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Pictorial Essay
Pelvic Endometriosis: Various Manifestations and MR
Imaging Findings
Christina A. Gougoutas 1, Evan S. Siegelman 1, Jennifer Hunt 2, Eric K. Outwater 3

E ndometriosis is defined as the

presence of endometrial glands in
locations outside the uterus. The
ectopic endometrium responds to hormonal
hemorrhagic cysts or other ovarian neoplasms
and is insensitive in the detection of peritoneal
implants. Because of these limitations, laparos-
copy has remained the standard of reference for
and stroma embedded in serosal tissues in
the peritoneal cavity. The ectopic location of
endometrium in the peritoneal cavity causes
reactive proliferation of the stromal vessels
stimulation with various degrees of cyclic diagnosis and staging of pelvic endometriosis. that leads to recurrent hemorrhage. The im-
hemorrhage that result in suggestive symp- Laparoscopy does not visualize well “atypical” plant has a varied appearance depending on
toms and appearances. Recent awareness of nonpigmented extraperitoneal sites of involve- the age of associated blood products. Patho-
the increasing incidence of endometriosis in ment and, particularly, regions obscured by pel- logically, the implants begin as red highly
asymptomatic women has led to the hypothe- vic adhesions. MR imaging may be an vascular lesions, typically 2–3 mm. Recur-
sis that endometrial implants are in fact physi- alternative for evaluation of endometriosis be- rent bleeding and inflammation cause fibro-
ologic and do not in themselves indicate a fore surgery. MR imaging has shown a sensitiv- sis and hemosiderin deposition, leading to a
disease process until recurrent bleeding occurs ity and specificity of greater than 90% in the raised nodular “powder burn” lesion. Lack of
in these implants, causing symptoms and pro- detection of endometriomas, with its main limi- detection of these small foci of peritoneal in-
gressive disease [1]. tation being the detection of small (<3 mm) peri- volvement has been a major limiting factor
The three hallmarks of endometriosis are toneal implants. The addition of fat-saturated in the acceptance of MR imaging as a stag-
peritoneal endometrial implants, endometriomas T1-weighted imaging has improved diagnostic ing tool for pelvic endometriosis.
(endometriotic cysts), and adhesions. The most accuracy in the evaluation of both endometrio-
common peritoneal sites of involvement (in de- mas and peritoneal disease by narrowing the dy-
creasing order of frequency) are the ovaries, namic range, increasing lesion conspicuity [2], Endometriomas
uterine ligaments, cul-de-sac, and pelvic perito- and differentiating lipid-containing ovarian Endometriomas (“chocolate cysts”) of the
neum reflected over the uterus, fallopian tubes, masses from those containing blood [3] (Fig. 1). ovary contain dark gelatinous material sur-
rectosigmoid, and bladder. Rare extraperito- This pictorial essay shows the imaging spectrum rounded by a fibrous wall of variable thick-
neal sites include the lungs and the central of endometriosis with emphasis on unusual pel- ness. Endometriomas are usually multiple
nervous system. vic manifestations. and bilateral. They are characteristically ho-
Because sonography is usually the first tech- mogeneously hyperintense on T1-weighted
nique performed for evaluation of pelvic disease sequences with relatively low signal intensity
during the reproductive years, it can aid diagno- Endometrial Implants on T2-weighted sequences (Fig. 2). This loss
sis and treatment of endometriosis. Sonography The peritoneal implant represents the of signal intensity on the T2-weighted se-
may not differentiate some endometriomas from presence of endometrial surface epithelium quences is caused by high concentrations of

Received November 15,1999; accepted after revision January 24, 2000.

Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, 3400 Spruce St.,1st Floor Silverstein, Philadelphia, PA 19104-4283. Address correspondence to E. S. Siegelman.
Department of Pathology, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, 6th Floor Founders, Philadelphia, PA 19104-4283.
Department of Radiology, University of Arizona Medical Center, 1501 N. Campbell Ave., Rm. 1361, Tucson, AZ 85724-5067.

