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1. Name & Address : ____________________________________________________________________________________

2. Year of Association: _____________________________________________
3. Total investment: ______________________
4. Annual Turnover: ______________________
5. Product range Dealing with:
a. In Fresh: b. In Dry/Ambient c. In Wet d. In Ice cream
6. Infrastructure available :
a. Number of Delivery Vehicle: ______ b. Cold room/Chest cooler (Nos & Size): _______
c. Go-down (area): ___________________ d. Salesman: __________
e. Computer
7. Number of retail outlets covered: _______________________________
8 : ___________________
9. Do you have billing system of the company:
10. Do you take orders online from retailers

11. , if yes then periodicity:

12. Support extended by the brand (Likert Scale)

1 2 3 4 5
Transportation Cost
Regular Schemes
Annual Incentive
Return/Refund Policy
Credit facility

13. How do you rate response of company to fight competition:

a. Low and Inconsistent b. Below Average c. Average d. Good e. Excellent
14. Main attributes of the brand for preference:
a. Brand Familiarity b. Local Plant c. Regional connect d. Any other (Please specify) ………
15. Overall level of satisfaction with the brand:
a. Very low b. Low c. Average d. Good e. Excellent
16. Billing terms of the company:
a. Advance payment b. Against bank guarantee c. On credit
17. If you opt for advance payment, does your company provide cash discount: Yes/ No
18. If Yes, then generally what is discount percentage ……………………….
19. BTL support provided by the company:
a. Wall/Shop Painting b. Dealer Board c. Bill-Boards d. Posters
e. Any other (Please specify: ________________)
20. Within how many days your claims are settled:
a. One-week b. Two-week c. Four-week d. More than 1 months

21. How you book order:

a. Through phone b. Mail c. Through App d. Any other (Please specify) ……….
22. Replacement policy offered by the company: _____________________________________________
23. How do you reach out to the retailers:
a. Direct Servicing b. Through Wholesale Agents c. Combination
24. What was the overall impact of Covid on the business:
a. Increased (by what %) b. Decreased (by what %)
25. What Support you got from the company during the period: (Please specify)

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