Verbal CG1

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1. An old scholar ...(1)... that Truth was in country. He ...(2)...

to find her, as he had devoted his life to

studying her in all her ...(3)... He came upon the cottage in the ...(4)... where Truth lived. He ...(5)...
on the door. Truth ...(6)... what he wanted. The scholar ...(7)... who she was. He added that he had ...
(8)... a thousand times ...(9)... She really was ...(10)...






2. State wheather the following sttement is judgement or fact or inference

According to all statistical indications, the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan has managed to keep pace with its
ambitious goals.





3. There is modicum of truth in the assertion that "a working knowledge of ancient history is
necessary to the intelligent interpretaion of current events". But the sage who uttered these words
of wisdom might well have added something on the benefits of studying, particularly, the famous
battles of history for the lessons they contain for those of us who lead or aspire to leadership. Such a
study will reveal certain qualities and attributes which enabled the winners to win and certain
deficiencies which caused the losers to lose. And the student will see that the same patterns recurs
consistently, again and again, throughout the centuries.

A knowledge of history is necessary to interpret current problems because

they have roots in the past

they can be contrasted with the past events

only then they can be put in a proper context

they may be repetitions of past events

4. The greatest thing this age can be proud of is the birth of man in the conciousness of men. In his
drunken orgies of power and national pride man may flout and jeer at it. when organised national
selfishness, racial antipathy and commercial self seeking begin to display their ugly deformities in all
their nakedness, then comes the time for man to know that his salvation is not in political
organisations and extended trade relations, not in any mechanical re-arrangement of social system
but in a deeper transformation of life, in the liberation of consciousness in love, in the realisation of
God in man

According to the author, "salvation" of human beings lies in the

orgy of national pride

wholehearted participated in political organisations

extended trade relations

spiritual transformation of life

5. In the following questions choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words.






6. An old scholar ...(1)... that Truth was in country. He ...(2)... to find her, as he had devoted his life to
studying her in all her ...(3)... He came upon the cottage in the ...(4)... where Truth lived. He ...(5)...
on the door. Truth ...(6)... what he wanted. The scholar ...(7)... who she was. He added that he had ...
(8)... a thousand times ...(9)... She really was ...(10)...






7. An old scholar ...(1)... that Truth was in country. He ...(2)... to find her, as he had devoted his life to
studying her in all her ...(3)... He came upon the cottage in the ...(4)... where Truth lived. He ...(5)...
on the door. Truth ...(6)... what he wanted. The scholar ...(7)... who she was. He added that he had ...
(8)... a thousand times ...(9)... She really was ...(10)...





8. An old scholar ...(1)... that Truth was in country. He ...(2)... to find her, as he had devoted his life to
studying her in all her ...(3)... He came upon the cottage in the ...(4)... where Truth lived. He ...(5)...
on the door. Truth ...(6)... what he wanted. The scholar ...(7)... who she was. He added that he had ...
(8)... a thousand times ...(9)... She really was ...(10)...






9. The greatest thing this age can be proud of is the birth of man in the conciousness of men. In his
drunken orgies of power and national pride man may flout and jeer at it. when organised national
selfishness, racial antipathy and commercial self seeking begin to display their ugly deformities in all
their nakedness, then comes the time for man to know that his salvation is not in political
organisations and extended trade relations, not in any mechanical re-arrangement of social system
but in a deeper transformation of life, in the liberation of consciousness in love, in the realisation of
God in man

People jeer at the 'birth of Man' in the human consciousness when they

become power hungry

restructure the social system

become mentally deranged

begin to think of themselves as God

10. A. The first is retained by employers to find specific people for specific jobs.

B. They are the consultants who advertise in this newspaper.

C. The other type of recruitment company – or agency to be precise – works on a contingency basis.

D. There are essentially two types of recruitment companies.

E. They are paid by the employer only when someone is appointed.




11. In the following questions choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words.






12. There is modicum of truth in the assertion that "a working knowledge of ancient history is
necessary to the intelligent interpretaion of current events". But the sage who uttered these words
of wisdom might well have added something on the benefits of studying, particularly, the famous
battles of history for the lessons they contain for those of us who lead or aspire to leadership. Such a
study will reveal certain qualities and attributes which enabled the winners to win and certain
deficiencies which caused the losers to lose. And the student will see that the same patterns recurs
consistently, again and again, throughout the centuries.

In this context, "intelligent interpretation of current event" means

skilful interpretation of events

intellectual outlook on events

appropriate understanding of events

rational explanation of events

13. In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given





14. In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given






15. An old scholar ...(1)... that Truth was in country. He ...(2)... to find her, as he had devoted his life
to studying her in all her ...(3)... He came upon the cottage in the ...(4)... where Truth lived. He ...(5)...
on the door. Truth ...(6)... what he wanted. The scholar ...(7)... who she was. He added that he had ...
(8)... a thousand times ...(9)... She really was ...(10)...






16. An old scholar ...(1)... that Truth was in country. He ...(2)... to find her, as he had devoted his life
to studying her in all her ...(3)... He came upon the cottage in the ...(4)... where Truth lived. He ...(5)...
on the door. Truth ...(6)... what he wanted. The scholar ...(7)... who she was. He added that he had ...
(8)... a thousand times ...(9)... She really was ...(10)...






