International Journal of Advance Robotics & Expert Systems (JARES)

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International Journal of Advance Robotics & Expert Systems (JARES)

Call for papers

Advance Robotics & Expert Systems carry original articles, review articles, case studies
and short communications from all over the world. The main aim of this journal is to
extend the state of the art on theoretical, computational and experimental aspects of
expert systems related to the applied fields such as transportation, surveillance, medical
and industrial domains. This journal is also concentrated on kinematics, dynamics and
syntheses of various robot locomotion mechanisms such as walk, jump, run, slide, skate,
swim, fly,roll etc.

In detail, the journal covers the following topics but not limited to:

 Behavior BasedControlStrategies 
 MobileRobotNavigation
 Path/TrajectoryPlanning
 ArtificialIntelligenceTechniques 
 Sensor Fusion &DataInterpretation
 Industrial Applications ofAutonomousSystems
 RobotLocomotion
 UnderwaterSystems 
 SpaceExplorationSystems 
 UnmannedAerialSystems 
 RehabilitationRobotics 
 AssistiveRobotics
 AgriculturalRobotics 
 CAD-BasedAutomation
 Object-Oriented Software Engineering forCooperativeRobots
 HumanoidRobots
 Human-MachineInteraction
 BioinspiredRobots 
 Manipulation&Assembly
 Vision-Based Navigation,Tracking&SLAM
 ServiceRobots
 TeleRobotics

Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit papers for this journal through E-mail: or Submission. Submissions must be original and should not have
been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being
evaluated for this Journal.

Important Dates

 Submission Deadline: September 12, 2020

 Notification: October 12,2020
 Final Manuscript Due: October 20,2020
 Publication Date: Determined by the Editor-in-Chief

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