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It revealed that by sustaining harmonious relation of couples, family interaction are increased

and unnecessary social and economic problems are avoided. The decision of the Alamo is
derived from the culture and the belief system of the study society. The wrongdoer paid
compensation and the husband and wife continued their former relation (Assefa 2012). The norm
of the society does not encourage divorce rather it provides penalty for individual who made


Accordingly Linda &Thomson (2007) pointed that alcohol does not directly affect the emotions
and actions of inebriated people, but does so indirectly via its involvement in the inhibition
conflict. When individual drink alcohol and intoxicated they insult others and commit offences
later initiate conflict. Basically intoxication is not fundamental cause of conflict however it is
immediate or it aggravated the feeling of disagreement as well as it exposes the hidden intuition
of individual or group. These kind of inter personal conflict is resolved through indigenous
conflict resolution mechanisms and easily maintained peace in the study area. In line with this,
following case that was committed as a result of intoxication gained from my informant
( Kebede Bosho). It will be narrated as follows.

Case three

The case happened in Gimbo Woreda , Cagabittokebele in 2011E.C. Mister Yerango

Abuyo house was burned by unknown individual. The event was done at the mid night

he awaken and immediately beaten the wooden hallow drum namely goonoo or hokko

and called the people for support. At night when community heard goono sound they

come and safe his family’s life and his properties .However the house was totally

because of it was made from straw(grass) and bamboo. After one day idir community

new house for Yerango and he entered it. It follows that idir community sat and discuss

expose the wrongdoer. For consecutive three days Idir community discussed but due to
absence of evidence they unable to expose the offender. Then Yerango has gone to one of

the indigenous conflict resolution ,i.e. Tomo . He presented the case to Tomo leader

clearly then the Tomo leader gave hints and tell who had burned his house and

send message to the wrong doer, i.e TakkoAdello. When the message was reached to

Takko ,he was very frustrated and annoyed. In the appointed both parties are presented

in front of Tomo house. The accuser again present the burned house and the damaged

total amount of property to Tomo leader. Tomo leader frankly asked the accuse one

why he did committed such type of crime. After long discussion Takko accepted the

accusation and he burnt Yerango housedue to he insulted by taboo statement. Tomo

leader decided Takko to pay ten thousand birr Nummoo literally means compensation

for Yerango and reconciliation was made among them as well as Tomo leader bless

them to make to live together with peace not to make conflict for future.

It can be understood from the above case Kaffa community have their own native ways of
dispute resolution which is Tomo used to solve conflicts that haven’t evidence and difficult for
modern court system. Besides, Tomo has natural gift to know the cases that he didn’t heard or
saw, so wrong doer would easily deem his deed and possible to make reconciliation. People in
the study area fear and respect Tomo as like as Eqqo because based on norms of society it
encounter bad things if they tell false information.

The informants revealed that adultery is one of the grounds fertile of conflict in the study area.
Based on values and norms of the community adultery is strictly forbidden. Any individual who
has legal marriage but carried out sexual relation with somebody is considered as crime. The
culture of community in the study area strongly against adultery, because of it considered as
psychological and moral abasement within the community. So without doubt it leads to conflict
among individuals.

According to the informants conflicts that were formed as the result of adultery was difficult to
resolve due loss of evidences and the accused person didn’t deem deeds so it is difficult to
resolve such types of conflict through formal court methods. The best way to resolve such type
of conflict is through indigenous conflict resolution mechanism, i.e eqqo. In the study area if an
individual had made adulterous with somebody wife, the injured person present the cases to local
elders if he believes elders based on their norm punishes him and made reconciliation. If the
perpetrator didn’t believe his deed, the harmed one go to Alamo and tell event after they heard
the cases sent Qalaato literally message for wrongdoer and appoint for next day. In the appointed
day both individuals must be presented in physically. In front of Alamo accuser again present the
case clearly then Alamo asks the accused person why did he carried out such taboo practices. If
he believes immediately compensation and reconciliation has been made unless Alamo convince
him not to oath by picking spear in the name eqqo. After long discussion perpetrator accept his
deed Alamo made Nummoo literally means compensation for his taboo activities and made
reconciliation. The wrong doer makes promise not to repeat such prohibited practices in the
community by the name of eqqo.

