bare lvire base-metal thermocouples in the temperature Liquid Baths-Thrs procedure is applicable to the calibration
range 0 to 1260"C (32 to 2300"F) Base metal themocouples of base-metal thermocouples, either bare wire or insulated, up
, should be calibrated ln the "as-received' condition, with no to a temperature of approximately 980'C (1800"F). Usually no
further annealing special preparation of the thermocouple will be required other

fi_ora 2-Thls nethod is inlended for use lvith ncw wire. Base-lnetal
than to insert it to the bottom of a protection tube for
irnmersion in the liquid bath. Borosilicate glass tubing has been
thermocouples undergo changcs with use at high tcmpcrature which often
render thcm unfit for rccalibration. Thercforc, thcse thermocouples should found convenient for use up to 540'C (1000'F). From 540 to
not be rccalibrated 620'C (l150'F), use vitreous silica or ceramic tubing. It should
be closed at the immersed end, and large enough to permit easy
insertion of the thermocouple or thermocouples to be calibrated
but no larger than necessary. Untavorable heat transfer condi-
tions in an unnecessarily large diameter tube will require a
greater depth of imnersion in the bath than would a close-
fitling tube. If a barc wirc thermocouple is being calibrated,
proyide the wires with electrical insulation oyer the length
) inserted in the protection tube. Slip a loose-fitting insulating
sheath over one or both legs of the thermocouple. Use any
suitable commercially available material, but selcct it to
withstand the highest temperature to which it will be exposed.
FlG. 4 Thermocouple Assembly in Protection Tube Immerse sheathed thermocouples directly in the bath liquid in
cases where the sheath material will not be attacked by the
liquid. Salt baths for use at high temperatures must have steel
10.3.1 Thread the thermocouple through its insulating tube thermowells into rvhich the thennocouple protection tubes and
and mount with a ret-erence thermocouple, in a protection tube standard thermometers are inserled for protection from thc
as described in 10.t. The reference thermocouple shall be molten salt The reference lhermometer may be a themrocouple
either a Type B, S, or R thermocouple that bas been calibrated inserted in the protection tube with the thermocouple being
at fixed points or by comparison with another thermocouple so calibrated, or it may be a liquid in glass thermometer or
calibrated. When calibrating base metal thernocouples against resistance tbennornetel immersed in the bath liquid close to the
Type B, S, or R thermocouple, Procedure C (9.4) cannot be the.mocouple protection tube. The choice of a refercncc
used. For Procedures A and B (9.2 and 9.3) protect the thermometer will be governed principally by the accuracy
rcference thermocouple by a trvo-holed ceramic insulating tube required (see Section 7).
to rvithin a few millimetres of the measuring junction, and seal
this end of the ceramic tube to the thermocouple by borosilicate 11. Calibration Procedures
glass or by a smlrll amoLrnt of kaolin and sodium silicate 1l.l The follorving nethods for laking calibratron data are
cement. This protective measure minirnizes contaminltion ol' applicable to both platinum and base-metirl thermocouples.
the refereDce thennocouple, with the cxception of the small 2 ll.l.l Thermocouples in lnboratory Frrrnaces-Immerse
or 3-nm length which is necessarily in contact with the the protection tube contaiDing the thermocouples to the proper
base-metal thermocouple. If the fumace is heated unifomrly in depth in a suitable electrically heated tube fumace (6.2.3). and
this region, contanination of the exposed rvires rvill not cause assemble the reference junction. connecling wires, and switch
any enor. Ii the rvire becomes brittle at the junction wjih use, ing appropriate to Procedures A, B, or C described in Section
cut off this part of tlre rvire aDd drarv enough wire through the 9- rvhichever is selected to be usecl.
seal to form a new junction. Examine the seal after each use Ptocedure A-Measurements at the calibration
and remake it if it does not appear to be good points should start with the lowest temperature and be contin
l0 3.2 il the wires are luge, one or more of the bitsc-metirl ued through succeedrngly higher temperatures Set the poten-
thennocouples mry be u'eldecl together and a hole drilled in the tlometer connectecl to the reference therlnocouple to the emf
conuiorr juucliou to acccpl thc measut-iug jLrrtction o1 tlre corrcspondiDg to thc (lcsirt(l tcrupclllturc iind stiut thc lulllx.r
rcfcrcnce thennocouple. It is probably better pracnce, however. llertiDg. Heating rnay be rapid until the calibration point is
to weld the measuring junction of the reference thermocouple nearly reached. rt rvhich time the power is cut back so as to
into the coDlDlon junction as shorvn rr Frg 4. stop thc tclnperature ise at a telnperature just rbovc that
10.3.3 \\'hen $ires. insulators. and protection tuhcs oi rcquired With power to the iirrnrce reduced, or oil, lower rhe
base metal thermocouplcs are large, it is prrliculafly inpo irnt furniice temperature through the culrbration point at a rate not