AJR 2000;175:353–358 0361–803X/00/1752–353 © American Roentgen Ray Society

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Fig. 1.—38-year-old woman with left-sided ovarian dermoid cyst, endometrioma, and right-sided ovarian corpus luteum.
A, Axial T1-weighted MR image (TR/TE, 550/14) shows two high-signal-intensity masses (arrows) in left ovary.
B, Axial T2-weighted fast spin-echo MR image (4000/120) shows left-sided masses (arrows) to be heterogeneous in signal intensity. Note involuting corpus luteum
(arrowhead) in right ovary.
C, T1-weighted fat-saturated MR image (270/1.8) shows anterior mass (open arrow) to be predominantly fatty and posterior mass to be hemorrhagic (solid arrow). Left-
sided ovarian dermoid cyst and endometrioma were proven at surgery.


Fig. 2.—42-year-old woman with right-sided endometrioma and cul-de-sac endometrial implants.
A, T1-weighted spin-echo MR image (TR/TE, 450/16) shows high-signal-intensity mass (E) representing en-
dometrioma. Anterior rectal wall thickening is present (arrow).
B, T2-weighted fast spin-echo MR sequence (4650/126) shows endometrioma (solid arrow) with low signal inten-
sity. Fibrotic cul-de-sac implant (open arrow) infiltrates perirectal fat. A = adenomyosis.
C, T1-weighted fat-saturated gradient-echo MR image (250/2.9) after administration of IV gadopentetate dimeglumine
shows layered appearance of endometrial wall (solid arrow) with low-signal-intensity layer. Fibrotic cul-de-sac im-
plant shows enhancement (open arrow).
D, Photomicrograph of histopathologic specimen shows endometrial wall with fibrosis (F) and hemosiderin deposition
(large arrows). Inset shows endometrial glands (small arrows) along another part of cyst wall. (H and E, ×40)

intracystic methemoglobin and other protein products are in various stages of degradation tion of iron increases along with the viscosity
or iron products [4]. Some lesions are hetero- from multiple episodes of bleeding. As free of the cyst contents. Takahashi et al. [5] have
geneous in signal intensity because the blood water in the cyst is resorbed, the concentra- shown the density (chronicity) of cyst con-

354 AJR:175, August 2000

MR Imaging of Pelvic Endometriosis
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Fig. 3.—33-year-old woman with endometrioma of left ovary and ovarian torsion.
A, T1-weighted spin-echo MR image (TR/TE, 450/8) shows high-signal-intensity cystic structures (arrows) surrounded by intermediate-signal-intensity tissue.
B, T1-weighted fat-saturated gradient-echo MR image after administration of IV gadopentetate dimeglumine shows low-signal-intensity poorly enhancing ovarian stroma
(arrows) around endometriomas (B). Soft tissue around central endometrioma shows high-signal-intensity ovarian stroma with cortex displaced peripherally.
C, Sagittal T2-weighted fast spin-echo MR image (6000/140) shows displaced follicles (arrowheads) at periphery of markedly enlarged torsed ovary (arrows).

Fig. 4.—42-year-old woman with endometriomas, hematosalpinx, and corpus luteum.
A and B, Axial T1-weighted MR image (A) (TR/TE, 500/8) reveals two high-signal-intensity foci in left ovary that lose signal intensity on T2-weighted MR image (B) (5800/
100), representing endometriomas (open arrow). Adjacent corpus luteum (arrowhead) shows heterogeneous signal intensity and higher signal intensity on T2-weighted
image than endometriomas showed. Note presence of simple ovarian cyst (asterisk). Solid arrow indicates hematosalpinx.
C, Sagittal T2-weighted MR image (3550/140) shows oval structure adjacent to cul-de-sac to represent hematosalpinx (solid arrow). Open arrow indicates endometriomas.
Asterisk indicates ovarian cyst.