To strength the above idea the following case has been obtained from an informant (Haile
Gibo)that was the conflict between interpersonal and resolved by indigenous conflict resolution

Case Four

The case has been happened in Gimbo Woreda Hibret kebele between

Mister Bezabih Gebreyes and Ashebir Demeke in 2012 E.C. Both of them

were neighbors and lived together for thirteen years. However Ashebir

suspected with adultery by Bezabih wife and conflict was occurred between

them. Ashebir didn’t believe the offences rather disagreements between them

was aggravated. Bezabih thought how to solve the problems and he has gone

to indigenous conflict resolution ,i.e Eqqo and he reported the cases to Alamo

and Alamo sent Qalaaxo for Ashebir and appoint the date for discussion. In the

appointed day both of them present and in front of Alamo Bezabih presented

the accusation clearly. Then Alamo asked Ashebir to respond the accusation,

however he didn’t accept. Then Alamo convinced him to tell truth by the name
of Daddebe taatoo unless if he had told false information ,it would be baleful

things encounter him. Finally Ashebir believe and Alamo direct him not to repeat

such taboo practice and promised by the name of Daddabe taatoo then reconciliation

has been made.

It can be recognized from above case indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms has significance
in resolving interpersonal conflict which lacks evidence and not optimum for regular court
resolution. Besides it is impossible to build peace in the community by regular court exclusively.
In the study area community respect eqqo institution so they told genuinely the hidden offenses.

4.3.2 Inter clan conflict

According to Lang (1982) in kaffa there is clan of bad people locally known as Gonde Ashi
yaroo. These clan of bad people in the study area include the Qemmo (blacksmiths), the Manno
(tanners) and the Manjo are the excluded society. Among these Manjos are mainly discriminated
in all areas of kaffa people. This social discrimination includes meal together, share materials,
enter in house, marriage, working together and entertainment.

Schutz (1944) pointed that discrimination is maintained by conformity to discriminatory norms

that put up social barriers to intergroup contact and come from historical conflicts and oppressive
institutions such as slavery or apartheid. Discriminatory societal norms are poison to intergroup
relations. Intergroup prejudice includes the negative emotions and irrational beliefs one group
has concerning other groups and as thus is linked to ignorance and hatred. This types of conflict
was resolved based on norms and values of community.

Informants pointed that the contemporary expansion of protestant religion and most manjos
were converted to Protestantism and they resisted discrimination. However gomoro(non manjo)
people still discriminate manjo clan particularly in rural areas of the study. It is often prohibited
to enter to local restaurants. In rare cases manjos are permitted to enter and have a drink, in such
condition cases they use their own bottles or the owner the restaurant prepare old and weak and
glasses for them. Besides in rural areas they sat gateway of gomaro house on leaf of ensete and
feed or drink with dirty materials.
According to Yoshida (2009) nowadays some Manjos especially young and educated attempt to
resist discrimination. Some manjos are wanted to enter gomoro house, form marriage and share
other social values. Such events aggravate disagreement and leads to conflict between gomaro
and manjo means inter clan conflict had occurred. These types of conflicts are resolved by
indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms to maintain peace in the community.

To consolidate the above ideas one of my key informants, Kemeto Keri told the following case
that was happened in study area and resolved through indigenous conflict resolution
mechanisms. It was narrated as follows;

Case Five

The case happened in Gimbo Woreda, Cagabito kebele in 2010E.C.

Conflict was occurred among the member of Manjo clan group (Adello
Atumo) and Gomoro clan group (Mamo Gabre).The main cause of the
disagreement was discrimination. Mister Adello thought, since they are
protestant and didn’t worry about discernment and presented request to
marry mister mamo’s daughter. Mister Mamo was very annoyed with the
request and said “you are bad clan members and ghoul so you never
marry my daughter”. Besides, Mamo was pissed off with case and thought
how manjo ask my daughter because of us hadn’t such relation in history
“.Some manjo clan member by support of Adello’s idea start inter clan
conflict in kebele. Before the conflict leads to severe consequences,
community elders informed the case to Alamo. Then Alamo sent qalaato
for both Adello and his supporters as well as for Mamo and his supporters.
In the appointed day both clan members presented the case one by one in
front of Alamo. Then, Alamo decides as follows. He decided that based on
kaffa community culture and history, it was strictly forbidden and curse to
carry out marriage between manjo and gomoro. So according to norm of
community such questions are banned , Alamo decided and convinced the
manjo clan members to respect the previous norms of the society. Adello
and his supporters were agreed withAlamo decision and reconciliation had
been made between Gomoro clan members and manjo clan members in

From the above case it can be conceptualized as discriminating certain clan member advance
disagreements. The case revealed that indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms are very
important to solve conflicts which are unsuccessful for modern court system and contribute a
role for peaceful coexistence among kaffa community

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