Dream Park

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2V ona oaue CAST & CREM Design: Mike Pondsmith Write: Mike Pondsmith Beat Chart Concepts: Flint Dille Editors: Derek Quintanar Mike MacDonald Lisa Pondsmith Primary Playtesters: Teresa Verity & The WarGamers, Brian Perry & The Gamers Guild Steve Lorenz Mark M. Simmons Chris Loncaster Mike Ebert RM. Colborn Chris Williams Cover Art: Bill Eoken ©1992 Cover Design: Matt Anadeto Card Art: Mike Ebert llustrations: CA. Bates Tim Eldred Gary T Washington Shon Howell Graphics: Mike Poncsmith Matt Anadleto Art Director: Mike Pondsmith Layout: Ted Talserian ‘Mike Pondsmith Based.on he Dream Parknovels by Lorry Niven and Steve Bares. Available through Ace books andatfine bookstores everywhere. Thanks and All that Shff: *To Larry and Steve. Thanks for giving ushours of reading enjoyment, ond even more thanks for ling us join in the fun. *To Mr. Burrows of Duluth Eost High. You made a writer out of me. Now aren't you sorry? * Andlaaly,tomyodopted.on, Matthew. I sure this so you'd finally run a game. So do it, arecdy COMTE MTS WELCOME TO DREAM PARK Pork Overview 6 ream Tech" 5 9 Sememesters 33 Somemostets fone a4 res (Niven & BOMES)seennnnesnsn 1S Designer 18 ‘THE QUIK START Character Cards... 18 ‘Whet You'll Need to Flay’ 19 What's on the Back of¢ Card 20 row jo Sel Up 0 Quik Stor Game ....27 new to Atack Something 22 uik Start Adventures 24 Coystal Maze sn 24 The Keys of Time cnnun 26 20,000 Leagues Under the Microscope 28 ADVANCED CHARACTERS. Advanced Charade Shee ..37 Professions, Bosie Skills & Wounds 38 oprions Option #1: Optonel Skis... Option #2: Spel, Spell: 8. Psi Powers 46-48 Coton #3: Superpoveers & Abies ...56 Option #4: Gadgets & Gear 6 ADVANCED RULES Tums & Tum Order .....73.74 How to Atack 75-76 edging & Avoiding Damage 7 A ein 7 The Wound Table 7879 Toking Damage 79 Zecovering From Damage £0 Spl Atk ru 81 Avtofive Atos 81 Special foc Attcks 82 Dees Pak he Reng Game 1992 by RIstarin See ln seed ena peed thine ‘tral nd ons, vb sce of coe voy tdi on A hs ard nde Uriel Cnrih devas, Parry Cea 0, BOX 7356, BERKELEY, CA 94707 ‘Area Effect Atacks 83 Spell & Pewer Altocks 84 Hold or Wait ea Non-Combat Actions. iin OS Combined Actions 85 Combet 7 GAME POINTS 2 EXPERIENCE Whe You Con Do Wik The 90 Losing Poin. oennanenn 92 Playing a Zombie 93 Final Dacth (Dead Daad) 3 THE BIG ZOMBI PIRATE GAME WRITING DREAM PARK GAMES Soting Up a Gamo... Meta: Geare, not Muli-Genre Setng Limit tine Satipting the Gam % Boot Charts Mopping he Teriory Lights, Camero, Actors! Sealing Your AAS nn Props: Goodies, Gadgets & The Sou Seon Trosre Game Seting the Stage Running the Gome TAKING THE PARK OUT OF THE PARK The Dream Park Compaign .124 Dreom Ferk a8 0 Core Game System 125 Dream Fork Goes Mulf-Dimensionel 126 CHARACTER SHEETS & QUIK START CARDS © te ek over Of i nei Mah Reenedinks bral pit dear oe oneaw one VB "There were dancing bears and strolling minstrels and jugglers, magicians who produced bright silk handkerchiefs and would no doubt produce fongues of fire as soon as it got dark. A white dragon ambled by, paused fo pose for a picture with an adorable pair of kids in matching blue uniforms. Overhead, circling the spires of the Arabian Nights ride, flew a pastel red magic carpet with a handsome prince and an evil visier struggling to the death atop it..." —Dream Park aT onega oan WVELeOMmME THY Hmm.... Hi there. My name is Alex Griffin. ‘Normally, I'm the Head of Security for Dream Park; Cowles Industries huge, super-advanced amusement ark in Southern California. lusually don't do tours. That wos up until his morning, when my boss, Park Director Thadeus Harmony, caled me up ond told -nehe wanted metorecordthis vitual overviewefthe for some of his Fiends See, a couple oftimes, as