([Tll e zzo
rrcccclrng 0.5 -C ( l'F)/ntin. Occasional adjustntelt of thc \l)ots r-clcrence thcnronletel lt.tav bc a lrqLrid-in-glass or resistance
lr onr the ruo gtlraltontcters $,ill be neccssarv 1o kcell thcir
null Ihcln']on'tctcr illstea(l of ir therntocoLlple. When nreasurenteDts
itositiorrr coincidc t on lhc contntun scltlc lt irll tirtcs ,,\\ tl)e ill)pfoiicl)ur. iln ilccunlcl ol (). 1' C ar.c to be ntilrlc_ i)otcltttont_
i!rnrce cools. fldjust thc setting of the poteuuonreter conncctcd clcrs \\ith a lintit of error no qreater than git,en in 6-1.1 lltust
ro Ure Lcsr rherntocouplc conlinuonslv unlil its associated De used.
galviiltorDcler spot crosses its null position tt thc same tiDte ils
lhe grlvanonte(er spot tbr the standard thertDocouple crosscs its 12. Calculations
null posirion. When this sctting is reached, thc crnf of the tc\r l2.l Having deteulined thc emf of lhc lhenlrocouple at a
thcrntocouitle corr-esponds to the tenperature indicatcd by the number of crlrbration points, rlte calibrarion is completed by
reierence thcrmocouple. Rcpcat the measuretDent rvith pou,er inlerpolating betu,een rlte calibratiolt points. Diiltrent merhod.s
to thc firrn.rce, and rlte tenlperaturc rising at nearly the same rray be usecl to accontntodate specjal circulrstances, but lhe
rttc of tcn'tpcrature change as thal which occun.ed in the first n'rethod usiug a differcnce curve fron an arbitrar.y reference
nrc:L\LllentenL wirlt lhe telnperature falling. The two errf table is eften simplest to usc. To use this rrethod. cltoose thc
ruetsurcmcnts should Dot difler by Drore rhan -5 appropriale refer cnce table in Specification E 2-10 to esrablish
UVt take rherr a
ii\ elltoe a( the etnf of the tcst therntocouP]c at the calibr-arion difference curve.
point. Rcpcat thc tcasurentents tt each successivc calibratjon
\or! l-Thcse l ble
poin t. ,emperalurcor.ocorr,".:.::']":,'::ii::l;i,,i:;:i:i] PncctlLrre 1j-Hcat Lhe furnace to the tenpelatufe bccn u5cd. the relerence rr acljusterl bv sul.trecrinr: from
ofLhe lowesr calibrarion point. and stabilize at this tenrperature ecch lhe leble \,alue oi e ro Lhe refercnce ju-nction
for about l0 min, usrrrg rhe indjcations of the rcf.erence
thelnrocotrple Read alrernateJy 12 2 Calculare the enf differ.encc .\E
= E. E for cach
thc cntf's of calibration point. where E isthetablevalueofenf and E is the
reference agr
relercnce ther
"iiij'f;,"lili! enf of the test rhermocouple at the terrperature of
calibration point. With \,alues of .fE as ordinates and Values of
r the lurnace has
becn adequately stabilized. Under stable conrlitions, the ernf

