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Nearly 9000 customers in over 100 The result?

Our customers have

countries have chosen the Nutanix tremendous choice and flexibility. They can
Enterprise Cloud, to leverage the benefits choose their appliance, choose the Nutanix
of high performance, invisible IT on feature set they want on top of it, and
demand. And to keep pace with their deploy an Enterprise Cloud solution that
growing needs, we’ve dramatically perfectly meets their needs.
expanded our capabilities.
For you, as a seller, this opens up a wealth
The Nutanix Enterprise Cloud is steadily of opportunities. First, because you have
evolving into a software-centric solution – more options with which to sell value, and
our software now runs on top of Dell-EMC, second, because you have a larger portfolio
IBM, Lenovo, Cisco, HPE, and more. While to leverage to upsell and cross-sell.
we expand the range of appliances on
And to make finding, talking through, and
which our software can be deployed, we’ve
closing those enormous deals easier, we’ve
also added powerful new capabilities: Calm,
completely revamped the Nutanix Sales
Xi, Acropolis File Services, Acropolis Block
Services, Prism Pro, and more.

Why should I care? What’s in it for me?

Nutanix Sales Academy is a concentrated Once trained and ramped up on Nutanix,
collection of actionable insights, distilled our sales experts sell on value and realize
from the experience of our Sales exceptional benefits, including:
Management, our top sellers, and personnel
• 90 day or less average sales cycle
from every level in the field.
• $200,000 (USD) average 1st deal size
Access to this knowledge dramatically
(to the customer)
reduces your own learning curve, making it
easier to get up to speed with what you • 70% of customers make repeat
need, and consistently sell high and sell on purchases (for customers longer than 12
value with every customer that you engage months)
• 4.1X of initial deal size made in total
purchases within 18 months
Earn Rewards!
Score points on Nutanix Partner XTRIBE to
earn cool rewards for each level of NCSR
you complete! Each level you complete
earns you more points! Click here to access
Partner XTRIBE and claim your points once
you complete each level.
What will I learn?

Sales Academy consists of three online In NCSR Level 1, you’ll learn how to:
training levels, culminating in an expert-
level certification: • Describe hyperconverged infrastructure
concepts to prospects/customers
• Nutanix Certified Sales Representative:
Level 1 • Provide a high-level, value-driven
overview of the Nutanix platform
• Nutanix Certified Sales Representative:
Level 2 • Articulate Nutanix’s value proposition
to an IT Director-level audience
• Nutanix Certified Sales Representative:
Level 3 • Provide an overview of the Nutanix
product portfolio
• Nutanix Certified Sales Expert

NCSR Level 1 has been designed as a

modular elearning experience with less
than 2 hours of content.

Learn online, at your own pace, when it’s

convenient for you, with bite-sized nuggets
of useful information.

How do I get started?

If you’d like to continue your journey Email, and we’ll be
towards sales excellence and turn those big happy to get you started.
opportunities into enormous wins, NCSR
Level 1 is your first step. And in the meantime, good luck out there
in the field, good learning, and happy

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