Security Head, ve had to go undercover inside one ofthe big fontosy Games ~eruninthePark—youknow, theones where visitors iremall over the world dress upin costumesondhove ve action adventures with ebes, monsters, spcce rwvaders and whatever... Anyway, as | was saying, I've hed to play in a couple of those Games before; once to rack down murderer whowashiding inthe Game; theother time ‘0 uncover an industrial spy and killer. So Harmony: +o this idea that now I'm the local Staff expert on Goming, Dream Park, and adventuring in general All this from two games? Se I'm your Guide on a tour of Dream Park. | hope you'll be forgiving, To tell you the ruth, I don't know 6s much as Harmony seems to think | do. But be caling upon few friends hroughout this lie rip to help out—and I think they'll have all the answers I'm short on. COrto put itenother woy...fm going fo have to do this dog ond pony show, I'm gonna make sure that everyone | know ends up shoring the misery with me. Se... Wanna toke a walk in the Park with me? Let's slop and take a look atthe holo map in my office The firs thing that seems to impress people's just how big the Perks ‘The mast important place in the Peck isthe five story R&D Building. Gome Central (where the ‘Gomemasters run the Games), is on the 2nd floor, with R&D taking up the 3rd and 4th and The Perk isrecly huge— you can't maginehow much Fock Dhidoren Fett iscrammed into « ew thousand acres. There's ct leost forty hotels ond motels clone...Mony of these are ‘home-based hotels, designed arcund elaborale roleplaying scencrcs.. My Korie is the Hotel Guliver; the one wih the ilipuan theme, butts boca ke the Loputa Wing (which lots over the res of he hoe. (le bes Nort Besides all the Pork you can see, there's also three for aioe AIRAGR OF WR yousTEs USING A RULER 3 Roa Re MOVING: Whatcom yz yer Goce corte, 1 Yo cnet nev ho cna pesna sd ci + Yo an nove es any nds pn os your Nov se ‘eel hada ord) dd 4 Yeronga meas: someting [Sh rag Sam Teme em rng ‘a reomba actin ike amigo repr ig smi). “i youre wi eve deal, high oy * De ebing antiesosmaino feed cemsebdbone hgh _nban heh op ome athe yeu fl Wore. anon estes enennelsaony menses readin tr DOING SOMETHING ELSE: Yosconitaroptyurnovenet ence sony tne do soning the the lings you en obese org: ouenm pane 7 20 HOW TO ATTACK SOMETHING WHAT KIND OF COMBAT SKILL DO YOU WANT TO Ph ius use? P| zt, inn Letlak ete Chote begin. fe] Sivesseenecectnt ‘wend before each chara hs te sl F| sna dein Tre ey Fre; Mele Weapons, Renged Fi Weapons ond Hon te Hon, wo FE reheat On ec haar Crd ae P| cicieen ets sl edinspacwsopr frelon cob il; fer exam, Kafe instead of ‘Melee Weapon cilia ofRenged Sai edi "ANYTHING IN THE WAY? rE ‘Weapons. Slat by picking 0 skil/meapen Mate Tt EE Thenearthing todo isto see fonythngs between dha sveonyver aus — ti + yrds ga. ee trot the tage (Sep 2), ond tht yout in rege joao a(onoienay ‘nog ee bteen our Garo cue od he Tre (623) Faye your ker al Sep) courier. anything Wocks tho ne, youen' ota. COROT T Swords hes ; Daggers Energy Suds | (ybetldes Tees Nuxchaks abs R (bernakes Ger Fangs a z Poleams Saves Whips 3) Teeth & Caws Speors (stab) | i Hard to Hand Aadks | 2) DOE T ze] ‘Any Town OS 4/3) 2 rR longus | ‘ARE YOU IN RANGE? Bolas | | Adore yeucectt, you Fekoneedts know | Cybordarts ; iyvindeeongh Tee aetwotect | Pik, fs, Sagas, Sobmothinguns Neca atianagaWssajrencials tin bicGan Hand ode rdReged. | Nuedars set rec ehbotee he ack’ oe cd We sHuyprOHNDAMAEEATIACES enerotenn | ROSNER Pra sey ova wiia Toyo, Beoms & Blasts ‘Hfyou re wg ly, jst measure between the take ond RANGED ATIACKSnbemeda po Bites. | Sal ‘Bows thet FIGURE OUT THE DAMAGE: Chk the Results Teble(99.23), compre weapon o attack yo wal armor yor oppo wering Ten subd inked rumer ef Weunds hom bor her Wound