emf. At any observed valuc of E add the conesponding value

furnace temperature, it is unlikely thar the trvo sets of emf of AE from the culYe and enter the table at this conecte"d value
readings wJJl have been made at cxacrly the same ternperature. of emf to obtain the true temperature A difercDce cune
Conect the second measurement of the emf of the test t)'pical ofplatinuln- num is shorvn in Fig. -5.
themocouple by multiplying by rhe l.ario (Table enf I sr Note that the values n of a corlectjon rvilich
neasurement/Table errf 2nd neasurement) where the Table rs to be added to the re a conecred emfrvith
emf is that listed for the test thermocouple at the tentperature which one can en table to ger the true
indicated by the reference themtonteter The two valvei of ernf tenrperarure. Fol example. in Fic.5 ar 7 mV the correction
for the test couple are then averaged and assigned to the nrst is - 2 pV Therefore. \\,ith rn obserr ed ernI of 7 ntV en(er
measurement tentperature Using the standard reference tables table at 7.000 - 0.002 : 6.998 IrrV ro obrain the con.esponding
Siven in Specificarion E 230, corrections can be applied for temperature.
temperature dillerences ofup ro l0.C (lg.F) wjthoui introduc_
lng an error grearer rhan the equivalent of 0.1"C (0.2"F).
Repeat the procedure at rhe next higher and succeeding teit

13. Report

accurate work.
l3.l Report the calibration resuhs tn any convenrent form.
This may be a table of values of E at a nunber of temperatures
ll.l.2 Thernncouples in Stirred LiErid Barhs_,^fhe proce_ or rt may be a table of values of AE at selected values of
dure 1br taking data in the calibration of thermocouples in E.
stired liquid balhs is identical wirh procedure B for uie t.ith
laboratory furnaces descrrbed rn ll I 1.2, except that rhe
,*':;;;:'^r:'!;';:,::,:';::::,i;:i!,- - rern?rdloe t\r.,,su,.n1e,,s As',M
4[iD e zzo

ll. AE = 0 Represents Table Values


-10 l0 tt
0bserved emf, millivolts
an ASTM Reference Table
FlG. 5 Diflerence Curve for a Type S Thermocouple Using

emf{emperalure relationship of the actual thermocouple in the

1.1. Precision and Bias
referenci table, the fewer the number of calibration points

in te
I obtained in c de-
ioll factors, t thc
.-ali the accuracy n rs

l].2.1 Accuract of Calibratiott PoDrts-The accuracy at-
tiiined at each calibration point will depend upon the degree
thermometer and the test themocouple are
\\ hich the reference


15. Keywords
15.1 comParator baths; comparison cahbration: tbermo-
([J|l e zzo

(Nonmaudatorr Infornlation)

X1.1 \\rirc-\\bund Elcctric Tul)e Iiurnaces X1.2 Tube-Qpe Heating Element Furnace
\l I I \\/irc-rvouncl clectric Lube funtaces suitable tbr ther- Xl 2 l A rubc-t\,pe iteatirlg clentent lurnace mav bc iirund
rnocouple caljbration nrcy be obtaincd comn]erc r ll),. designcd c()rrlcnrcnt u4tel Plocedure A (Section 9.2) is ro be uscd. One
t{r opcratc on either ll0 or ll0 V and equipped u,irh ln
successful design of furrace is shoul schematically in Fig,
adjustoblc rheostat or other |ncans for regulating the cu.r.nt