tents to be directly proportional to the iron may contain multiple thin septations and fre- a tubular, often folded, configuration and can be
concentration, with a corresponding decrease quently show hematocrit levels. differentiated from other adnexal masses on
in the T2 relaxation time as the concentration Endometriomas may predispose the ovary to MR imaging by the use of multiple imaging
of iron and the viscosity of cyst fluid in- twist less often than other ovarian masses, pos- planes. Dilated fallopian tubes with high signal
crease. Iizuka et al. [6] have also shown that sibly because of surrounding adhesions. The di- intensity on T1-weighted sequences are associ-
the concentration of iron in an ovarian cyst agnosis of ovarian torsion may be established ated with endometriosis. These fallopian tubes
helps in differentiating endometriomas from with MR imaging by showing an endometri- do not always show T2 shortening typical of en-
serous cystadenocarcinomas, which do not oma in an enlarged poorly enhancing ovary dometrial cysts. In addition, debris can be
contain a high concentration of iron. with peripherally located follicles (Fig. 3). present within the dependent portions of the
Endometriotic cysts may contain a periph- tube (Fig. 4). A complicated hydrosalpinx may
eral rim of low signal intensity representing be the only imaging finding indicating en-
hemosiderin or fibrous capsule (Fig. 2). En- Hydrosalpinx dometriosis (Fig. 5). Although the presence of
hancement of the periovarian peritoneal sur- Approximately 30% of women with en- complicated hydrosalpinges may not influence
faces after contrast material administration dometriosis have associated tubal abnormalities patient treatment, it does increase the specificity
may occur [7] (Fig. 2). Large endometriomas present at laparoscopy [8]. Hydrosalpinges have for pelvic endometriosis.

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Fig. 6.—26-year-old woman with ovarian and rectal en-
Fig. 5.—43-year-old woman with endometriosis of left fallopian tube. dometriosis. T1-weighted spin-echo image (TR/TE, 700/
A, T1-weighted spin-echo MR image (TR/TE, 500/8) shows dilated left fallopian tube with high signal intensity 16) shows single right-sided ovarian endometrioma (open
(arrow), consistent with hematosalpinx. arrow) and spiculated fibrotic mass of endometriosis with
B, Photomicrograph of histopathologic specimen of tubal wall shows abundant interstitial hemorrhage (H) punctate high-signal-intensity foci (solid arrow). T2-
and endometrial glands (arrowhead). L= tubal lumen. (H and E, ×100) weighted MR images showed mass to be low signal inten-
sity (not shown), reflecting fibrous content.

Fig. 7.—26-year-old woman with solid endometriosis

in cesarean section scar.
A, Sagittal T2-weighted MR image (TR/TE, 4816/135)
shows low-signal-intensity spiculated mass (arrow) in
surgical incision extending to and contiguous with
uterus. This mass showed high signal intensity on T1-
weighted sequences and avid enhancement after gado-
pentetate dimeglumine administration (not shown).
B, Photomicrograph of histopathologic specimen
shows abundant fibrous tissue (F) surrounding scat-
tered endometrial glands (G). Scar endometriosis is
likely caused by direct implantation of endometrial
glands as opposed to more common cause of retro-
grade menstruation. (H and E, ×100)