Track the Wourd Takis whe oa Sl (0), rade “Wel ot ie Gare, DOING OTHER THINGS: nheBase are, peso oar os ike oping dors, fing ings) 0 coaly gen MAKE YOUR ATTACK ROLL: if yar de crouch nding thew, yuan ata When yevatedcametng pier Combat skilendosd tte runberotergit fas fo singe de rll. Yor tage viletoralla di anand adis Dodge sillunber aul Figheribnyoueparent', eis eae mises repress reversed when soeone tks you aa oneaw DDR ‘eos ed Dice, To sucestly do meting, oumstakoo Skill io Sips Mod ol) ierthantisvde(veato lau vba yu), ‘ec thaesno peed Daly, yours oops rl higher than 7 tossed. sey ney_ wmy/sy dg ogres ey epg 00 7 yaroe2g) Ver Hooy Veli oer eee ro ee ee Hood kar Sep cet Sop, oS er a Chrystal Sawa Hear me, Adventurer! Lam Lendel, Arch Mage lo King Aragon, and one of the defenders of the Misty Lands! For many years, our kingdom has dwelt in peace, end the people in plenty. But tha! was before the foul day when the Dragon Lord came to Castle Arragon to plunder and destroy. Many brave knight el hat day, batling the fearsome Dragon. But athough the creature was driven of, it escoped with the Misly Land's grectest Treasure: the holy Relics of Saint Shonnaden. Eoch Relic carries with it certain power; some may be used to heal, thers iostrengihen the powers ofworfare, Withoutthese powerul artfacts, the Misty Lends fller and fail he crops die inthe feds, the people sickenin heirhomes, and all our good works are undone. Now the winds carry even more evil tidings. For the Dragon Lord has passed away, ond the relic le unguarded in his Crystol Maze. Even as I speak, the Evil Mage Morrolin and his Dark Hordes descend upon the Moze to take the Ralicsfor themselves. | have gathered you here, « brave porty of warriors rom all over Creation, to win the Relics before the Evil Ones succeed. With my powers, | may place you upon the doorstep of the Crystal Maze; the rest is Up to you. All the Misty Land's hopes go with you! Godspeed! Gamemaster: You will be ploying the Evil Mage Morralin ond his party of henchmen and fell creatures. Your Goal isto capture allof the Relics and return them to your starting point. Atany time, you may use a Relic's powers once and only once. (IF you possess it!) Usethe Villain, Henchman and Henchwoman. Round out your party by using ‘as many Beastmen (represented by the Grunt card in your Quik Start deck) as needed to match the number of Players porficipating Players: As the brave Fellowship of the Misty Lends, you must recover all of the items ond retumn them to the mouih of the Cave. Obviously, you will have tofightthe forces of Morralin, who wlhave no scruples aboutusing the sacred relics for their own evil cause. Limits: Magicand Super Powers are permitted, Youmay not fy the rooms are too low and oe small. Each party must carry the relics with them; one player may carry all ofthem, or they may be divided between members. However, they must always travel with the party, and may not be individually carried out ofthe entry points for safekeeping (all items must leave atthe same time or the curse ofthe Dragon Lord will say the offenders instantly). Each party may use Relic nits possession once. Ihe other party gains a Relic, hey toomay use turn, No Relic may be used by the same party twice. PLAYER'S START Ths symbol represents the pening ofthe Cyt Nae. ‘ache Lendl has vd is overseer yo ots enone; you mist dhe ‘ek. Two players may elt Maz each ur, GAMEMASTER'S START Tiss epee the cher peri ofthe Cyl Mae. From this point, the Evil Mage Mocln cis forces may rth core, wo aa ‘time. THE HOLY RELICS OF ST.SHANNADAN PISCATOR'S SLIPPERY FISH Goes he ee Poy € +2 nal Ded al oe, THESCALES OF JUDGEMENT Cons he ene Pony +2 onl Dole Fal or cen, THE GOLDEN HERO OF THE DWARVEH KINGS Wines te donoge done bye Pecy'seopnsby Mads To