17. There is modicum of truth in the assertion that "a working knowledge of ancient history is
necessary to the intelligent interpretaion of current events". But the sage who uttered these words
of wisdom might well have added something on the benefits of studying, particularly, the famous
battles of history for the lessons they contain for those of us who lead or aspire to leadership. Such a
study will reveal certain qualities and attributes which enabled the winners to win and certain
deficiencies which caused the losers to lose. And the student will see that the same patterns recurs
consistently, again and again, throughout the centuries.

A person who aspires to lead could learn from the history of battles

the strategies that they have evolved in course of these battles

what made them lose a battle

the qualities and deficiencies of commanders of these battles

what led the previous leaders win a battle

18. An old scholar ...(1)... that Truth was in country. He ...(2)... to find her, as he had devoted his life
to studying her in all her ...(3)... He came upon the cottage in the ...(4)... where Truth lived. He ...(5)...
on the door. Truth ...(6)... what he wanted. The scholar ...(7)... who she was. He added that he had ...
(8)... a thousand times ...(9)... She really was ...(10)...






19. An old scholar ...(1)... that Truth was in country. He ...(2)... to find her, as he had devoted his life
to studying her in all her ...(3)... He came upon the cottage in the ...(4)... where Truth lived. He ...(5)...
on the door. Truth ...(6)... what he wanted. The scholar ...(7)... who she was. He added that he had ...
(8)... a thousand times ...(9)... She really was ...(10)...






20. There is modicum of truth in the assertion that "a working knowledge of ancient history is
necessary to the intelligent interpretaion of current events". But the sage who uttered these words
of wisdom might well have added something on the benefits of studying, particularly, the famous
battles of history for the lessons they contain for those of us who lead or aspire to leadership. Such a
study will reveal certain qualities and attributes which enabled the winners to win and certain
deficiencies which caused the losers to lose. And the student will see that the same patterns recurs
consistently, again and again, throughout the centuries.

The expression "more than a modicum of truth" means

nothing but truth

much truth

more than a small amount of truth

some truth

21. The greatest thing this age can be proud of is the birth of man in the conciousness of men. In his
drunken orgies of power and national pride man may flout and jeer at it. when organised national
selfishness, racial antipathy and commercial self seeking begin to display their ugly deformities in all
their nakedness, then comes the time for man to know that his salvation is not in political
organisations and extended trade relations, not in any mechanical re-arrangement of social system
but in a deeper transformation of life, in the liberation of consciousness in love, in the realisation of
God in man

In this passage, the phrase "God in man" implies

neither fully godly nor fully human

God having assumed the shape of man

the divine qualities in man

man being transformed into God

22. The greatest thing this age can be proud of is the birth of man in the conciousness of men. In his
drunken orgies of power and national pride man may flout and jeer at it. when organised national
selfishness, racial antipathy and commercial self seeking begin to display their ugly deformities in all
their nakedness, then comes the time for man to know that his salvation is not in political
organisations and extended trade relations, not in any mechanical re-arrangement of social system
but in a deeper transformation of life, in the liberation of consciousness in love, in the realisation of
God in man

In the phrase "the birth of Man in the consciousness of men", AMn stands for

noble human qualities

power and arrogance

an idealistic notion of the human self

23. An old scholar ...(1)... that Truth was in country. He ...(2)... to find her, as he had devoted his life
to studying her in all her ...(3)... He came upon the cottage in the ...(4)... where Truth lived. He ...(5)...
on the door. Truth ...(6)... what he wanted. The scholar ...(7)... who she was. He added that he had ...
(8)... a thousand times ...(9)... She really was ...(10)...






24. In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given






25. In the following questions choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words.






26. The greatest thing this age can be proud of is the birth of man in the conciousness of men. In his
drunken orgies of power and national pride man may flout and jeer at it. when organised national
selfishness, racial antipathy and commercial self seeking begin to display their ugly deformities in all
their nakedness, then comes the time for man to know that his salvation is not in political
organisations and extended trade relations, not in any mechanical re-arrangement of social system
but in a deeper transformation of life, in the liberation of consciousness in love, in the realisation of
God in man

The author uses the expression 'ugly deformities' to show his indignation at

selfishness and materialism of the people

the liberation of human consciousness

the drunken orgies of power

political organisations

27. An old scholar ...(1)... that Truth was in country. He ...(2)... to find her, as he had devoted his life
to studying her in all her ...(3)... He came upon the cottage in the ...(4)... where Truth lived. He ...(5)...
on the door. Truth ...(6)... what he wanted. The scholar ...(7)... who she was. He added that he had ...
(8)... a thousand times ...(9)... She really was ...(10)...






28. State wheather the following sttement is judgement or fact or inference

The truth is that we have more red tape - we take eighty-nine days to start a small business,
Australians take two.





29. A. A number of lessons were learnt and lot of preconceptions forgotten.

B. First World War was thus a prelude to even more destructive war.

C. Many weapons used in the war had never been used before.

D. As an after math of war, there was a savage intensification of research in armaments.

E. The First World War was an excuse to experiment with the arsenal from various European states.




30. There is modicum of truth in the assertion that "a working knowledge of ancient history is
necessary to the intelligent interpretaion of current events". But the sage who uttered these words
of wisdom might well have added something on the benefits of studying, particularly, the famous
battles of history for the lessons they contain for those of us who lead or aspire to leadership. Such a
study will reveal certain qualities and attributes which enabled the winners to win and certain
deficiencies which caused the losers to lose. And the student will see that the same patterns recurs
consistently, again and again, throughout the centuries.

According to the writer, a study of famous battles of history would

provide food to modern leaders for reflection

help us understand the art of modern warfare

be beneficial to wise men

be more useful than a general knowledge of ancient history

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