X1.1. The heating clement coDsists of a nickel (80)-chr.orniunr
For renrpenltures up ro rbout I I 50"C (2100'F), I fumace with
(20) tube clarnped betrveen tu'o watcr-cooled tenninals The
a hcating clernent of nickel ( ll0)-chr oniLrrn (20) rvill su1'1ice.
tube, which is 22 rrrr (% ilr.) in inside diarneter, 3 I rrn ( I %
Furnaces u'irh heating clcmcnts of platinunt or plaulult-
rhodium ale arailable lbr higher tcn'rperatu!es. A conlenient
in.) in outside dianreter and 600 |rm (24 jn.) lons, is heated
sjzc of helting tube is l5 n]nt ( I rn.) rn diamercr and 600 mm
clectrically, the tube itsclf serving rs the lleahng elelnenr or
(l-l in ) long The heating lube may be mounted eirher rcsistor. The large current nccessary to hett the tubc is obtained
horizontrlly or vetlically, but a yeftically rnounted tubc rnLrst liom r transforn'ler. A radiatioll shield and a iuroace jtcket are
\, pirrvvcJ Jl ir\ lo\\rr errd to rli..irrrize -\rn\((rion cLncrlr urounted around tlte ltcating tube. as shorvn in Fis X1.l tcr
through thc tube. A choice of tube dirnensrons and oricntation mlnlnlze telnperatrlre gradients alol]g thc tube and to leduce
v be inlluenced by such facrols as the size lnd kiuds of radiation losses. To nrininjze the tine tequircd 1or heating and
,, Lrcs in thc thern'tocouples to be calib.ated, mounting conYe- cooling of the fumace, no tltennrl insulation is used between
nrence, or pelsonal preference in a particullr use. Before the lleating tube, the radiation shield. and the f'urnace jacket.
relying upon any furnace, horvever. a tcst should be Dtade to This t'urnace responds rapidly. both in hearing and cooling, but
ascertait that the deprh of imt]crsion is suf6cient to elintinate is not recommended for plocedures requiring the furnace to
cooling or heating of the juncrions by heat flow along the stabilize at a particulat temperatule tbr a pcriod of tinte, ls is
therfiiocouple and the insulating and protectir]g tubes. This can the case when tlte refereoce therrnocouplg and the unkDown
be detennined by observing the change in emf of tlte thenuo must be read altenrately rvith a single potentiouteter.
couple as the deprh of immersion is changed shghtly. It is
difficult to generalize upon what a sultrcren[ depth of immer-
sron may be, since in a particular iustance this will depend
upon the number and size of the thernocouple wires entering
the furnaces as well as fuurace cl'ialactenstics, such as tube
diameter and profile of thelmal gradients aJong the tube.
Specific information is kuown, however, for the furnace
described in Xl.2. With this furnace rhe central 150 mn (6 in.)
of the 600-mm (24-in.) Iong tube has been found to be
practically at a unifonn tentperature. If no n,ore than two
thermocouples of 8-gage (3.26-mr) wire and a 24-gage
(0.5t-rnm) Type S reference thermocouple are mounled in
rarate two-hole porcelain insulators and bundled together in
a ceramic protection tube, as described in Section 10, immer-
sion to the center of the iurnace tube 300 mn (12 in.) has been
found adequate. FlG. X1.1 Tube-Type Heating Element Furnace