THE SPEEDY STAG OF NIKE vl dul the Mower ll Pxy Members fe one, ‘THE LEAVES OF LOSTLORN. Teiscen wl oneoryopposngpecy imenber vn 4 spats io use i onder tarDang hit they mmayrolmoveoraterk, buon dee. THEON'S HEALING AMULET wirestae ane die Wounds any one Paty mane. THE SYMBOL OF THE SWORDMASTER Wiles he donage doe by he ary’ oops by 2 Wein fr 1 tun, THE STAR OF ZENDAR iso dorting i wilbid or peng party eer win 4 ese tun They mor orcs, a condo onean pane Vas t ¥O*U= GS Dea ce Professor Thrintwhisle has token all of you on on extended trip through time inbis newTime Machine. Deep in the dawn ofthe Cretaceous Age, you sop ‘ora brief lunchbreok and everyone wanders off to collect a few fossl-o-be and cher rare idbils of Cretaceous Age history. You're abouttoboard the Time Machine agoin, when suddenly the Pro slaps tis pockets frantically. "Grect Stars!" he shouts. "The Keys! lve lst the Keys to the Time Machine! We exin't get beck in!" Luckily for you, Thrinhwhisle's secretory, Alice (knowing thathe's on absent- “ide ese os ached a pei Super Ali Ky ob he 2rofessor's keychain. A quick look at the Professor's hand-held Analyser Scope tells you that the keys ore lying only a ew hundred yards away, ot he mouth of large cave that the Professor was exploring earlier. But thot was hours ago. Now, the sun's well up, and the cave's repilian hobitonls have wormed up enough to be realy acive. And when hey get oxtve they get...hungry. Very hungry Garsmaster: You vib slayings peckoth nay Denonevs le NON ex-kusses;thidleen Footlong, 200 Ib eating machines, armed with razor- sherp kiling dows on each foot. There arethree more ofthese mini-Godzilas ‘non there are players in the party. Use the Monster in your Quik Start Cards te representthe dinosaurs; you may want to keep track ofeach one's wounds py using a scrap of paper. Your dinosaurs cre normally pretty teritorial, ond will ottack enything that approaches their cave mouth while they're awake. Each tum, three bol from ‘their cove mouth and enter the Gaming area, locking for something to ect. If ‘anyone is within five spaces, the hungry dinosaurs will do their best fo attack ondeatthem, Thal'suniltheentirepackhas lithe cave. Althispoint,thisarmy of overgrown iguonas will set out to ect anyone left on the board. The Gomemaster's Goal is pretty simple: eat as many Playersos possible. fhe ean «ill and eat at least half of the Party, he wins the Game. Players: Whups! You know where the keys are; new you have to get them back, Unfortunately, they'relying rightin frontofthe cave's mouth, Your Goal 5 pretty obvious; get the keys and escope in the Time Machine belore the Deinonychus pack can assemble cnd go on on eating binge: Limits: Magie, Super Powers and Future Tech ore all permitted. Here's the ath Dis alheeng fos fe Tine Machine the Superheroes have ‘od their Flight Powers. In addltion, your Starkaight burned upa lot of energy stepping a German tank bockin 1945 and con only use his power armor for five tums before it shuts down [outside ofhis armor, he can move, but hes ne arciedion). Can you do i? Or ere you doomed lo be a Dinosaur's Dinner? PLAYER'S START This symbol reteset fhe now locked Time machine. The play ers begi the Game ll dusted around the inert deve. The Profesor wl ay ons spot i's ct, aoe ee vilkoow how orn the Nakine. GAMEMASTER'S START This symbol represents the mouth ofthe dinoa's eve. Thecaveitals sonorow het nly hee Deinnychs ime con extent um The «covet heey rok ander be dsojed orld. DEINONYCHUS Tes ile mrss ware ow ofthe most odered doosousof eine Wihoxcbervien, fet recon, ord deny reapers, sheywerecle ‘o pull down ced ext dnosous far larger than they were. Deinonychus was aback hn ond as pray sma estoy woes (hihi ety dam sat), SPINY BUSHES These spiny shes rec ond deeply