Village Level Procurment Parameters

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 The main technical inputs given to milk producers include breeding facility, animal

health cover, feed & fodder and extension/training services.

Artificial Insemination (AI) Program

Artificial insemination with frozen semen using liquid nitrogen (LN) technology is done by
static (single) and mobile (cluster) AI workers who are self-employed persons specially
trained by Compfed.

Animal Health Program

Main activities under animal health (AH) program include prophylactic vaccination,
deworming, mastitis control program, organisation of veterinary/infertility camps and
treatment of veterinary first ais cases. Resume of different components of AH program is
as follows.

Prophylactic Vaccination

Around 2038 Veterinary First Aid (VFA) centres have been established which do the
vaccinations. Prophylactic inoculations are mainly done against Foot & Mouth Disease
(FMD), Haemorrhage Septicemia (HS), Black Quarter (BQ) and Theileriosis diseases.
During 2001-02, after initial trial, mass vaccination with Trio-o-vac (combined FMD, HS
and BQ vaccine) on the lines of Pulse Polio vaccinations in children was taken up. During
2011-12 about 16.25 lakh vaccinations have been done.State Govt. is now supporting
this programme and mass vaccination campaigns are being done.

Mastitis Control Program

This program has been taken up with the technical assistance from NDDB. Under this
program, screening of milch animals is done using "Mastect". The doubtful or sub-clinical
cases are given treatment. Awareness amongst the milk producers is created for
disinfecting the udders and teats after milking with a view to check the infection of
animals. Milk unions provide necessary disinfectant and teat cups to the milk producers
on cost basis.


Worm infestation in the milch animals affects the productivity adversely. Hence, for
improving the productivity and health of animals, deworming with broad-spectrum
anthelmintics is arranged regularly by the milk unions.

Veterinary Camps

The milk unions organise veterinary camps where the milk producers bring their animals
for treatment.

Feed and Fodder

Since, seventy five to eighty percent of the cost of milk production depends on the
feeding of milch animals, this is very important affecting the economy of dairying
activity. Both green fodder and balanced cattlefeed are required to be fed in appropriate
quantities for optimising the output i.e. the production and also to maintain the health of
the animal. The farmers in select dairy co-operative societies are being provided training
through a computerised nutrition balancing system with the help of National Dairy
Development Board.

Adult Cattlefeed (ACF) and Bypass Protein Feed (BPF) is manufactured by our cattlefeed
plants (CFP) located at Patna, Ranchi and Muzaffarpur. The total installed capacity of
these plants is 260 Metric Tonnes Per Day (MTD) The cattlefeed produced by these
plants is supplied on cost basis to the farmers. Besides manufacturing BPF and ACF, CFP
Ranchi also manufactures other livestock feeds to meet the requirement of Govt. farms
in Bihar and Jharkhand. During 2011-12, the sale of cattlefeed to DCS was 61.10
thousand MTs.

Green fodder is equally important in animal nutrition. Besides providing important

nutrients, it helps in reducing the intake of balanced cattlefeed and in turn the cost of
prodction. After prolonged extension work and persuation, the farmers have started not
only the cultivation of different fodders in their fields but have started the production of
fodder seeds.

Another important scheme under fodder development has been the treatment of straw
with urea, which not only increases the palatibility of dry fodder but increases its
nutritional value also. Feeding of urea treated straw helps in reducing the cost of
production of milk. Farmers have now taken it up on regular basis and during 2011-12
about 15873 MTs of straw has been treated.

Training / Manpower Development

Capacity building / skill upgradation has been given maximum emphasis in implenting
the dairy development program. This has been achieved through regular training of milk
producers, management committee members (MCM) of DCS, staff of DCS / milk unions
of Compfed. Training of milk producers, DCS staff and MCM has been mainly arranged at
the Compfed training centre at Patna. Training programs organised at Compfed's training
centre include programs of Society Operation for Secretaries, Orientation of MCM, AI &
VFA training, Dairy Animal Management, Legal Literacy & Women Empowerment.
Refreser courses and tailor made programs as per need of milk unions is also organised.

Clean Milk Production

Besides creating awareness amongst the milk producers about importance of clean milk
production (CMP) program, efforts are made to install bulk coolers and link the DCS
covered under CMP with these bulk coolers. Other actions taken include - Preponing
arrival time of milk vehicles at chilling centres / dairy docks, use of Stainless Steel milk
cans, sanitization of milk cans, vigerous testing of adulterants etc.

 In the initial years, the emphasis of Compfed was on organising DCS and educating
farmers. In the initial years the milk sale moved at snail's speed from 100.55 thousand
litres per day in 1987-88 to 106.54 thousand litres per day (TLPD) in 1992-93. However,
stratgegies adopted in 1993-94, changed the trend completely. Year 2003 was declared
as "Market Development Year". The daily average milk marketing has now reached a
level of about 863.61 TLPD during 2011-12.

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