Solid Endometriosis intraperitoneal malignancies such as ovarian ment has been described, and similarly the
Deep nodular (solid) endometriosis is typi- carcinoma. These disease processes can be ureter may be involved. Urinary tract disease
cally found in the rectovaginal septum and in differentiated by the low signal intensity on may present as hydronephrosis caused by
other fibromuscular pelvic structures such as the T2-weighted sequences of solid endometrio- ureteral obstruction (Fig. 9) or as a submu-
uterine ligaments and the muscular wall of pel- sis, often in combination with the presence of cosal lesion within the bladder or ureter (Fig.
vic organs. The endometrial glands and stroma endometrial cysts. Solid endometriosis can 10). The rectosigmoid is the most common
infiltrate the adjacent fibromuscular tissue and also develop in cesarian section scars involv- segment of bowel involved. The implants ad-
elicit smooth muscle proliferation and fibrous ing Pfannenstiel’s incision after cesarian sec- here to the serosal surface of the bowel and
reaction, resulting in solid nodule formation. tion (Fig. 7). may invade the muscle layers, eliciting
MR imaging characteristics of these solid Some masses of endometriosis are com- marked smooth muscle proliferation. Stric-
masses have been described as low to intermedi- posed of a large proportion of glandular mate- ture formation and obstruction may result.
ate in signal intensity with punctate regions of rial with little fibrotic reaction that results in
high signal intensity on T1-weighted images, high signal intensity on T2-weighted images.
uniform low signal intensity on T2-weighted im- This solid glandular material will enhance Malignant Transformation of
ages, and enhancement corresponding to the with contrast material administration, thus dis- Endometriosis
abundant fibrous tissue seen in these lesions at tinguishing it from necrosis or intratumoral Malignant transformation is a rare complica-
histologic examination (Fig. 6). The punctate hemorrhage (Fig. 8). tion of endometriosis, the exact incidence and
foci of high signal intensity represent regions of prevalence of which is unknown. Criteria for di-
hemorrhage surrounded by solid fibrotic tissue. Visceral Endometriosis agnosis include adjacent benign and malignant
These solid masses of endometriosis may Solid endometriosis can involve the ali- endometrial tissues without findings to suggest
simulate metastatic peritoneal implants from mentary and urinary tracts. Bladder involve- metastatic disease from another primary site.

356 AJR:175, August 2000

MR Imaging of Pelvic Endometriosis
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Fig. 8.—Solid glandular endometriosis in 37-year-old woman.
A, Axial T2-weighted MR image (TR/TE, 4700/105) shows mass in cul-de-sac (arrow) to be high signal intensity, atypical
for solid endometriosis.
B, T1-weighted fat-saturated MR image (350/1.8; flip angle, 90°) shows mass (arrow) to contain high-signal-in-
tensity hemorrhage.
C, T1-weighted fat-saturated gadolinium-enhanced MR image (350/1.8) shows mass (arrow) to enhance, show-
ing it is not primarily fluid.
D, Photomicrograph of resected tissue shows extensive glands (arrowheads). S = endometrial stroma. (H and E, ×40)

Fig. 9.—Ureteral endometriosis in 68-year-old woman.
A, Coronal T2-weighted single-shot fast spin-echo MR image (TR/TE, infinite/99) shows left ureteral obstruction (arrow) causing hydronephrosis.
B, Sagittal T2-weighted fast spin-echo MR image (4000/140) shows solid low-signal-intensity endometriosis (arrow) obstructing left ureter (arrowheads) at pelvic inlet.
C, T1-weighted MR image (483/8) shows high-signal-intensity foci in mass (arrow). Endometriosis causing obstruction was proven at surgery.

The histologic patterns reflect an endometrial from stromal tissues (Fig. 11). Endometriomas Summary
origin and include endometrioid adenocarci- with solid components and intermediate or high MR imaging has become an increasingly ac-
noma and clear cell carcinoma from glandular signal intensity on T2-weighted images or pap- cepted technique in the diagnosis and character-
elements and endometrial stromal sarcoma illary projections are suggestive of malignancy. ization of endometriosis. Limitations remain

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Fig. 10.—42-year-old woman with right-sided ureteral endometriosis causing obstruction.
A, Coronal T2-weighted fast spin-echo MR image (TR/TE, 6000/119) shows dilated right ureter (arrow).
B and C, T1-weighted gradient-echo MR images (350/2.9) before (B) and after (C) administration of IV gadopentetate dimeglumine show enhancement of polypoid structure
in right ureter (white arrow). Right ureteroscopy and biopsy showed endometrial glands and stroma. Right ovarian endometrioma is present (black arrow, B).

Fig. 11.—50-year-old woman with endometrial stro-

mal sarcoma arising in endometriosis.
A, T1-weighted spin-echo MR image (TR/TE, 500/16)
shows mass (solid arrow) adjacent to hemorrhagic
fluid collection (open arrow).
B, T2-weighted fast spin-echo MR image (4000/126)
shows solid mass (solid arrow) behind hemorrhagic
collection (open arrow). Mass was excised and
shown to be low-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma
arising in endometriosis.

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