rtd. Theyre ho po- sonous. You connot poss hrough any square ccd by os bush, You crm dsoy or uproot hem ster. The tertin others dear nd fit keystoth Time Mating. the very, vr carpe ako hard for ny layrs top; he roles made his vay fe ary larpeing wh the Machine by ober peopl ese oer soopng Tne Teves! UY ay THE KEYS This symbol repeats he sums ZY OOO Under the Microscope The year is 1889, in on cllernate universe that might have been; an clternalle 6:9 eles sheer ierk Sesiock Fines end be coe nian: Cagis Nemo battle meglomaniacal geniuses Professor Mortiarity and Robur the Conqueror of he Air. While tracking the evil Professor in his gigantic fying cerostat, you have followed him via an underwaler tunnel into the very center cofanextinetvoleenn. ltishere, yoususpect, that Moriarityand his WorldCrime League have made their secret lair; ands here that you intend to, et long last, bring the miscreants to justicel Bul the Professor has other plons. As the redoubtable Coptain Nemo surkaces withinthe voleano, the wily mathematician has focused his powerful Parabolic Mieronization Reflector upon the Nautilus, reducing i instantly to the size of a large microbe! Luckily for you, the fendish device hes aso micronized all of the water cround you, leoving the submarine stranded among a few droplets of what used to be « vast volcanic lake. But you're not cut of danger yet! For even as Captain Neme works feverishly ioreversetheelfed offheProfessor'sdostardly tack, the hungry microscopic denizens of your puddle have mobilized ond are even naw closing in to absorb and digestthe Nautilus. Knowing thottheseppretoplasmicmonsterscon ‘exert remendous crushing force onthe hul ofthe micronized submarine, the Ceptain has asked all hands to muster on deck and stop this looming engulfment. Neturally, you volunteer. Gamemaster: You will be playing a group of hungry microbes bent on absorbing the now very tiny’ Nuts ‘You have four ameobas in ail, Use the Terror Quik Start Card to portray these protoplasmic monsters (each the size of a large truck in scale to the micronized submarine).You may want to keep ‘a Wound record for each mini-monster on a separate sheet of paper. ‘Youramecbas haveone goal;fo crush and absorb the Nautilus. Ecch ime they cedually touch the submarine, they can elect fo perform a crushing attack, doing Extra Deadly Damage. For smaller targets, ike the players, they will resort to a pseudopod whip attack (Very Large Bite). Players: Your goal is also simple; keep the hungry slimecreotures from damaging your ticket home. This means you must eee them out of spaces odjcining the submarine's hull. Itwill take Captain Nemo ten turns to reverse the evil Moriarity's shrinking ray; after this, all the water will be restored ond the submarine will be fullsize. Con you keep the Nauti intact until hen? Limits: Magic, Super Powers and Future Tech are all permitted. Flight powers can be used. Psionic attacks are ineffective (these creatures are one-celk animals and are too dumb to have a brain. GAMEMASTER'S START Ths symbol represents plces where the giant moebas sort : ‘heGame TheGomemastermay plc on aroebs on ech pce. PLAYER'S START This smb repesat th pen bath ofthe nw ond eat hs, ach un, to players ay enlr rx ch We you aren the sabmarn, you are safe rom atc, bt remambor hl och enh amotbs cet perm thir shng ic, hey vl case carage to he Nout, event desying and you THE NAUTILUS Famous 1800's submarine from the Jules Verne novel 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea Right nv, the mighty conqueror ofthe cess prety hep, bing beonrdvecdiomiabesize.Thte'sat nought xed dhe bull can’t be electrified, I's up to you to defend her until Captain Nemo can find o yf reves the effec ofDr. Moray’ shrinking 1, Tes es 60 Wounds armored ih easy