X2.1 Standard Resistancc Th€rmometer lated using prescribed resistance-telnperature formulas. Such
X2 L I The standard resistance theonometer is the specified resistance therurometels should be so designed and constructed
instrumcnt for interpolation between fixed points on the that the lvire of the platinuln resistor is as strain-free as
Intemational Practical Temperature Scale of 1968 in the range practicable and will remaiD so during use. In addition, cenain
from - 260 to + 630'C. Temperatures are not measured di restrictions are imposed on the electrical and physical proper-
rectly rvith this instrument. Its electrical resistance is deter- ties of the wire of which the resistor is formed. For use at
mined by comparison with a standard resistor using a potenti- temperatures up to 500'C (930'F), these instruments are
ometer, a Kelyin{ype double bridge, or a Wheatsione bridge, usually made with a borosilicate glass protection tube. This
preferably of the Mueller type. Temperatures are then calcu- range is extended to 630'c (ll60.F) through rhe use of silica
([Jlt e zzo

glass protection tubes. More details may be obtained from TABLE X2.2 Calibration Uncertainties tor Fahrenheit Total-
publications from the National Bureau of Smnda.rds, Mono- lmmersion Mercury Thermometers^
graph 126. Graduation
Temperature Range, lJ nce riain Iy

X2.2 Dircct-Reading Resistance Thermometers 32 up 1o 300 20 0.2 to05

X2.2.1 Direct-reading resistance thermomete$ are available 32 up lo 300 1.0or05 0.1 to02
commercially and may be used when the highest accuracy is Thermomelers Nol Gradualed Above 600'F
not required. These instruments have the advantage that they 32 lp to 212 2ot1 02 to05
indicate directly in temperature. Thermomelers Graduated Above 600'F
32 up lo 600 5 05 1o1.0
Above 600 up to 950 10 to20
TABLE X2.'l Calibration Uncertalnties for Celsius Total- 32 !p to 600 2ot1 02 to1.0
lmmersion Mercury Thermometersa Above 600 up to 950 0.5 to10
Gradualion AValues given in this lable are exlracted lrom Nalpna Instilute
of Standards
Temperature Bange, Uncerlainty,
Interval, .C and Technology Monograph 150
'c 'C
0 up to 150 10or05 0.1 lo02
0 up to 150 o2 0-02 lo 0-05 X2.3 Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers
Thermometers Nol Graduated Above 300'C X2.3.1 The liquid-in-glass thermometers can be used as a
0 up lo 100 10or0.5 01 to02 relatively simple and accurate temperature reference over a
Above 100 up to 300 02 to0.3
0 up ro 100 o.2 0021o005 wide range of moderate temperatures when good usage tech-
niques are followed. The uncertainiies given in Tables X2.1-
Thermometers Graduated Above 300'C X2.3 apply to well designed and carefully maoufactured
0 up ro 300 2A o2 to05
Above 300 up to 500 05 to10 thermometers which have been calibrated and all corrections
0 up lo 300 10or05 01 to05 have been applied. Discussions of the calibration and use of
Above 300 up lo 500 02 to05 liquid-in-glass thermometers are given in the National Institure
a Va ues given in this table are exlracted lrom National Inslitute of Slandards of Standards and Technology Monograph 150 and Test Method
and Technology Monograph 150

TABLE X2.3 Calibration Uncertainlies for Low-TemDeralure Total-lmmersion Thermometersa

Temperature Range Type ol Thermom€ler Gradualion Interval Uncerlalnly

Fahrenheii Thermometers

35 to + 32"F 1 or 0.5"F 011002'F

-35 to + 32'F N,4ercury 0 2"F 0 0s'F
-69 to + 32'F Mercurylhallium 1or05"F 01to02'F
-69 to + 32"F Mercury-thallium o 2"F 0.05'F
-328 io + 32'F Organic llquid 2 or 1.0"F 0.3 to 0 s'F
Celsius Therrnomelers

35 to0'C 1or05'C 011o02"C

35lo 0"C [,4ercury o.2"c 0 02 lo 0 05"C
-56 lo 0'C Mercury-thalIum 0 5'c 01to02"C
-56 lo 0'C Mercury-lhallium 0 2'c 0 02 lo 0 05'C
-200 to 0"C Organic liqu d 1 0"c 02to05"C
'Values given in thls table are exlracled lrom National Insttute ol Standards and Technology Monograph 150.


X3.l A test fbr stray themals in the copper connecting which will now indicate any emf originating in the selector
wires, switching, etc., between the reference junctions and the switch, binding posts, etc., as well as stray pickup frorn other
potentiomeler may be made as follorvs: With the thermocouple electrical sources. Temperature gradients in the copper link \\ ill
assembly as shown in Fig. I or Fig. 2, remoye one of the ends not induce an emf if a good grade of homogeneous copper u ire
of the test thermocouple from the reference junction bath and is used. A simpler alternative is to remove one of the copper
connect a short pieca of coppel wire between the pools of connecting wires from its glass tube and insert it into ihe other
rnercury in thc tlvo glass tubes. This copper link will complete tube with the second copper connecting wire. This mly be done
the circuit through the connecting \\,ires to the potentiolneter, \1,rthout remoYing either thcrmocouole wire fronr its tubc.

($Tll e zzo
The Amencan Society lor Tesling and Materials lakes no pastion respecting lhe validity of any palenl ghts assened in connectiax
vtih any ilen menlloned in this standatd Users al lhis standatd ate exprcssly advised thal deteminatian af the validity al any stc.
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Thls slandard is subiecl lo rcvisian al any lime by the tesponsible lechnical cammittee and must be teviewed every live yees era
ifnolrevEed, elLher L-approved orw hdtawn Yaucolrnlenls ale invied eilheri.t rcvEian al thts slandatu ar iat addtianal sl andatd:
and should be addressed lo AST| Headquades Yout commenls w 1 teceive catetul cansiderclian at a meeling ol the rcsponstble
lechnical cammitlee, which you may atlend lt you leel thal yaur cammenls have nDt rcceived a fan heating yau shauld make yaur
vtews known to lhe ASTM Committee on Standads. al lhe addrcss shawn belaw.

This slandatd is copytighted by ASTM, 100 Baft Hahot Aive, PO Bax C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States
lndtvidual teptints (singie at mulliple copies) af lhis standatd may be ablained by cantacttng ASTM at lhe above addrcss ot ai
61a.$2.s585 (phong), 610-832-9555 (t'ax), ar seNice@ash or9 G-na ): ot thtough the ASTM website (www.astn ary)

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