Veh Amr. Soper Henry personel ern cn the Woord het) 55 THE AMOEBAS Mocteruma's Revenge on the 5 cosmic cl, Fesehungy mies vwouks't be o problem f you were nama se, But ye reolythe sizeof large ger. Nowthe'recsing wit xt Deadly Darnage in ind! WATER DROPLETS You: ahs bot by ge ropes of water yu cos hough sae ctype bya ole, you wihave sin ough the obese, eduingyour speed oT poe partum Aoddshavenospeed eh hy emer anyy. Dacan pana 7 a9 YB 7 7] OT @ DD CHARACTERS WeW REMLWY BEVOWD THe QUIK START CHARACTER 1 far, you've probably been playing Dream Parkusing the Quik Start characters already provided with your Gamebook. However, by this ime, you probably know enough about the rules fo want fo create new and exciting characters of your own, And that means learning about Advanced Character building. 4... only Tony had no initial rating. The computer had run a randomnumber series Let's step back o moment, As a Dream Park roleployer, you've got on interesting roleplaying challenge unporallelled in RPG history. You're notjust going to be playing o character in a roleplaying game. No, you're going to be playing a character who is going to a roleplaying Parkto playa character in a roleplaying game. (Com. pg. 32) 207 oReom pane PLAYERNAME, CHARACTER, GAME POINTS GAMEPROFESSION: Tso ‘ue inportont basic foc abou! your Dreart Pork Advanced Character. Player Name means wile ‘your nome here. Character the perseno your Pore "Vale gos by while in chorocer. Game Points ore the ‘total numberofpeintsyour Choreterhas tebuyBasle Skis «Options (rew pits canbe wer ineoch Game). Game Profession is what the Characier does wiile in © Gome; Fighter, Tol Megh User Care Loremastar Engi _neet, Superhero, Psionic or MultiClass. You must pick ‘eProfesson. ‘BACKGROUND: With Aered Cae ‘ey gto dele vat bebodkourd cf your irae. Bis yuIbe deteiing ter str tote Pe, inset gerichaede This Chaderilsoyenssteritiomh- cxtal anes altos le wiineoh Gare ay ngs The Chaer uz indesgne ih you ots, by oirng ogy vik’s Ou of Park Pafes- sion Motivations, Atdes & Trois, Attributes, Problems nd Goals Rood he isons cn ps. $2 though 3 ord hed ill theres ht ny BASIC SKILLS: like the Quik Start Gharacter Cards (99.18) ead hor axle Shet hs teaBosic Skil: * Melee (oats, ds & thar ‘rings you sing cl 0 target) © Ranged Weapons (higs you theo elon pone «Hand fa Word nes kids is, © oreness (ring, hes, rman coed o0) # Dodger ait ail ogi Becase is isoingerant site igroy fomske std of} * Tinker nine)» Alets king tin leg or whe physi) # Knowledge (rarer fs, aug ngs ov. Seo eee ing hiding) Willpower(ressing pin, psig ied OPTIONS: fr Hos expend wih the (Sit Garo Crds Options erec ew cena. An Option sang tet he treed aki inf oren Gone ond canin™ ci the en of at Game ae xn fr ea {are Opts Optional kil, Spels, Powers, Gadgels, Weapons & Armor end Pels—ard cre tg Fo our poo of Game Pints obve The ori youkoe rere Opis you cn byte tee Gone 8 cael—Come pats set en Bosc Skis cevelle"ewholionifyste"kledoa, you eb beep al yr crest Gare Fos! UOT ie a The Advanced Cherace Hower alws sheet ond decd ee) CN IEE ke th Quik StrtChrece Cords descbed on pg, 20. shi ord lites. We've roken dwn euch section of the od desipin i also marked with the pegenarbor whee the complete pc canbe oud. camer [wae *~ CHARACTER SHEET R PLAYER NAME GAME POINTS Geaw oy se cin praca Cue OUGHON Sa Com Camu o UO We oor Mee O man UE KU CemecT ORCA ‘ur or pane aoressick 3 frst CCLRC CMON D SOIC IAL PSEA CSS CU OE oreo NUR aman 9 Yok Plow COR TForvanene® cd rat Qomtynn yous © MoMIOA.G YORU GLOW C POR CARNE C wa {ace RASeR DMs Tuba Cnc onet — ammun(¥nans:“b,shresiioe © wows smesecn ou out eaDy MEL AORN. © PEN Aas aha sseaaoa U auguies © suvenumone © mueutarne © WTA CS Clemregnal “Co sista we

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